Reborn Global Godfather

Chapter 461 The Taste of Happiness

In Su Youqing's eyes, tears glistened.

Almost fell out.

The expression is so pitiful and extremely beautiful.

Song Sanxi sighed heartily, nodded, and agreed.

After washing up, he covered himself with a blanket and lay down.

According to Su Youqing's request, listen to her in everything.

Pregnant women, big!

Big boy!

hi godfather, little!

Turn sideways and hug her from behind.

Her hands are covering her belly.

His hand, caressing hers.

that's it.

Su Youqing felt his arm, gentle and powerful.

On her body, there was a faint smell of shower gel, mixed with the smell of a man.

There is a sense of happiness in the whole room.

She and the child are in the safe harbor.

Song Sanxi was in some pain, you know.

Su Youqing also understands.

After all, she could feel it through their respective blankets.

So, heartbeat, blushing, but feeling okay.

"Hey, Sanxi, what are you supposed to do, how are you doing?"

"Oh, I'm about to start this thing."

"Well, come on, be careful..."

"Don't worry, I understand."

"That's good……"


At some point, Su Yourong fell asleep, very sweetly.

Song Sanxi also quietly fell asleep.

In this way, he fell asleep until his biological clock woke him up.

At that time, 05:30 in the morning.

He got up quietly, not waking Su Youqing up.

After tidying up, I watched by the bed for a while.

The sleeping pregnant beauty made him feel weak and hurt a little.

Because, he left, she may be alone.

Even if Zhang Xiaoshuang was with her and the nurses were with her.

Who knows the loneliness and torment of the soul?

But Song Sanxi still hardened his heart and left.

When I go out, a nurse will come in to take over and accompany me.

Outside, the surveillance is turned on.

Song Sanxi thanked the nurses very politely, and then left.

Drive back to the old residence of Han in Dongfeng Ridge.

When he reached the intersection, he was stopped.

Only by showing a special pass can they be released and enter the mountain.

Back in the luxurious house, it was past six in the morning.

After parking the car, I saw Mr. Han coming out in a light blue sportswear.

He was accompanied by two strong staff members.

Also, Han invented.

Song Sanxi was also emotional.

It is hard enough for the youngest son to accompany the old man.

He lived in the city and got up very early to rush over.

When Han Faming saw Song Sanxi, his eyes were a little cold, but he didn't say anything.

Han Lao said hello.

Song Sanxi greeted him, and responded with a smile, saying that he stayed in the hospital last night, passed the night, and didn't come back here.

Mr. Han didn't say anything, but expressed his understanding.

Then, Mr. Han took his youngest son, accompanied by the staff, to do morning exercises in the yard, doing Tai Chi and so on.

Song Sanxi went to the kitchen, busy with breakfast.

Breakfast is still Song Sanxi's specialty.

Fragrant, delicious and refreshing.

Mr. Han's breakfast is always in the kitchen with his youngest son, waiting for Song Sanxi to make it while everyone eats it hot.

Song Sanxi's culinary skills are excellent, so the breakfast is sumptuous and enjoyable.

After the meal, Mr. Han said to take a short rest, Xiao Song Zai Zai, accompany grandpa to go fishing in the mountains and rivers.At noon, our grandpa and grandson strive to have a whole fish feast in the mountains.

Song Sanxi thought about it, and said yes, fish can be caught, just right, Dongfengling is such a big mountain, I have to go to gather some medicine.

So, it's just one bag and two belts.

However, when Han Lao went out to the mountains, there was quite a lot of movement.

In the sky, there must be helicopter patrols, and there will be peripheral martial law forces on the ground.

When Han Faming heard about such a daily arrangement, he was familiar with it, so he went directly to order it.

But Mr. Han said: "Invention, don't bother your teachers and mobilize people today. There are a lot of people everywhere, can I still catch a fish? Today, I will listen to my arrangement!"

"Dad, safety is important..."

"Safe ass! When I was fighting, I was playing with my life! I don't know, what is safe?"

Han Fang didn't even dare to fart, so he could only listen to his father.

As a result, Mr. Han arranged, following the military order, very temperamental.

Eight snipers are placed around the Longwang Lake in the deep mountain where we are going to go fishing, that's enough!

If there is a wild animal approaching, it can be used as a lunch material.

Whoever snipes more wild animals will be rewarded!

With this order, the eight snipers were ordered to go ahead 10 minutes to set up their positions.

Song Sanxi was in the yard, looking at the old man's fishing materials, and asked him what fish he wanted to catch.

The old man said that there are a lot of things in the Dragon King's Pond, such as bastards and tortoises, all of which are old ones.

There is also a fish called silver face, which is very delicious and delicious, but it is very difficult to catch.

When Song Sanxi heard about the silver face, he smiled, and said yes, then we will have the silver face at noon today.

Then, he went to the kitchen, cut a lot of fresh beef and sheep liver leaves, soaked them in white wine, and brought them with him.

Mr. Han looked at it, smiled and praised: "Hey, you little boy, you really know how to catch a silver face? However, this old man has done it before, but he couldn't catch it. Once, when he was pulled into the air, Let it go away."

Song Sanxi nodded, "You have to be particular about fishing for a silver face. Let's go, we'll talk about it when we get to Dragon King Lake."

So, Song Sanxi's car, Han Lao's special car Hongqi l bulletproof series, two cars, went out and went into the mountains.

In Lao Han's car, there was only the driver, and Han Fen was alone with him.

With Song Sanxi, there is no need to bring medical staff.

This time fishing, the entourage was the least.

There are no helicopters in the sky, so there is much less movement.

Half an hour later, the vehicle came to an end.

There, the open area deep in the mountains.

There is a large river beach, and strange rocks protrude and stand tall in many places.

The scenery, pure and natural, is extremely beautiful.

The snow-capped mountains and snow water in the distance converge into a stream, forming the Dragon King Pool in the mountains.

When I got out of the car, there was also a cool air rushing towards me.

Song Sanxi looked at the Dragon King Pool, it was really big, the water was green and clean.

On the shore, among the stones and on the gravel, you can see many small fish, in groups.

When you come here, you can completely forget the hustle and bustle of the world and immerse yourself in the beauty and tranquility of nature.

The old man is in a very good mood.

Facing the rolling green hills, he roared a military song.

Song Sanxi looked and looked, found three places, and laid three fish nests.

The last of them is Silver Face Wozi.

It is made with beef and sheep liver.

That place is under a huge stone that protrudes into the waters of the Dragon King Pool.

Very steep.

Song Sanxi climbed up to make a nest, which startled the old man and told him to be careful.

Because that place, if it rolls down, it will be washed down by nearly 50 meters with the flowing water.

The bottom is full of rocks, which can kill people on the spot.

However, Song Sanxi was a brave man, went up and came down safely.

Han Faming couldn't help shaking his head, "Song Sanxi, what are you doing? Under the rock, the current is so fast, can there be a silver face?"

Song Sanxi smiled, "Try it and you'll know. Grandpa Han, third uncle, the two nests over there, you put down your poles and watch over them, maybe you can catch a big turtle. I'm going to collect medicine in the mountains."

Afterwards, he picked up the tactical backpack he brought out from the yard and walked towards the deep mountains upstream.

At this time, Han Faming hurriedly told his father that Mei Yuzhen was sick and Song Sanxi was treating him, but the boy didn't say what the illness was.

Old Han became worried when he heard this, and hurriedly shouted: "Hey, Xiao Song Zai Zai, you come back first, Grandpa asked you something."

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