We followed the person in charge and went to the opposite door of Han Xiaobai's house.

It turned out that it was not what I saw. All the banquets were placed on the street, and there were several tables in the opposite room.

Entering the main room, I found that this table was full of acquaintances.The manager of the flour mill, the director of the feed mill, and the few specialized farmers are all here.

I understand, Han Xiaobai specially arranged a table for us.

They all knew each other, greeted each other, and then sat down.

However, they were not very familiar with Bai Luoxue, and they talked with each other on the phone.After I introduced them to them, it became clear that the person and the name matched.

"Oh! It's really better to be famous than to meet! I've heard that Bai is always a big beauty. As expected, even though she is naked, she can't compare with today's bride."

Manager Li of the flour mill was full of praise for Bai Luoxue, and the others echoed.

When someone praises their woman, I am naturally complacent.

Bai Luoxue's face flushed, she was actually a little shy on this occasion, after all, these people were not too familiar to her, and she couldn't let them go.

I was very proud of myself, it was the first time I discovered that Bai Luoxue actually had the side of a little girl.

I opened a pack of cigarettes, invited everyone to smoke and eat wedding candies, and drew attention away from Bai Luoxue.

A few cigarettes and a little smoke filled the room.Only Bai Luoxue was a woman, she frowned.It was me who was embarrassed at this time.

Fortunately, Bai Luoxue was very kind to me, and didn't express her disgust on the spot, and quietly got up after holding back for a minute or two.

"You stay here, I'll find them."

Then he left the hall.

I think so, with her here, these bosses can't let go, letting go affects her, and it's just right for her to leave.

Soon, the chef served the dishes, and the guests started the feast with five drinks and six toasts.

Originally, I didn't plan to drink, but the people at this table are all my important customers, and they don't want to drink a few drinks.

When the wine was half full, Han Xiaobai and his wife, accompanied by the steward, came to toast.

After the etiquette, the people at this table let go of their stomachs.To my surprise, these bosses, whether they are factory managers or self-employed, their drinking capacity is astonishing.

I even wondered if they wanted to take the gift money back.Of course, that's impossible.

I thought they would take me as the center and toast me one after another. After all, I am Han Xiaobai's boss.In fact, I was being self-indulgent.

After a round of courteous mutual respect, I was put aside. Except for Manager Li who occasionally clinked glasses with me, the others drank more happily with each other.

Only then did I know that they had known each other for a long time, much earlier than I knew them.

I thought this group of people would be very drunk, but in fact, everyone was very sober when the banquet was over.

Fortunately, they didn't take care of me, so I didn't drink too much.

I didn't know until I got into the car that these bosses all had full-time drivers.

Han Xiaobai and his wife, dressed in formal attire, sent off the guests respectfully at the gate.

In fact, the only ones they want to give away are the few of us who have business relationships. The other guests are all relatives of Han Xiaobai's family. They are from the same village, so there is no need to send them away.

The most important thing to send is to Li Dafang's natal family.

The elders all came out, lively and lively, and sent their natal family to the car to leave.

After watching these ceremonies, we also bid farewell and returned to Huangtu County.

Because I verbally agreed to give Han Xiaobai a long vacation, and go to work on the sixteenth day of the first lunar month.Let the newlyweds have a good New Year at home.In addition to honeymoon, accompany parents.Once they go out, it will be half a year.

Han Xiaobai used the excuse that I was drunk and stopped me from leaving, insisting that I accompany him to my husband's house tomorrow.

According to the relationship between me and Han Xiaobai, I really should go with him, but thinking that the relationship between me and Bai Luoxue is at a critical turning point, I rejected Han Xiaobai.

Tomorrow we still have to look at the furniture, this is an appointment with Bai Luoxue, if we delay at Han Xiaobai's place, if Bai Luoxue gets upset and changes his mind, I will regret it terribly.

On the way home, Bai Luoxue drove, she didn't drink.

Xie Qingsong and his party boarded the vehicle they came in, and we walked together, and they disappeared not far from Hanjia Village.

