What kind of bad thoughts can the queen have?

Chapter 206 Surrounded and Don't Surrender

, what bad thoughts can the Empress have?

The disheveled princess Shi Ran embraced the frowning Liu Shanqing in her arms, and walked quickly and steadily into the delivery room that had been prepared early in the morning.

The delivery room was lit with surgical-grade lights.The midwives and doctors have complied with the requirements and put on the sterile surgical gowns and gloves that Shi Ran specially obtained from Hyundai.

Shi Ran gently placed Liu Shanqing on the new delivery bed that was also obtained from Hyundai, and then, standing by the bed, Shi Ran had no intention of leaving.

Seeing this, a female doctor couldn't help saying: "King Qin, please..."

Shi Ran interrupted: "I'll be right here with you, hurry up."

The female doctor wanted to say something else, but the head of the doctor team nudged her lightly with his elbow, signaling to shut up.The midwife at the side was ready to deliver the baby for Liu Shanqing.

For Shi Ran to stay, although the midwives have never encountered such a thing, they don’t really want Shi Ran to stay. After all, it’s nothing for a woman to have a man standing next to her, but this person is King Qin, so it’s okay up.

Liu Shanqing endured the pain and said: "Qin, King Qin...you can go out."

"It's okay, I'm here with you, I won't be like others, and I will have a psychological shadow because of it."

Shi Ran held Liu Shanqing's hand tightly.Liu Shanqing's red lips parted slightly, and she also tightly held Shi Ran's hand, not letting Shi Ran go out again.

Although she wasn't worried about Shi Ran's psychological shadow if she stayed, she didn't think about it, she just thought it was inappropriate for Shi Ran to stay, but if Shi Ran wanted to stay, then she would.With Shi Ran by her side, she was indeed at ease.

Giving birth, especially in Dasui, is undoubtedly a very dangerous and painful thing.Liu Shanqing was particularly strong during this process. Despite the unbearable abdominal pain, sweating profusely from the pain, and bulging veins, Liu Shanqing gritted her teeth in a daze, hummed slightly, and vigorously gave birth in the rhythm of a midwife .

Shi Ran couldn't bear to see it, and while gently wiping Liu Shanqing's sweat, he said softly: "Cry out when it hurts, don't bear it."

"No, nothing..." Liu Shanqing took a deep breath, and still had the strength to answer Shi Ran's words.

Shi Ran knows that giving birth is a very time-consuming thing, and most of them take several hours to give birth.Some people can give birth from seven or eight o'clock in the evening until four or five o'clock in the morning.

But those who have not experienced it cannot understand the anxiety of waiting.Shi Ran really admires those whose wives give birth in the delivery room, and who can watch small videos and play games in the corridor outside with peace of mind.

Shi Ran didn't have this idea at all, he only thought that it would be great if he could help Liu Shanqing.

I don't know how long it has passed, Liu Shanqing has been working hard, but the child still hasn't moved for a long time, and has been staying in Liu Shanqing's stomach.Even though the midwife relied on her experience to touch Liu Shanqing's belly and judged that the baby's fetal position and other things were normal, she kept shouting "Hurry up, hurry up, use your strength."

Shi Ran was still unavoidably anxious, and almost couldn't help but want to ask the midwife a few times, how long will it take? Did you see the baby's head?

Shi Ran almost ran over to look at it, but finally Shi Ran endured it and stood patiently beside Liu Shanqing, holding Liu Shanqing's hand and cheering Liu Shanqing.

Liu Shanqing was obviously tired and didn't have the mind to pay attention to Shi Ran, so he gritted his teeth and persisted.

The atmosphere in the delivery room was solemn, and only the midwife was using words to adjust Liu Shanqing's rhythm.The female doctors were standing by to prevent bad things from happening.

Outside the delivery room, Yu'er looked concerned and paced back and forth.In addition to the court ladies, there are many female guards with swords around, all of them have serious expressions and sharp eyes.

After a while, Shi Ran's helpless voice suddenly sounded in the delivery room where only the midwife's voice was heard.

"These two little things are really like fathers. They are surrounded by groups, and they refuse to surrender."

