Entertainment: Crazy testing on the brink of blocking

210: It makes sense, but I can't refute it

Four p.m.


Top search list.

#Shock!The No.1 rigorous new song in the Huaguo music scene is about to be launched on Kimchi Country! #

#华国乐场礼人 may become No. 1 in history to reverse export to Kimchi Country! #

#华国歌手 dared to come to Kimchi Country! #

#arrogance! !The Chinese singer threatened to wash the kimchi Chinese music scene with blood. #


Hot searches one after another, as a dark horse, began to ride the thorns and thorns on the hot search list, rampaging all the way, heading for a higher position.


A large number of people from Kimchi Country flocked to these hot searches to make crazy comments.

"Axi, are the Chinese people crazy? They still want to make money from our great kimchi country? There is no such thing!"

"No.1 in the Huaguo music scene? In our kimchi country music scene, it's just a joke."

"Khachi, does any cat or dog dare to come here to show off its power? Today I want to see what qualifications and abilities you have! Isn't it just a matter of two or three dollars, and I will spray you to death when the time comes."

"That's right, brothers, the people of Huaguo are already ignorant of the heights of the heavens and the earth, and we must severely punish them."

"Yes, we must be punished!! Who does he think he is!!"

for a while.

A large number of netizens began to forward the news.

In less than half an hour, millions of kimchi country netizens knew that Yan Jing was going to release a song on their music scene.

Everyone held their breath in their hearts, waiting for the serious new song to be released, and then began to spray it hard.


It is the quality of kimchi people.

Although the song has not been released yet, they have already figured out how to be angry and rigorous.

When the first king sent his results to Wang Hai, he said: "Hey, brother Hai, how are you? I didn't disappoint you. As long as the money is in place, the hot search for the script is the first, and it is not stable." .”

When I saw those hot search titles.

The facial muscles of Wang Hai, Yan Jing and Yang Jie twitched.

Huaguo Music No.1.

Or will become the first in history.

Bloodbath kimchi country music scene.


Strictly said: When did I say such a thing?

This is not bullshit.

Properly bring hatred to yourself.

"Brother Wang, it's not kind of you to do this, when did I say these words." Rigorously turned on the emo mode.

The first king: "It doesn't matter whether we said these words or not. What matters is that our goal has been achieved. Now that the goal has been achieved, is the process still important?"

"Fuck, what you said is so reasonable, I can't even refute it."

Rigorous speechless.

Wang Hai laughed: "First, you are really a talent, tell me, how much of the 500 million you have been greedy for yourself."

"Hey, Brother Hai. How can you say that about me! Do I look like that?" The first king Bengbu stopped.

Yang Jie said cautiously: "Brother Wang, I asked my friend just now, it seems that the number one searched script book is not expensive, 100 million can do it."

Wang Hai's eyes widened: "Damn it, something that can be solved with 100 million yuan, why are you asking me to take 500 million yuan?!"

"Cough cough!"

The number one king couldn't come out anymore, "Well, Brother Hai. I admit that the number one hot search only needs 100 million, but I have to help you maintain it in the future!! I'm a dragon!!"

"Are you serious?" Yan Yan interjected and asked.

"Hey, serious, serious." The first king said with a smile.

Wang Hai said with a straight face: "You are really a talent."

After hanging up the phone.

Wang Hai sighed lightly.

Yang Jie asked: "Chairman, why are you still moaning and sighing?"

"You may not know that the first one had a miserable life in the Kimchi Country. Before he went to the Kimchi Country, he was a top rich second generation in the imperial capital, but it turned out that his father said he was a prodigal son.

From then on, the first went to Kimchi Country, and did not return home for six or seven years. In the past, a few million was just a small amount to him, but it was just a sprinkle of water.But now this money should be very important to him.

My brother who has been with him for more than ten years, he is very face-saving. "

Wang Hai kept shaking his head.

Yang Jie: "Chairman, I'm sorry. This matter is my fault."

"It's okay." Wang Hai waved his hand. "It's good to expose him, so that he won't brag to me every day about how good he is in Kimchi Country."

Rigorous: "I didn't expect my brother Wang to have such a background in society. If he comes back in the future, he will be invited to a meal and chat and laugh."

"Don't." Wang Hai waved his hand.

Rigorous: "How to say?"

"Dining with this guy, you will never pay the bill. He will rush to pay the bill in various ways. Once I refused to let him buy it. Guess what."

Yang Jie: "What's the matter?"

Wang Hai smiled wryly: "At first, he just lay on the ground and couldn't get up. In the end, several waiters carried him to the front desk to pay the bill."


Yang Jie: ...

This wave of operation is very good.

He is worthy of being his first king.

Just ask, who else? !

imperial capital.

World Media.

"Strictness actually guessed what we wanted to do! He is one step ahead of us and is preparing to release a song in Kimchi Country!!"

Chen Zhi and Li He rushed into Liu Bao's office in a hurry.

Liu Bao's expression froze: "What?! Rigorously want to release a song in Kimchi Country?"

"That's right, I saw it on the script!"

With that said, Li He handed the phone to Liu Bao.

"No.1 in Huaguo music scene, or will become No.1 in history, bloodbath Kimchi country's entertainment industry?!"

Liu Bao read all these words in one go, and then smiled coldly, "Interesting, really interesting!! This guy who is rigorous is really immodest."

"Chairman, this is a difficult situation. This guy, Yan Jing, has such a hand. Did he install surveillance cameras in your office?" Chen Zhi said anxiously.

As the saying goes:

Strike first.

This rigorous operation directly turned Liu Bao and the others into a purely passive state.

Originally, they thought they could take this opportunity to give Yan Jing a fatal beating.

It turned out to be a good thing.

If someone backhands, they will strike first and play later.

Are you angry?

Liu Bao turned to look at Li He: "Li He, now that this situation suddenly happened, what do you think we should do?"

This time.

Even if Liu Bao didn't call him Mr. Li, Li He's expression didn't turn ugly.

I saw his eyes start to roll: "Ask me, how do I know, you are really a shadow of a snake, Axi! Yan Jing just said that he will release a song, but when did he say it will be released? You are so frightened, is rigor really that scary?"


Liu Bao was speechless.

What this guy said doesn't seem to be unreasonable.

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