What kind of bad thoughts can the queen have?

Chapter 173 Encounters on the Street

Arriving at the hotel at 09:30, Shi Ran called Manager Sun.

After a while, Manager Sun, who was a little Mediterranean, walked over quickly with a smile on his face.

After some simple politeness, Manager Sun took Shi Ran and Liu Shanqing to a room in the hotel where bedding, pillows and other things were originally placed, and the wedding decorations were placed here.

Shi Ran randomly opened a few boxes, looked carefully, and after confirming that there was nothing wrong with it, he asked, "Is the wedding hall being used?"

"Not yet, but there will be people scheduled to come to set up the wedding venue tonight," Manager Sun said. "From today to the 29th year, there will be a wedding almost every other day."

"What about after New Year's Eve?"

"President Shi requested that no wedding be held during the period from the [-]th to the sixth day of the lunar new year. Make it available so that you have enough time to arrange it."

"How much does a wedding usually cost?"

"One thousand to 4000 yuan per table, the standard set by Mr. Shi, the cost alone is more than [-] yuan, about [-] yuan."

"How many tables can this hall hold?"

"Aside from the stage and aisle, it can accommodate fifty tables. When other people get married here, there are basically twenty to thirty tables."

"How many tables does my dad ask you to prepare?"

"52 tables, there are four spare tables."

"Can you let it go?"

"It's okay. The [-] tables I said before are based on the relatively loose table spacing. It's no problem to reduce the table spacing a little bit."

Shi Ran nodded and said, "Manager Sun, go get busy, we'll just have to see for ourselves."

"Okay, if you have any questions, you can find me."

After Manager Sun left, Shi Ran took Xiao Qingqing's soft and boneless little hand and walked around the empty and deserted wedding banquet hall.

The wedding banquet hall of Shi Zhengguo Hotel and the wedding banquet hall of Fang Tianming's wedding are similar in size and internal structure.When Shi Ran and Liu Shanqing simulated the layout, they saw other people's materials for the wedding scene in the corner of the hall.

After watching for a while, Shi Ran sent a WeChat message to Manager Sun to say hello, and left the hotel with Liu Shanqing to go to the wedding company that Shi Zhengguo was looking for.

Although the process of the wedding and the host's lines are all arranged by Shi Ran, the audio-visual equipment needed for the wedding, the video recording of the whole wedding, and the host still need to be handed over to the wedding company.

When they came to the wedding company and revealed their identity, Shi Ran chatted with the store manager and learned that the current situation was somewhat different from what Shi Zhengguo said last night. The wedding company had memorized all the procedures that Shi Ran had given them, and the host also I remembered the lines given by Shi Ran.At the same time, in order to prevent mistakes, they have deliberately recorded a good copy.

After chatting about the details of the wedding, Shi Ran walked out of the wedding company satisfied.

Looking at the time, it was already eleven o'clock.

Shi Ran said: "I won't go back to cook, just pack some food and go to your future mother-in-law's shop to eat."

Liu Shanqing had no objection, so Shi Ran called Lin Yueru and asked him what he would like to eat for lunch?Seeing that Lin Yueru was casual, Shi Ran went to the ramen restaurant opposite No. [-] Middle School and packed three portions of beef ramen.

"This ramen restaurant tastes good. When I was studying, my classmates and I came here to eat after school in the afternoon."

"Once I met a female classmate who looked thin and skinny, but actually had a huge appetite. After eating a big bowl of beef ramen, I had to go to another store to buy fried noodles and a double-skin milk. Just half full."

While talking about the past, Shi Ran stopped slowly and waited for the traffic lights.

At this time, there was a deafening roar of motorcycles outside the car window, and at the same time there was a rock-and-roll-style Great Compassion Mantra.

Shi Ran looked at the motorcycle slowly approaching in the rearview mirror, and said with a smile, "Good guy, this is Guanyin Bodhisattva riding Benlei down to save all beings."

Da Sui has not been introduced into Buddhism yet, Liu Shanqing does not understand what Shi Ran said, but thinks this rock-style Da Bei mantra is very strange and different from other music.

Speaking of it, this is Liu Shanqing's first time listening to rock music.Shi Ran played songs before, basically all lyrical songs or folk songs.

The motorcycle stopped next to Shi Ran's car, Shi Ran glanced at it, then returned to the traffic lights, and continued talking to Liu Shanqing about the past.

The man on the motorcycle called Shi Ran's name, and his tone was a bit uncertain: "Shi Ran?"

Shi Ran looked back, and the motorcycle rider opened his helmet and said, "I don't know me anymore, Zhang Yuan."

"Oh, it's you. How could I recognize you wearing a helmet? You are still as coquettish as before. Just now I thought it was Guanyin Bodhisattva who came down to save all living beings."

Shi Ran asked, "Where are you going?"

