Reborn Global Godfather

Chapter 703 Too Preoccupied

As the housekeeper of Princess Sarana, Song Sanxi's current status, of course, is not allowed to wear a swimsuit and swim in the sea.

Dignity, dignity, and rules are not allowed.

He could only wear a formal suit, a short-sleeved white shirt, black trousers, and leather shoes, and sat under a sun umbrella by the beach.

Wearing sunglasses, just look at the fairy beauty of the two princesses!

It has to be said that Sarana is tall, undulating and moving, and her body is full of youthful vitality.

In the blue sea, like a beautiful swimming fish, with plenty of energy, swimming very happily.

With a strong visual impact, she looks like a charming dolphin, flipping gracefully.

Little princess Xie Zehong is eighteen years old, her lines are not as prominent as Sharana, and she is not as tall as her.

However, the Qingling is pure and the ups and downs are just right.

The elegance of oriental classics is vividly displayed.

It seems that she is a beautiful little snow-white mink, swimming in the water, flexible and joyful.

Song Sanxi looked at it from afar, as if appreciating it.

It is also a kind of interest to not be close, but to watch from a distance.

Also eye-catching, there is also a strong security team around him.

This beach is only for the two princesses, no outsiders.

Security, too, is outrageously strong.

It was precisely because of the existence of security guards that Song Sanxi felt a little uncomfortable.

This is roughly the feeling of freedom being monitored and imprisoned, nothing else.

Song Sanxi understood that tomorrow is the time to say goodbye to Princess Sarana.

When the time comes, the empress will take the little princess to the airport to see him and Sarana off.

After serving these two noble beings, he can be regarded as free, and that would be comfortable.

When he was free, Song Sanxi would call one by one.

It's good to get in touch with people close to you, and talk about parting sorrows and so on.

Especially calling her little aunt Su Youxin, her daughter Tiantian, and that little fellow Lin Long, Song Sanxi really felt like returning home.

After all, he is still an ordinary person, and the old thoughts of family love come to his heart, which is also a special feeling.

The daughter yelled rake, and cried very sadly, it was too scratching his heart...

After a phone call, I feel extremely fulfilled.

This is the life he wants.

It doesn't matter what kingship and wealth are!

Not long after answering Song Sanxi's call, I checked the time, it was almost time.

Song Sanxi got up, and was about to greet the two princesses to take a bath, and then had to return to Yanjing.

Today's dinner is eaten on the special train, and everything has been arranged.

The phone rang again.

This time, it was Eunuch Hai calling.

Hai Qingfu said gently: "Xiao Song, you've worked hard these days, how are you doing?"

"Hehe, it's okay, it's okay. Director Hai, what's your order?"

Song Sanxi had a smile on his face, but felt a little bitter in his heart, and wanted to say: It's just that he's not quite free, and he's a little restrained.

"Tomorrow, Princess Sarana will be returning to Ayin. At noon, at Beixiang Palace, the lord's family of four will have a banquet for you and Sarana. After dinner, a special plane will take her back."

"Okay, I understand. I will tell Princess Sarana."

"After you come back in the evening, the Lord and His Royal Highness want to meet you. A special car will pick you up at the station. There is another team to take Sarana back to the hotel."


After the call was over, Song Sanxi nodded secretly.

It seems that the crown prince Xie Zelong has already returned to Yanjing if the lord and his family of four are invited to dinner.

Presumably, it was also the king who took his son to express his gratitude to the savior, right?

The etiquette of the aristocratic family is still required.

In his previous life, he only knew the prince and heard his name.

There is not much relevant information.

All I know is that Xie Zelong, the former crown prince, was the head of the city in a certain southern province.

People also said that Xie Yuan's idea is very sharp. He wants to pass on the position of the king to his son and pass it on from generation to generation. This is to open up a family model.

Of course, that's just a rumor.

Afterwards, Song Sanxi was reborn.

Just in time, let's see what a prince is in this world!

On the return train, in the luxurious western restaurant, Song Sanxi accompanied the two princesses and had a sumptuous seafood dinner.

The three of them laughed and talked about life, and they were still very happy.

Xie Zehong has an illusion that Song Sanxi, the elegant "uncle", is an uncle, a very interesting uncle.

As for Sarana, no matter what kind of makeup the man she loves looks like, she can still love her to the bone.

She also knew that after lunch tomorrow, she would bid farewell to this ancient land.

As for when we can see Song Sanxi again, I'm afraid I can't say for certain.

This time, she is equivalent to escaping to visit the Great Dream Country!

After returning home, I didn't know what kind of fire my father was going to make and how my mother was going to nag me!

Really, I really miss Song Sanxi so much.

After dinner, Xie Zehong went to wash up and was about to get off the car.

Song Sanxi accompanied Sarana to the luxurious private room of the train, and also washed up.

Before going out, Sarana fell into Song Sanxi's arms.

She wrapped her arms around his waist, resting her chin on his broad shoulders.

The delicate little face is next to his face after makeup.

You can still feel the elasticity and warmth of the skin under makeup.

The man's breath, with a hint of sea breeze, made her a little intoxicated, and her heart beat faster.

Song Sanxi, it's not like her heart is beating faster.

The beautiful Princess Ayin, the elastic body, the pure emotion, the ups and downs of the seductive heart, the feeling of blood pressure changing.

Outside the window, the bright moon and the starry sky are flying together.

There was a sudden silence in the bathroom.

It was so quiet that you could hear the other person's heartbeat.

Sarana remained silent for a long time.

Song Sanxi could only hug her silently, not knowing where to start!

After all, identities are different.

He is a simple citizen of the dream, at most he is talented and has some money, not the richest, let alone extremely powerful.

And Sarana, needless to say, has a special status.

After comprehensive consideration, Song Sanxi felt a little bitter.

It would be nonsense to say that you don't like Her Royal Highness the Princess.

However, he couldn't bear it anymore, and finally said in Chinese: "Forget it, I am not the pig that hogs the cabbage."

Sarana was stunned for a moment, and said in Indian, "Brother Sanxi, what are you talking about?"

"Oh, hehe, let me tell you, if you hug again, the Dameng pick-up staff outside should see it again. The reporters are all waiting outside!"


Sharana was ashamed.

Let go of Song Sanxi and look around, the special train is really slowly entering the station.

In the passage outside the door, a guard was still answering Xie Zehong: "Princess Sarana and Mr. Gitanja are still in the bathroom and should be coming out."

Xie Zehong let out an oh, but fell silent.

Sarana took a deep breath and smiled bitterly.

It felt like ten thousand years flew by in that hug, long and short.

She said faintly: "The Buddha said that thousands of years of practice in the previous life will rub shoulders in this life; waiting for 2000 years will give you a look back in this life; and obsession for 3000 years will make you last forever. Brother Sanxi, what are we? ?”

Song Sanxi was confused, "This...has the Buddha really said that?"

"Micah Huanxi Buddha Mahayana Sutra, recorded."

"Oh, I thought it was compiled by the author of the online novel! It seems that I am not proficient in Buddhist theory..."

"Hehe...Brother Sanxi, you haven't answered me yet!"

Sharana's eyes were shining, as bright as tears reflecting sparks, intoxicating...

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