Choose another day to fly

Chapter 251 Kunlun Xu Family

Xu Ying looked at the young gentleman, dressed in white and blue as before, even though she was dressed as a man, but in the mountains, her hair blowing in the wind was swaying towards Xu Ying's ear, with a graceful posture.

Just now, Nuo ancestor Nuolu blocked all connections between Yuchi Dongtian and Yuxu Palace, so that Xu Ying and others could not sense any Yuchi Dongtian and could not establish contact with the outside world.

However, Xu Ying suddenly sensed a familiar cave, this cave was Guang Weiyang's Yuchi cave.

The two of them once practiced innocence to sense the heavens, and their senses are far superior to ordinary people's, and they are compatible with each other. That's why Xu Ying was able to establish a connection with the Yuchi cave and lead everyone out of Yuxu Palace.

It was also the reason for Wu Weiyang, Xu Ying's spiritual consciousness was magnified many times at that moment, and one could see that Yuxu Palace was located on the other side of an old pool, where the Dao was like nature.

There was a surge of heat in Xu Ying's chest, rushed to his throat, turned into a voice, and said with a smile: "How much dowry do you need to marry the head of the Guang family?"

Yuan Weiyang recalled the past, and there was a smile on his face, that was the scene of their parting.The young man called him loudly and asked how much dowry was needed to marry the Patriarch of the Guang Family.

Once, they thought that the danger in front of them was a danger that could never be overcome, and the difficulties in front of them were difficulties that could never be solved.

She thought that the Yuan family was about to be destroyed, and what greeted her was a family that could never be revived; Xu Ying also thought that the hurdle she was facing would never be overturned, and that she would be controlled by Bei Chenzi or Xu Fu forever.

Looking at it today, a few years later, everything has passed.

Yuan Weiyang smiled and waved to him.If you like it, you don't need anything.

Xu Ying stepped forward, Uncle Xiao stood in front of Wu Zhuyang, but he raised his hand to push him away.

Uncle Xiao, go away

I bought a lot of rouge and stored it at Qi Ye.Xu Ying said to Guang Weiyang

You can try without rouge.Yuan Weiyang said.

Qingluan spread her wings and covered Feng Xian'er's eyes, with a solemn expression, she said, "Little bird, don't look around."

"Are they feeding?" Feng Xian'er stuck her head out from her wings and asked curiously, "Hey, you're still sticking out your tongue?"

Qingluan stuffed her little head back.

Zhou Tianzi looked up at the sky with a solemn expression, and said in a low voice, "Our group of people who entered Yuxu Palace are Wuhan people, so what are these people?"

The six fairy palaces on the other side produced 54 ascending elixir, plus Xu Fu, the 54 ascending powerhouses are ascending to another time and space following the ascending rays of light

On the Kunlun Divine Mountain, one pair looked up at the same light, no matter whether it was a Qi refiner or a Nuo master Nuoxian, their eyes filled with excitement and it was hard to hold back.

This is the ascension, the legendary ascension, the ascension they have dreamed of all their lives!

Right in front of them, 54 strong men are about to ascend to the fairyland

"The road to heaven is broken, take your head and fly up." Qingluan sneered.

However, Xu Fu and others were also attracted by the fairy light, and above them, a legendary scene appeared, the sky split open, and the time and space of the fairy world emerged.

At this moment, everyone saw the colorful colors of the fairy world, the celestial light was hanging down, and the aura was transpiring. The Dao sound from that world was so clear and transparent, it made people's souls feel as if they were ascending.

"54 True Immortals rise to the sky, this scene will be eulogized by the world"

A young man in a yellow shirt was very excited and said loudly, "The road to ascension is broken, and it will become history. From today onwards, the Kunlun Ascension Ceremony every 3000 years will become the most eye-catching place in the world."

The purple-clothed girl said: "After 3000 years, Kunlun will usher in the powerhouses of the heavens and myriad worlds. Everyone is waiting here for the elixir to mature and the opportunity to ascend once every 3000 years."