"Go to dinner, go together? You basically know all the people over there, and they are all friends who used to hang out together."

"Thank you, next time," Shi Ran said, "I'm going to my mother's shop now."

Zhang Yuan glanced at Liu Shanqing, the co-pilot, and asked, "Girlfriend?"

"Fiancee, haven't you seen my circle of friends?"

"My circle of friends is closed, and a bunch of advertisements are annoying. When will you get married?"

"The sixth day of the new year, come when the time comes."

"You have to go to get married."

With that said, the green light came on.

While slowly stepping on the accelerator, Shi Ran chatted with Zhang Yuan for a few more words.Zhang Yuan twisted the accelerator and rushed out.

Shi Ran still drove at a constant speed, and said to Liu Shanqing: "He is a friend I met in high school. When I first entered high school, there was a high school bastard with a brain problem. He troubled me for no reason, so I asked him to call for help. "

"and then?"

"He struck so hard that he almost gave that person a concussion, and then my dad paid him fifty thousand yuan," Shi Ran said, "Guess how your future father-in-law reacted then?"

"Slapped you?"

"No, after asking about the cause of the matter, your future father-in-law will tell me to pay attention in the future, and then fight with others, don't greet people's heads, it is easy to cause accidents."

"Your future father-in-law used to tell me that it's normal for boys to fight. If you lose, you should exercise and fight back."

Liu Shanqing didn't say anything, not because of Shi Zhengguo's attitude or any thoughts.

Not to mention that it was common for men to fight in Da Sui, and they drew their swords at each other at every turn. The temple had to formulate strict laws to stop private fights among the people. It is said that Shi Ran used to bring Zhang Ping, Chen Di and others ran rampant in Liyang City.

Either beat Wenhou's son today, or beat Mr. Guangping's grandson tomorrow.

At that time, Shi Ran was a frequent visitor of Tingwei.

Every time Prime Minister Zuo fished Shi Ran out of Ting Wei, he would beat Shi Ran violently first.

From this point of view, Shi Zhengguo and Prime Minister Zuo are different.

If it was Prime Minister Zuo, Shi Ran should be beaten up first.

When I came to Lin Yueru's store, there were two female customers in the store.It looked like they had already bought them, and the cash register was full of cosmetics. Two female customers were chatting with Lin Yueru, asking which cosmetics Lin Yueru used, and the effect was so good that some spots on her face disappeared.

Lin Yueru didn't tell the truth, she smiled and sold them a new product from a big brand.

Shi Ran greeted Lin Yueru, pulled up a chair, and put three servings of beef noodles on it.

The two female customers obviously knew Shi Ran and knew that Shi Ran was Lin Yueru's son. When they saw Shi Ran and Lin Yueru, they asked some clichéd questions and started the conversation based on them.

Shi Ran and Liu Shanqing didn't eat the beef ramen immediately, they walked to the door of the store, chatted with the people nearby, and waited for Lin Yueru.

Shi Ran found that this woman was really chatting endlessly. After more than half an hour passed, Lin Yueru was still chatting with two female customers, all of them were smiling, and they were so happy.

It's better to be Xiao Qingqing, I rarely talk to people like this.

But it's a bit bad, because Xiao Qingqing rarely pesters him, telling him some daily trivial matters.

When the two were together, Shi Ran basically kept talking, and Liu Shanqing only talked non-stop when talking about political affairs or other serious matters with Shi Ran.

When talking about political affairs or other serious matters, Liu Shanqing basically didn't talk nonsense, and every time he pointed to the core of the problem, very straightforward.

After another 15 minutes, the two female customers finally checked out and paid the bill. One of them left with two big bags of cosmetics and smiled.

Shi Ran picked up the three servings of beef ramen that were still warm, put them on the cash register, opened the bag, and put the small servings in front of Lin Yueru.

Lin Yueru said, "How do you see things? Is there a problem?"

"No, the wedding company has also gone to see it, and now everything is really ready, just waiting for the sixth day."

Lin Yueru said: "There is also a wedding car...are you renting it or are you looking for a friend?"

"Let's rent it, I'm too lazy to find friends." Shi Ran ate a piece of beef as thin as a cicada's wing, and said with a smile, "I remember Lin Town opened a horse farm, right?"

Lin Yueru added two slices of beef into the Liushanqing bowl, glanced at Shi Ran, and said, "You don't want to ride a horse on your wedding day, do you?"

Liu Shanqing heard this and glanced at Shi Ran.

"I have some ideas, but if you think about it carefully, let it go. Riding a horse is a bit exaggerated and ostentatious, so keep a low profile."

Your wedding dress is already very flamboyant... Lin Yueru said: "It's best not to ride a horse, it's not safe to ride a horse."

"You're underestimating your son. I'm good at riding. If you don't believe me, ask Shan Qing."

