
A kraft paper portfolio was casually thrown on the coffee table.

Gou Xinlian's name was scrawled on the portfolio.

"Team leader, this..." Gou Xinlian looked at the portfolio, then looked up at Tu Ziqiang.

"Look..." Tu Ziqiang lowered his head and blew on the froth in the teacup without lifting his head.

"This is against discipline~~" Gou Xinlian subconsciously wanted to reach out, but retracted like lightning.

"Fuck..." Tu Ziqiang sneered.

Just said this one word.


It's rubbing, not Cao.

Sheer contempt.

Gou Xinlian swallowed, took a deep breath, stretched out his hands trembling, but his eyes were fixed on Tu Ziqiang.

The lanyard on the kraft paper bag weighed a thousand catties, and the paper rope was untied in circles, making the paper bag rustle...

It's not that Gou Xinlian has never done anything that violated discipline, and he has done a lot.

At that time, he was a celebrity in front of Wang Shan, but now, his identity is a labor reform prisoner...

Things that used to be normal can now be fatal.

Tu Ziqiang did not intend to urge at all, let alone open his mouth.

His attitude is obvious, if you don't open this portfolio, then...

Go back where you came from!

There is only one last turn of the paper rope left, and after another turn, the portfolio can be opened.

But Gou Xinlian's hands were trembling, and he didn't go around this last circle for a long time.

"Why don't you forget it~" Tu Ziqiang sighed softly, and raised his hand to grab a corner of the file bag.

"Team leader!" Gou Xinlian clutched the file bag tightly and refused to let go, his face was full of pleading.

"Being an ordinary citizen is actually quite good~" Tu Ziqiang looked at Gou Xinlian deeply, and continued, "Your sons and daughters are not young, right?"

"Team leader, I..." Gou Xinlian sniffed.

Tu Ziqiang's words did not move him.

He is still struggling to survive, and he has not reached the level of caring for his children.

Tu Ziqiang looked at Gou Xinlian for a long time, smiled helplessly, and let go of his grip on the portfolio.

Gou Xinlian let out a long breath.


Tu Ziqiang returned to his desk, picked up a page, turned around, walked back, and handed it to Gou Xinlian.

Gou Xinlian grabbed the file bag with one hand, and took the page with the other hand.

"I can't solve your historical problems, I can only help you to this extent." Tu Ziqiang patted Gou Xinlian's callused big hand, and sighed, "Didn't you graduate from Douzhier Vocational and Technical College? I'll transfer you back, Just supervise labor at your alma mater..."

"Team leader, I~~" Gou Xinlian looked at the paper and hesitated.

"Two birds in the forest are worth a bird in the hand." Tu Ziqiang sat on the sofa, put his hands on his knees and tapped lightly, "Go back to your alma mater and work hard and perform well. What if there is a turning point? Right?"

turnaround?What kind of bullshit is turning around?

The turning point has come now!

Don't seize the opportunity and wait for the next connecting flight?

The word labor deeply stimulated Gou Xinlian.

"At least it's better than being in the cadre school, isn't it?" Tu Ziqiang said to himself, "A lot of familiar teachers, familiar many, can you take care of me, right?"

Gou Xinlian's breathing became more and more rapid, and blood rushed upwards.

Tu Ziqiang is killing people!

I was the pride of that year!

The teachers are honored, and the students are envious and jealous!

You let me go back to my alma mater to work as a prisoner?

Then I might as well find a bathhouse and commit suicide!

The water in the bathroom is not cold!

"In this life, you have three poor and three rich, so don't have any mental burden." Tu Ziqiang saw through what Gou Xinlian was thinking, and comforted him very sincerely, "It's a temporary trough~ I don't understand, it's just ridicule. Motivation to keep going!"

Gou Xinlian's hand holding the file bag is getting stronger and stronger...

"Are you 45 this year?" Tu Ziqiang asked with concern, "People say that 40 is not confusing, and you should understand everything you should understand at the age of [-]. Foreign things~ let them say it!"

"Team leader, I am 42 years old." Gou Xinlian raised his head and corrected solemnly, "Yes, you are right! Forty years old!"

