Man is in the moon, the dead apostle starts

Chapter 246 The Imprisoned Emiya Kiritsugu

Sola couldn't help flashing doubts in his eyes, because he didn't know the strange black-haired woman in front of him, and he didn't know the reason why she wanted to attack him.

I saw the strange woman in front of me put the still warm muzzle of the sniper rifle on her face, the pungent smell of gunpowder smoke made Sora burst into tears, and the counterattack magic even forgot the formal dress on her body No, she was simply trembling in front of this weapon that could take her life anytime.

But she can't be blamed for this, the pampered young lady usually studies the political struggle in the Clock Tower, she has never systematically studied combat skills, and she doesn't know what to do in the face of an attack.

"I ask, you answer, if you refuse, I will shoot."


Hisau Maiya looked down at Sora on the ground. She had seen Sora's information in the documents left by Emiya Kiritsugu, and tracked it all the way here through the familiar. If it is as expected, this place should be theirs. new stronghold.

Even if a large-caliber sniper rifle hits a person's torso, it is deadly enough, so she aimed at Sora's leg, making her lose her ability to resist without losing her life.

She still needs to ask this woman about Kiritsugu's whereabouts. If she refuses to cooperate, Hisau Maiya is already ready to torture and extract a confession, but this will definitely not be pleasant for Sora. Experienced.


Threatened by the muzzle of the gun, Sola could only whimper in a low voice, her delicate makeup was messed up by tears and snot, and her hair as bright as flames couldn't help but dim.

"Do you know Emiya Kiritsugu?"

Hisau Maiya asked calmly, while not forgetting to pay attention to the surrounding scene.


Sora's eyeballs rolled, and when he was about to speak, Hisau Maiya interrupted him again.

"Answer after thinking about it. If the answer is not satisfactory, I will cut off your limbs."

Hisu Maiya squatted down, roughly pulled Sora's right hand, then pulled out a sharp dagger from her waist, and stuck it on her white and smooth wrist.

The coldness of the steel made Sora shudder involuntarily, and the small thoughts in his heart also disappeared.

"I know."

"Then is he still alive?"


"Where is he now?"

"Being locked up in the magic workshop, Kenneth said that he is a magic body worth studying."

"Take me there, if you dare to play tricks, you will understand the consequences."


After ripping off Sora's clothes, without caring about cleaning them, Hisu Maiya simply and roughly bandaged up the missing section of her left leg. In order to prevent her from continuing to lose blood, she carried the half-conscious Sora on her shoulders.

With her level, she could only see that there was magic covering the entire dilapidated factory, but she couldn't find any flaws, so she could only hope that Sola on her shoulder would play a role, allowing her to enter the factory safely.

Walking into the dilapidated factory nervously, the magic barrier used as a warning was not triggered.If a qualified magician comes here, he will find that the enchantment in front of him is too rough. Apart from a few warning spells, there are no other spells.

But Hisau Maiya didn't know this, so he could only use the stupid method of taking Sola as a hostage.

"Where is Emiya Kiritsugu?"

She pushed the submachine gun to the back of Sora's head, and asked in a low voice.

"From, go straight along this corridor, and then the room on the right."

Sola said drowsily, even though he did his own writing, the broken leg was still bleeding.

In the empty corridor, even a small sound would be played loudly. Hisu Maiya walked carefully in it. The magician's workshop is not too much compared to the dragon's pool and tiger's den, and she cannot be careless.

Borrowing Sola's hand to push open the door of that room, in the depths of the dark room, the light from outside shone in through the opened door, and also illuminated the silhouette of a human being suspended in mid-air.

Hisu Maiya's pupils shrank sharply, no matter how dim the light was or how far away she was, she would not mistake that person's face.

Sola on her shoulders was thrown aside like a torn sack, she walked forward quickly, staring at the man with all the skin in front of her, she couldn't help clenching her fists.

Emiya Kiritsugu's tough face is pale and distorted, which shows how much torture he has endured. The blood on his chest has congealed into a blood scab, and the hideous wound recovered by using magic is vaguely visible. It almost cuts open the entire chest. Several removed ribs and parts of internal organs can be seen on the tool on one side.

Kenneth is very interested in the origin bomb that can directly destroy the magic circuit, which is why he didn't kill Emiya Kiritsugu immediately, but compared with the experimental subject who became a magician, it may be easier to die than to live some.



Hisau Maiya called out Emiya Kiritsugu's name in a low voice, she had never seen such a weak Emiya Kiritsugu, even on the battlefield where the strengths were disparate, he would calmly formulate a plan, and then complete his goal.


She called softly again, and at the same time carefully lowered Emiya Kiritsugu who was hanging in mid-air.

As if he heard someone calling him, Emiya Kiritsugu's eyelids trembled slightly, and finally opened slowly, his empty shell-like pupils stared straight at the dark ceiling above his head, like a torn cloth Baby, until Hisu Maiya's face broke into his line of sight, he didn't get a touch of color for that paleness.


Emiya Kiritsugu groaned, feeling hot tears dripping down his face, Hisu Maiya's tearful smiling face was reflected in his eyes, and then he was hugged into a warm embrace.

"Maiya, I, I failed..."

He took a deep breath, feeling the severe pain of the cold air flowing into his lungs, and only the real pain reminded him that he was still alive, and only this real pain kept him from completely falling into chaos.

Hisau Maiya just hugged him tightly and didn't say anything.

When she was supporting Emiya Kiritsugu and was about to leave the room, she noticed Sora who was struggling to curl herself into a ball, looking at her with a terrified pale face.

Hisau Maiya looked at him coldly, pulled out the pistol at his waist, broke off the safety device, and aimed at Sora's forehead.

"You said that if you cooperate well, you will let me go!"

Blush welled up on her pale face, looking at the black hole of the gun, Sola shouted hoarsely, waving her hands desperately, her disheveled hair looked like a ghost crawling up from the bottom of a well.

"Sorry, you misremembered."

Hisu Maiya squeezed the trigger expressionlessly, and with the sound of gunshots, Sora was like a doll whose clockwork was broken, and the action came abruptly.

The smooth forehead was pierced by the bullet she despised, and a mixture of red and white brain tissue sprayed out from the hole in the back of the head, and landed on the dusty wall behind her, leaving a cruel picture in ink of life.

bang bang bang-

She fired several more shots at Sora's body, shooting at the vital parts of other parts, making sure that Sora was indeed dead, and then put down the gun in her hand.

"Let's get out of here, Kiritsugu."

Ignoring Sora who was already dead, Hisau Maiya gently supported Emiya Kiritsugu, and the two of them staggered out of the dim factory. The moonlight stretched their shadows for a long, long time, and finally met Together.

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