Starting from the heavens to perform the entire League of Legends

Chapter 322 Who dares to deny it, catastrophe is coming!

About 180 billion years ago, there was a place in the universe called the God Realm.

With the continuous evolution of species in the God Realm, a large number of humanoid creatures have emerged and developed powerful abilities.

They call themselves gods.

Under the leadership of the gods, the entire God Realm has made great progress in both technology and culture.

It's a pity that the good times don't last long...

Due to different philosophies, the God Realm has been caught in internal conflicts between factions.

This eventually resulted in the destruction of the Divinity, and the remnants of the Divinity became two distinct planets.

One is a utopian world ruled by the "Father", called the new founding star.Represents wisdom and fairness, and is the party of justice.

The other is Apocalypse, ruled by the dark lord "Dakseid".Dedicated to conquest and tyranny, he and his minions are synonymous with evil.

Despite the many conflicts between the two parties, they are collectively called the "New Protoss".

And on the new founding star, a scientist created three regular cubes called "mother boxes" in order to develop a small, portable, and sentient supercomputer.

The mother box can open the "sonic boom channel", which is the only way to reach Apocalypse/New Founding Star.

In addition, it is indestructible, can trace the source of energy, and change the gravitational constant of an area;

transfer energy from one place to another;

Perceiving danger, life, creating positions, rearranging the molecular structure of matter;

Control the subject of the mental state, communicate with other life forms through the subject; take over and control conscious or unconscious machines; maintain the life of the subject in harsh environments.

It can be said that as long as you can think of it, the mother box can do it.

Moreover, the combined power of the three mother boxes is extremely powerful, which can easily destroy or drain a planet, or completely transform the planet according to the user's wishes.

Darkseid, who was far away on Apocalypse, knew the power of the mother box. In order to realize his dream of ruling the entire universe, he managed to obtain the mother box and immediately started his own road to conquest.

5000 years ago, he came to earth with his army.

At that time, the earth was still ruled by multiple forces, including humans, Amazons, Atlantis, and the Olympian gods led by Zeus, the king of gods.

After a shocking battle, coupled with the help of the space visitor Green Lantern Corps.

The forces of the earth successfully thwarted Darkseid's ambition to conquer the earth and seriously injured him.

Darkseid fled in embarrassment with his remaining army, but accidentally left three mother boxes on the earth.

Knowing the dangers of the mother box, the forces on the earth finally decided to hand them over to humans, Atlantis, and Amazons for safekeeping after consultation.

Time flies, time flies,

5000 years passed quickly, and humans finally occupied most of the earth and entered a modern society.

The abandoned Mother Box also fell silent until one's death.

Clark Kent, an alien born on Krypton, turned out to be Earth's savior.

He also has a better name: Superman.

Due to the existence of this extremely powerful hero, Darkseid didn't even have the courage to come to Earth to retrieve the mother box.

Not long ago, Superman and a super villain "Doomsday" died together. His wailing before death awakened the sleeping mother box again.

The three mother boxes simultaneously sent signals to Apocalypse, which is countless light-years away.

Darkseid learned of Superman's death, so he sent his subordinate "Steppenwolf" to the earth to seize the mother box and bring the earth under the rule of the dark monarch.

And the Steppenwolf finally set its first target on the mother box guarded by the Amazons.

The Amazons, all of them are tall women, are a warrior race with a prosperous force and all the people are soldiers.

They live on Paradise Island, which is protected by the magic of God King Zeus, so it cannot be detected by human high-tech equipment, and it is an isolated place.

It is precisely because of the existence of stance that the residents here live forever.

Therefore, many Amazon warriors were witnesses of the Great War. When they discovered that there was a change in the mother box, they immediately notified their queen "Hippolyta".

Hippolyta is facing a formidable enemy, she understands how terrifying the mother box is, and also knows that Darkseid is powerful.

Especially now that the planet is so weak.

So, she summoned a large number of Amazon warriors, who stood day and night in the stone prison where the mother box was stored.

Hippolyta came to inspect the stone prison as usual today, and just had a few conversations with her adjutant, only to find that the glowing crack on the mother box suddenly went out.

The atmosphere at the scene suddenly became tense. The soldiers raised their weapons and put on a posture, looking vigilantly at the mother box that had returned to calm.

A senior Amazon military officer speculated whether the mother box fell into a deep sleep again.

Hippolyta replied: "Evil does not sleep, but waits for an opportunity."

Sure enough, as soon as she finished speaking, the cracks lit up again, more dazzling than before.

At the same time, the entire stone prison began to tremble, and a huge air flow was passive, mixed with buzzing buzzing, resounding in the ears.

"Something is coming." The adjutant stared at the mother box, his face full of dignity.

Hippolyta made a decisive decision and ordered all Amazons to prepare for battle.

Not long after, as the mother box trembled more violently, a beam of light shot straight into the stone prison from the sky, and landed next to the high platform where the mother box was placed.

A storm-like airflow swept across, and a large number of Amazon warriors who were waiting in battle were blown away and hit the wall behind them.

But these experienced female warriors quickly rearranged, raised their bows and spears, and aimed at the direction of the beam of light.

On Paradise Island, the rest of the Amazon warriors also saw the beam of light fall, and immediately gathered their teams to support the stone prison.

A few seconds after the beam of light landed, dozens of monsters rushed out of it, waving wings like dragonflies.

They are roughly human-shaped, but their heads are more like insects, their skin is covered with a layer of armor, and their chests glow with orange-red light.

Immediately afterwards, Darkseid's subordinate Steppenwolf also came to the earth along the beam of light.

The female Amazon warriors were already tall enough, and the Steppenwolf was more than twice as tall as them.

He was carrying a huge axe, with two large horns bent backwards on his head, and his whole body was covered by a kind of movable silver scales, only his face was exposed.

He turned to look at the mother box, and the scales on his body also changed with the movement, protruding sharp thorns.

"I have come to enlighten you with great darkness."

"I will be immersed in your fear."

However, the Amazon warriors led by Hippolyta showed no sign of fear in the face of a powerful enemy, and instead smiled.

"Daughters of Paradise Island, show him your fear!"

"We have nothing to fear!!!"

But when the war was about to break out, billows of smoke and dust appeared in the stone prison, like the smoke of war, mixed with bright sparks.

In the smoke and dust where nothing can be seen clearly, a huge monster descended.

"It's time! The end of the world! It's coming!!!"

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