Entertainment: Crazy testing on the brink of blocking

360: It turns out...terror is also contagious

In the barrage area.

"It still has to be our brother Jin, whether to talk or not, listening to other people's stories, I really cough!"

"Familiar taste, familiar formula!"

"As expected of you!"

"It's still as exciting, I like this kind of plot!"

"I'm already looking forward to the second story."

"Oh! Sister-in-law Liu is also a hard-working person!"

Take a sip of water.

Rigorous then began to tell the second story.

"That ancient clock stopped moving a long time ago, but because it is an antique, it has been placed in the ancestral hall of my hometown."

"Ruoyan's hometown is in a county in Sichuan and Sichuan. It is considered a big family in the local area. It was once famous and produced many outstanding people. Up to now, if you count the side branches, there are probably hundreds of people. But those who can really live in the old house , there are only the first-line elders, that is, Ruoyan's grandfather and her uncle."

"This ancient clock is very exquisite. What's even more rare is that the back of the clock is a piece of hollowed out mahogany, and the complex structure inside the clock can be seen from the gaps in the pattern."

"I heard from my grandfather that this clock was sold to my great-grandfather by a missionary during the Republic of China to prepare for the expenses of returning home."

"From the day I got it, this clock has never moved, and I once asked a famous watchmaker in Chengdu to check it. It is said that some small parts may be missing, which caused the clock to stop moving."

"However, this is indeed an ancient relic. Judging from the craftsmanship and the wooden frame of the clock, it should have been formed in the middle of the Qing Dynasty. Because of this, my grandfather solemnly placed it in the ancestral hall."

"In Ruoyan's memory, this clock has rang three times."

"That's right, it's this broken ancient clock, which has sounded three times so far."

"The first time was when Ruoyan's father was a child. Many ancestral halls in the countryside prohibited women from entering casually, while boys had no restrictions."

"At that time, he was about seven or eight years old. He was playing hide-and-seek with a group of cousins ​​in the yard. He couldn't find a suitable place to hide, so he walked farther and farther until he came to the ancestral hall, which is usually quiet and deserted."

"In the ancestral hall, there is a Bixia Yuanjun enshrined, and after that, it is densely packed with ancestral tablets."

"The history of Ruoyan's family can be traced back to a certain high-ranking official in the late Yuan Dynasty and early Ming Dynasty. He originally lived in Hubei, but later migrated to Sichuan and Shu, which is the so-called "Huguang fills Sichuan and Shu."

"Ruoyan's father originally wanted to hide under the altar in front of Bixia Yuanjun, but was suddenly attracted by the ancient clock placed on the other side."

"Placing a clock under the statue would have been nondescript. At that time, Ruoyan's father was a few centimeters taller than the altar table, and he happened to be at the same level as the ancient clock."

"The sound of cousins ​​playing in the distance faded away, and the ancestral hall was very quiet at this time."

"Ruoyan's father stared at the surface of the ancient clock for a long time, then slowly walked around behind the ancient clock."

"Sure enough, the intricate structure can be seen from the mahogany pattern on the back of the clock. Although it has been nearly a hundred years old, the metal in it has not faded, and it looks very exquisite."

"At this moment, the gears turned suddenly, and the ancient clock made an earth-shattering sound."

"Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang!"

"Except for the first time Ruoyan's father didn't have time to respond, he held his breath and counted silently in his heart. There were eleven rings in total."

"After the bell rang, there was a deathly silence in the ancestral hall."

"Ruoyan's father felt very scared. He ran out of the ancestral hall, and was about to find an adult to cry about what happened just now, but found that the yard was flying like dogs and dogs, and the auntie was crying and fainted by the well."

"It turned out that just now, a cousin accidentally fell into the well and died."

"The other cousins ​​said that this cousin suddenly said that there was a war movie in the well as if he was possessed, and then he lay down on the edge of the well and looked in. When everyone recovered, he had already fallen."

"The whole family is busy with the death of the little cousin, and almost no one pays attention to Ruoyan's father."

"The second time was on a night when it was pouring rain."

"That day was the time for worshiping the ancestors during the Qingming Festival, but because of the special period, the family could only worship quietly at night behind closed doors."

"And the sound of dense rain can also cover up some unknown sounds just right."

"Ruoyan's family is the eldest son, so grandpa is the eldest son of great-grandpa, so this house should be inherited by grandpa."