Tired Liu Shanqing, who was resting for a while, smiled speechlessly when he heard Shi Ran's words.

The midwives and female doctors at the side also didn't expect King Qin to be in the mood to joke about such things, and even said such things about their own children.Some people looked at Shi Ran and thought, King Qin's inner quality...

After another half an hour, the midwife's surprise sounded in the delivery room.

"I saw it, I saw it, I saw the head. Your Majesty, keep working hard."

Shi Ran and Liu Shanqing were not overjoyed because the midwife had already said that half an hour ago.Now I see the head again... The child's head is so big that it doesn't move a bit for half an hour.

As a result, it is true.

The midwife really saw the baby's head this time, and Liu Shanqing's pain intensified.Liu Shanqing must have felt something too, so he worked hard again.

Finally, with the cheers of the midwives, the first child finally came out.

After simple treatment, the female doctor on the side immediately stepped forward, took the child, and patted the child's soles and buttocks.With a wow, a loud cry suddenly sounded in the quiet palace.

Outside the delivery room, Yu'er, who had been restless and anxious, suddenly smiled.

The sharp-eyed female guards also smiled slightly.

If the child's cry was really loud, the patrol team outside the greenhouse seemed to vaguely hear it.

Shi Ran didn't leave Liu Shanqing to see the child immediately, and even the female doctor wanted to bring the child over, but Shi Ran waved her away first.Shi Ran continued to accompany Liu Shanqing, the battle is not over yet, and there is still one more.

But with the first, the second is much faster.About half an hour later, there was a second loud cry of a baby in the delivery room.

Shi Ran took a deep breath, and said to Liu Shanqing, "Listen to this crying, this voice is really worthy of our child."

Liu Shanqing's face was a little pale, and he smiled weakly, his hair stuck to his face, and he looked very tired.

Two female doctors carried the wrapped child over.Shi Ran carried one first and handed it to Liu Shanqing.Liu Shanqing looked at the baby in the swaddle, the small face was wrinkled like a little old man, tenderness was evident on the pale face.

"Is this a boy or a girl?"

"Report to the King of Qin, one dragon and one phoenix, the one you reported is a girl."

"Is she the one who came out first?"


Shi Ran said to Liu Shanqing: "It's all right now, this one who beat up my younger brother in the womb is really an older sister."

Immediately, Shi Ran handed her elder sister to the female doctor, took her younger brother, and handed it to Liu Shanqing again.

Shi Ran said: "I forgot who watched that friend give birth to a child, the child's face was also wrinkled, and people around said that the child looked like whom, so I wondered at that time, how could this wrinkle be seen.

Now that my child is out, I find that I can really tell that the face shape of this little guy is exactly the same as yours, and the nose and mouth are more like you. "

Liu Shanqing looked at the child with a slight smile, and found that it was indeed the case, while her sister's eyebrows and eyes were more like Shi Ran.

After seeing the child for a while, the exhausted Liu Shanqing couldn't bear it any longer, and fell asleep exhausted.

Sending Liu Shanqing back to the room, Shi Ran gently kissed Liu Shanqing's forehead, went out, encouraged the midwife and female doctor, told them to go back to rest, and go to Shaofu tomorrow to receive the reward.

After that, Yu'er came over and said, "King Qin, do you really want a nanny? What if the child is hungry?"

When the due date of delivery is approaching, Yu'er has already found five nannies who are innocent and in good health, who have just given birth and confinement.

These five nurses are all young, the oldest is 20 years old and the youngest is only 16 years old.

When Yu'er brought them to Shi Ran and Liu Shanqing for examination, Shi Ran let them go home.

In Da Sui, the royal family looked for a nanny, not only because the imperial concubine was of high status and there was no need to personally feed the children, but also to weaken the relationship between the child and the mother concubine, and to reduce the influence of the mother concubine on the child.

Gongqing's family was looking for a nanny, not only because of their status, but also because they didn't have any, and Da Sui didn't have any baby milk powder, so it had to be like this.

Liu Shanqing, who grew up in Dasui and was educated in Dasui, has a positive attitude towards finding a nanny for her children.If Yu'er didn't prepare in advance, she would blame Yu'er instead.

