Financial novice has a system

Chapter 214 Did You Guess Right?

And this point has always made Liu Zhao, who thinks he is young and beautiful, somewhat frustrated.

Except for work, Wang Zhenji treated her with a pleasant face, and occasionally made jokes, but at other times, Wang Zhenji did not show the slightest ambiguity towards her.

Compared with his attitude towards the manager, it is completely different.

Soon, Liu Zhao smiled wryly again: "Yes, with the manager here, she is so beautiful and capable, he will definitely choose her immediately. Therefore, in order to avoid the manager's misunderstanding, he will definitely keep a distance from me."

"But, am I bad?"

Liu Zhao subconsciously touched his face, which was still full of collagen: "I am one year younger than the manager! I just haven't passed the exam, but I am also an undergraduate student who graduated from a prestigious university, and the boy who pursued me before There are also many!"

"If he and the manager have a conflict because of Hu Feiyan, will he feel good about me?"

Thinking of Wang Zhenji's handsome smile and his courage to contradict Mengli, Liu Zhao felt very reluctant again.

If such a man encounters any major event, if he likes him, he will stand in front of him immediately, protecting him from the wind and rain, right?

Oh, I'm so bored, go to sleep!


To Wang Zhenji's surprise, at around ten o'clock the next morning, he was busy at his desk when he suddenly received a call from the Universe Bank.

Wang Zhenji did not avoid the crowd, but accepted it in public.

It turned out that the credit card customer service of Universal Bank invited me to apply for the Centurion Black Gold Card of Universal Bank.

Wang Zhenji was very surprised: "I have just graduated two months ago, how do you know that my aptitude is very good?"

The bank customer service on the mobile phone replied with a very polite smile: "Mr. Wang, the national bank system of our Great Xia Kingdom is connected. The system judges that you have this qualification and has passed the manual approval of our leader, so don't worry, since We have invited you, so it will definitely be approved!"

Wang Zhenji asked curiously again: "How much is the general amount?"

Bank customer service: "This will not be known until you have passed the approval, but generally it starts with a quota of 500 million, and the higher one depends on each person's qualifications. In fact, the current consumption of our Great Xia Kingdom can reach 500 million. Quite a few million, right?"

Sure enough, it was as good as the legend said!

Wang Zhenji immediately responded happily: "Okay, let's make one!"

Who knows when the China Merchants card can be advanced?

When you need to spend a large amount of money, you will feel a little uncomfortable if the amount is not enough.

Although you can also use a debit card to swipe directly, but this will reduce the benefits of using a credit card.

The money rewarded by the system is also earned through hard work and ability, so if you can get more discounts, get more!

When Wang Zhenji ended the call, he saw He Feng beside him asking in surprise: "Universal Line noticed you, did you buy a lot of things yesterday?"

Wang Zhenji shook his head: "3000 million is just in the early days, how much is there!"

As soon as these words came out, the entire large office area of ​​the Finance Department was startled.

Even Meng Li, who usually looked indifferent, couldn't help looking at Wang Zhenji strangely at this moment.

Lin Xiaohan was the first one to jump out in surprise: "Ah, Director Wang, you spent 3000 million yuan yesterday? Daxia coins?"

Wang Zhenji glared at him angrily: "It's not Daxia coins, is it still Island coins?"

Lin Xiaohan immediately clicked his tongue in amazement: "I remember that our company hasn't distributed dividends to shareholders, right?"

This envious tone immediately made Wang Zhenji laugh: "It seems that you still have some confidence in your memory! But, who stipulated that the company does not pay dividends to shareholders, so I must not have so much money?"

Seeing Lin Xiaohan startled again, Wang Zhenji said intentionally, "Instead of envying me, you might as well settle down and pass the ACC exam well, or get a pass."

Lin Xiaohan blinked, and then smiled: "Well, I will work hard. But, Wang Dong, can you tell me what good things you bought last night?"

Wang Zhenji saw that other people in the large office area were also listening with sharp ears, so he deliberately kept it a secret: "Well, you will find out soon, and now, I want to keep it a secret."

"Ah!" Lin Xiaohan, who was full of expectations, immediately collapsed in frustration.

Others also sighed in disappointment.

Liu Zhao's eyes became somewhat complicated and dim.

He Feng's eyes lit up, and then he picked up his phone and sent Feng Jiaomei a WeChat message: "He bought you 3000 million yuan of jewelry last night? Is he so willing?"

Soon, seeing Feng Jiaomei's helpless WeChat reply, He Feng understood.

It turned out that they wanted to compete in front of Xie Yimei and Sun Shuzhi, a wealthy couple!

