After leaving the elf center, the Snow Demon Girl suddenly said: "Stay still, isn't that guy clearly using you?"

"Have you heard a word?"


"Troublemakers come out of poor mountains and bad waters!"

"Does this... have anything to do with it?"

"It's okay, but at least I can't be as knowledgeable as these gangsters. I'll keep a low profile when I catch that gangster first, and there are still people pretending to be me. Do you think I'm easy to bully!"

This is what makes Lu Ming angry. Things like finding gems are small problems. How to catch this person is the most important thing.

"Let's go, first go to Denghuo to have a look."

"Wait, I have to go digging treasures alone, so farewell!"

King Leiguan suddenly appeared, and then floated towards the direction of Treasure Beach, and passed without even taking the flower leaves.

Seeing this, Lu Ming immediately shouted: "Dig as much as you want, it's best to clean it all up!"

"rest assured!"

The Snow Demon Girl was also speechless when she saw these two guys, wasn't she just trying to vent her anger...

Deng Volcano is an extinct volcano located in the northernmost part of the first island. It was also a place of worship in the local area, where many powerful wild elves lived.

Because the flame bird perches on the top of this huge peak, even at night, the brilliance of the flame of the holy bird can be clearly seen, hence the name of the lamp volcano.

Sitting on Keldeo, they paddled all the way through the Huozhaoshan Road. On some floating islands on the road, there were many giant claw crabs and giant claw crabs.

And after arriving at the Denghuo volcano, some flame horses and small fire horses could be seen grazing here, but when they saw someone appearing, they immediately put on a deterrent posture.

"Look at what!"

Keldeo stared back directly, feeling its strength, these flame horses did not dare to approach, but just protected the little fire horse behind them.

"Don't scare them, let's find the ruby ​​first."

Lu Ming looked up towards the top of the volcano, but he didn't know where the ruby ​​was.

But if you want to ask these things clearly, you can go directly to the boss here, it couldn't be easier.

"Let's go, let's go directly to the top of the mountain to find the flame bird, let it lead us to find it."

He changed Mu Muxiao into Rogia's clothes. In places like volcanoes, it's better to avoid fighting.

It's just that when he was about to go up the mountain, he suddenly found human footprints on the ground, and it was very new, because there was a lot of sand here, and if it took a long time, it would have been blown away by the sea breeze.


Lu Ming compared his feet and found that the face was smaller, it should be the footprints of a woman, and there are many other footprints here.

"Have so many people come to Denghuo these days? It can't be that they are all looking for rubies, right?"

He was a little curious, if it was true, why did Jinhui ask him to come here?

Unless none of these people went back, but that would be a horror story, obviously unlikely, but generally no trainers would dare to come over Denghuo Huo, so who would it be?

"Interesting, let's follow this footprint and see, maybe there will be some surprises!"

Lu Ming didn't intend to hide anything in this kind of place, so he decided to go overboard.

These footprints are not very chaotic, they are obviously moving in a certain direction in an orderly manner, they should be in a group, and there are at least six people!

Thinking of this, he asked Keldeo to open the way ahead, and then followed behind with Mu Muxiao in his arms, without releasing other elves.

Soon they came to a cave entrance, looking at the traces here, it was not formed naturally, but was blown out with something later, it is estimated that it took about two months.

It seems that those people should be here for this place, and people will come here often, but it is relatively hidden, and there will not be too many people moving.

Lu Ming stood at the entrance of the cave and glanced inside. The wall was red and the temperature was very high. It seemed that it was a passage leading to the interior of Deng Volcano.

"Go ahead."


Keldeo continued to lead the way. The inside was dug out, and there was only one road dug down. It was impossible to get lost.

However, after passing through, there was a burst of hot air in front of it, and the surrounding vision expanded a lot in an instant. Some magma pools, as well as some small fist stones and lava worms could be seen all around.

"Sure enough, but what are they trying to do by digging so deep?"

Lu Ming didn't understand, but soon there was a voice not far away, he immediately hid behind a rock, and then began to observe...