Bai Luoxue was not in a hurry to catch up, and the car drove very steadily, until she got on the highway, she still drove in a regular manner.

I was sitting in the co-pilot's seat, reclining on the seat, a little drunk, and drowsy.

"Don't you think today is strange? Those bosses came to congratulate Han Xiaobai and his wife in person. Is there something wrong here?"

Bai Luoxue brought it up abruptly, and I, who was about to fall asleep, managed to wake up, and suddenly lost sleepiness.

I don't know if she saw that the bosses counted their money in the account book.If she had seen it, it would have been another story.

In fact, I was very entangled in my heart. I didn't want to think of Han Xiaobai as bad.It can be said that besides Bai Luoxue, he is the only friend I can trust.

Whether it's daily work or dealing with people, I think Han Xiaobai's performance is quite satisfactory.He was neither discovered nor heard of anything out of the ordinary.

I can't just glance at someone's gift list and suspect that there is something wrong with him.

It's normal for Bai Luoxue to have doubts. After all, Han Xiaobai is just a salesman in our company, and he has more contacts with those bosses.

Looking at the entire company, he has the highest contact frequency with these bosses.If Li Dafang hadn't been transferred to the pound room, he would have had quite a lot of contacts with them.

And my contact with these bosses is mostly through the phone, and I only meet once in a while.

"People have the feeling of meeting each other, they often deal with each other, and they often meet each other. Naturally, this bond is much deeper than others. On the day when Han Xiaobai and Li Dafang were happy, it is reasonable for these bosses to come to congratulate them in person. There is time, and it is normal to appear at the banquet. There is no need to make a fuss."

Before getting the real evidence, we should stabilize Bai Luoxue first, and don't hurt the feelings between us brothers.

To be honest, if Han Xiaobai really did something detrimental to the company, I would find it hard to accept it from the bottom of my heart.If this is the case, I have to act impartially and not ruin my company's system because of him.

Bai Luoxue was still thinking about it.

"Ordinarily, according to the friendship between the two of you, he should have told you in advance about his marriage. In fact, the company was on holiday. They only said it before they left, as if the two of us were the last to know. The others Including Xie Qingsong, they all knew about it earlier than us. It is estimated that the bosses should have known about it a long time ago, what does this mean?"

"Indicate what?"

I closed my eyes and listened to her.In fact, my head was buzzing, and I didn't dare to think of bad things.

"It means that Han Xiaobai has contacted them in advance, right? Otherwise, they are very busy, how could they care about other people's marriages.

"We have business contacts due to business relationship. Since we know that he is going to get married, can we not express it? And now he is the only salesman in our company who contacts these bosses.

"These bosses intend to curry favor with him. Can't you see it? It's easy to make people suspect that he takes advantage of his position and the opportunity of marriage to ask for money."

I was shocked again and quickly denied it.

"Don't talk nonsense! I know Han Xiaobai's personality very well, he is definitely not that kind of person."

When I said this, my heart was beating a snare drum.

I don't even have the confidence to say this.

"If you can see how many gifts these bosses gave him, you will know who he is."

It seems that Bai Luoxue really didn't notice the amount of money in the account book.

I secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

"Concentrate on driving. Don't think about it. Those bosses are all good people. They want to give Han Xiaobai a gift. Why do they have to record it in the account book? It's so obvious, just give it to him and it's over."

Perhaps because of my rebuttal, Bai Luoxue stopped talking and concentrated on driving.

And I seemed to have a sudden awakening.


If Han Xiaobai wants the money of these bosses, he must let them record the money if necessary, and just collect it secretly.

Now that it is clearly recorded in the account books, it means that Han Xiaobai has no intention to hide their gifts and is not afraid of making them public. At least he feels open and frank.

As for the amount of gift money, it is the business of the bosses themselves.

Thinking of this, I don't worry about it anymore.At least I think that Han Xiaobai is innocent and did not do it on purpose.

Figured it out, and I fell asleep.When I woke up, I had already returned to Huangtu County.

Bai Luoxue went home, and I went back to my parents in the courtyard.

When we broke up, we made an appointment to continue looking at the furniture tomorrow.

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