Tu Ziqiang nodded in satisfaction.

"In the early years, when you lived to forty, you could call yourself an old man..." Gou Xinlian had a sneer on his mean face, put down the file bag, and grabbed the transfer order.

Tu Ziqiang looked at Gou Xinlian with a smile and said nothing.


Gou Xinlian tore apart the transfer order slowly.

Tu Ziqiang blinked his eyes and frowned slightly.

"Team leader, I'm 42, what else is there to be afraid of?" Gou Xinlian smiled distortedly, picked up the file bag, and walked around the last circle, "Let me go to work again? I'd rather die!"

Tu Ziqiang bowed slightly, stretched out a hand, and pressed Gou Xinlian's hand that pulled out the file.

Gou Xinlian looked at Tu Ziqiang suspiciously.

"You have both sons and daughters..." Tu Ziqiang said meaningfully, "I've thought about it!"

"I'm not afraid of being broken into pieces, I want to stay innocent in the world!" Gou Xinlian said firmly with justice on his wretched face.


Still fucking excited!

Tu Ziqiang kept his mouth shut and withdrew his hand.

Gou Xinlian smiled slightly, opened the file bag, and gently pulled out the files inside...

A thick pile of blank paper, without a single word...

This is not Gou Xinlian's file at all!

Gou Xinlian raised his head and cast a puzzled look at Tu Ziqiang.

"The last one~~" Tu Ziqiang crossed his fingers and smiled mysteriously.

Gou Xinlian's lips trembled, took a deep breath, and pulled out the bottom sheet of the stack of big white papers.

[After careful investigation and careful research, the conclusion is as follows: Comrade Gou Xinlian has a firm stand, an innocence and has nothing to do with Wangshan Group, and he has always insisted on unremitting struggle against it!a certain day in a certain year]

Below is Xiao Zhao's autograph, and it is also stamped with the official seal of a certain association across the country.

Findings? !

Gou Xinlian raised his hands and rubbed his eyes vigorously. With trembling hands, he took a deep breath and tremblingly read the page from beginning to end.

This!Even if it's fucking...

Gou Xinlian's eyes were full of tears...

This is too fucking nonsense!

The day of signing is today!The inkpad of the official seal is not dry yet!

Also fucking say that my history problem is not easy to solve?

Doesn't this fucking fix it?ah? !

Gou Xinlian wriggled his lips and raised his head tremblingly to look at Tu Ziqiang.

"It's too late to put it back now." Tu Ziqiang coughed lightly, and said sincerely, "I can keep this matter a secret for you today!"

"I~I~~" Gou Xinlian held the page of paper tightly in his arms, his mind went blank, and he didn't know what to say at all.

"Think about it, if you take this piece of paper out of this office..." Tu Ziqiang paused, leaning forward slightly, "What does it mean?"

What the hell could it even mean?

It means that I have completely boarded Xiao Zhao's boat, it means that I have completely betrayed Gao Nan'an, it means...

Gou Xinlian thought of Qi Fengming's name, and his brain buzzed...

It means that we have to do right with Qi Fengming!

Gou Xinlian took a deep breath, held the paper with both hands straight, and looked at it from afar.

The big hand stroked gently, just like the night of the wedding...

The rough cocoon rubbed against the paper, making a crackling sound...

The white paper was very rough, and occasionally touched the wound on his hand with a tingling pain.

This tingling pain reminded him of the life that was not as good as pigs and dogs in the past six months...

His gaze gradually became firmer.

Gou Xinlian slowly picked up the file bag thrown on the table, looked at the piece of paper reluctantly, and carefully put it back.

sting, sting, sting...

The paper rope of the file bag is tightly wrapped around...

Tu Ziqiang kept watching silently.

The portfolio was placed on the table, and then a pair of big hands gently pushed it back in front of Tu Ziqiang.

"Team leader, please keep this for me first." Gou Xinlian took one last look, then raised his head slowly, "If I take it away today..."

The corners of Tu Ziqiang's mouth curled up slowly.

"That will delay our work!"

There was an inexplicable light in Gou Xinlian's mung bean eyes.

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