Man is in the moon, the dead apostle starts

Chapter 317 RE: Private school life starting from a teacher

Dimitri's death didn't cause any waves. As for the lofty ambitions of the so-called fools, Mikael didn't bother to know.

If it doesn't hinder him, he won't care if he turns the world upside down. Of course, if he does, Mikael will show those people why flowers are so popular.

Of course, it was not without any impact. There were dozens of unsolved missing cases in Guanbuzi City, and Yuqi Middle School also lost a diligent teacher.

The next day,

The two ceremonies focused on the scenery outside the window as usual, and the bell rang for the class. According to the schedule, this class should be a math class. As expected, there should be a new teacher to take over the position of Mr. Sakamoto.

Accompanied by the sound of rhythmic footsteps, the door of the classroom was pushed open, and a handsome young man in a suit and leather shoes stepped onto the podium, put the lesson plans on the podium, and glanced at the students in the audience, his white hair like white snow There was a silvery brilliance in his eyes.

Immediately, a smile appeared on his handsome face, and then he stretched out his white, slender, bony hand to pick up a piece of chalk, then turned around and wrote his name on the blackboard.

"Then students, this is the first time we meet."

He stretched out his hand to support the golden eyes on the bridge of his nose, nodded slightly,

"My name is Mikael Stefan Animsfia, just call me Teacher Mikael. Because Mr. Sakamoto has resigned, I will be your math teacher for the next semester .”

The two ceremonies looked at the white-haired youth on the podium, and couldn't help but widen their eyes. Some wondered if they were wrong. Of course, to a certain extent, this was the first time she met Mikael.

The time was spent in such torment. She never thought that time would pass so slowly, and finally waited until the bell rang for the end of get out of class.

She stood up suddenly, but hesitated for a while, and finally sat down in the seat.The rest of the students left in twos and threes, and soon the classroom was empty, only she was left sitting there alone.

The two ceremonies looked down from the window, and felt the peace and harmony as always. Those untouchable scenery, it is because they can't touch that they don't have hope.

Zhizhi asked to stay today. She rarely had such a strong desire, but since Zhizhi wanted so much, she would also fulfill Zhizhi's wish.

The classroom was dyed red by the setting sun, and at the same time, I remembered the sound of knocking on the door gently.

"Student Shi still hasn't left at such a late hour, should he be waiting for someone?"

Mikael walked in with a chuckle, and sat familiarly opposite the two ceremonies.

"Yo, of course I'm waiting for you."

This kind of manly tone should be the personality of "Zhi".

"I didn't expect you to come to our school to be a teacher, but then again, can such a dangerous guy like you really be a good teacher? Maybe you are planning some kind of terrorist attack or something."

Weaving finished speaking smoothly in one breath, thanks to the inexplicable intimacy, it sounded like a daily conversation between friends.

"How is it possible? I think that in the field of teaching, I still have some experience."

Hearing Mikael's words, Zhi stared at him suspiciously, trying to see any flaws in his face.

"So do you have anything to say to me?"


Weaving scratched his head subconsciously, there was no reason, he just wanted to do it and did it.

"Then how about a sparring?"

After thinking for a long time, she came up with such a reason, which was almost a reason.

"It's not impossible, but as compensation, how about you accompany me to visit this city? I'm new here, and I don't know much about this city yet."

Mikael nodded, and gladly accepted Ori's invitation to discuss.

"Don't worry, leave it on me, I know this city very well."

Zhi Zhi patted Xiao He's sharp chest, and promised proudly.


"Surprise and no danger" got rid of Yanmu Qiulong who was waiting at the door, and Mikael and Zhi took a taxi to the bustling business district in the city center.

This is one of the most prosperous areas in Guanbuzi City. It gathers various industries such as leisure and entertainment, catering and clothing. The traffic is also particularly developed. It seems that it has not been affected by the economic winter at all. Even if it is a non-rest day, the people on the street and Vehicles are also in constant flow.

"I've wanted to come here a long time ago."

She excitedly took Mikael's hand, and looked at the dazzling shops on both sides under the complicated eyes of passers-by. Although she said that she was leading Mikael to get familiar with the city, she wanted to play first by herself. a joy.

Mikael just smiled, this was originally something we had hoped for, but he said it with his own mouth.

For places like cinemas, game halls, and coffee shops, Ori didn't stop. It was difficult for such boring things to attract her attention. She focused more on various shops.

It's just that she just went to the department store to go shopping, to see all kinds of products, to see all kinds of shops, and to go to the next shop after seeing enough, without any intention of buying anything.

However, most of the shops she visits are women's clothing stores. Even though her personality is "Yang" representing men, fortunately, there are no issues such as gender confusion.

When visiting a store, Zhi suddenly stopped and set his sights on a piece of clothing.

It was a red jacket. Although it looked unattractive, it seemed to have a neutral beauty. Zhizhi suddenly felt that this dress should be very suitable for him.

"My guest, have you taken a fancy to this new spring style? There is still a [-]% discount if you buy it now."

The shopping guide on the side came over, she had been paying attention to Zhizhi and Mikael for a long time, not to mention their appearance which was obviously higher than the average passer-by, just from the clothes on their bodies, they were worthless Fei.

The kimono on that girl should be handmade, and the fabric looks very high-end. As for the young man accompanying her, that self-evident temperament is incompatible with others. This should be the so-called aristocratic temperament.

"No, I'm not interested in this dress at all."

Weaving shook his head, walked out of the store, and marched towards the next store. When Mikael passed by the shopping guide, he nodded with a smile, and then pointed to the dress.

"Hey, you guys hurry up and keep up."

Zhizhi realized that Mikael was not behind him, so he turned back, grabbed his wrist forcefully, and let out a snorting chuckle,

"This method of coaxing little girls is ineffective for me, and I will not show mercy in the competition."

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