At the same time, predators such as Yondu, who really have a lot of eyeliner in the field of knowledge, have also rushed to the scene, and stared at Xingjue at a glance in the chaotic crowd.

There are wolves in the front and tigers in the back, but fortunately there is a fool who is willing to take the initiative to stay behind.

So Xingjue immediately made a choice, took Gamora's hand and ran towards the dock.

As Ronan's tall figure appeared from a necromancer ship, none of the pedestrians who were still bustling on the street ran away in an instant.

In the face of prestigious accusers, even these desperadoes have to stay away.

And Rocket, who was tangled for a long time whether to go or stay, finally chose to survive, and took Groot to chase in the direction where Star-Lord left.

"Scythe boy, take care!"

Raast, who was floating in mid-air, was a little impatient when he heard it: "Rory, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah."

Lu Wu ignored him, but asked the Cree in black leather armor on the opposite side:

"You are Ronan?"

"Are you the one who just sent the message?"

Ronan also asked about the strange young man in front of him, who had half of his body transformed with prosthetics and whose hairstyle made him very uncomfortable.

After the two asked the question, they didn't speak again, as if whoever answered the question first would be short of the other for no reason.

During the confrontation, Xing Yun, who came down from a necromancer ship, suddenly looked at several single-person mining ships flying by in the sky, and shouted anxiously:

"Gamora is there!"

"She ran away with that cosmic spirit ball!"

Saying this, the woman with more machines than flesh and blood began to beckon the other Cree to return to the spaceship to capture her sister.

Ronan gave Lu Wu a contemptuous look, and was about to leave.

Compared to the inexplicable young man in front of him, the Cosmic Spirit Ball is more noteworthy.

But Lu Wu definitely couldn't let him go, so he turned to the scythe beside him and said, "Raast, go, have two moves with him."

The sickle shook slightly: "You always like to order me, Kayn, but... obey."

While speaking, an uncontrolled giant scythe appeared behind Ronan, slamming down on his neck.

"By order of the Emperor of the Universe, you should die, little blue man!"

Such a blatant attack, Ronan didn't notice it was a ghost.

I saw that he first said to Xing Yun who boarded the necromancer ship again: "Take back the cosmic spirit ball."

Turning back in an instant, he grabbed the sickle blade that was about to hit him with one hand.

As the fingers gradually exerted force, there was an overwhelmed creaking sound from the sickle, as if it would be crushed at any moment.

"What's going on, Raast!" Lu Wu said sarcastic remarks from the side: "I don't think you have contributed at all!"

"Swipe softly, like a queen girl!"

"Shut up, idiot!" Raast countered unceremoniously: "I'm just a scythe, and I need you to use it!"

Lu Wu plausibly said: "You still like to make excuses for yourself so much!"

"Enough!" Ronan finally couldn't stand the bickering: "Who the hell are you!"

Raast, who was caught, said, "He's asking you."

"He doesn't even know me." Lu Wu said fiercely, "I want to teach him an impressive lesson!"

Raast: "That's exactly what I mean!"

As soon as the words fell, Lu Wu immediately disappeared in place, and when he reappeared, his hand had already grasped the end of the sickle.

Raast, who was still a little sluggish just now, suddenly changed his tone: "Kill him, show me your skills!"

"Presumptuous!" Lu Wu scolded his companion, took the sickle back from Ronan's hand, grabbed the end of the sickle, swung it in a semicircle in the air, and smashed it down again.

"Woohoo, so-called strength!"

Raast continued: "Flesh and blood are flying!"

Ronan felt that he was being molested like a street girl, and his anger inspired him to fight.

"Damn it, I'll let you taste the price of provoking me!"

Dodging the falling sickle on one side, raised his hand and pointed his palm at Lu Wu.

He possesses the ability to fire a blast of energy that can snap the necks of enemies in an instant.

It's a pity that Lu Wu's neck is much harder than he imagined.

The majestic energy surged away, but Lu Wu just twisted his head and tapped the back of his neck.

"I didn't sleep well yesterday, I feel like I have a stiff neck."

"Me too, Kayn!" Rhaaster yelled, "but I can't find where the neck is!"


The dark descendant who told a bad joke didn't make others laugh. He was out of breath from laughing first, and even the sickle as the main body was trembling slightly.

"Raast, your jokes always seem so inappropriate." Lu Wu complained about his companion's barren sense of humor, while waving the scythe that hit the ground again.

His body was lean and light, as if he was dancing, and the heavy sickle seemed to lose weight in his hands.

No one seemed to pay attention to the famous accuser in front of him, which made Ronan's gloomy face even darker.

In fact, compared to emitting energy, Ronan is more proud of his combat skills, which is his capital in the galaxy. uureading

He closed his mouth that was slightly opened because of his indignation, and after avoiding several swings of the scythe in a row, he found the right opportunity and rushed forward.

Then...he was knocked to the ground by Lu Wu's punch.

"Too weak, too weak!"

"Ronan the Accuser, hmph, that's all!"

Lu Wu shook his head in disappointment, inserted the sickle into the ground, rode on Ronan, and punched him hard in the face again.

"I actually have expectations for a guy like you who has a reputation for nothing."

"What a disappointment!"

While he was shooting left and right, punching the accuser who was frightening to others, Raast beside him was shouting angrily.

"Kayn, is this how you treat your friends?"

"Put him in the ground?"

Lying on the ground, Ronan, who had no ability to resist, was beaten dizzy.

He couldn't figure it out, he was clearly evenly matched before, why he couldn't beat him all of a sudden...

After a while, Lu Wu was finally tired, panting heavily, and got up from Ronan.

He turned around to get the sickle next to him, but after taking two steps, he felt overwhelmed and kicked Ronan back.

"Bah, you trash, what a disappointment."

The accuser with a bruised nose and swollen face and bloody mouth can only lie on the ground and hum.

But Lu Wu didn't leave in a hurry after picking up the sickle, but kept looking at the distant sky.

"Why don't you come back, it's so slow."

Fortunately, not long after, a ghost ship from the Cree Empire appeared and slowly landed on the ground.

"Ronan, mission accomplished."


"Ronan, what's going on!"

Ronan, who was pretending to be dead with his eyes closed just a second ago, suddenly opened his eyes and shouted at Xing Yun who got off the boat:

"Spirit Ball, give me the Spirit Ball!"

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