After looking at the garage, I naturally mentioned He Hua's beverage sales company.

"Is this Mr. He's idea, or He Hua's idea?"

He Zhensheng laughed.

"Is it important? We have said this before, if He Hua is willing to make troubles, let her make troubles, I just invested some money."

He said it so lightly, I naturally don't believe that the overseas resources are all his, so where did he get such a wide network of contacts?

He Zhensheng didn't want to take the initiative to talk about it, so it's not convenient for me to ask.

The topic is back to organic fertilizers.

He Zhensheng understood my general idea.

"Let me recommend someone to you, which will definitely help you a lot."

I can't ask for more than that.

"Who is it?"

He Zhensheng made a phone call first.

After confirming that the other party was at home, he said to me:

"A classmate of mine. I'm free now, so let's go find him."

So, the two of us took the same car and drove to the countryside under the guidance of He Zhensheng.

Head north all the way to Shahe Township.

As I was driving on the way, He Zhensheng told me the story of his high school classmate.

Tian Yungeng was a top student since he was a child, and he went to a well-known key university in China.

After graduation, he was assigned to Shahe Township and became a staff member.He studied agricultural technology and has been working in the front line of rural areas.

Later, he became the deputy head of the township, in charge of agriculture.

Originally, his official career was smooth sailing. According to his skills and abilities, he would have a bright future.

However, his character changed his fate.

Too straightforward, one thing to say one, another to say two, never fake.This made the township leaders very ugly.

20 years ago.

At a meeting of cadres and above in the whole village, they got into a fight with the secretary of the township head face to face, and the scene was extremely intense.

The specific reason was caused by the confiscation of public grain.

At that time, farmers had to hand in public grain.

Originally, this was a work task assigned from top to bottom, and each township and village completed it according to the indicators, and it was considered a perfect job.

In previous years, as an agricultural technician, he was not qualified to see the relevant documents of his superiors.Regarding the collection of public grain, you only need to act in accordance with the instructions of the township leaders.In his first year as the deputy mayor of Shahe Township, he was qualified to read these documents.

It doesn't matter, he thinks it's very inappropriate.

It's not that there is any problem with the documents on the machine, but comparing the situation of public grain collection in previous years, he found that the problem lies in the township and village.

What kind of township is coordinating the retention of villages? This number is really a bit outrageous.

For this matter, he also did research.In the end, I came to the conclusion that I hope that the township will lower this quota again to reduce the burden on farmers.

At that time, Secretary Xiong and Mayor Yang of the village paid great attention to his opinion, saying that it would be considered by the organization.

He thought that the leader had already spoken, and he must conduct research.However, he did not wait for the leader's feedback until the village cadre meeting was held to arrange work arrangements for collecting public grain.

It is still in accordance with the working practice of previous years to collect public grain from farmers.But the conclusion he had worked so hard to draw was not mentioned by the leader.

For this matter, in front of the entire village cadres, at the meeting, he appointed the township chief and secretary to the army.

He thought that he was standing on the farmer's standpoint, thinking for the farmer's sake, and lightening the burden on the farmer. He should have the support of the majority of cadres. Even if the secretary of the township chief disagreed with him, presumably those village cadres should also lean towards him. .

However, the actual result was beyond his expectation.

All were silent.

The township secretary was silent,

The mayor was silent,

The village cadres were silent.

He is isolated.

How should the public grain be harvested and how should it be harvested? His impassioned opinions did not arouse a wave at all.

He suddenly felt that he was not suitable to be in this officialdom.

Soon, he submitted his resignation to the township leaders.

Someone asked him, "It's not proper to be an official, what are you going to do?"

"I'm going to farm!"

This matter was also reported to the County Organization Department.

It was quickly approved.

He left the village and really went home to farm.

However, relying on their family's few acres of land, they can't make a fortune just by growing food.

He thought about planting some cash crops.

At first, he grew and sold vegetables.

I made some pocket money, but I couldn't get rich.

If the quantity is small, the money earned will naturally be small, and if the quantity is large, it cannot be managed.Sales is also a problem, and it cannot be scaled up and it is difficult to expand.

Later, the country's rural arable land policy changed, and public grain was no longer paid, and there were subsidies.

However, in fact, more people do not farm.Because the money earned from working part-time is much more than the income from farming, people would rather abandon the land than go to the soil for food.

Looking at so many wastelands, Tian Yungeng felt very distressed.He began to rent and plant the arable land of the villagers in his village.

Mainly rice is grown.

There is more land to plant, so it is better to use mechanization.He borrowed money from the bank to buy agricultural machinery and equipment.

Over the years, more and more land has been planted, from the initial tens of acres of land to more than 2000 acres now.

Later, he contracted a fish pond and started raising fish, and it was said that it was doing well.

There are many stories about Tian Yungeng, and He Zhensheng didn't finish telling them all the way.Soon we arrived at Shawa Village, Shahe Township.

I found Tian Yungeng by a large pond.

He is tinkering with a pile of white plastic foam.

When we got out of the car, he recognized He Zhensheng immediately.Having called before, he understood what we were coming for.

Straight to the point, ask directly about organic fertilizers.

"Are you talking about the nano-carbon fertilizer that has just been put into production in Huangtu County?"

I was very surprised, today is the thirteenth day of the first lunar month, and my nano-carbon fertilizer has just been put into production for less than a week. He should have gotten the news from the online media.Presumably, the signal of Huangtu County TV station cannot be received here in Qiongyang.

"Exactly. Uncle Tian already knew about the latest organic fertilizer before it was officially launched on the market. It means that Uncle Tian usually pays close attention to these news!"

"Farmers are most concerned about seeds, fertilizers, and pesticides. When Lao He said that you were selling organic fertilizers, I immediately thought of nano-carbon fertilizers in Huangtu County. This should be produced by a relatively advanced production technology. Yes, organic fertilizer with relatively high technological content. I am engaged in agriculture myself, and I plant the land myself, so I highly recommend it. Usually I also sell chemical fertilizers on behalf of you. When Lao He calls, I am very happy to help you sell it!"

Tian Yungeng is so forthright, so we won't beat around the bush.

I sent him an electronic version of the promotional materials and let him see for himself.If you like it, let's talk about the price and the method of sales.

Tian Yungeng only glanced at the information.

"I've read all these materials. It's on the official website of the organic fertilizer factory in Huangtu County. It's almost verbatim. Are you selling directly from the factory?"

As expected of a top student, IQ is very high. Just from my electronic introduction, it can be seen that I come from an organic fertilizer manufacturer.


I didn't answer yes or no directly, I covered it up with laughter.

"Since Uncle Tian has no objection to this organic fertilizer, let's talk about cooperation."

And so we settled the matter by the pond.

Fortunately, I have a contract paper in my car, I signed it on the spot, stamped it later, and I will give him a formal one.

"By the pond, what are you doing with so much plastic foam?"

After talking about the business, He Zhensheng, who was silent at the side, asked him why there were a large number of plastic foam boards piled up by the pond.

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