Shi Ran is against it.Shi Ran thinks that children should be fed by themselves, and Liu Shanqing is not without, and there are many.No matter how good others are, how can they be better than your own mother?

In order to persuade Liu Shanqing, Shi Ran found many reasons.First of all, the child fed by himself, the child will be closer to himself, and it is also good for Liu Shanqing's body.

Although there will be various inconveniences during the feeding process, but from a certain point of view, it is beneficial to Liu Shanqing's health and the prevention of certain popular diseases.

Liu Shanqing is a very assertive person, but Liu Shanqing will instinctively believe and obey Shi Ran's things and words.In addition, in order to persuade Liu Shanqing, Shi Ran also took out some medical reports he found specially, and went to the hospital to ask the doctor, and the doctor's advice he got, Liu Shanqing naturally agreed with what Shi Ran said.

So, Liu Shanqing asked Yu'er to give the nanny she found a sum of money, and let them go back to their respective homes and find their own children.Speaking of which, these people had just given birth to their children and were about to be separated from their own children. Thinking of this, Liu Shanqing felt a little uncomfortable.

Obviously, Yu'er violated Liu Shanqing's order, did not do so, and kept the nanny all the time.

Facing Yu'er's question, Shi Ran looked at Yu'er and said, "No, let them go back. By the way, there are some people in the palace who have taken care of children, right?"

"No, only those nannies have experience in taking care of children, the others..."

Thanks to Shi Ran's cleaning up of the people in the palace at the beginning of Liu Shanqing's ascension to the throne, and Liu Shanqing's cleaning up of the people in the palace before Shi Ran's return to the imperial court, all the maids in the palace are now He is a person who has not left the cabinet, and the oldest one is Yuer's age, so he has no experience in taking care of children.

"Leave an experienced one and let her teach you how to take care of children, and let the others go home. After she teaches you, give her a sum of money and let her go home too. If she hasn't gone back for so long, she must also miss her child." "No."

"By the way, tomorrow morning, you go to Prime Minister Zuo's mansion and tell Prime Minister Zuo and Mrs. An Yue about this. If they want to enter the palace, they will be taken over."


As soon as Shi Ran returned to the room, the two little ones in the cradle began to cry one after another.



The next day, the sky cleared.

As soon as the morning light came out, Shi Zhong's excited shouts rang out from the Minister of Commerce's house.

Shi Hewenzhi, who was eating breakfast in the hall, couldn't help but frowned, and scolded displeasedly: "What's the point of yelling so early in the morning?"

"It's born, it's born, Your Majesty gave birth last night, it's really a son and a daughter as the elder brother said."

Shi He was taken aback, and said pleasantly: "Really? How did you find out about this news?"

"How do I know, father, you can leave it alone, I passed away at my uncle's family."

Saying that, Shi Zhong ran out like a gust of wind.

After a while, there was a rush of horseshoes on the quiet street.

When he came to Prime Minister Zuo's mansion, Shi Zhong turned over and jumped down, knocked open the gate of Prime Minister Zuo's mansion, and shouted excitedly, "Uncle Shi, Mother Shi, I have some good news for you."

After shouting for a long time, only the housekeeper hurried over and said: "Just now someone from the palace said that His Majesty has given birth to a dragon and a phoenix, and has brought the prime minister and wife into the palace."

Shi Zhong ran out without saying a word, and quickly came to the gate of the palace.Shi Zhong didn't forget his identity, he got off his horse and was about to run in.The guards at the palace gate stopped Shi Zhong.

Immediately, Shi Zhong became a little dissatisfied, and took out the token Shi Ran gave her.

This token symbolizes that Shi Zhong can freely enter and leave the palace no matter when and where.

The guards at the palace gate saluted Shi Zhong respectfully, but still refused to let him in.The reason is very simple, as early as seven days ago, the imperial palace was completely under martial law, no one was allowed to enter or leave the imperial palace without the order of Shi Ran and Liu Shanqing.

Although the child is born now, the order of martial law has not been lifted. Without the permission of Shi Ran and Liu Shanqing, Shi Zhong cannot enter the palace even with the token Shi Ran gave her.

