Xiaoyao Xiaoyao in the mountains

Chapter 834 If You Want To Be Unknown!

"None of us said anything, but we all knew what everyone was thinking, and we walked towards that building and that unit involuntarily."

"At first we just wanted to knock on the door and harass her, but we couldn't control it when we saw her..."

"Unexpectedly, not long after the beginning, her boyfriend appeared, and we were afraid for a while..."

Tong Yanghui said while crying, with a lot of tears and snot in his nose.

Yang Xiaobao snorted, and said coldly: "Then you mean that you killed them because you were afraid? I don't think so?"

Tong Yanghui was silent for a while, then finally shook his head and said, "There is still excitement."

"You are really cruel."

"But we were children at the time, and no one knew it would happen."

Yang Xiaobao said coldly: "You are right, you were children at the time, but your parents were not children, right? You don't know what they did for you at that time?"

Tong Yanghui heard Yang Xiaobao's words, looked at him for a while, and smiled wryly.

"It seems that you also know these things."

"If you don't want others to know, you have to do nothing about it." Lao Ma said, "Ten years have passed, and you thought that this incident would pass and you would be safe and sound, but in the end you will be punished by the law."

Tong Yanghui smiled wryly, looked at Yang Xiaobao and Lao Ma and said, "Do you think I've lived well in the past ten years? I've been having nightmares, dreaming that they came to look for me. I've been a walking dead every day for the past ten years."

After a pause, he said with a smile, "It's all right now, and now I'm finally free."

Yang Xiaobao sighed, and said coldly: "Okay, stop confessing here, let's go to the police station."

Tong Yanghui also understood that the only thing he could do now was to go to the police station with Yang Xiaobao.

After entering the police station, Wan Zhenguo and Xiao Zhang led people to greet them at the door.

What happened at Tong Yanghui's house just now, they all saw and heard on the surveillance.

After Xiao Zhang brought Tong Yanghui in, Wan Zhenguo said with a smile: "Xiaobao, I didn't expect that you solved the ten-year-old case in just two days."

"I'm also lucky." Yang Xiaobao said, "Officer Wan, Huang Wei and Li Ming, should they be arrested as well, saving nights and dreams."

Wan Zhenguo chuckled, patted Yang Xiaobao on the shoulder, and said, "Don't worry, I've already sent someone to arrest him, I guess he should be back by now."

"That's good." Yang Xiaobao said, "In that case, let's take our leave."

"Thank you so much. If you need my help in the future, just let me know." Wan Zhenguo said.

Yang Xiaobao smiled and said, "Officer Wan, there is actually one thing I need your help with, which is to help us find those two people."

"Don't worry, I've already looked for it. I will tell you if I have any news."

After Yang Xiaobao, Lao Ma and Rabbit Demon left the police station, they went straight back to the villa to rest.

"This matter should end like this, right?" said the rabbit demon.

Yang Xiaobao nodded: "The three of them will not be able to escape legal sanctions this time."

"Will the three of them be killed by that evil ghost?"

"Probably not." Yang Xiaobao said, "The police station has the most yang energy, and evil spirits can't get close."

"Xiaobao, do you think that evil spirit will come looking for you?"

Yang Xiaobao sighed and said, "I don't know, maybe, maybe not."

When the two of them arrived at the villa, they found that Jiang Tianyi and Liu Qiaoyun still hadn't come back.

"These two people don't know where they went." The old horse sighed.

"Okay, it's getting late, hurry up to pack up, wash up and sleep, we will leave Tiandu early tomorrow morning to go to Jianggong."

"it is good."

Just when they were about to go upstairs, Yang Xiaobao felt the air around him suddenly become cold.

Yang Xiaobao stopped immediately.

"Master, there is a situation." The rabbit demon also felt it.

As soon as the words fell, a cloud of black air floated in from the window.

"Where's my husband?"

The cloud of black air made a shrill sound.

Yang Xiaobao immediately understood that this cloud of black air was the ghost of the murdered woman.

"Your husband was trapped in the mirror by me, and I'm just waiting for you."

"Let it out, and I'll spare your life," cried the evil spirit.

Yang Xiaobao chuckled and said, "You know, you are not my opponent. You have only one way out now, and that is to enter hell."

"Hmph, that depends on your ability!"

"I kindly let you go that day, and I just wanted to see if you would take the initiative to come to me. It seems that you have not been completely controlled by the evil spirit."

The evil ghost was silent for a while when he heard Yang Xiaobao's words.

Yang Xiaobao took out the Lingxiao Mirror and said, "Those three people will be punished accordingly, and their families will all be killed by you, isn't that okay?"

"Thank you, thank you for helping us..."

Before he finished speaking, the Lingxiao mirror emitted a white light, which sucked the cloud of black air into the mirror.

Yang Xiaobao turned the mirror over, and saw two balls of black air entangled together in the mirror, as if inseparable.

He sighed, he understood that this pair of evil spirits would eventually go to hell and be judged.

Yang Xiaobao turned the mirror a few times, and the two clouds of black air slowly dissipated in the mirror.

"Xiao Bao, is this the end?" Lao Ma asked.

Because he didn't smear the cow's tears, he didn't see the evil spirit either.

Yang Xiaobao nodded and said, "Yes, that's the end."

"I just hope that those three people will receive the punishment they deserve." Lao Ma sighed.

The next morning, Yang Xiaobao and the others packed up and set off for Jianggong City.

When they drove out of the villa area, Yang Xiaobao's phone rang.

Picking up the phone, it was a call from Police Officer Zhang.

"Officer Zhang, what's the matter?" Yang Xiaobao asked.

"I just wanted to thank you for calling you." Police officer Xiao Zhang said, "Last night, all three of them confessed, and this case should end soon."

"What will happen to them?"

Officer Xiao Zhang said: "Death penalty, or death with reprieve."

Yang Xiaobao nodded.

"By the way, Captain Wan asked me to call you. There is one thing..."

Yang Xiaobao saw that Police Officer Zhang was hesitating, and asked: "Officer Zhang, if there is anything you want, just say it."

"We found two dead bodies in the mountains in the suburbs. Sergeant Wan wants you to see them."

"A man and a woman?"

Hearing this, Yang Xiaobao's heart sank, and he asked quickly.

"No, there are two men, one should be Jiang Tianyi."

Yang Xiaobao's face changed.

He was silent for a while, took a deep breath, and said calmly: "Okay, let's go there now."

"I'll give you the address."

After hanging up the phone, Yang Xiaobao turned the steering wheel directly to make the car turn.

"What's the matter, little treasure?" the old horse asked.

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