"Troughing? When did you change your clothes?" Xiao Chu was very surprised, looked at Qin Siyu with a strange look, couldn't help but click his tongue and said in amazement: "Siyu, you are amazing! Such temperament, such expression, such tone ...It's so similar! It's so similar to the heroine in my script!"

Xiao Chu's words are completely sincere. At this time, Qin Siyu really looks like the heroine Shen Jiayi in the movie "Those Years"!

This kind of likeness is not about appearance, but about temperament, tone and expression, it is exactly the same as that shy female high school student.

Qin Siyu lowered her head shyly: "Didn't you just say that I haven't entered the role yet..."

Xiao Chu let out a groan, and suddenly felt very uncomfortable: "Siyu...how about, you'd better...be transformed back, you're so strange!"

Qin Siyu blinked and said playfully, "Director Xiao, you let me stay in the role during the filming?"

"Uh, okay." Xiao Chu shrugged, "But it's still weird..."

Lin Tian on the side couldn't help but interjected: "Teacher Qin? You... are you a born actor?"

Zhang Ye suddenly noticed Qin Siyu and was startled. He ran over in a small step and asked in surprise, "What the hell? Are you Teacher Qin?"

Is this the iceberg goddess from Beishan Middle School?Those who didn't know thought it was a high school student!

Qin Siyu clutched the corner of her school uniform, looking very shy, her eyes were shining with pure light, it didn't look like she was acting at all.

"Fuck?!" When Qin Qingsong saw his own daughter like this, he was so frightened that he broke into a cold sweat. The horse riding was so weird that he didn't dare to talk to her for a long time.

The opening ceremony proceeded step by step.

In fact, it is also very simple, that is, according to the tradition, every actor and important staff of the crew have to burn incense and worship Buddha, and then take a group photo, and the work is over.

Although the process was simple, it still took two hours because of the large crew of "Those Years".

The next step is to officially start shooting.

The crew all walked into the setting of "Those Years" and began to prepare for the first scene.

The costume group, props group, camera group, leading actors, and extras are all in full swing.

Under Xiao Chu's strict requirements, the setting here is almost exactly the same as the scene in the movie "Those Years" on Earth.

The high schools, streets, houses, etc. of the last century are basically built.

For some missing details, it is necessary to rely on post-production special effects.

Xiao Chu was very satisfied with the setting, and after looking around, he went into the dressing room to change clothes and make up.

The first scene is his play.

He played the male lead, Ke Jingteng.

This is an image of a mischievous, somewhat naive high school male student.

Xiao Chu is absolutely sure that he can play this role well, although he doesn't know how to act at all, it doesn't matter.

He has engraved all the details of the entire movie in his mind with the aura of deep memory, and can perfectly reproduce any action, language, expression, and lines of any character in the movie...

In short, this movie has no bad roles for him.

In the first scene, Ke Zhendong, played by Xiao Chu, rode a bicycle on the road in 94, and took a breakfast from a breakfast seller.

The second scene is also Xiao Chu's scene. It simply shoots him riding a bicycle from various angles, and there is a monologue of his lines in the later stage.

The third scene... The first few scenes are all related to Xiao Chu, several friends of the protagonist: Cao Guosheng, Xie Minghe, Liao Yinghong, Xu Bochun all appeared one by one.

The number of ngs in the previous scenes did not exceed ten times, and none of them had anything to do with Xiao Chu, he did not, and it is impossible for him to make any mistakes.

Qin Qingsong was dumbfounded watching this "acting skill", and praised Xiao Chu, it was completely sincere, without any flattery.

What he was most worried about before was Xiao Chu's acting skills. He was the only actor in the crew who was not an actor.

He also doesn't have any performance experience and experience, let alone any professional training in acting.

But after watching Xiao Chu's performance in these few scenes, Qin Qingsong was relieved immediately that the other party's acting skills are worthy of recognition, better than many old actors.

It's just... the script is still too bad.

This has always been a pimple in Qin Qingsong's heart. Even if Xiao Chu's script is a little professional, it is not unprofessional at all!

What a layman!

Even if the acting skills of the leading actors are all in place, Qin Qingsong reckons that once the film comes out, it will definitely be a terrible mess!

"I'm trying to fight for Siyu's happiness for the rest of my life at the cost of ruining my own reputation..."

Qin Qingsong sighed in his heart more than once, not having too much hope for this movie.


During this day, Xiao Chu was busy from morning to night, either filming or doing makeup in the dressing room.

As the leading actor, he has too many scenes.

But at night, Xiao Chu still spared two hours to bring Lin Tian to a house in the film and television base and teach him how to fight.

He had rented this house in advance for two full months, and it was estimated that this movie would take that long to shoot.

Lin Tian usually practiced by himself in this house, and every night, Xiao Chu took time out to give him an "educational halo" to increase his cultivation speed.

With his current rate of earning points, he can only activate halo for two hours a day.

Ten days passed quickly.

Xiao Chu is very busy every day, like most of the crew, he directly lives in the film and television base.

Fortunately, because the actors are all capable, and the crew is also Qin Qingsong's veteran team, very professional.The shooting progress was fast and smooth.

It is estimated that it will only take one and a half months to complete the shooting.

As a result...if nothing else happened, it really did happen.

When shooting No. 11 days.

This scene needs a seaside background.

In an inland city like Shuzhou, where can we find the sea?

If you really go to the beach to take pictures, it will cost too much, and the time cost is also very high.

Therefore, the crew could only choose to shoot in a public location of this film and television base.

Public filming locations are the kind of backgrounds that are difficult for the crew to create by themselves, such as palaces, various famous buildings, seaside...

This film and television base only has a sea view, which is by a lake. Special machines are used to simulate the effect of waves at the bottom of the lake. The lake is surrounded by a green screen to facilitate various special effects in the later stage.

Reservations are required for public filming locations by the sea, because seascapes are to be filmed, but there are too many crews that really go to the sea and it is very troublesome.

The No. 11 day of filming was the day when the crew of "Those Years" made an appointment for the seaside background.

So the whole crew went there early in the morning.

A group of people were dumbfounded at the time.

I saw the seaside...or it could be said to be the lakeside, on the beach, hundreds of people wearing ancient armor were fiercely chopping...

Several cameramen shuttled among them with cameras.

Obviously, there is a costume or martial arts crew filming here.

Qin Qingsong was on fire at the time: "Isn't today our appointment time?! I made an appointment half a month in advance! Why are people still filming?!"

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