, people are in the type moon, dead apostles start

In the basement of the Magic Workshop, Mikael found the original body hidden by Aozaki Toko. Due to the loss of the inner soul, the whole body is like a sleeping vegetable, maintaining the lowest activity of life.

Throwing this body into the imaginary pocket casually, he felt the opening of the enchantment at this moment. If as expected, the executor of the designated seal bureau should have arrived.

"Good day, Lord Animsfia."

The executor who broke into the magic workshop was slightly surprised to see Mikael here, but out of courtesy, he saluted respectfully.

"Good day, Sir Charles."

Mikael nodded slightly, with a solemn expression in front of his eyes, and the middle-aged man with deep decree lines on his face is the executor of the designated seal bureau, Charles Fraga Macremys, who was born in an ancient Irish magic family, and at the same time He is also a descendant of the Red Branch Knights.

"By the way, I still have some things to do. You should do your work first."

He waved his hands at the other executors with a smile, and then walked out like that.

"Sir Charles."

An executor behind him looked at the back of Mikael's departure, and frowned slightly. There is no doubt that the target of their operation had received the news in advance and fled, and the source of the news was, as expected, the astronomical scientist in front of him. monarch.

According to the normal process, at least it should be kept for record, even the monarch is no exception, their seal designation bureau is not under the management of those monarchs, and has the right to act independently.

"It's not necessary. You take other people to search the vicinity. I guess our target shouldn't have escaped too far."

Casually dismissing this subordinate, Charles rolled his eyes and let out a disdainful sneer in his heart, these new recruits are just difficult to take care of.

Although the Seal Designation Bureau is an independent agency in name, the various monarch families have also stuffed people into it. Today you are so blatantly targeting the monarch of the Animsfia family, and you don’t know how you will die tomorrow.

When my daughter Bazzett becomes an executor, I must teach her to give up properly, so why work hard, is it not good to catch fish?And the magician designated by the seal is so easy to catch.



"I am very happy that Chengzi can break through the shackles of magic in ancient times. If given time, maybe Chengzi can really achieve our great wish through the prototype of **, so it is even more necessary to keep Chengzi well, isn't it? "

Not far from the Orange Magic Workshop, Mikael met Inolai. When she said these words, as a teacher, she was really proud of Aozaki Orange's achievements in the magic way.

Inole is an orthodox magician, it is normal to have such thoughts, Mikael nodded, noncommittal to her words.

This is a conceptual issue, and he will neither agree nor oppose it.

"Okay, let's not talk about that."

Seeing that Mikael wasn't interested, Enolay changed the subject.

"As far as I know, the future Patriarch of Bathermelo has also announced that he will join the crusade against Fu Hailin Anaxiu, and he is also armed with part of the choral team."

"It should be said that a newborn calf is not afraid of tigers, and it is better to be ambitious than when you are old. However, the future Patriarch of Bathermelo seems to be much more enthusiastic about hunting down the ancestors of the Dead Apostles than the current Patriarch of Barthemelo. Although facing death directly The Seventh Patriarch is a little dangerous, but presumably even if the crusade fails, there should be no problem in retreating." She seemed to be unintentional as she said that the Patriarchs of Bathermelo always took the lead in the crusade against the Dead Apostles. The whole magic world is well known.

However, even among the many Patriarchs of Bathermelo, they have not officially assumed the position of Patriarch, and they have not even reached the peak of their own strength. Lynn Anaxiu.

If it succeeds, it will naturally be the strong rise of the young queen, and Barthemero's majesty will be further enhanced, but if it fails, the criticism and damage will not be too little. No one wants to see Barthemero's status further solidified.

Of course, not only the democratic faction represented by Inolai, but also the aristocratic and neutralist factions that Mikael belongs to.

But Mikael just kept that polite smile, as if he didn't hear Yinolai's implication at all.

But Inole didn't care, she knew that Mikael in front of her was not stupid enough to be a sharp knife in her hand, if he was really so stupid, then he wouldn't be the famous fool.

All she has to do is to plant a seed and ignite a little spark. Maybe one day, the seed will grow into a towering tree, and a single spark can start a prairie fire.

Although it is very likely to fail during this period, what loss is there for her?



In the plain scenery of the countryside, a vehicle that does not match the surrounding painting style speeds by.

It was a mobile fortress with a total weight of more than 35 tons, with a super-powerful and brutal internal combustion engine. The light of the headlights pierced the slightly gray air, and it was clearly visible even kilometers away.

The huge cargo box being towed behind made a harsh sound of "creaking and creaking" on the bumps of the country road, and the thick tires pressed the muddy road tightly, expelling barbarism as rudely as civilization.

The song of pity for the devil—this is the name of this truck. As the name suggests, it is equipped with hammers, crosses, and medical equipment. It combines the latest technology of mankind with ancient mysteries to create cutting-edge monsters that loosen those aliens to see the Lord.

In the days since it landed in England, the monster has never failed to attract attention, and it roams the countryside like a rampaging chariot.


"yesterday, all troubled seed so far away"

"now it looks as though they are here to stay"

"oh, ibelieveierday"

"suddenly, inothalftheobe"


A blasting song came from the car stereo, the sound was so loud that even the roar of the engine could be suppressed. With a sunny face and a hedgehog hairstyle, the priest who looked very suitable for playing cards shook his head following the rhythm of the singing, driving easily Below this ferocious machine.

The name of this song is "yesterday", which is one of the representative works of the Beatles. It can be regarded as a classic old song, but even after nearly 30 years, there are still many people who like this song. Naturally, he not excluded.

While making the country road scream, Dawn let the monster run with his habitual gestures, not caring about the narrow field path.

There are no roads in the world, you can just drive there. This seems to be what a certain philosopher in the East said. In his opinion, it makes sense. At least on flat land, it is not too difficult to stop his car. many.

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