Financial novice has a system

Chapter 118 Work Handover

Signaling Wang Zhenji to sit down at his desk, Mai Minwen smiled and asked him, "Isn't it a surprise today?"

Wang Zhenji nodded quickly: "Yes! But, I'm more happy!"

I am happy that Mai Minwen's promise to himself before is not a blank check.

In the future, you can trust the chief financial officer a little more.

Mai Minwen suddenly laughed happily: "I said, as long as you perform well, I will reward you well. This time, you performed very well in the project of Tenglong Real Estate, so both Director Zhao and Director Hu There is no objection. I believe that based on your previous experience in Deqian, you should also be able to secure this position, right?"

Wang Zhenji cheered up quickly: "I have confidence."

When you become a supervisor, you have a certain degree of autonomy in your work. In this department, except for the director and manager, no one can add tasks to yourself. On the contrary, you can add tasks to several subordinates.

In this way, you can view more financial files.

"Yeah!" Mai Minwen also nodded with satisfaction: "Besides, I also talked to Chu Yufan just now. She just came to the company for a longer time than you, but she is still a little less capable when it comes to the details of the work. Some also recognize your auditing level. So, don't worry about her existence. When it's time to be tough, you still have to be tough."

Wang Zhenji still smiled: "I respect Sister Fan's qualifications, but if she makes a mistake, I will definitely point it out."

"Okay!" Mai Minwen nodded approvingly: "I believe you have such courage. I also hope that you can give full play to your own level. Go to work! By the way, our finance department will have a dinner in the evening, which is a celebration You and Monley's promotion, you must participate."

Wang Zhenji was slightly stunned, and then smiled with relief: "The manager has already told me that I will participate. My cousin will also come."

Mai Minwen also laughed immediately: "I heard that Director Chen wanted to introduce his relatives to your cousin?"

Wang Zhenji was quite surprised: "Mr. Mai, you also know about this? Yes. My cousin doesn't mind seeing each other first, so we'll see."

"Okay, you young people, it's good to make more friends!" Mai Minwen waved his hands generously: "Okay, let's go to work!"

Wang Zhenji got up quickly, walked out of the director's office, and then walked into the manager's office.

After hearing his intentions, Feng Jiaomei, who was not surprised, called Chu Xia: "Now Wang Zhenji is the supervisor of a group, and Meng Li is handing over the account books of the outsourcing project with Brother Feng. You first talk to Wang Zhenji? cash and bank accounts."

This is the process that must be followed in the handover of supervisors, and Chu Xia readily agreed: "Okay!"


Considering that Feng Jiaomei had been in charge of a group of supervisors for two weeks before, Wang Zhenji only glanced at the cash journal and bank deposit journal brought by Chu Xia.

Of course, the key point is that the system didn't prompt for a green label, so it's impossible for Feng Jiaomei, a senior accountant, to fool Feng Jiaomei.

This pair, right up to noon.

After lunch, Liang Feng called, and Wang Zhenji went to the tea room to answer it.

Liang Feng's voice on the phone seemed very cheerful: "Mr. Han called me last night and hinted at it, but please don't reveal it to you first. I have heard about Director Zhao of your company before, and he is considered an idler. The second generation of the official, he doesn't like to be in charge, and this time he came out because of his father's relationship with Mengli."

"Moreover, your company's recent business expansion is too fast. It is true that the layout of the finance department needs to be readjusted to calculate and control costs better and faster. This is only the first adjustment, and it is not ruled out that there will be other adjustments later."

"Tenglong Real Estate has won, and you, Director Yu, plan to rectify the internal affairs within half a year, use the next two years to draw up a beautiful financial account, and then apply for listing on the New Third Board, and wait for it to be safe. , and then switch to the main board. Mai Minwen put you in the supervisor position, on the one hand, to make you more familiar, and on the other hand, he also wanted to ask me to help you look, so as not to make mistakes. It’s okay, you just work hard and find problems Report it sooner."

Well, with the teacher's endorsement like this, Wang Zhenji's self-confidence became stronger.

Then, when he went to work in the afternoon, Wang Zhenji was a little surprised when he saw several large baskets of financial statements, accounting vouchers and account books that Meng Li had handed over to him.

"This month's is all here. I've checked it out. If you're worried, you can read it again." Mengli said calmly: "The top one is the unfinished notes, and there are some notes below. , see for yourself."

Let's just say this one won't bow down so quickly.

For other handovers, no matter what, they have to be handed over one by one, instead of simply writing a piece of paper like this.

Thinking to himself, Wang Zhenji picked up the dozen or so precautions listed on the top sheet of paper, saw that they were clearly written, and then smiled slightly: "Okay, let me read it first, and I'll find you if I have any questions."

He did have some doubts about the several transactions in the cash account and the bank deposit account, and he was about to look at the account of the main business income.


The financial accounts of the head office are mainly based on management expenses such as business entertainment, normal expenses of various departments, transfers in and out of funds, transfers in and out of research materials, financial expenses, taxes and various surcharges.

One of the most problematic ones is business entertainment, and the other is taxes and various surcharges.

It's almost the end of July. On the one hand, the half-year financial profit summary needs to be done, and on the other hand, it is the critical moment when various taxes start to be calculated.

Fortunately, Chu Yufan and Liu Zhaolai were in charge of this, so Wang Zhenji's main focus was on business entertainment and capital transfers.

First prepare a few accounting vouchers based on the original documents, and then check the relevant cost and expense data and income in the computer for the past month, and estimate the relevant taxes and profits in my heart...

At around 05:30 in the afternoon, Wang Zhenji rubbed his shoulders tiredly.

Finally, it was a little more difficult than the previous work.

I haven't looked at the full cost account yet, so it's hard to make a conclusion, but overall, since this month, since several major projects have been won one after another, the business expenses are too high.

There must be some tricks in it, Wang Zhenji pondered for a while, turned off the computer screen, strode into the manager's office, and asked Feng Jiaomei a question.

Feng Jiaomei sat helplessly behind the desk and looked at him: "I also feel that business expenses are difficult to control. Do you have any good suggestions?"

"This should have something to do with the business habits of those salesmen in the marketing department, right? Some just like to please Party A, while others have certain skills." Wang Zhenji said: "Can we filter them out and let those businessmen with certain skills Do the personnel have more chances to face Party A?"

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