Shi Zhong had no choice but to ask the guard to notify him on his behalf.

If it was someone else, the guards would ignore him, but the guards knew Shi Zhong's identity.As the younger sister of the King of Qin, Shi Zhong has no official position, title or title, but his status is still extremely honorable, so how could they be willing to offend Shi Zhong.Immediately, a guard entered the palace to report.

Unsurprisingly, King Qin allowed Shi Chong to enter the palace.

Shi Zhong ran all the way to the conservatory. Before the guards at the door could report, he rushed up and shouted loudly, "Brother, where is Youzi? Let me..."

Before he finished speaking, Shi Zhong saw that Shi Yuan and Mrs. An Yue were holding one each, sitting on chairs with wide smiles on their faces.At the same time, there were Shi Ran's displeased eyes and the voice of scolding at a lowered volume.

"Slow down, Shanqing is still resting."

Shi Zhong stuck out his tongue, first saluted Shi Yuan and Mrs. An Yue, and called "Shi Bo, Shi Mu", and then ran to Mrs. An Yue's side, looked at the child who was staring at the round eyes, and reached out to touch the child. Touching the child's soft, cotton candy-like little face, it is a child's play.

Although the child still looks a little wrinkled now, in Shi Zhong's eyes, he thinks it is very beautiful and cute.At the same time, Shi Zhong felt a little emotional in his heart, that she had a son, and she had become an aunt.

"Mother Shi, is this a boy or a girl?"

"Girl, doesn't she look very similar to your elder brother?"

"Yes, especially the eyes, which are exactly the same as big brother. Shimu, can you let me hug you?"

Mrs. An Yue did not refuse, and carefully handed the child to Shi Zhong.

Shi Zhong took the child more carefully and adjusted his posture, as if he was holding a peerless treasure.Afterwards, Shi Zhong made faces at the child in his arms.The child kept staring at her without any response.

Just when Shi Zhong wanted to continue teasing the child, Mrs. An Yue took the child back.

Shi Zhong then ran to Shi Yuan's side to tease the other boy.

At the same time, Shi Zhong asked Shi Ran: "Brother, have you chosen a name? What's it called?"

Shi Ran said, "My younger brother's name is Zhilin, and my older sister's name is Wenyu."

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"Brother Shen!"


Shen Changqing was walking on the road, and when he met someone he knew, he would say hello or nod to each other.

But no matter who.

Everyone's face has no superfluous expressions, as if they are very indifferent to everything.

In this regard.

Shen Changqing is used to it.

Because this is the Ministry of Suppression, it is an organization that maintains the stability of Daqin. Its main responsibility is to kill monsters and monsters. Of course, there are also some other side jobs.

It can be said.

In the Demon Suppression Division, everyone had a lot of blood on their hands.

When a person is used to seeing life and death, he will become indifferent to many things.

When he first came to this world, Shen Changqing was a little uncomfortable, but over time he got used to it.

The town magic department is very big.

Those who can stay in the Town Demon Division are all powerful masters, or those who have the potential to become masters.

Shen Changqing belongs to the latter.

Among them, the Demon Suppression Division is divided into two occupations, one is the guardian envoy and the other is the demon slayer.

Anyone who enters the Demon Suppression Division starts from the lowest level of demon slayer.

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Then he was promoted step by step, and finally he was expected to become a guardian envoy.

Shen Changqing's predecessor was a trainee slayer in the Demon Suppression Division, and he was also the lowest-ranked slayer.

Has the memory of the predecessor.

He is also very familiar with the environment of the Town Demon Division.

It didn't take too long, Shen Changqing stopped in front of an attic.

Different from other places full of chills in the Demon Suppression Division, the attic here seems to stand out from the crowd, showing a different tranquility in the bloody Suppression Demon Division.

At this time, the door to the attic was open, and occasionally people came in and out.

Shen Changqing just hesitated for a moment, then stepped inside.

Enter the attic.

Circumstances have changed in vain.

A burst of ink fragrance mixed with the faint smell of blood rushed towards his face, causing his brows to instinctively wrinkle, but then quickly stretched.

There is almost no way to clean the bloody smell on everyone in the Zhen Mosi.

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