"Hahahaha, Taoist Qinghe, can you live another 3000 years?"

"Hahaha, Feng Chaoyang, if you can live for 3000 years, I can live for another 3000 years. I must die later than you!"

Someone was full of pride and laughed and said, "3000 years later, at the top of Kunlun, we will meet again."

"Ascension today, I don't have my share, but today, 3000 years later, I am the protagonist!"

"Abaa baa baa baa"

The loud and clear voice resounded through Kunlun, and everyone knew without looking that this must be Pavilion Master Lin of Penglai Pavilion, the guy who planted grass on his head, probably aphasia due to excitement, that's why Abba kept barking.

"After 3000 years, it will be my Niu Qiye's world!" Beside Pavilion Master Lin, a big snake was so excited that it was beyond words.

"...and the world with Master Zhong!" Big snake glanced at the big clock beside him in horror, and added.

"...the world with Grass Master" Orochi felt it was inappropriate, and added.

Everyone took back the moonlight and sneered endlessly.They are the suzerains of various sects and sects. They occupy high positions and have the inheritance of the immortal family. They will definitely be the most powerful existence in the world in the future.This big snake has a fart background, and it is also worthy of competing with them for the opportunity to ascend in the future

Zhou Tianzi looked at these high-spirited young people, and thought: "They are so excited now, I am afraid they will be terrified later."

He could already predict what Xu Fu would do.

Yan Kongcheng was also looking up, looking at the sky, with an expression of excitement and disappointment, and suddenly said, "Patriarch Qingshuang, you have the strength to snatch a flying elixir, why didn't you take it?"

Beside him, Qingshuang Patriarch Qiao Zizhong's face was dull, he looked up at the 54 figures that had ascended, and said softly: "Teacher, be safe and don't be impatient, wait a little longer, wait a little longer."

Yan Kongcheng hated that iron cannot be made into steel, and said bitterly: "You are too careful. If you wait this time, you will have to wait until Kunlun reopens in 3000 years! Once you wait, you will have to wait another 3000 years before you can ascend."

Qiao Zizhong didn't take it seriously, and said: "Teacher, I have been waiting for more than 2 years, and I don't care about waiting for another 3000 years. What's more, wait a little longer, you and Emei can grow up, and it won't be too late for me to ascend again." .”

Yan Kongcheng was moved and somewhat regretful.

Halfway up the mountain, Zulong raised his head and looked at the 54 soaring figures, without frowning or regretting, but continued to measure Kunlun Yuxu Peak.

"Why didn't Zulong grab an elixir?" Feng Yao restrained her injuries and asked, "With your strength, it's easy to snatch an elixir, and you can also lift up the sky."

Zulong didn't turn his head back, and said calmly: "I want to cross the catastrophe, not by the elixir, but by shaking the catastrophe and the way of heaven, breaking the catastrophe and smashing the way of heaven, so that I can ascend. Relying on the elixir to ascend, even if I arrive Immortals are also weak. Not to mention"

Chi raised his head and looked at the fairy mountain among the 54 figures. Xu Fu stood on the fairy mountain, and said with a sneer, "Xu Fu is flying up, there must be a ghost."

He walked resolutely and disappeared from Feng Yao's eyes.

Feng Yao looked up, and the moonlight fell on Xu Fu.When Nuozu's elixir was born, Xu Fu came to the rice field to find her and told her that he was sure to expel the six Nuozu and return Kunlun to the undead.

That's why Fengyao took Qingluan to help Xu Fu and sent Chimen to Yuxu Palace.

What exactly happened in Yuxu Palace, what Xu Ying and the others discovered, and where they left for Xu Palace, Feng Yao had no idea.

For Xu Fu's promise, she let her Yuchi Dongtian be cut down by the Nuo ancestor Nuo Lu, and her cultivation base was damaged, which is not a small sacrifice.

Seeing Xu Fu's promotion now, I can't help worrying about gains and losses.