"At that time, my grandfather was nearly fifty years old. Ruoyan's father was the eldest son, and the other uncles were only in their teens. Everyone took turns offering incense to their ancestors according to their age. Ruoyan's grandfather even lowered his voice and said something Words of prayer."

"There was a sound of rain outside the house, and suddenly the bell rang loudly inside the house."


"This time, Ruoyan's father was mentally prepared and counted silently in his heart. As expected, it was eleven again."

"He doesn't know the origin of the ancient bell ringing eleven times, but he just has a vague premonition."

"All the people present have never heard the bell, and they all stood there in a daze."

"Just then, there was a loud knock on the door in the yard."

"Grandpa was terrified. He thought it was his private worship that leaked the news and attracted people from the Red Life Team."

"But when I heard the door knocking more and more violently, it was impossible to run away, so I had to bite the bullet and answer the door."

"Unexpectedly, it was the cousin of the dead son who came."

"The other party informed the grandfather in grief that just now, his wife who had been obsessed with his son who fell into the well and died for more than ten years, and even went crazy, ran out of the door in the heavy rain, and finally jumped into a nearby river. Immediately, he was swept away by the rushing river."

"Ruoyan's father said that this aunt would often look at her in a daze, saying that if her son was still alive, he would be the same age as you, looking straight at him with trembling eyes."

"Before Aunt Tiantian jumped into the river, she kept talking nonsense about her son coming to pick me up."

"Ruoyan said this: I heard the third bell strike with my own ears."


"There is still about a week to stay in school after the final exam. The temperature has been so high these days, even in the middle of the night, the temperature is as high as 32 degrees. There is only one fan running in the small dormitory. It is really difficult for the four of us to fall asleep. A sleep meeting was held. In the dead of night, people talked about ghosts without knowing it.”

"After discussing some horror movies such as "The Grudge", Ruoyan, who hadn't spoken to her all this time, suddenly spoke about this story about an ancient clock in her hometown."

"There are four girls in our dormitory. I am from this city, and the other two also grew up in the city. Only Ruoyan grew up in an ancient town in Sichuan."

"As she said before, the ancestral hall discriminates against women. She has hardly been to the ancestral hall since she was a child, and at most she can only play in the open space in front of the ancestral hall."

"The day she heard the bell was at an autumn dusk when she was ten years old, and the setting sun was like blood, making it hard to open your eyes."

"She was playing alone in front of the ancestral hall with her back to the setting sun. The autumn wind rolled up the fallen leaves on the ground. When she was staring intently at a leaf turning in the air, a bell sounded from the ancestral hall."

"She said that the bell was actually not very loud, but every time it hit her heart, it made her tremble with fear."

"She didn't count how many times, but it rang many times. Until she lay on the bed at night, the sound of "Dangdang" was still ringing in her ears."

"About 10:30 that night, my second uncle fell off the roof of the ancestral hall and died. No one knew why he climbed up. My second aunt said that after dinner, my second uncle was in a trance, always answering irrelevant questions, and facing the ancestral hall. The direction is in a daze."

"Roommate Xiao A asked: What does it mean, every time this ancient clock sounds, disasters will happen to your family?"

"So far it looks like it is!"

"Another roommate Xiao K also said: Then why don't you just throw it away or send it to the temple for worship?"

"Ruoyan smiled bitterly and said: In fact, I guess the reason why my great-grandfather placed it in the ancestral hall was to use the divine power of Bixia Yuanjun to suppress it. Because according to my grandfather, he also heard the sound of the ancient clock. My great-grandfather passed away that day."

"The sleeping meeting came to an end as the sky turned pale. The next day, Ruoyan received an urgent call from her hometown. She didn't even have time to pack her luggage, so she just brought two clothes and hurried back."

"After the summer vacation, the pale-faced Ruoyan returned to school, carrying a strange carved wooden board with her."

"She said that on the night of the symposium, Ruoyan's father said that the bell rang again, and this time the whole family heard it. They were all terrified, not knowing whose turn it would be next."

"At around eight o'clock the next morning, Ruoyan's grandfather suddenly went berserk and killed her grandmother with a kitchen knife, and injured her ten-year-old cousin."

"This cousin is the son of Ruoyan's little uncle, the only male third generation in their family, and he was very fond of grandpa before."

