The window of Jiaojiao's room was not locked, so I climbed into her room smoothly.

Looking at Jiaojiao like a sleeping beauty, my tears fell silently in an instant.

Jiaojiao is the most sorry woman in my life.

Sitting on the ground, touching Jiaojiao's fair face, I choked up and said, "Jiaojiao, I miss you so much."

"Jiaojiao, when my company makes money, I will definitely take you by my side and give you the best care."

Slowly got up, then bent down, I kissed Jiaojiao's forehead deeply.


I heard movement.

Someone is going downstairs.

Before I had time to think about it, I hurried to the window and stepped out, clasped my hands on the window sill, then propped it up with one hand, and carefully closed the window with the other hand.

Jumping off the second floor is not a problem for me who was born as a scout.

When I jumped to the first floor and got on the motorcycle, I looked back reluctantly at the second floor where Jiaojiao was.

Seeing the lights in Jiaojiao's room suddenly turned on, I guessed that her family members came down from the third floor to give her some exercise.


It was already twelve o'clock at night when I got home.

When the phone was on silent, Fan Yuanyuan called me, but I didn't answer. She sent me a text message telling me that my mother drove my father to my room on the second floor to sleep, and at my mother's invitation, she will be with my mother tonight Sleep in one room.

When I got home, my dad was still in my room, leaning against the head of the bed, watching hot news on his mobile phone.

When I washed and lay down, my dad put away her reading glasses, and then suddenly asked me: "Have you seen it?"

I looked at my dad with a guilty conscience.

"Stop pretending, you can hide this from Miss Fan, but you can't hide it from me."

I was dumbfounded, my dad obviously misunderstood Fan Yuanyuan as his future daughter-in-law.

I saw my dad say again at this time: "That girl of the Zhang family has been lying in bed for more than a year. I went with your mother no less than ten times, and she was sent back by her parents every time."

If my dad doesn't tell me tonight, I'll be kept in the dark.

"Dad, don't visit Jiaojiao in the future."

My dad asked me why, and I told him what I thought in my heart. I wanted to go to Jiaojiao's father with the money when I had money, so that they would willingly entrust Jiaojiao to my care.


The next day, Fan Yuanyuan and I said goodbye to my parents temporarily, and then we came to the city.

Fan Yuanyuan told me that before coming to Jiangdong, she had inquired about two outsourcing companies online in advance.

"You are becoming more and more like a good secretary now."

I appreciate Fan Yuanyuan's ability even more.

"Brother Nan, one of these two companies was established this year, and the other is very powerful in Jiangdong. One of the takeaway company Jiangdong's business is contracted to them."

In the hotel, I checked the information of these two companies.

"Brother Nan, I think we should make an appointment with this powerful company." Fan Yuanyuan suggested to me.

I didn't even think about it, and told her firmly: "Tonight, I will make an appointment with this Lechi company established this year."

"Brother Nan, why?"

Fan Yuanyuan looked at me in disbelief, she didn't understand why I would give up this powerful and experienced company.

I explained to her: "This kind of company tends to open their mouths. It is better to find a company that is in urgent need of business. They are new companies just like us. No matter what, they will work very hard..."

Fan Yuanyuan opened her mouth, as if she still wanted to convince me of my decision.

I waved my hand and told her: "I have already decided, you should ask the person in charge of their company now, and talk to them tonight."


This time everyone is on a business trip, I agreed with the operation manager Li Yourou’s plan. The first-tier cities and several key second-tier cities will adopt the self-management model of company registration subsidiaries, while other cities will be contracted out in the form of outsourcing.

The task of Lao Huang and Li Hao will be very difficult. They both have experience in this industry and have been webmasters, so this time they are arranged to travel to the first-tier cities to set up a site to recruit webmasters and other positions, which will be recruited by them personally. talent.


In the evening, the other party asked me to have dinner at a five-star hotel in Jiangdong.

The person in charge of this company is Wang Zhidong, who looks quite young, in his early 30s.

We had a great time talking.

In the end, we negotiated a cooperation at the best price.

A week later, the other party will send people to my company for intensive training.

I was able to negotiate with the other party in just one meal, which was beyond my expectations.

"Mr. Xiang, don't rush to leave. I'll make arrangements for tonight."

After signing the contract, the other party even offered to invite me to sing, but I refused.

I shook my head: "Forget it this time, we will have more opportunities in the future, and the future will last forever."

"OK then."


Back at the hotel in the evening, everyone reported to me their achievements today in the group.

At this time, Fan Yuanyuan asked me in a private message on WeChat: (Brother Nan, what is the plan for tomorrow? Are you going back to Handong?)

After reading the news, I told her by voice: (Tomorrow, I will go to the city where you used to work in Taekwondo, you book the ticket.)

(Thank you, Brother Nan!)

Seeing Fan Yuanyuan's thank you message, I smiled.

She is very smart and knows that I want to let her go back to Taekwondo to see her former colleagues and students.

In the group, I, Aite Zhang Qian, asked her how the recruitment of city managers in various cities was going.

(No problem, tension goes well.)

Zhang Qian told me that applicants from several cities have already sent her resumes, and after she finishes her business trip, she will arrange for applicants to come to the company for interviews.

I was satisfied and praised her in the group for her good work.

(Brother Nan, are you going back to Handong tomorrow?) Liang Lu suddenly hit me.

I thought about it, and jokingly replied to her (you guessed it.)

(I hate you.) Liang Lu replied to me with an angry emoji, and then she asked Fan Yuanyuan about my whereabouts tomorrow.

Fan Yuanyuan told her in the group, and I was so angry that I sent Fan Yuanyuan a bomb emoji in the group.

Fan Yuanyuan reminded me in the group at this time (Brother Nan, if Sister Qian receives Jiang Dong's resume, we will be there, why don't we interview before we leave tomorrow.)

(There really is Jiangdong.) Zhang Qian saw the news and reminded us.

After being reminded by Fan Yuanyuan, I immediately announced in the group that everyone should take advantage of the time to invite applicants from the city where they are located for an interview. This will not only save a round trip for the applicants, but also reduce Zhang Qian’s workload. .

Seeing me speak, everyone immediately said that there is no problem.

And when Zhang Qian sent me the information of candidates in Jiangdong City, I was stunned.

(So ​​familiar.)

When Lao Huang and Li Hao saw the applicant's resume, they also suggested that the person was familiar.

(Lying grass, Brother Nan, is Zhang Jiaojiao's cousin Zhang Wei.)

When Li Hao remembered to tell me, I already knew that this person was Zhang Wei.

Fan Yuanyuan asked us curiously in the group: (What are you talking about.)

At this time, Omega, who had been silent in the group, suddenly sent a snickering emoji.

I jokingly teased Ou Oujia: (Mr. Ou is so busy, he has no time for water.)

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