In the warm room, with a strong fragrance, Shi Ran took a beautifully styled dagger inlaid with gemstones on the handle, cut the roast leg of lamb, and put them one by one into the willow mountain green bowl.

Liu Shanqing said: "I've had enough, you eat by yourself."

"Ah~" Shi Ran opened her mouth.

Liu Shanqing looked at Shi Ran helplessly and dotingly, picked up a piece of mutton, and fed it to Shi Ran.

Shi Ran chewed and was about to speak when Yu'er walked in with small steps, holding a small box with a seal in her hand.

"Your Majesty, King Qin, the battle report ahead."

Liu Shanqing glanced at Yu'er.Yu'er immediately stepped forward, pried open the seal with a special knife, took out the rolled paper inside, and handed it to Liu Shanqing with both hands.

Liu Shanqing opened it and saw that there were four in total, and all of them were about the war situation on the front line.

Although Shi Yuan didn't know that the Xiongnu Shanyu had been poisoned, he had already noticed that there was a problem within the Xiongnu. Taking advantage of this opportunity, he led an all-out attack and achieved considerable results. Two-thirds of Hexi had been captured by him.

Within a month, Shi Yuan was sure to drive the Xiongnu out of Hexi completely.

After reporting on the situation of the war, Shi Yuan began to report, changing the strategic goals, no longer limited to opening up the Hexi Corridor, flattening the Dragon City, and riding the wolf on the Xushan Mountain.Shi Yuan asked Le Fu and Zhang Ping to be deployed by him, and cooperate with him to take this great opportunity to wipe out the Xiongnu in one fell swoop and eliminate the trouble of the Xiongnu forever.

After reading it, Liu Shanqing handed the battle report to Shi Ran without saying a word, picked up the chopsticks, and continued to eat.However, Liu Shanqing was obviously paying attention to Shi Ran. As soon as Shi Ran finished watching, Liu Shanqing asked:

"What do you think of Prime Minister Zuo's request?"

"It is advisable to chase after the poor with the remaining bravery, and not to be known as the overlord."

Shi Ran said: "I think we can give it a try. Even if we can't completely wipe out the Xiongnu, we can drive the Xiongnu to Mobei, and we will completely occupy Monan."

Liu Shanqing said: "But the treasury is no longer able to support Prime Minister Zuo to go deep into the desert and fight the Xiongnu decisively."

"Now is the decisive battle," Shi Ran said. "Most of the Xiongnu's troops are already in Hexi. As long as Prime Minister Zuo handles it properly, try to take this opportunity to eliminate most of the Xiongnu's troops. When we enter the desert, we will not be fighting them. It’s about chasing cattle and sheep, and the Xiongnu tribes along the way are all supply stations for our army.”

"What you said is somewhat reasonable, but the problem now is that South Vietnam is unstable, and war may break out at any time. Once South Vietnam goes to war, we will be fighting on two fronts. Then, how should we respond?"

"The northern and southern counties support each other."

At present, it is difficult to support the north-south front with the reserves of grain and grass in the Dasui treasury, but this refers to the Dasui treasury, and the granaries in most counties and counties across the country have not yet been used.

They can completely use the food and grass in the counties and counties to support the two fronts of the north and the south.

Shi Ran said before that the South Vietnam War would not be fought if it could not be fought, because the South Vietnam War would not be of much benefit, and there was no need to squeeze the country's power for a war that was not beneficial.

But now the great opportunity to exterminate the Huns is at hand, and Shi Ran really doesn't want to miss it.

So even if Nanyue really wanted to fight, Shi Ran insisted on taking the opportunity to destroy the Huns.

Liu Shanqing remained silent for a while, and said: "There are not many grain reserves in various places. Even if we use all of them, we will not be able to support them for too long. And if a natural disaster occurs, we will not be able to provide disaster relief."

For example, floods are prone to occur in spring and summer.

Last week, the sheriff of Dai County also played a memorial, asking the court to allocate funds to repair the dam.The imperial treasury has no spare money, so Liu Shanqing allocates funds from his internal affairs treasury to let Daijun repair the dam.

And the repair of the dam is not limited to Daijun, Bashu also needs to be repaired.

"Have you forgotten the last time we dealt with Marquis Changyang, the food, money and land we got from him?" Shi Ran said, "Our dear ministers have a lot of surplus food at home, if there is a natural disaster, we can borrow them food."

"They didn't take the opportunity to drive up food prices. Even if they had a conscience, how could they borrow?"

"Little Qingqing, do you know what your biggest problem is?"

Shi Ran said: "The prefect follows the rules, and always wants to do things according to the rules. You don't even think about it, how can he buy so many properties with the salary of the Marquis of Changyang?"

"And Li Ru, what an upright person, he has a set of principles, but his family's property is more than yours."

Liu Shanqing understood what Shi Ran meant: "Have you asked Zhong to collect their criminal evidence?"

"Chong has been collecting their incriminating evidence."

"It's not enough to kill one or two. If we kill all of them, how can the court replace them and how do the various departments work?"