"When grandpa was killing grandma, he kept yelling: You bitch, go to hell! Go to hell!"

"Then he chased his little cousin covered in blood, shouting while chasing: Kill this bastard!"

"Although everyone subdued Grandpa in the end, his emotions were too agitated and he died of a cerebral hemorrhage."

"After listening to her, there was silence in our dormitory, and we all didn't know what words to say."

"In the end, Xiao A, who has always been a gossip, first asked: Speaking of your grandpa, why did you say that your little cousin is a bastard? If he is not your little uncle's biological son, he should settle the score with your little aunt, right? Why did you hunt down your grandma?" Woolen cloth?"

"Ruoyan sighed: 40 years ago, my grandfather was locked up in the cowshed because of his family status, so... there are rumors outside that the little uncle is not my grandfather's own. I think this is probably a thorn in my grandfather's heart." , my little cousin looks very similar to my little uncle. Looking at the photos of my little uncle when he was young, the two of them are almost identical. So..."

"She took out the carved wooden board she carried with her and said that the little cousin fled to the ancestral hall that day, and the grandfather broke the ancient clock when he chased him."

"It is impossible to restore the spring parts, but the bezel on the back of this clock is very exquisite, and there are some strange patterns, so I want to ask the professor to take a look at it when I bring it back to school."

"Ruoyan is studying Chinese. Although the other two are studying history, they specialize in legal history. Only my tutor, Professor Li, is quite familiar with various historical materials in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River."

"I picked up the wooden plank, which is trapezoidal and about the size of an adult man's palm. It can be seen that this clock is not very big."

"The material of the wood may be sandalwood in mahogany, the color is deep, and it seems to have a special aroma when you smell it."

"The patterns carved on the wooden board are very exquisite, but I can't recognize the special meaning of these patterns."

"The next day I gave this piece of wood to Professor Li, and she recognized at a glance that this piece of wood was by no means specially made for a clock."

"Professor Li rubbed the board carefully, shook his head and said: Do you see the edge of the board? That's the swallowtail and bat wings. Swallows symbolize love between husband and wife, and bats have the same pronunciation as blessing. They are all lucky. Obviously this piece of wood It was supposed to be a pane of some rich family's house.

Perhaps the family was run-down, and when others demolished the house, they found that the building materials were all high-quality wood, so they should be used for other purposes!However, it is really rare to use it as a clock. "

"I will tell you what happened to this ancient clock in Ruoyan's house. Although Professor Li doesn't believe in ghosts and gods, he is also very surprised. He just sighs that it is a pity that the ancient clock was broken, otherwise she would have found out."

"I heard from Fang Ruoyan that this clock was sold to Mrs. Fang by a missionary in order to raise funds to return home. It is said to be an antique in the middle of the Qing Dynasty, but it has never been moved since the day it was acquired. The Fang family just kept it. It's for display."

"Professor Li is becoming more and more interested in the origin of this clock, and now he asked me to find Ruoyan, and decided to go to Bashu to find out a month later, during the Golden Week in October."

"To our surprise, Ruoyan's father actually welcomed us very much. Perhaps it was because he had personally experienced the strange things that happened after the ancient clock rang, so he also wanted to solve the confusion through the professor's investigation."

"First, we went to the town library to check the town records, trying to find the missionary who sold the ancient clock to Mrs. Fang."

"Although this person has returned to China long ago, if we can find out about his activities in China, we can more or less deduce when and where he got this ancient clock."

"The ancient town has a long history. The town records compiled by the gentlemen in the town are recorded at the latest in the early 20s, but there is no record of church construction. Due to its remote location, there are no missionaries."

"Ruoyan's father said this: I remember my father said that my grandfather used to do business in the capital city of Sichuan and Shu, and returned to his hometown to put down roots after making a fortune."

"Professor Li asked: How many years did the old lady Fang come back to Town C?"

"It was about 1948 or 1949. At that time, I was just born, and I didn't remember it at all. I only heard it from my father."

"And do you have any memory of that missionary?"

"Ruoyan's father has thought about it for a long time: I have heard my father mention it, it seems to be called rice."

"Old Mrs. Fang had been doing business in Chengdu for many years before his death. Except for Chongqing, Chengdu should be regarded as the leading big city in Sichuan at that time. Not only were there many missionaries, but there were as many as eighteen or nine Christian churches, large and small.

