Xiaoyao Xiaoyao in the mountains

Chapter 807 Years of loneliness!

Yang Xiaobao looked at the rabbit demon with a surprised look.

"Could it be that you have been alone for hundreds of years?"

"That's right, the point is, haven't I also been locked in a cave for hundreds of years?" the rabbit demon said with a smile.

Yang Xiaobao sighed, shook his head, and said, "I can't imagine how you survived alone. It took hundreds of years, not mere months or years."

The rabbit demon smiled sadly, and said: "Just get used to it. Besides, I am a demon, and I have many things to do, such as cultivation, such as prey, such as avoiding those people and gods who subdue demons."

Even so, it's hard for Yang Xiaobao not to admire Rabbit Demon's solitary life for hundreds of years.

"When I'm with you, it's the happiest time for me, because someone talks to me and makes me no longer alone."

The rabbit demon looked at Yang Xiaobao, and said tenderly: "So, you set me free, but I returned to your side. I would rather you be my master forever. I don't want to be another monster for hundreds of years. "

Hearing what the rabbit demon said, Yang Xiaobao finally understood why the rabbit demon came back to him.

"Then, then why do you often disappear suddenly?" Yang Xiaobao asked curiously.

The rabbit demon chuckled and said, "People have to keep a certain distance from each other, so people and monsters have to keep a certain distance too. If you are by your side every day, I will be bothered if you don't bother me."

Yang Xiaobao couldn't help laughing, he didn't expect this rabbit monster to understand the way of getting along.

"You can find a partner. Since you are a demon, there must be other demons in this world."

The rabbit demon immediately shook his head and said, "I don't want it, I just want the master."

"Uh..." Yang Xiaobao was speechless for a while.

After being silent for a while, he said to the rabbit demon: "Okay, go back quickly. If Cao Tong wakes up and can't see you, he must be panicking."

"I knew you fell in love with that pretty girl."

Although he said so, the rabbit demon still stood up and said, "Then I won't accompany you."

After speaking, his figure flashed, and he ran down the mountain.

Seeing the figure of the rabbit demon jumping between the rocks, Yang Xiaobao smiled.

"Although she is a demon, she actually cares about people."

As Yang Xiaobao said, he wrapped the quilt brought by the rabbit demon around his body.

In this way, even if it sits overnight, it will not be frozen.

Yang Xiaobao looked at the dark village head, and his heart soon became as calm as a lake.

One night was very slow, but Yang Xiaobao just sat there all night without moving.

Unfortunately, he didn't see anything enter the village.

When it was daylight, Yang Xiaobao stood up and stretched himself.

After a night like this, not only did he not feel tired, but he felt much lighter and his mind was abnormally clear.

It is estimated that this is as quiet as a flat lake, and it is also a kind of practice and rest.

Holding the quilt in his arms, he quickly ran down the mountain.

Back at Cao Haitao's house, he lay down on the bed and closed his eyes for a while.

Then, he heard a creak, and someone pushed the door open.

Yang Xiaobao got out of bed, walked to the yard, and saw Cao Tong coming in.

When Cao Tong saw Yang Xiaobao, his cheeks were blushed, and he seemed a little embarrassed.

Seeing Cao Tong's appearance, Yang Xiaobao was a little puzzled, not knowing why she acted like this.

"Good morning, Xiaobao." Cao Tong greeted.

"Morning, why are you here so early?" Yang Xiaobao asked.

"I'll make you breakfast."

Yang Xiaobao smiled: "It's really hard work for you."

"I'm here, and I can only do these things, it's not hard work."

Then Cao Tong went to the kitchen to cook.

Seeing that the sun had risen, Yang Xiaobao thought about strolling around the village while Cao Tong was cooking.

He was not wandering the streets of the village.

He climbed over the wall and entered the yard from house to house, checking every house.

Some houses were locked, so he looked in through the windows.

After wandering through most of the village like this, Yang Xiaobao didn't find anything unusual.

Just as he jumped out of a yard, he suddenly heard a voice: "What are you doing?"

Without turning around, he knew it was an old horse.

"I'll check every household to see if there's anything unusual."

"Let me check for you too."

"Master, I'll go with you." Said the rabbit demon who was with the old horse.

Yang Xiaobao nodded.

The rabbit demon followed Yang Xiaobao into a yard.

"Master, have you seen Cao Tong?"

"See you." Yang Xiaobao said while looking into the main room of this family.

"Then, do you think she is different from before?"

Yang Xiaobao looked at the rabbit demon, and asked suspiciously: "What's wrong? Don't you think there is any difference?"

"No, I don't think there is anything different about him." Yang Xiaobao said with a frown.


"Tell me the truth, what's going on!" Yang Xiaobao stared at the rabbit demon and asked.

The rabbit demon chuckled, and said with some embarrassment: "After waking up this morning, we lay face to face and whispered. I praised you once and asked her to take the initiative."

Yang Xiaobao was speechless when he heard what the rabbit demon said.

"You, you...you are fooling around!"

"Aren't I thinking of you? Who made you my master?"

"Wake up, I don't need you to worry about it, you should stop worrying about it."

As he spoke, he waved his hand: "Hurry up and check, after the check is over, let's go back."

When they finished checking and returned to Cao Haiyang's home, Cao Tong had prepared breakfast and was waiting for them.

Yang Xiaobao and Cao Tong glanced at each other inadvertently, and couldn't help feeling embarrassed.

If Yang Xiaobao doesn't know what the rabbit demon said to her, it's okay, but now he knows, it will feel a little awkward.

The rabbit demon looked at the two of them and laughed.

"What are you laughing at, eat quickly." The old horse gave the rabbit demon a white look.

The four of them ate around the table, and Lao Ma asked, "Xiao Bao, what should we do next?"

Yang Xiaobao thought for a while and said, "I think we should find a way to find the exit of the gate of hell."

"Just look for it all over the village? But you know that thing, it doesn't usually appear."

Yang Xiaobao sighed, and said, "I know, but it's not like we don't know when to open it now."

Hearing this, the old horse also sighed.

"Then stay here now, and I will call your brother later to see if he has researched anything."

The old horse nodded and lowered his head to drink the porridge.

After breakfast, Yang Xiabao called Ma Xiangrong.

Yang Xiaobao told him what happened in Beichen Village.

After listening to Yang Xiaobao's narration, Ma Xiangrong was silent for a while, and asked: "It seems that my inference is correct, the south gate of the gate of hell is in Beichen Village."

Yang Xiaobao sighed, and said: "The key point is that we don't know the exact location in Beichen Village."

"I don't know either." Ma Xiangrong said, "There is no record in the historical materials."

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