During the chat between the two, time passed quickly, and the heterogeneous existence of the two rituals felt the existence of another heterogeneity for the first time, which gave her more emotions.

"It's getting late, don't you need to go home?"

"go home?"

The two rituals turned their heads slightly, thought for a while, and then nodded. According to the memory of the personality whose body was originally active, this time is indeed late enough.

"If you don't mind, let me give you a ride."

Mikael pointed to the black car parked on the side. Although both he and the two ceremonies could achieve the miracle of teleportation, such a life would become more and more boring.

For those who already know the result, I am afraid that only the process can make them a little bit more interested.


The two ceremonies did not reject Mikael's proposal, and then sat in the back seat with a smile, sitting side by side with Mikael, Alpha just glanced at the rearview mirror, and then deleted this memory from his own deleted from the soul.

If something happens.It's better not to know anything than not to report it.

Following the guidance of the two ceremonies, the car came to a quiet street, with green bamboos planted on both sides, perhaps because of the early spring, in the white snow, the tender green branches highlighted the vitality of life.

And in this bamboo forest, there is only a stone path leading to a deeper place, and the mansion inside is faintly visible.

Although it is considered the outskirts of the city, it occupies a full length of the street, which shows that the Liangyi family is considered a wealthy family in Guanbuzi City.

In front of the bamboo forest path, a tall and straight young man in a suit and leather shoes stood there, like a lighthouse guiding the return, looking at the streets on both sides.

"Just stop there."

The two men pointed in the direction of the man, and Alpha slowed down the speed of the car and stopped there smoothly.

"Goodbye, it was very interesting tonight, and I look forward to seeing you for the second time."https://

She pushed open the car door and waved to Mikael with a smile. Her slender figure looked like a tall and straight bamboo under the dim light.

"Me too, I'm sure we'll meet again soon."


"Miss Shi, that man..."

Yanmu Qiulong looked in the direction of the car's departure, watching it quietly merge into the darkness in the distance, and couldn't help frowning slightly.

He was convinced that he heard a man's voice, judging by his sensuality, he was about 24 years old.

Of course, this is not important. The important thing is that Miss Shi actually asked other people to take her home. For him who is responsible for taking care of the daily life of the two ceremonies, and almost watching the two ceremonies grow up, this is completely unbelievable. things.

He didn't worry if anyone would dare to have bad intentions towards Miss Shi. Although Eryi was still young, after a long period of training, she was more than enough to deal with grown men, and no one in this city dared to treat the heir of Eryi's family shot.

"Just an interesting friend I met."

Liang Ri smiled and looked at him, then walked towards the mansion, Yanmu Qiulong couldn't help shivering, for some reason he felt that there was something he couldn't understand in those pure black eyes, which made him afraid .He has never felt that way before, it's not pure majesty, it's more like a mortal is facing a god walking in the eternal world.



According to the guidance of the magic imprint on the invitation, after crossing half of Guanbuzi City, I finally found the magic workshop of Aoqi Chengzi.

Looking at the unfinished building in front of him that hasn't even been capped yet, with rough concrete walls on the surface, Mikael wondered if he came to the wrong place.

It can be said that there is nothing more decent than living under a bridge hole.

However, the people-repelling barrier covering the entire building proved that this was not just an ordinary ruin, it was a ruin inhabited by magicians.

The invitation turned into a stream of light, opening a portal on the enchantment. Mikael entered the enchantment, entered the first floor that didn't even have a door installed, and went up the rough stairs to the top.

The second and third floors should be Orange’s magic workshop. You can see the well-preserved materials for making dolls, and there is also a semi-finished doll. It may be because it has just been built. In addition to the most basic warning barrier, this magic workshop , and nothing else.

The lights on the fourth floor were still on, and if it was as expected, Aozaki Chengzi should be waiting for him there.

"Welcome to the No. [-] branch of Jialanzhitang."

Seeing Mikael walk into the room, Aozaki Tachibana greeted weakly. She looked very tired, with a cup of steaming coffee in her hand, sitting on a spring chair with her legs crossed superior.

"Hey, I haven't seen you for a few months. Why is Ms. Canozaki Chengzi, the crowned puppeteer and designator of the seal, so haggard?"

Mikael glanced around, and finally found a wooden stool to sit on, because there were not a few decent pieces of furniture in the whole room, so it was more like a construction site than an office.

"Recently, I received a design drawing, and the other party asked for it urgently, so it was a little hard."

Aozaki Orange put it on the table in front of her, and then stretched her waist. She was wearing a brand new white shirt and short hair that reached her neck. She looked like an ordinary secretary.

Maybe it was because the stretching was too big, the buttons on his chest were tightly stretched, and it seemed that there was a risk of flying out at any time. on paper.

Although he likes to appreciate beautiful things, he prefers the other party to take the initiative to let him appreciate them.

"Hey—is this the architectural design drawing?"

Mikael suddenly noticed the lines drawn on the drawing, which aroused his long-standing memory, and he could not help but smack his lips.

"The lobby of the east building of Ogawa Apartment."

"Well, it's a very troublesome thing. Party A is my former classmate Araya Soren. He also wants to build a magic workshop in Guanfuzi City."

Cang Qi Chengzi said casually, then picked up the coffee, gently blew away the curling mist in the sky, and took a sip.

"But although troubles are troubles, he gave too much, so I couldn't refuse."

"What I'm curious about is that Miss Orange, you are actually good at architectural design. I didn't expect that besides the crown puppeteer, you actually have such skills."

Mikael carefully looked at the design drawing. The thick and thin lines are used very well. Even the complicated hand-painted drawings still look orderly, clean and regular.

"Architectural design and puppet design can be said to be interlinked in some respects, and there is a sense of beauty in it, and architectural design can also play an analogous role in my puppet design."

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