Hmm, that's pretty good too!

Moreover, the questions that had been lingering all night finally had an answer.

Sure enough, she bought a ring and proposed in front of Xie's family!

Yes, it seems that this kid really wants to live a good life with Jiaomei!

After he was satisfied, another question spontaneously arose in He Feng's heart.

The Centurion Black Card of Universal Bank has relatively strict review on the holders. The asset requirement is at least hundreds of millions, and the average daily balance is not less than 5000 million.

What kind of big project did Wang Zhenji take on to earn so much evaluation fees all at once?

Even his boss couldn't help being envious.

As a former middle-level partner of Bilmes, and also worked in SDIC, He Feng thinks that the speed of making money in the investment club is not low, but the current deposit has not exceeded [-] million yuan, which is far from reaching The point where I was actively invited by the Universe to apply for the Centurion Black Card.

Doubts are doubts, but this is Wang Zhenji's secret after all, and it's hard for He Feng to ask.

It seems that we can only find a chance to inquire again.

After Wang Zhenji answered He Feng's words, he focused on his work again.

Until 11:30 noon, the administrative department suddenly issued an announcement. In order to celebrate the return of directors Wang Zhenji and Wang Aihua, and to celebrate the promotion of Mr. Han and Mr. Mai as directors of the company, at around [-] p.m. floor ballroom revelry.

Since the company's board of directors also invited several important Party A and downstream partners to attend the banquet, the employees of the company are requested to be humble and courteous when entering the venue, and pay attention to etiquette.

Well, this is the official celebration reception!

Liu Zhao was taken aback for a moment, and then his heart was pounding.

Could this be the opportunity Hu Feiyan mentioned?

By the way, she is Hu Dong's niece, so she must know the news in advance!

She took another quick look at the manager's office.

Feng Jiaomei was sitting at the desk and looking at the financial statements intently, her brows were calm and serious, with a charming and intelligent beauty.

Even Liu Zhao couldn't help but lose his mind.

Such a beauty, can Hu Feiyan compete?

At this time, she heard Mo Xiaoyu yelling regretfully: "Why didn't the administration department tell you earlier, otherwise I can change into a nice dress and attend!"

Liu Zhao also subconsciously looked down at himself.

Fortunately, because I don't have a pair of long legs, I have always been used to wearing skirts.

With a pure summer new look, it shouldn't be too shabby to attend a banquet.

After all, I am not an executive.

Then, she heard Chu Yufan behind her laughing and joking: "I just don't want to go back to cook, now I have an excuse!" -

The corners of Liu Zhao's mouth could not help but rise slightly.

Sister Fan has always been like this, sometimes she is narrow-minded and caressing, but sometimes she is very open-minded.

Seeing that everyone was so interested, Wang Zhenji reminded with a smile: "The official reception will not start until six o'clock in the evening, you can get off work early and go back to change your clothes!"

Lin Xiaohan suddenly realized: "No wonder Wang Dong you are dressed so handsomely today!"

Wang Zhenji squinted at him: "I'm not usually handsome?"

Everyone immediately laughed and praised together: "Usually handsome, today even more handsome!"

Lin Xiaohan quickly guessed cleverly again: "Wang Dong, what you bought yesterday is not related to today's banquet, right?...Oh, I see, you bought an engagement ring for our manager?"

Liu Zhao's heart jumped violently again.

Is that right?

He... he really bought the ring for the manager?

Wang Zhenji looked at Lin Xiaohan unexpectedly.

This kid is indeed very smart and has a lively mind.

Wang Zhenji warned with a half-smile: "You kid likes to study problems so much, why don't you go to the postgraduate entrance examination after graduating from undergraduate?"

Lin Xiaohan immediately smiled coyly: "Well, the main reason is that the tutors recruiting graduate students don't have beautiful daughters at home, so they have no motivation..."

Everyone laughed knowingly again, and guessed in their hearts the accuracy of Lin Xiaohan's previous question.

Director Wang didn't deny it right away, but still teased like this, then, it is likely that he bought an engagement ring worth tens of millions of dollars!

Oh, Wang Dong is really a rich man!

So later, I must pay attention to the manager's hand!

Liu Zhao's eyes flickered slightly, and after a while, he had already made up his mind.

Within a few minutes, Chu Yufan picked up a stack of tax reports and entered the manager's office with a smile;

A few minutes later, Liu Zhao also picked up a stack of documents and entered the manager's office.

Wang Zhenji noticed this time, and watched her interact with Feng Jiaomei through the glass door with a half-smile, and then said nothing.

Then, Chu Xia looked at the WeChat on his mobile phone, then quickly got up from his seat, walked directly into the manager's office, but walked out again very quickly.