"Qingluan, Xu Ying, where are you at this moment?" she said silently in her heart.

Xu Ying held Guang Weiyang's hand, and walked on a piece of ruins, this piece of ruins was Xujiaping, the fire left traces, it was a piece of scorched earth and rubble.

Xujiaping was built on Yuxu Peak, not too far from the peak. This is a stronghold of the undead, but the scene of the past is completely invisible.

Xu Ying walked on this homeland, recalling what he saw at Wangxiang Terrace, the memory was sometimes clear and sometimes blurred, it was because of his memory seal, which made him unable to recall his hometown, unable to recall his hometown.

All the memories about his first life were sealed extremely tightly, only occasionally allowing him to see a glimpse of the past.

When they came to the entrance of the ruins, Xu Ying saw that there were traces of excavation in the ruins. Xujiaping's external portal was broken into dozens of pieces and buried by time.

Now, this portal has been dug out from the ruins, and it has been completely beaten up. It is exactly Xu Jiaping's words that are written on it.

It should be Xian Weiyang and Xiao Bo who cleared out this portal bit by bit from the ruins.

Xu Ying turned her head and looked at the ruins behind her. "That's where I started, running and running."

Xu Ying looked towards the stone road out of the town, which was a way down the mountain.Surrounded by raging fire, towering giants waved their butcher knives and ran in the sea of ​​flames, hearing roars of fire and collapsed ruins.

Huge corpses kept falling down, with heads like mountains.It was a nightmarish scene, what he saw in Wangxiang Terrace.But along with his memories, what he saw at Wangxiang Terrace gradually became blurred.

A strange force struck, accompanied by the smell of incense, making his memories of the past fade away.Where are my parents?

where are the parents

Did they escape from Kunlun, or did they die here?

"Yuan Tiangang said that my parents have great magical powers, and they calculated that I would look at them at Wangxiangtai in the future, so they pointed out the way of life for me at Wangxiangtai. Yuan Tiangang thought it happened a few years ago, but he didn't know .

Xu Ying's face was gloomy. The undead people escaped from Kunlun (Mountain), which happened 8000 years ago. The guidance given by Wangxiang Taichung may be a guidance given 8000 years ago.

If parents have such magic power, they can see Zhu Lai, are they still alive?

Xu Ying pursed her lips, maybe not, because Feng Yao told Chi that the lifespan of undead people is [-] years.Even if the parents escaped from Kunlun Mountain alive, it is impossible for them to survive till now.

He looked at the scorched earth, feeling at a loss.Why was Xujiaping attacked like this? Why was there such a catastrophe?

"Weiyang, how did you find this place?" Xu Ying asked, abandoning the chaotic thoughts in her mind.

Wu Weiyang stood beside him, at the same height as Chi, looked up at the top of Yuxu Peak in Kunlun, and said, "Someone told me that the top of Yuxu Peak is the place where the Yellow Emperor ascended on a dragon. After the Yellow Emperor ascended, a group of People were ordered to stay in Kunlun and guard this ancestral land. After the emperors of all dynasties continued to live, they would go to Kunlun to worship their ancestors. The people who stayed here were called undead people, and they received the emperor. These undead people enshrined Kunlun Mountain as a god, The Jade Everest of Xishan Mountain is the Queen Mother of the West, the mountain of Nine Heads is Kaiming, and the mountain of Nine Tails is Lu Wu.”

Xu Ying's heart moved slightly. Perhaps, he was the descendant of the group of people who guarded the Kunlun ancestral land. Maybe they were a group of people surnamed Xu who settled down on Kunlun Mountain.

"The man told me that he met six Nuo ancestors on Kunlun Mountain. They didn't look like good people, and he once excavated the words of Xu Jiaping in the ruins."

Yuan Weiyang looked up at the top of the mountain, showing longing, and said, "The person who told me about this came to Kunlun alone in the era of drastic changes 3000 years ago. He escaped the drastic changes of the world and the great purge, Here he was ambushed and hunted down by the gods. He broke through the siege and came to the top of the mountain, where the Yellow Emperor ascended."