I saw a few people wearing hard hats with the word "r", carrying something unknown in bags, walking all the way here.

"A member of Rainbow Rocket Technology Co., Ltd.? Why are you here..."

Lu Ming frowned, feeling that the matter was not simple, and then these people carried bags and were about to pass in front of the stone where he was hiding.

Then Keldeo shot in an instant, spraying water on the ground, and instantly formed water vapor after high temperature, covering the surroundings and blocking the line of sight.

"what's the situation?"

"I don't know... wait, where is my bag!"


Waiting for the water vapor to be absorbed by the double bomb gas, all of them froze in place, only to see that the bag containing the things had disappeared at this moment.

"Oops, there are thieves!"

As soon as these words came out, one of them suddenly trembled, but no one noticed anything unusual, and then they split into two groups, one team chased outside, and the other chased inside...

"Hey, it's simple~"

Lu Ming took the bag, sat on Keldeo, and continued to run towards the depths

Then he opened the bag and saw a dazzling red light flashing, which almost made him throw the bag out.

I saw that there were actually six red gemstones that looked like crystal structures, which seemed to contain some kind of energy.

If he guessed correctly, this thing should be the ruby ​​that Jin Hui asked him to find, but the other party only needed one, but there are actually six of them here!

"Good guy, those people came here to dig this up, right?"

Lu Ming was surprised. He didn't understand what they were digging for. Could it be used as some kind of energy?

I can't figure it out, but since these things are all dug out here, as long as you run to the innermost part, maybe everything will be clear.

Keldeo was advancing very fast, but in this high temperature environment, it was inevitable that some traces would be left behind, and they were found after a while.

But Lu Ming didn't care, he just wanted to find out what he wanted to know. As for these rubies, he would only take one away, and if there were no problems with the others, he would definitely return them all.

Soon, the former convenience had already seen the end point. Looking from a distance, several rumbling rocks were digging, but it seemed that they had not dug anything.

"It looks like they are digging for rubies. Go over and ask them what's going on."

Lu Ming released Tianxi, and it was very easy to deal with this kind of matter by letting him go.


Tianxi immediately jumped towards a few rumbling rocks. After the other party found out that it was a cute girl, he confessed everything in an instant. Most of the elves have such a simple mind...

"They said that they have been digging here for two months, they only need rubies, and they don't want anything else, and then someone will come to collect these rubies regularly, as if they are researching what needs to be used."

"Well, nice job~"

Lu Ming smiled and patted its head, and then took Tian Xi back. It is not allowed to be seen by other people at will.

But now it is really clear what research Rainbow Rocket Technology Co., Ltd. is doing. As for whether it is good or bad, I don't know.

"Forget it, I won't offend you for now, I'll talk about it after I'm done."

After thinking for a while, he took away one ruby, and threw the others on the ground like this, and then prepared to leave.

But at this moment, all those people were blocked, and there was nowhere to escape.


He changed Mu Muxiao into the clothes of King Leiguan, covered it with spiritual power, and he could easily pass these people in a fair and honest way...

"All the rubies were thrown on the ground!"

"One, two...five, one is missing, that person must have taken it."

"But this is a dead end. Unless we jump into lava, how can we not find him? Isn't that too strange?"

Among them, the person who behaved a bit strange suddenly guessed: "Maybe it's invisible? Like changing into a hidden dragon?"

"It's possible, look around, these ruby ​​fifth islands are still waiting to be used."

These people were about to take action, but at this moment, there was a sudden bird cry, and then the entire interior of the volcano shook, and the magma was raging, as if the volcano was about to erupt.

Everyone looked up subconsciously, only to see a figure descending from the sky with brilliant flames.

Its feathers flashing red flames, and sparks sparkle immediately when it flaps its wings, which is exciting.

But at this moment, its sharp eyes were fixed on Lu Ming's direction.

"Yeah, Mu Muxiao's spiritual power was detected by the flame bird..."


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