"You don't think the question is so rigid. Can't we kill one or two first, and then let them collect donations? If they don't agree, then kill again. Even if they unite to resist at that time, we can start with the cowardly and timid people. They take the lead in donating. As long as one or two donate, can the others insist on not donating?"

"Which is more important, food or life, they are smart people and can tell the difference."

Shi Ran said: "We can also set up lists of benevolent people in various places, rank them according to how much the local gentry donated, and stand in the center of the city for everyone to see."

"You can also let officials from all over the place hint to those noble gentry that the more donations, the more rewards the court will give. For example, if you donate No. 1, you can be exempted from land tax for one year, and you can send one person to the court as an official."

"All in all, those corrupt officials and tyrants from all over the world can be regarded as our spare granary. You don't have to worry about pushing them back. As long as we hold the knife tightly, what if they want to?"

Shi Ran said: "Once someone shows up, we will kill them immediately, release the servants of the gentry, and distribute the fields and real estate of the gentry to them and Guishou who have no land. Then we will use the power of the Black Ice Platform among the people, Tell this story to the world.

At that time, after hearing the news, the oppressed slaves of the whole country and the head of Guizhou, who have no land, will be bewitched by them and rebel with them?They will only expect our knives to fall on the heads of their gentry.

And as long as we give them a little hint, they will be very happy to report the crimes of the gentry to us, so that we can deal with those gentry more legitimately. "

Shi Ran went on to say: "But I don't think they dare to rebel. As long as Prime Minister Zuo fights smoothly and wins successively, they will cooperate with us honestly."

Liu Shanqing didn't speak, but looked at Shi Ran with complicated eyes.

She always thought that after losing her memory, Shi Ran became kind-hearted and acted like a woman, so she needed her protection, but now after hearing these methods proposed by Shi Ran, she realized that Shi Ran was still the same Shi Ran. When planting, it is still very ruthless.

Liu Shanqing could imagine that once Shi Ran did what he said, regardless of the officials, the gentry all over the world would have a hard time living.

Shi Ran noticed Liu Shanqing's complex eyes, and said: "In modern history books, the Tang Dynasty shared the world with the powerful, and the Song, Ming and Qing Dynasties shared the world with the scholar-bureaucrats. Their final demise undoubtedly proves that their choices were wrong. Yes, the correct thing is to share the world with the people and put the people first.”

"Officials and gentry are useful, but those rich and unkind gentry and corrupt officials are a cancer on the body of a country. When it is time to get rid of them, we must not be lenient."

"Otherwise, it's like Chongzhen. Ministers and gentry families have money, but they can't afford a penny to resist foreign enemies. In the end, they end up hanging Meishan."

Shi Ran went on to say: "Don't worry, there are so many people raised in the Black Ice Terrace, and a good person will not be wronged."

Shi Ran received a large amount of dividends from the two major groups of Ranshan and CYTS every year, but he never left a cent to buy land and houses for himself.

More than half of the dividends are used to maintain the operation of the Black Ice Platform, pay salaries, train personnel, and arrange personnel's family members.The rest is not used for the development of Ranshan and CYTS Group to enter the Western Regions, or to subsidize the Academy of Sciences, the Academy of Medicine, and the Academy of Agriculture.

Shi Ran's food and clothing expenses in Dasui all came from his family or Liu Shanqing.

It is not an exaggeration to say that Shi Ran controls more than half of the wealth in the world, and he can be regarded as wealthy, but in terms of personal property, Shi Ran is not even as good as a leader of Guizhou, and he doesn't even have a piece of land.

Not only did Shi Ran rely on his family or Liu Shanqing to support the "motorcycle", but his servants, carriages and guards were all paid by Liu Shanqing.

Shi Ran, as the Great General of the Great Sima, as the only king of the Great Sui, didn't even have a single soldier of his own.

Liu Shanqing was silent for a while, and said, "Just follow what the King of Qin said."

Liu Shanqing has a character of doing what he says and doing it. After dinner, he immediately wrote back to Shi Yuan, agreeing to Shi Yuan's performance.

At the same time, Liu Shanqing recruited Chen Di, the head of the logistics department, and ordered him to dispatch the counties and counties in the north to do his best to ensure Prime Minister Zuo's logistics, especially the winter clothes, which must be prepared as soon as possible to avoid unnecessary damage.

Two days later, Shi Zhong went to the palace to report again.

This time, it was the news from Nanyue that Shi Ran and Liu Shanqing were concerned about.

"Wu Bai had subdued the law the afternoon before yesterday, but for some reason, the Nanyue tribe rebelled on the same day, and the government offices in various counties in Yue County were attacked by them almost at the same time. The garrison troops in some counties surrendered without resistance. .”

Liu Shanqing's complexion changed, and he scolded: "What is Dong Kai doing? What is he eating? Didn't I tell him to take precautions early!"

Shi Chong said: "Although General Dong Kai was too late to react, he has stabilized the situation in the eight counties and is planning to attack the five occupied counties."

Liu Shanqing sneered and said, "It's a waste to be captured by thieves even after preparing for it."

Shi Zhong continued: "Your Majesty, Min County and Guang County are also suspected to have changed. I'm afraid some mountain tribes there will also take advantage of the wind."