Wang Zhenji smiled.It seems that everyone is very curious about this matter!

Soon, Liu Zhao picked up his mobile phone and sent a WeChat message to a group of people except Wang Zhenji: "The manager doesn't have a ring on his hand!"

Chu Yufan: "Yes, I didn't see it either."

Chu Xia: "I asked the manager directly just now, but she just laughed and didn't speak! Lin Xiaohan, did you guess correctly?"

Lin Xiaohan: "Impossible! How could such an obvious reasoning be wrong? Apart from the ring, what else could we, Mr. Wang, be happy to spend tens of millions of dollars on? Or,... the manager had already expected that we would go to investigate, so, Didn't plan to wear it at work?"

Liu Zhao suddenly sent an annoyed message: "That's a pity, I haven't seen what a big diamond ring looks like!"

Chu Yufan: "My family only bought me a half-carat diamond ring back then, which cost several thousand yuan. I also want to see how shiny the big diamond ring is!"

Chu Xia: "Why don't you go ask Supervisor Wang?"

Two women and one man denied it at the same time: "Hehe, don't dare!"

In the past, if Director Wang was just an ordinary Director Wang, of course they dared to make a joke. After all, it is also very interesting to tease a handsome guy.

But now Director Wang has become Director Wang... Anyway, let's respect him a bit!


At around four o'clock in the afternoon, people from the first and second departments of finance turned off their computers one by one, locked the printed financial vouchers and reports, and got off work.

Wang Zhenji walked into the manager's office with a smile, and looked at Feng Jiaomei who was wearing a dress today: "Do you want to change into a dress nearby?"

"I'll go to my dad's office to change later, he has a separate bathroom." Feng Jiaomei tilted his head playfully: "What did you tell them before, that everyone came into the office to see me?"

Wang Zhenji smiled: "Didn't Chu Xia tell you?"

Feng Jiaomei was stunned: "She just asked me what you bought with me yesterday. I said, keep it secret for now."

"Haha..." Wang Zhenji laughed happily: "That's what I answered them too. Then go to your father's place to change your clothes first. I'll wait for you here, and we will go to the venue together."

The corners of Feng Jiao's eyebrows raised slightly, and he responded cheerfully: "Okay!"

Wang Zhenji walked out of her office happily, and walked up to He Feng who was looking at him with raised eyebrows: "Jiaomei will go to Director Yu's office to change clothes later, I'll wait for her here, why don't you go to the venue first?"

"Yes!" He Feng nodded suddenly: "Then I'll go there with Mr. Mai and the others first!"

Wang Zhenji nodded and motioned to the others: "You go first, the manager and I will arrive later."

Everyone immediately complied.

When everyone left and he was the only one left in the large office area, Wang Zhenji opened the drawer of the desk, took out the briefcase he brought this morning, and then took out the men's diamond ring from last night, and put it on. in hand.

Well, the hand with the abacus, after wearing the diamond ring, is not vulgar at all, but looks like a hand that can play the piano!

Dress up your hands too!

Wang Zhenji smiled and leaned back on his seat.Although the director's office has been renovated, it will take a few days for the wind to become more environmentally friendly, so now he can only rest in this small supervisor's seat.

Forget it, let's continue to deal with the work that is not in a hurry!

Soon, when Wang Zhenji put down the pen again, he looked at the time, um, four or ten minutes passed.

Apart from him, there was still no one else in the quiet big office area.

Wang Zhenji was about to send a WeChat message to Feng Jiaomei when he suddenly heard the faint sound of high heels.

It should be here.

After waiting for more than half a minute, he saw Feng Jiaomei who had been dressed up again.

Eyes lit up.

It's amazing!

The light purple dress with a small V-neck brought out her maturity and sophistication, and her graceful waist showed her sexiness.

Both the diamond ring and the diamond necklace were worn, and diamond earrings of the same color were worn on the tiny earlobes.

On Haobai's wrist, instead of the ruby ​​bracelet she usually wears, it was replaced by a sparkling thin diamond bracelet, which made her skin look like jade even more.

The light eye shadow and light red lips are not as gorgeous as Hu Feiyan, but they have a kind of intellectual and elegant beauty.

"It's so beautiful!" Wang Zhenji couldn't help praising her. Soon, he approached her and wrapped his arms around her waist naturally: "My girlfriend is indeed the most beautiful!"

Feng Jiaomei chuckled lightly, then glanced at his hand again: "You wear it too?"

"Since it's a pair, if you wear it, I will wear it too, so as to declare my sovereignty!" Wang Zhenji raised his eyebrows domineeringly.

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