Man is in the moon, the dead apostle starts

Chapter 250 Kirshtalia's Second Battle

, people are in the type moon, dead apostles start

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After about 10 minutes, they could already see the Fuyuki Church from a distance, but what they saw was a ruin, which looked like the remains of a dead creature under the dark and gloomy night.

"Even the supervisor was attacked? It seems that the neutral zone is not absolutely safe."

Even though he said so, Shizi Jieli turned off the engine and stopped the car. There was candlelight in the ruins of the church. With the help of farsighted magic, he easily saw a figure in a priest's costume.

The man sat on the bench, facing a cross, seemed to be meditating, and seemed to be praying, just like a sculpture.

"Then let the child stay in the car first, and I'll go check it out first."

After Shishi Jieli checked the weapons and equipment he was carrying, he pushed open the broken iron gate and walked towards the ruined Fuyuki Church.

"Are you the master of this Holy Grail War? I am the Supervisor Kotomine Kirei."

The man in the priest's attire sensed the footsteps behind him, stood up slowly, and calmly faced the lion Jie Jieli.

"Is this the neutral zone? Why is it like this?"

Shishi Kyokai did not approach rashly, but stood at the original gate, keeping a certain safe distance from the supervisor who called himself Kotomine Kirei, his body instinct reminded him that the priest in front of him was very strong .

"Originally, this place should be a sacred and inviolable neutral zone, but a master broke the rules, so this master, what do you want?"

Kotomine Kirei stared at Shishi Kyoukai, he could sense the aura of death lingering on the mage in front of him, and if it was as expected, this master should be the one who set up his base in the public cemetery of Fuyuki City.

"Just to take a look. After all, the Holy Grail War has passed for several days before I remembered to register."

Lion Jie Jieli let out a hearty laugh,

"But looking at it now, there's no need for that. Hahaha, I have something to do and I'll leave first. Then goodbye, Mr. Supervisor Kotomine Kirei."

Without staying too long, he turned around and walked outside while putting his hand on the short-barreled shotgun hanging from his waist. Although it seemed unintentional, he was actually paying close attention to Kotomine Kirei's movements.

Kotomine Kirei didn't say anything, he didn't do anything, he just quietly watched Shishi Jiekai's back as he left.


Back in the car, Shishi Jieli heaved a sigh of relief. Looking at the ruined Fuyuki Church, he started the car without hesitation, intending to stay away from this place.

"My lord's choice is correct."

Although Chen Gong didn't follow him, he could still get the vision of Shishi Jiejieli. The distance from the car to the church was only a few tens of meters, which was not a problem for the heroic spirit at all, so he didn't follow him. .

"Destroying the neutral zone is not worth the loss for the masters who participated in the Holy Grail War, so I suspect that this so-called supervisor is not just a simple supervisor, and it is very likely that he has already reached an agreement with a certain master. That’s why we have attracted the attacks of other Masters.”

Chen Gong adjusted his glasses and gave his own guess. Although it wasn't very accurate, he guessed most of the facts.

"No, I just simply feel that there is something wrong with that priest named Kotomine Kirei." Shishi Jieli subconsciously looked at the rearview mirror, and the ruins of Fuyuki Church had been left behind by him, submerged in the deep in the night.

"I can't tell the specific reason. If I insist on explaining it, it should be said to be a man's intuition."

"Intuition is the primitive survival instinct of creatures seeking advantages and avoiding disadvantages. It is a talent that everyone possesses. It is only strong and weak, but generally speaking, it is still trustworthy."

Chen Gong nodded slightly, then glanced at Sakura who was lying beside her, her fair skin had turned pink, there was something faintly wriggling under her skin, the effect of the sleeping magic had faded,

The imprinted worms gradually woke up.

"My lord, someone is controlling these bugs remotely. If we can get rid of the magician who manipulated the bugs, our pressure may be relieved a lot."

He stretched out his hand, and lightly touched Sakura's hot forehead, activated the sleeping magic again, and the engraving worm became quiet again, and even Sakura's body temperature dropped accordingly.

"That disgusting old man playing with bugs?"

Lion Jie Jieli recalled a little bit, the magician who manipulated the bugs left a deep impression on him, it seems that he did not die in the explosion last night, but it is normal to think so, after all, bugs in nature The life-saving means are first-class.

"However, we hardly know anything about him. Even if we can defeat him, it is estimated that it will be difficult to completely kill him."

Information is an indispensable part of a magician's battle. As long as there is enough information, one can find weaknesses or flaws in it, and the outcome is often decided before the battle.

"My lord, before we get rid of that worm manipulator, I think it's better to get rid of the troubles in front of us first."

Chen Gong suddenly opened his mouth and said, he looked towards the front of the road, in the indistinct darkness, the flames of the burst of magic power shot up into the sky, the blond boy in a white windbreaker stood there, watching from a distance .



Kirshtalia was a little distressed, the Holy Grail War had already passed for several days, and it was really embarrassing that he hadn't defeated any of them.

The more we get along, the more he can appreciate Mikael's profound knowledge comparable to the vast starry sky. No matter what type of magic system uu reads, all are at hand, even the long-lost magic system of the Age of Gods is no exception.

Maybe Teacher Mikael doesn't care, but as a disciple, he must maintain the reputation of Teacher Mikael, and there is no better way than defeating other masters and followers.

Before going out routinely, Kirshtalia used astrology to divination for himself. Astrology showed that he would be rewarded tonight, and the location was in the west, with the trajectory of the servants who had flitted across the sky before. Just the opposite.

After a little hesitation, he sent his familiar to the east and cast the magic of empathy.At the same time, he took Archer to the west of Fuyuki City. He was very curious whether this kind of astrology, which subverted the traditional celestial magic base, would have the desired effect.

But soon he had a harvest.

"Master, the car in front of you has the aura of a servant."

Arash's eyes passed through the darkness of [-] meters and landed on the oncoming car. For him with clairvoyance, it was easy for him to do this.

"I see."

Kirshtalia nodded. Naturally, he also felt the huge source of magic power approaching, but the other party didn't seem to notice them.

Due to his status as a nobleman, he did not choose to take the opportunity to sneak attack, because doing so would only discredit the Wadham family and Mr. Mikael.

He released his magic power, showed his own existence, and sent an invitation to the master to fight from a distance. Only by defeating the opponent head-on in an upright manner, can the victory be worthwhile.

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