Man is in the moon, the dead apostle starts

Chapter 128 Roast Rabbit and 5 Fairy Brothers

Falling in love with you, people are in the month, dead disciples start


Tonelli yawned listlessly, his eyes looked a little confused, and even his steps were a little staggering, as if walking in a dream.

The sun is already preparing to carry the bucket and run away. The fine dust is dancing gorgeously in mid-air, and the warm light of the setting sun shines into golden ripples.After a high-intensity night battle, coupled with non-stop driving for most of the day, the entire goblin was hollowed out, and she felt that she urgently needed to take a break.

"How about spending the night in the woods just ahead tonight?"


Mikael's words came into her ears with some illusory feeling, and Tonelli barely opened his eyes, but he didn't seem to open them, he just nodded perfunctorily, and dealt with it casually.

The woods are not very dense. After all, beside the road leading to Darlington, they can at most play the role of sunshade. I don't know if it is an illusion, but Tonelli seems to smell the aroma of barbecue.

Joan's nose wrinkled slightly, and she felt that she was not dreaming, but that she really had the real aroma of barbecue.For some reason, her stomach felt a hunger like twisting sackcloth. Obviously, for a goblin, as long as she has magic power, she can survive, and food is just something to please herself.

The drowsiness was driven away by the barbecue, and Tonellico's eyes were piercing, scanning the woods in front of him, trying to find the trace of the barbecue.

Rest is necessary, and of course you can't give up the barbecue. As an adult paradise fairy, she wants it all!

It's just that before Tonellico, Mikael had already discovered the goblins who were grilling meat in the woods. The mystery and magic fluctuations contained in them were like candles lit in the dark, super obvious.

There are six of them. Although five of them are very strong, they are limited and have not yet reached the level of the upper-level goblins. It is also the weakest kind among them. Fairies of this level are not worthy of his attention.

The only ones who can make him care are the high-ranking goblins and the legendary returning ancestor Yaling.As for the other goblins... sorry, it's not Mikael targeting them, but the goblins below the superior goblins are rubbish.

These goblins seem to be resting too, and they also have a vehicle similar to a carriage. If possible, Mikael decided to buy a carriage as a means of transportation. He is not a pious pilgrim and insists on using his feet to go Measure all of Britain.



After passing through the sparse bushes, in a relatively clean open space, Mikael and Tonelli could see the elves who were grilling meat. Unexpectedly, they were the elves of the Fang Clan.

The compartment of their carriage was tightly sealed, and even the windows were locked. It looked like a cage. Mikael glanced at the compartment inadvertently, and then retracted his gaze, showing a polite and noble look. Smile.

"Sorry to bother you, our wandering bard, would you allow us to take a nap here?"

Seeing Mikael and Tonellico appearing in front of them, the goblins of the Fang Clan who were grilling meat were also taken aback. You must know that Moss has been more active these days, so the goblins rarely spend too much time in the wild If it wasn't for that big business, they wouldn't have taken the risk to cross such a long distance from the territory of the Clan of Fangs to Darlington, the territory of the Clan of Earth.

And these two goblins dared to wander alone in the wild, and they didn't seem to be very sensitive. They were lucky not to be dealt with by Moss.

They looked at each other, exchanged glances quickly, and constructed a whole set of plans.So a hearty and friendly smile appeared on his face, and he greeted Mikael and Tonelli eagerly.

"So it's a bard, it's really rare, come and have a good rest, we just roasted some rabbits, let's eat some together."

"The rabbit is so cute, how can you roast a rabbit? As expected of the Fang Clan, it's so cruel!"

Tonelli murmured, looking at the fat rabbit roasted until golden in front of him, smelling the intoxicating aroma of meat, he couldn't help swallowing.

However, she was not fooled by the hospitable and roasted rabbits of these goblins in front of her. After seeing them, evil thoughts emerged in the hearts of these goblins, and they were nakedly exposed to her goblin eyes.

[I actually bumped into two silly goblins, and I was actually a bard. If I sold it, I would definitely sell it for a good price. 】

[It looks like the elves of the Wind Clan. Male elves can be sold to the arena, and female elves can be sold to the lord of Darlington. The price is twice that of male elves. 】

[The male elf is not very strong, but the female elf already has the magical power close to that of a superior elf. If he makes a rash move, he might overturn. 】

[By the way, how about using "A Midsummer Night's Dream", the things we exchanged from the Wing Clan, even the high-level goblins, can only be slaughtered by us. 】

[In addition to the goblin from the Mirror Clan that we caught earlier, we have gathered [-] goblins back and forth. I hope that old guy will keep his word and give us the legitimate right to sell iron weapons. 】


Seeing the evil thoughts churning in the hearts of the Clan of Fangs, Tonelli couldn't help but look at Mikael. Although he didn't have fairy eyes, Mikael could also sense some kind of malice they had towards him.

However, since he feels malicious, the previously planned purchase plan can be thrown aside, and Mikael doesn't mind enjoying the pleasure of "purchasing for zero yuan".

Coincidentally, his eyes and Tonelli looked at each other, and the two of them understood each other's meaning in an instant.

[Tonellico: If the fairies of the Tooth Clan want to harm us, what should we do?Is it better to strike first or...]

[Mikael: It's okay, don't startle the snake, let me see what they plan to do first. 】

[Tonellico: It seems that a poison called "Midsummer Night's Dream" is going to be used on us. These fairies of the Clan of Fangs are really hateful. 】

【Mikael: If it's poison, I'll handle it. I'm curious what kind of poison they can come up with. 】

[Tonellico: Be careful, don't be careless, poison is very dangerous. 】

[Mikael: Don't worry, I'm also a professional in the field of poisoning, so it's time to compare skills with my peers. 】

[Tonelli can:]


Although I don't know how they exchanged so much information through a single eye in a short moment, Tonelli couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief after learning that Mikael was prepared.

During the nearly two months of getting along day and night, although Mikael was sometimes a little off-line, he was still very reliable in this situation. Since he said that he had already made preparations, he just needed to rest assured. , and then watched how he "played" with the five unlucky Fang clan goblins in front of him.

I have to say, it really makes the goblin look forward to it.

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