I accompanied Professor Li to the city library to search local chronicles, especially focusing on local religious beliefs.However, although there are many and wide entries in Fuzhi, the content is too brief.Although Ruoyan is a student of the Chinese Department, her major is modern literature, so she can hardly help with ancient literature, so she can only accompany her and worry about it.

After an afternoon of rummaging, I finally found a clue in the county annals of T County under the jurisdiction of Chengdu: Mu En Gospel Church, East Sanli County, built by missionaries Miller and Michelle in the 19th year of the Republic of China.In the 29th year of the Republic of China, it was burned by fire and then rebuilt. "

"Ruoyan said: My father said before that the missionary's name is Mi, could it be Michelle?"

"The surname Michel is quite common among Germans, and German missionaries have a wide range of activities in China, and the number of them is quite large. It seems that this record alone is not enough to be sure. But soon, Professor Li Another document found enough clues to support it.

This book "Visions of Foreign Religions in Sichuan Province" was written in the mid-50s. The author is a teacher of the history department of a university in Sichuan and Sichuan Province. He is probably retired long ago.The book not only mentions the Gospel Church, but also spends about a thousand words describing Michelle as a "sneaky and cruel man who treats people badly", which is the complete opposite of his missionary status.

According to the book, Michelle is a China hand and especially likes to collect Chinese antiques.He once transported three batches of antiques back to Germany, each time with a large quantity.Every time he collects antiques, he will ask the seller to tell the origin of the antiques. It is said that this person has a hobby, and he especially likes those antiques with a special history.For example, he once collected a big knife used by a famous executioner in the city. It is rumored that this knife cut 79 heads. Whenever the moon is dark, if you stare at this knife, you will find traces of blood oozing from the blade. .

Reminiscent of this unusual ancient clock, we think it is likely that this person sold it to Mrs. Fang in order to raise funds for returning to China.

County T is only an hour and a half away from the Chengdu City Library. What's even more gratifying is that I found the current location of the Muen Gospel Church on the Internet map. Looking at the scale, it is really about three miles east of the county.

At the moment, Ruoyan's father acted as the driver and took us straight to County T.

It was a small church with only one main building.Due to the wrong time, the church is not open to the public. From the locked iron door, we can see an old man who looks quite old sitting outside the reception room and basking in the sun.

Seeing us poking around, he tremblingly walked over with a cane to inquire. He heard that we were going to borrow some historical documents about the church, and shook his head again and again. "

"What kind of literature, it has been burned long ago. Who dared to keep it at that time? Fortunately, I was an orphan. The leader looked at me pitifully, so he let me keep guarding the door."

"Although the old man doesn't look like he's ninety years old, he speaks quite neatly."

"I asked: Since when have you been guarding the door here?"

"The old man calculated with his fingers for a long time, and asked: What year was the famine?"

"Professor Li without hesitation: 1942."

"That was the year before the famine. Fortunately, I begged all the way from my hometown to the Land of Abundance, otherwise I would have starved to death. I was only 15 years old when I came here, and it was Father Miller who took pity on me and took me in."

"When talking about the priest, the old man's cloudy eyes flickered slightly."

"I remember the county records that the Gospel Hall was destroyed by fire in 29, the 1940th year of the Republic of China. The old man came here about the year after it was rebuilt."

"Do you know Father Michel?"

"Just mentioning this person, the old man shook his head and said: He is still a priest, just a money-grubbing ghost who covets antiques from our country of China."

"Ruoyan handed the photo of the ancient clock to the old man, asking him to identify whether he has seen it before. The photo was taken when cameras were just popular in the late 80s, and it is not clear because it is quite old. The old man His old eyes are dim, and he only said he hadn't seen it after looking at it for a long time."

"It's true if you think about it. It's been 70 years since the incident. Even if you saw the old man, you might not remember it."

"When we were about to turn back, the old man suddenly muttered again: I haven't seen the clock, but I have heard the bell."

"In January 1949, Michel was going to return to Germany with the last batch of antiques. At that time, he had a partner staying in ww, so he was going to take a boat from Shanghai to Taiwan, and then return to Germany with that partner.

It was the morning before Michelle was about to leave for Shanghai. In addition to guarding the door when he was young, the old man would also do some chores such as sweeping the floor and cleaning windows. At that time, he was mopping the floor in front of Michelle’s bedroom door, when suddenly A bell was heard coming from the room.

