Elf: Daily life starting from the wooden owl

Chapter 257 A new chapter opened from Hezhong

Returning from the Ferris wheel to the hotel, the two held hands, talking and laughing along the way.

What happened in the cockpit allowed their relationship to go one step further, but they were already very tired.

This also caused the two of them to completely oversleep that day, and the Snow Demon Girl didn't have the heart to wake them up, and then missed the opening ceremony at noon.

But starting from the second day, as long as there is a game, they will definitely be there. With Mu Muxiao around, it is impossible not to squeeze in.

During the rest period of the players in the middle, they will take the train and go to the wilderness to find the extreme giant energy point and train the extreme giant battle.

However, I found a very interesting thing, that is, although Mu Muxiao couldn't get extremely gigantic or super gigantic clothes.

But it can be gigantic by itself, provided that the clothes it wears can be gigantic, and if it can't, it won't work.

For example, when Mu Muxiao puts on Melmetta's clothes, he will also look like Gigamax Melmetta after being gigantic, but it looks a little weird, and the middle head is replaced by Mu Muxiao's entire body.

Afterwards, I tried it again, and the supergiant transformation of the two clothes of the King's Bronze Elephant and the Frost Milk Fairy was also successful.

Needless to say, the giant bronze elephant is a piece of mahjong after gigantic, but the Frost Milk Fairy is so cute, like a huge cream birthday cake, with a cream wooden owl on it for decoration.

It is said that after King Leiguan became extremely giant, the clouds above his head were blue, but the kohlrabi would not dry it. It was Mu Muxiao who tried it on, and it turned blue successfully, which was different...

Time passed day by day, and soon the final of the Eight Masters was ushered in. Qibana had already passed to Dandi in the first round, so the opponent in the final was someone Lu Ming didn't know.

But this is normal, the elf world is so big, and there are so many trainers, there are always some strong enough to get here.

But in the end, it was just a pawn to Emperor Dan. There is no doubt about it. He has won the championship for two consecutive seasons, so the excitement is naturally needless to think about.

After watching the finals, Lu Ming and Xiaobaicai returned to the hotel full of enthusiasm, because it happened to be a plane ticket in the evening, and they had enough rest here during this period.

Although they lived in the same room, it sounded a little strange, but it was just like usual, and nothing else happened.

"After playing these days, I always feel a little fatter, and I have to keep fit."

Xiaobaicai saw that she didn't have a little extra waist, and she didn't know how she could see that she was fat.

"If you run two more laps, you will lose weight."

Lu Ming tidied up his bag and responded with a smile. After everything was packed, he continued, "Are you done? Ready to go."

"It's already packed."

Although I only stayed in Galar for such a short time this time, I still saw and learned a lot, and it is worthwhile to come all the way here.

After catching Mu Muxiao who jumped over from the table, the two checked out and left the hotel, took a flying taxi nearby, left Gongmen City, and headed for the airport.

Arriving in Celebration City the next afternoon, the two went home, and then Lu Ming took Pikachu out to check the situation of its companions.

After running around all the elf centers in the urban area, it has been confirmed that there is basically nothing serious, and some mice were discharged from the hospital early after recovering.

These are free treatments, but those cats find their own trainers, and then bear the responsibility for poor care, and pay for the medical expenses themselves.

As for those who couldn't find a trainer and wild cats, they were temporarily managed by the police station, and they would deal with them later.

Chiri is still in Zhuqing City. With a wave of his hand, he built a foundation for these wandering elves with his own money.

What wandering elves usually lack is food and shelter, but here provides them all, but now that the Chinese New Year is coming soon, only cheap houses have been built, and the rest of the work will be done after the next year.

Foundations are not profitable, and Chiri has done a lot of things like this. Someone asked him why he did this, and his answer was that he just wanted to protect this beautiful world.

So these elves don’t need to worry at all now, the foundation is near the police station, and the elves will not be restricted from going out, they are completely free, but only if you can’t make trouble...


After learning about this, Pikachu was completely relieved, and the companions here no longer need it to worry about it.

And I can also stay with Lu Ming with peace of mind, and then continue to become stronger.

"Let's go."


Pikachu happily jumped onto Lu Ming's shoulders. Maybe one day in the future, these companions will see him stand on the field and defeat his opponent on the live TV!

After returning home, after a night's rest, he and Xiaobaicai boarded the plane to Curtain City.

After arriving at noon, I changed the bus to Shenhe Town. So far, the one-year trip has finally come to an end.

Looking back on the past, I can't believe that so many things happened. Originally, I went to Alola just to get a badge, and finally defeated God Guanghui and came back...

Back home, Dr. Jie Zilan was chatting with Wang Luo in the living room. After seeing the two people appear, they each showed different expressions.

When Dr. Jiezilan happily grabbed Lu Ming to talk, Wang Luo immediately walked up to Xiaobaicai and asked in a low voice, "Did that guy do anything to you for so long?"

"What are you thinking about?"

"I'm worried about you!"

"Lu Ming is very kind to me, he taught me a lot, and with him, it's much easier and more fun than traveling alone."


Wang Luo had nothing to say, he couldn't compare to being raised since he was a child, so he had to leave in despair.

As for the development of the relationship between the two of them, Dr. Jie Zilan has no objection at all, including Xiaobaicai's parents who have not been home for many years.

In the next few days, Lu Ming has been performing well and developing well,

Occasionally, I would meet Wang Luo, who loves to find fault, and then each bb a few words, and finally dispersed.

Soon this year will be over completely, and Xiaobaicai also received a huge wristband sent from Galar, and she is overjoyed.

Then on the third day after the year, this guy Wang Luo went to nowhere and disappeared.

As for Lu Ming and Xiaobaicai, after signing up for the new season championship, they are currently planning a new travel plan.

In the end, they made a choice between Hezhong and Fengyuan. The two of them seemed to have a certain feeling, and they chose Hezhong without hesitation.

"Hezhong has a lot of kingdom legends and ancient ruins. Compared with Fengyuan's super ancient history, which is almost wiped out, this place may be more suitable for me." Xiaobaicai explained, her main goal, Or make a good mythologist.

"I would like to meet the Plasma team when traveling, and get rid of them all at once, so as not to have long nights and dreams."

This is what Lu Ming thought. Hearing from Lila, many religious remnants have been found in Hezhong, and many of them have been arrested, but not a single important person has been caught.

"You really like to do such dangerous things." Xiaobaicai glanced at him, although she wasn't too worried.

"Indeed, but it's really hard to say who is dangerous." Lu Ming touched Mu Muxiao, and if he couldn't beat him, he went to the railgun.

Unless you can make a three dragons in one, which is obviously impossible, wait for gf to remake it in black and white before filling in the pits.

Arranged properly, Xiaobaicai stood up, looked at her plan in the note, and nodded with satisfaction.

"Then let's make it like this, starting from Hinoki City in the farthest corner of Hezhong. There also happens to be an airport there, so let's set off tomorrow!"

"it is good!"


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