Liu Shanqing pretended not to hear, and Shi Ran's current riding skills all depended on the spirituality of the motorcycle. If it was replaced by other horses, Shi Ran's riding skills could not even compare with the children of the big follower.

After taking two mouthfuls of noodles, Shi Ran changed the subject and said, "After using Shanqing's cosmetics, do many people ask you if you want to sell them?"

Lin Yueru glanced at Liu Shanqing and said, "Not many, but quite a lot. Basically, customers who come to the store will ask which brand of cosmetics I use.

What is the brand name of Shanqing's cosmetics?How much does it cost to get the goods? "

"Didn't I say it before, what Shanqing gives you is not for sale."

"What do you say."

"You are Shanqing's future mother-in-law. If you want to sell her, how can Shanqing have any objections?"

Liu Shanqing put down his chopsticks, took out a napkin, wiped his mouth, and said, "Auntie, you don't have to worry about the supply of cosmetics, you can have as many as you want."

"That's great. I'm annoyed by those customers these days. Every time they ask me, I don't know what to say."

Shi Ran suddenly clicked his tongue and said, "I almost forgot about this."

"What?" Lin Yueru asked.

"Shanqing's cosmetics are all privately produced. Although they are pure natural and pollution-free without any chemical additives, they have not passed the inspection of the food and drug supervision and management department and cannot be sold outside," Shi Ran said. , but in case something goes wrong, forget it.”

Lin Yueru was a little unwilling to give up, and asked, "How can I pass the test?"

"I don't know, it should be quite troublesome."

Lin Yueru was thoughtful.

After lunch, Shi Ran sat in the store for a while, took Liu Shanqing out for a casual stroll, and went to the second mother's store by the way to have a chat.

Shi Yier was not in the store, and when she came back from vacation, Shi Yier basically ran out to finish with her classmates every day.

After chatting in the second mother's shop for more than half an hour, Shi Ran took the initiative to say goodbye, holding Xiao Qingqing's somewhat warm little hand, stuffed it into his pocket, and walked to the nearby shopping mall.

After buying two cups of hot milk tea, Shi Ran and Liu Shanqing each held warm hands and wandered aimlessly.Liu Shanqing suddenly bumped Shi Ran's arm lightly, and said, "Is that Shi Yi'er?"

Shi Ran followed the prestige, and saw Shi Yier talking and laughing with a boy dressed in vulgar clothes in front of a shop selling stinky tofu, Shi Yier even reached out and slapped the boy lightly.

"Yo, this is dating, it looks like they should be high school classmates."

Shi Ran said with a smile: "It's just that the boys are a bit ordinary, not handsome enough, and not tall. You see, Yi'er hasn't worn high heels yet. The two of them are about the same height. When they wear high heels, Yi'er must not be taller than him. .”

Liu Shanqing asked: "Will you go to say hello?"

"Wait a little longer," Shi Ran said, "I'll definitely not admit that in the past, I'm just an ordinary high school classmate. We'll go there when they hold hands or feed each other stinky tofu."

Liu Shanqing took a look and deliberately found a cover, and Shi Ran, who was in high spirits, took a sip of milk tea and said, "King Qin is quite experienced, did you encounter this before when King Qin and his female classmates went out to play? "

Shi Ran smiled helplessly, he found that no matter how cold-tempered Xiao Qingqing was, she was still like some little girls in some respects, maybe it was because Xiao Qingqing still remembered the time when she went out to play with female classmates when she was studying.

I also blame him for his bad mouth during the National Day, so he shouldn't have said it.

Seeing Shi Ran's denial, Liu Shanqing didn't hold on to it either, she said that to tease Shi Ran on purpose.

After waiting for a while, Shi Ran saw that Shi Yi'er was walking away with the finished stinky tofu and the boy, and immediately pulled Xiao Qingqing to follow.

Liu Shanqing said: "If you think too much, even if Shi Yier and that boy are together, they don't necessarily have to hold hands and feed each other in public."

There is another sentence that Liu Shanqing didn't say: You thought everyone was a disciple like you, and when they fell in love, they just wanted to hold hands and feed each other in public.

Shi Ran said: "Maybe it's because I'm too busy eating stinky tofu and don't have time to hold hands."

Liu Shanqing glanced at Shi Ran again, but said nothing.

Shi Yier and that boy are not eating stinky tofu now, they just carry it in their hands.

Speaking of which, Shi Yier and that boy bought quite a lot of stinky tofu, there were at least six boxes in a big bag.

Shi Ran once bought it for Liu Shanqing to taste, and Liu Shanqing didn't want to eat the second after taking the first bite.

"You want to keep following like this?" Liu Shanqing asked.

"It's okay anyway, let's see where the young people go on a date."

Liu Shanqing felt that Shi Ran was a bit boring.

Suddenly, Shi Yi'er stopped, turned around and saw Shi Ran and Liu Shanqing.

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