It took a while, because the old man stopped his hands and counted, about eleven.

He found it a little strange because he had cleaned Michele's bedroom before and didn't remember seeing a clock or anything like that.At the same time, it was about 09:30 in the morning. Even if there was a clock, it would never be possible to tell the time at this moment, let alone strike eleven times.

After a dozen or so bells, a terrified Michelle flashed out of the door.

In the afternoon, Michelle went to Chengdu once.The next day, we set off for Shanghai to take a boat. "

"Professor Li asked: Is there no news about Michelle after that?"

"The old man suddenly smiled secretly: This guy is probably dead."

"We were all slightly surprised: how do you know?"

"The old man said proudly: Don't think I came here to beg for food. Father Miller taught me how to read, and said that I learned how to read quickly. At that time, I could already read newsprint. I remember that just after Michelle left here In ten days, the news paper said that the boat he was on sank and almost 1000 people died!"

"Professor Li hurriedly asked: What ship?"

"I saw that her face was quite serious. It can be seen that she must have thought of something, but she just needs to confirm her inference from the old man's mouth."

"It's that Taiping wheel."

"Father Michele of Moon Gospel Church is actually a speculator. He got an ancient clock from somewhere. He must have hidden this ancient clock in a corner of the bedroom, so the young janitor never saw it. But just as he was preparing to return home, the ancient clock suddenly sounded untimely."

"Judging from Michelle's reaction, he must know the origin of this ancient clock, otherwise he would not be so panic-stricken. It is estimated that he came to Chengdu that afternoon and used this ancient clock to prepare for returning to China. I sold it to Mrs. Fang under the pretext."

"Who knew that he still could not escape bad luck in the end, and actually got on this Chinese "Titanic"."

"Once Mr. Fang got this ancient clock, he found that it could not be repaired, but it had a certain collection value, so he put it in the ancestral hall.

This is a bit strange, if it is just a valuable antique, shouldn't it be placed in the study or bedroom?The ancestral hall doesn't seem to be a good place to collect antiques, so Ruoyan's inference can be established - the old lady Fang wants to use the divine power of Bixia Yuanjun enshrined in the ancestral hall to restrain this ancient clock.

Afterwards, Ruoyan's grandfather heard the bell ring once, and that night, Mrs. Fang passed away.

Ruoyan's father heard it twice, and Ruoyan heard it once, and each time a relative died abnormally.And the most recent one was the worst.

Every time, the ancient clock will strike eleven times. "

"I said: Maybe it can be said that the [-]th refers to Zishi, which is the time of the day when the cold air is at its peak."

"As a result, when I was halfway through speaking, I saw Professor Li glaring at me with a stern face. University professors certainly do not allow their students to explain bizarre events with ancient superstitions."

"After bidding farewell to the old janitor of the Gospel Church, we drove to the center of Chengdu again and found the largest and oldest Minsheng Watch Shop in the area.

This watch shop was established in the early years of the Republic of China and produced many famous master craftsmen.If Mrs. Fang took the old clock and asked a master to repair it in Chengdu, it must be this one.

The person who received us was Master Chen, who is second to none in the watch industry. He is 70 years old this year and is a retired senior technician.He said that it is impossible to judge the origin of an ancient clock just by looking at an old photo. Even if Grandpa Fang was looking for a master to repair it at Minsheng Watch Shop, he would have no way of knowing. After all, the old master of the previous generation has basically passed away.

As for why an ancient clock that couldn't move suddenly sounded, since Master Chen couldn't see the real thing, he could only infer from experience that it might be a human touch that caused the escapement mechanism in the clock to change.However, he showed great interest in the mahogany frame behind the ancient clock. "

"He used a magnifying glass to carefully examine the piece of mahogany: I think this wooden frame is very familiar, as if I have seen it somewhere.

It should be last year, I saw it in a temple in T town. "

"That was last year when Master Chen accompanied his wife back to her mother's house in T Town. Every New Year, his wife's family would go to the temple to burn incense and worship Buddha. To put it bluntly, many people don't know what kind of Bodhisattva is enshrined in the temple. Anyway, burning incense and kowtow is the right thing to do." .”

"There are two temples in T Town, one is a Taoist temple and the other is a Buddhist hall. As usual, Master Chen's wife worships both. Master Chen is basically perfunctory, wandering around in the Taoist temple alone.