Xu Ying suddenly remembered that the Martial Dao God who established the Martial Dao on the other side of Taiyi World "could be the Martial Dao Emperor?"

Yuan Weiyang said: "He has a foothold in Kunlun, eager to ascend, trying to break through the limit of martial arts, break into the void, and open a piece of extreme pure land besides the six other shores, called the other shore of martial arts."

Xu Ying suddenly said, "So, he succeeded 3"

Xian Weiyang shook his head, "If you haven't finished, you will succeed."

Xu Ying was puzzled, "Since Zhu Zeng succeeded, how did you meet him?"

Guang Weiyang said: "I sensed the heavens and worlds, and I sensed a piece of the other side in the void, in which there is a mixture of Dao, full of high-spirited fighting spirit, incomparable, vast and deep. When I touch that other side, I encounter that senior Will, establish a connection with him. He said that he can only open up the other side completely if he ascends to become an immortal. Unfortunately, he failed to cross the tribulation and was unable to continue to open up the other side. "

Xu Ying was taken aback, and lost his voice, "Crossing the tribulation failed, he's not dead yet"

Yuan Zhuyang nodded slightly, and said: "He crossed the tribulation on the other side of the martial arts, but he still failed, but he did not die. He entered the void from the place where the Yellow Emperor ascended, trying to open up the other side of the martial arts. I am here to go to the Huangdi Ascension The palace that was left behind, sensed the other side of martial arts there, and pointed out the way back for Chi."

Xu Ying settled down, this Martial Dao Great Emperor survived the tribulation and did not die, he needs Wu Weiyang to pick him up before he can come back, the injury may be extremely serious.

"An existence that escaped the upheaval of heaven and earth and the great cleansing 3000 years ago, resisted the chasing and killing of heaven, and confronted the strong man of the six great Nuo ancestors, the martial arts emperor who could not die even if he shook the sky. His martial strength should be called the world's number one One!" Xu Ying's heart was agitated.

Yuan Weiyang walked towards the top of the mountain, and said: "In front is the place where the Yellow Emperor ascended. When I came here, I thought of Xu Jiaping, so I dug down with Uncle Xiao, and we found the gate."

Suddenly, Chen Chen's noise came from the foot of the mountain, and someone said loudly, "they are flying immortals!"

Xu Ying looked up and saw 54 rising rays of light hanging from the sky. At the end of the rays of light, the fairyland was slowly closing. Xu Fu and other 54 people had disappeared in the fairyland.

Wu Weiyang raised his head and said: "There is a problem with this ascension, I noticed something was wrong just now. Ah Ying, do you still remember the induction between heaven and man that Xiang and others tried in the tomb of Mount Li?"

Xu Ying's heart moved slightly, "You mean?"

"The breath is very similar." Wu Weiyang said.

Zulong, who was measuring Kunlun, also stopped at this time, looked up, and said in surprise: "This breath...

The fairy world in the sky will disappear completely, and the 54 rising rays of light will also become turbulent. Suddenly, the sky cracks with a bang, and with a chirping sound, accompanied by the shaking of the Kunlun Mountains, the sky is torn apart, revealing a floating abyss. Incomparably profound

The 54 immortals who had ascended just now floated quietly in the abyss.

The fairy world seen by the eyes of all the people just now does not exist at all. Behind the 54 immortals is a huge eye, a big eye that fills the abyss.

On Kunlun Mountain, the people who were cheering just now were stunned.

I saw the strange eyes of the six Nuo ancestors, as if they didn't see this scene, they walked towards the 54 immortals, Nuo ancestor Nuoyang laughed and said: "A lot of people have been hooked this time, and they are all big fish. After picking the fairy medicine from them, the rings will be able to ascend, right?"

Their voices came clearly from the abyss, resounding through the whole mountain.

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