Xiaoyao Xiaoyao in the mountains

Chapter 604 Maternal Love Is Overwhelming!

The entrance of this stone cave is as big as a jar.

It is in the middle of a steep rock wall, and it is difficult for people to climb it.

Yang Xiaobao intuitively felt that this was exactly the place he was looking for.

If the old nest of the white bird is really on this mountain, then the possibility here is the greatest.

Yang Xiaobao took a deep breath, kicked his feet on the ground, jumped up for several times, then grabbed the stone with both hands, and stuck tightly to the stone wall.

Like a gecko, he quickly climbed up the stone wall.

Soon, Yang Xiaobao arrived at the entrance of the cave.

Yang Xiaobao grabbed the edge of the hole with both hands, put his head in, and slowly crawled inside.

After climbing into the entrance of the cave with his whole body, Yang Xiaobao took out the Ling Xiao Mirror from his pocket.

It was pitch black inside, and he couldn't see anything, and the hole was so small that he could only crawl forward.

If he encounters any monster attack, he can't dodge it at all, so now he can only use the Lingxiao Mirror to prevent it.

Yang Xiaobao held his breath and slowly crawled forward.

After a long time, Yang Xiaobao got used to the darkness in the cave, and then slowly saw the scene in the cave clearly.

The cave is slippery, nothing is there, and the light from outside is not particularly dark.

Yang Xiaobao crawled forward for a while, and suddenly found a circle of light in front of him.

And there was a faint sound.

Like a child crying.

He was overjoyed, and sped up to climb forward again.

When he climbed to the glowing place, he found that the hole had come to an end.

Yang Xiaobao poked his head out of the hole, and suddenly found that there was another big hole outside.

The sound was louder, it was the cry of a child.

The scene in front of him made Yang Xiaobao think of the scene where he encountered the tomb in Dagang Village.

It's just that this time it's a cave, but a cave as high as a two-story building.

On the top of the cave, there is an opening the size of a football, like a skylight in a room, from which sunlight is streaming in.

Just such a little light is enough for Yang Xiaobao to see the scene in the cave.

Yang Xiaobao saw that there was a woman standing in this big cave.

This woman was dressed in white, and because her back was facing Yang Xiaobao, she could not be seen.

At her feet, there was a mass of white feathers, just like the feather clothes worn by cosplayers on the Internet.

And beside the pile of feathers, stood a child.

It is the rabbit demon.

And in a corner, curled up with two children.

One of them looked like eight or nine years old.

The other one looks like only three or four.

The three or four-year-old child was crying, and the sound came from his mouth.

The other eight or nine-year-old child was lying on the ground, opening and closing his mouth, but unable to make a sound.

Seeing these two children, Yang Xiaobao was overjoyed.

If the guess is correct, these two children are the ones lost by Kong Yangyang and Wang Loucun.

This should be the old nest of the guhuo bird.

The reason why Yang Xiaobao determined that this place was the old nest of the Guhuo Bird was because there were clear records about the Guhuo Bird in the knowledge transmitted to him by the mountain god.

Gu Huo Niao: the clothes are for birds, and the sheds are for women.

At this time, it just took off the hair on its body and transformed into a woman.

Just as Yang Xiaobao was about to jump down from the entrance of the cave, he heard the rabbit demon crying, "Here, where is this? Who are you? How did you bring me here?"


The woman let out a burst of laughter, stretched out her hand, touched the rabbit demon's head, and said, "Little baby, I am your mother, and this is our home. In the future, mother will love you very much."

When this woman said this, her tone was full of that woman's kindness.

But in such a place, speaking from her mouth makes people feel so weird.

"You are not my mother, I want my own mother." The rabbit demon pretended to cry and said.

The woman knelt down, stretched out her hand and stroked the rabbit demon's face, and said, "Be good, baby, don't cry. I am your mother, and I will give you delicious food later."

But the rabbit demon still pretended to cry.

Gu Huo Niao turned into a woman, and patiently comforted her a few more words, but the rabbit demon cried more and more.

The child curled up in the corner also cried out at the top of his lungs.

The whole cave suddenly became full of crying, and Yang Xiaobao felt that it was too noisy.

"Bastard, don't cry!"

The woman lost her patience, stretched out her hand, and slapped the rabbit demon on the face.


The crisp sound echoed in the cave.

The three or four-year-old child, as if frightened by the slap, stopped crying instantly.

"If you cry again, I'll throw you out to feed the wolves!" the woman threatened.

Then it hugged the rabbit demon's head again, hugged it in its arms, and said softly: "My dear, mom loves you. If you behave nicely, mom won't beat you."

Seeing this scene, Yang Xiaobao sighed deeply.

The woman that the girl turned into has a moody personality.

At this moment, it suddenly let out a cry and pushed the rabbit monster away.

She happened to be facing Yang Xiaobao at this time.

Yang Xiaobao saw that it was a woman whose face was as pale as paper, and her face was twisted ferociously due to pain.

On its chest, blood flowed out slowly, and the blood soaked its white clothes.

The rabbit demon's mouth was stained with blood, and he looked at the woman with a smile.

"How dare you bite me! My old lady beat you to death!"

As it spoke, it raised its hand and grabbed the rabbit demon.

The rabbit demon chuckled, stepped back quickly, and then transformed into a woman in white clothes.

Seeing the child turned into a woman, Gu Huo Niao immediately understood what was going on.

"Who the hell are you?" it said through gritted teeth, "Why did you turn into a child and lie to me?"

"Hmph, you are so bad that you dare to steal a child."

"Then what's your business? Since you're here, don't even think about leaving alive!"

As it spoke, it stretched out its hand and grabbed the rabbit demon's neck again.

The woman that the girl turned into was very fast, and in an instant, she had already arrived in front of the rabbit demon.

The rabbit demon snorted, and instead of retreating back, he raised his foot and kicked the opponent's lower abdomen.

The body of the girl transformed into a bird flew up like a bird, dodging the kick.

And the rabbit demon also flew up.

Just like that, the two demons were flying back and forth in the cave, and the whole picture was very beautiful.

Even the three or four-year-old child stopped crying and looked curiously at the two women flying around.

Only Yang Xiaobao knew how dangerous their fight was.

He also could see that although the rabbit demon's cultivation base was very high, his attacks were not as vicious as this Guhuo Bird's, and he was almost injured by Guhuo Bird several times.

Just when Yang Xiaobao was considering whether to jump out to help the rabbit demon, he heard an "ah", and the rabbit demon fell down.

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