The main hall enshrines the Taoist Sanqing. Although it is not grand, it is quite large.What made Master Chen feel uncoordinated was that there was a low cabinet behind Sanqing.

At first, Master Chen thought it was an altar, and the original statue was moved to another place, but after a closer look, he found that it was not only a low cabinet, but the door was sealed with talisman paper, and the top was bent with cinnabar Many fantastic symbols are drawn.

The low cabinet is surrounded by a red line, and there is an incense burner in front of it, in which the incense ash is quite thick. "

"The two cabinet doors of this low cabinet are quite exquisite. There are not only swallows but also bats. The unique shape makes people unforgettable after seeing it. Especially the material of these two cabinet doors, I don't need to get close to me to know that it is mahogany. But it is strange Yes, except for these two cabinet doors, the rest are just a little better wood than ordinary ones."

"Professor Li asked: Do you mean that you think this board and the two doors on the low cabinet belong to the same source?"

"Master Chen nodded: I think so."

"Old-fashioned watchmakers not only repaired watches, but also skilled in making watches. Generally, such masters are no different from artists, and their visual memory is amazing. Therefore, Master Chen said that the two look very similar, so it should be Almost the same.

It is a very strange thing that there is a low cabinet behind the Daoist Sanqing Hall enjoying incense, and the door of this low cabinet is very similar to the wooden board behind the ancient clock. Could it be that the real problem is not the ancient clock itself, but this board? "

"Although the Mingyue Temple in Town T is small in scale, the incense is quite prosperous.

A group of us saw the low cabinet that impressed Master Chen behind the Sanqing Hall.Although I am only a student, I can tell at a glance that it is furniture from the Ming and Qing Dynasties, with a typical style of the times.However, different from ordinary furniture, the doors of the low cabinets are hollowed out and carved. If the light in the hall is not dim, you can almost see the compartments inside the cabinets.

Sure enough, yellow talisman paper was pasted on the cabinet door, and the symbols drawn with cinnabar looked like old bloodstains at first glance.

Professor Li is an expert on urban geography in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River. She once wrote an article "A Brief Introduction to Ancient Architecture in Shu". She looked closely at the low cabinet for a long time, then took out the board to compare the textures, and saw the shapes of swallows and bats. They are exactly the same, even the hooks at the dovetails are exactly the same. In the end, it can be basically determined that the two are part of a certain building material, most likely ancient windows.

Although it sounds strange, it was actually not uncommon in ancient times.It must be a rich family with mahogany as windows, maybe a certain mansion was demolished, and some people saw that these building materials were expensive and discarded, so they took them and used them elsewhere.

But the question is, why did this low cabinet appear in the Sanqing Hall, and why was it sealed with talisman paper?

The master of Mingyue Temple is a Taoist priest in his 40s. It is said that he inherited the Taoist temple from his father. We don’t know why Taoist priests can marry wives and have children.However, it is gratifying that due to its remote location, this Taoist temple was able to avoid the devastation of special years, and many document records are well preserved.

The temple owner said that this low cabinet had already enjoyed incense here when his father was the temple owner. The records show that Luo Xianyang, a townsman, stored it in the Taoist temple around the 12th year of the Republic of China, and paid a large sum of money at that time. The fee is used to exorcise evil spirits and suppress ghosts.

The literature records are very short, and it can be generally known that the low cabinet that Luo Xianyang took a fancy to was an antique in the middle of the Qing Dynasty. suffocate.Luo Xianyang originally wanted to smash it into pieces, but later felt afraid, so he kept it in the Taoist temple. "

"Now it's completely aligned. Not only do the cabinet doors and wooden boards belong to the same window, but they were made into other handicrafts in the same period, both in the middle of the Qing Dynasty. And after the finished products, strange things happened frequently.

Perhaps because of the lingering smoke in the hall, standing in front of this low cabinet, there is a strange urge to drill inside. Of course, we are all adults and the size is wrong, but if it is a child, I am afraid that it will really get in.

But since the door of the cupboard is made of windows with a hollow in the middle, how can it suffocate children?All kinds of them are no longer testable.The only thing we can judge is that after a certain big family demolished the mansion, some valuable building materials were used for other purposes.At least the wood from the window was made into a low cabinet and the case of a clock.

To unravel the oddity of these two objects, I'm afraid we'll have to find the demolished mansion.