Not only is it possible, it will definitely be... Liu Shanqing's face became more and more ugly and gloomy.

Shi Ran said in a deep voice: "Continue to monitor the situation in the counties of South Vietnam, and at the same time order all the members of the Black Ice Terrace stationed in the counties of South Vietnam to spread a message, especially in the Yue County. The property and houses of the rebels will be uniformly distributed to them by the government after the rebellion is suppressed."

"Order Dong Kai to follow this order and let the officials of the eight counties distribute the land and houses of the traitors who have been punished to Suiren and Yueren in the county. The crime of treason is the same, beheaded and executed."


After Shi Zhong left, Shi Ran said to Yu'er: "Yu'er, call all the ministers into the palace immediately."


Yu'er walked out immediately.

Shi Ran held Liu Shanqing's warm and cool little hand, and said in relief: "It's okay."

Liu Shanqing glanced at Shi Ran and didn't say much.


Two quarters of an hour later, the ministers had gathered in Chengtian Hall.

Because Liu Shanqing dealt with Prime Minister You, Marquis Changyang and others before, and Prime Minister Zuo took away a group of generals to go to war, at this time the number of ministers in the court was reduced by more than half, and it seemed empty.

The ministers were whispering, not understanding why Liu Shanqing called them over suddenly.

Some people speculated that Zuo Cheng and others were unfavorable in the expedition. The reason was that Liu Shanqing continued to send more troops to transport food and grass.

"Your Majesty, King Qin is here."

Although Yu'er is already a young mansion, one of the nobles, but Yu'er is not wearing court clothes, standing among the ministers, still serving as Liu Shanqing's personal female official, singing for Liu Shanqing, and handling everything Chores.

Liu Shanqing is also used to Yu'er, and never thought of letting Yu'er follow the crowd to court with the capital of Jiuqing, and stay by her side all the time.

"Your Majesty, King Qin."

"Your Majesty, ten thousand years."

"The king of Qin has lived for ten thousand years."

All the ministers bowed down.

Shi Ran and Liu Shanqing walked out from the inner door side by side. They were still wearing their usual clothes, and they didn't put on the special clothes for the court meeting.

"Your honor is free."

Liu Shanqing was sitting in the dragon chair, her expression was as cold as usual.

When the ministers got up and walked towards the padded seats on both sides, Liu Shanqing said bluntly: "This time I summoned all the ministers to come here to inform you of something."

"I just got the news that Anyue General Wu Bai colluded with the Nanyue tribe and rebelled in the afternoon of the day before yesterday, and has now occupied the five counties of Yuejun."

As soon as the words were finished, the officials whispered in the huge Chengtian Palace.

All the ministers were very surprised, shocked, and somewhat unbelievable.

Liu Shanqing continued: "Is Chen Xi here?"

Chen Xi came out immediately, cupped his hands and said: "The minister is here."

"I order you to be the general who conquers the South. Except for the frontier guards in Bashu and other places, you will dispatch all the standing troops in the southern counties."


"Chen Di."

"The minister is here."

"The granaries in the southern counties are at your disposal, and we will do our best to ensure the logistics of the army."


Liu Shanqing's red lips parted slightly, and just as she was about to continue, a civil servant with a goatee and about 40 years old came out.

Shi Ran glanced at it, and forgot what this person's name was. He only remembered that this person's surname was Wang, and he was a doctor of Taizhong and an admonisher.

"Your Majesty, regarding the South Vietnamese tribe's rebellion, I think it's important to appease them. Right now, the army is heading north and is fighting fiercely with the Xiongnu. The treasury has already consumed too much money and food. Once there is another war with South Vietnam, the remaining money and food in the treasury may not be able to support it. And when At that time, the Yue tribes in Minjun, Guangjun and other places may also take the opportunity to make trouble."

"It is indeed a way to use granaries in various places, but this is just killing chickens to extract eggs and catching fish. Once the war starts, no one can be sure when it will end. Once floods occur in spring and summer, the DPRK and China will be unable to provide disaster relief."

Shi Ran said: "Doctor Wang is right, but the Nanyue tribe has already rebelled. At this time, appeasement will only increase their arrogance, so that the Yue tribe in Minjun, Guangjun and other places will have no worries and take the opportunity to rebel."

"Only by destroying all the rebel tribes in Yuejun by means of thunder can we make the Yueren tribes in Minjun, Guangjun and other places honest."

"As for Doctor Wang's worries, His Majesty has long thought about it and has countermeasures."

Doctor Wang wanted to say more, but Shi Ran directly concluded: "Okay, there is no need to discuss the suppression of the Nanyue tribe. General Chen immediately prepares the army and sets out as soon as possible."


Shi Ran went on to say: "Your Majesty summoned you this time, and it was His Majesty's decision that all followers and Yue people who assisted the army in suppressing the rebels can be distributed by the government to their rebels' land and houses after the war.

How to allocate specifically, you think about it carefully, it is best to have a feasible charter at sunset. "

As soon as this remark came out, the ministers immediately discussed again.

Shi Ran carefully watched everyone's expressions, and whispered to Liu Shanqing: "Look at their expressions, my eyesight seems to have deepened, and I can't see clearly."

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