In the next few days, Professor Li and I spent all our time in the library.There are only three days left in the Golden Week in October, after which we have to go back to school, and we will have to wait at least a few months to investigate this matter later.

Since Ruoyan lived far away, she had to ask her father to drive her to Chengdu the next day, but she couldn't help much.

After reading a lot of historical documents, especially local chronicles such as county annals and town annals, I found several unusual commonalities. "

"For example, in the town of K, which is 10 kilometers away from Chengdu, there is a record that there was a mahogany bookcase in a house. The owner of the house said that he often heard a woman calling out of it, and one day it fell down for no reason and crushed a child to death.

A Town Chronicle records that a stone used for viewing in a certain courtyard will have strange things every night. It was once seen turning into a stone lion, and some people claimed to hear the lion roaring.

There is also a miscellaneous annals in the town annals of Ruoyan's hometown and town. It is written that disasters occurred after a certain family rebuilt their houses.There are also several similar articles.

Underneath these anecdotes, there is a short comment left by the editor: "It is also a relic of Wu's house." "

"Professor Li once deduced that that piece of wood should have been the window of a certain rich family. When the mansion was demolished, someone used the more expensive building materials for other purposes. Could it be that the ancient clock in Ruoyan's house was also made from Wu house?

The most powerful support should be an anecdote in the town annals of T Town compiled and compiled during the Republic of China that Professor Li found. in.Later, his family's grandson disappeared for no reason. He thought he was abducted by Huazi, but was found dead in a cabinet a few days later.At the end of this anecdote, there is also the editor's comment: The strangeness of Wu's house is well known, and the selection of materials is ominous.

Since the low cabinet was made from Wu Zhai, and the wooden panel of the ancient clock has the same source as it, it must also come from Wu Zhai.

Seeing this, we began to search for information about Wu Zhai.

Since some available building materials were picked up by neighbors when the Wu residence was demolished, the distribution range will not be very wide.We focused on studying the historical materials of some counties and towns around Chengdu, and we found out after half a day. "

"The records of Wujiatang Township Township, T Town, compiled during the Qianlong period: Wu's House, formerly Chang Jie Yuan's House. After the businessmen surnamed Wu repaired and moved in, disasters continued, and there was no heir after three generations. Later, after Wu's house was vacant, there were rumors of haunting Afterwards, many neighbors dared not even pass by Wujiatang at night. Later, the gentry in the town paid for its demolition. Because of the exquisite materials used in the house and yard, many people picked it up and used it for themselves.

Speaking of Wujiatang, I suddenly felt very familiar. It turned out that the beginning and end of Wujiatang’s dredging was recorded in the article on the dredging of the river in T Town.

This Wujiatang is in the town of T. Of course, the river is dry now. Originally, Wujiatang is now Wujiatang Road, and we passed by when we went to the Gospel Church a few days ago. "

"Professor Li analyzed: Since the predecessor of Wu's house was Chang Jieyuan's mansion, it means that the source of the strange incident is not in Wu's house, and it may have to be traced back to Chang Jieyuan's era."

"It's strange to say that Ruoyan, who always comes to see us every day, hasn't seen her for two days. I sent her a text message and didn't reply, and she didn't answer the phone call. It wasn't until we were on the way back to the hotel after closing that I received an Ruoyan's call."

"Her voice was very mournful and weak: I'm afraid I won't be able to go back to school with you."


"Ruoyan said while weeping: My father and his car fell into a nearby river and drowned yesterday. I told him not to drive so late. He insisted on going to the supermarket in the town to buy cigarettes. No matter how much I tried to persuade him Listen, he's never been so paranoid."

"I know it's not good to say this at this time, but I still can't help but ask: Where is that piece of wood now?"

"Ruoyan was taken aback: It's in the glove box next to the driver's seat of the car. We left it there untouched after we went to the Gospel Church that day. Now it's placed with the car in the parking lot of abandoned cars."

"The next day was Ruoyan's father's funeral. Professor Li and I went straight to the library after expressing condolences. It was very easy to find Chang Jieyuan's information. Although T Town is adjacent to Chengdu, it is only a small place after all. There are not many literati and scholars, and Chang Jieyuan is one of the most important figures."

"It is recorded in the Chronicles of People that Chang Jieyuan was No. 1 in the rural examination during the Tianqi period of the Ming Dynasty. Later, he was named a Jinshi on the gold list. He was an official in another province and lived in T town for many years after retirement. The Chang family is a well-known big family. It is also the home of good people who love good rice.

It is also stated in the construction annals that this mansion was expanded by Chang Jieyuan on the basis of the original house.

In the T Town Chronicle compiled during the Kangxi period, Chang Jieyuan Mansion was directly included in the "Ghosts" entry, saying that since the Chang family mansion was abandoned, there were always rumors of ghosts and ghosts.Some passers-by saw swords and swords in the house, and men and women cried and howled endlessly.

The editor interprets this phenomenon as: Chongzhen encountered a "yellow tiger" riot in the last years of Chongzhen. When the bandits entered Chengdu, they passed through the town of T, burning, killing, and looting.More than 100 members of the Chang family were massacred overnight, even newborn babies were not spared.

According to the description of the surviving townspeople, there were dead bodies everywhere in the Chang family's mansion at that time, and blood dripped from the mahogany furniture and walls, and the bloody atmosphere was suffocating. "

"Professor Li said in a heavy tone: Huang Hu should be referring to Zhang Xianzhong."

"Not only are there records in the local chronicles, but some historical documents about Sichuan and Sichuan, such as "Shu Bi" and "Ke Dian Shu", have detailed descriptions of Zhang Xianzhong's Tu Chuan. Professor Li also borrowed from the collection department of the library. A short passage in "Huanghu Chaos in the River" written by Liu Hanzhi, a native of Sichuan in the early Qing Dynasty, describes in detail that Zhang Xianzhong was temporarily stationed in the town of T before entering Chengdu. Gather all the adult men in the town at Chang's house and kill them all.

After that, Changzhai became a haunted house until a businessman surnamed Wu bought it in the early years of Emperor Yongzheng of the Qing Dynasty.But who knows that during the Qianlong period, the Wu family was destroyed, and the Wu residence became a taboo place that the townspeople dared not approach.

Chang Jieyuan's mansion experienced a massacre, and the grievances lingered, so it became a haunted house, which even implicated the Wu family who moved in later.Although this still sounds a bit absurd, I can still understand it.However, since Wu's house has been demolished, why do strange things happen to other items made of those building materials? "

"Could it be that even the small baffle behind the ancient clock is dangerous?"

"Professor Li pondered for a moment, and then said slowly: Have you ever heard of the so-called yin soldiers borrowing the way? Under certain climatic conditions, such as hot and humid, rainy, such as in remote places such as Caiyunzhinan, people have seen people wearing ancient clothes. Troops marching in costumes. In fact, this is the memory recorded by the special local geographical environment. There is also a legend that a tourist once witnessed a palace maid walking in the Forbidden City on a thunderstorm day.

, this is also because some stones contain a magnetic component, which has a memory function under certain circumstances, just like a magnetic tape. "

"I think of the town annals of T Town during the Kangxi period, which said that some townspeople once saw swords and swords in Chang Jieyuan's house, and men and women cried and lamented. I think this is the reason."

"And what about wood? Does wood also have a memory function?"

"Professor Li closed the document, "I participated in a symposium on physical geography before. It was said that in a canyon in Chuzhou called Killing Niu Keng, every thunderstorm season, there would be people whimpering, stabbing with knives, and howling ghosts and wolves. The sound appears.After investigation by scientists, this strange sound came from a camphor forest under the valley.According to the literature review, there was indeed a big battle at the turn of spring and summer in the historical period of this place, and the Killing Niu Keng was the main battlefield.It is entirely possible that this batch of camphor trees, which are thousands of years old, witnessed the brutal killing scene that year, and at specific moments, the memory of the trees will be stimulated. "

"I finally understand a little bit, that is to say, the predecessor of Wu's house was the Chang family mansion that suffered from Zhang Xianzhong's disaster. All kinds of building materials and stones are witnesses to this massacre. It has been deeply recorded. Even if the mansion is demolished, the memory of these materials remains the same and has been repeated several times, but once a certain moment comes, the memory of resentment spreads along with it, affecting the fate of the new owner.

After the Golden Week in October, Professor Li and I returned to school first.After her father's first seven days, Ruoyan also returned to the dormitory.She said that she sent that piece of wood to Mingyue Temple to enjoy incense with the low cabinet.From then on until we graduated, we never heard of any strange things happening in the Fang family. "

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