Chapter 1288 Forcibly Pretending To Be Beep, The Most Deadly


The Du family, one of the six major families of the Demon Capital, who once descended from Tycoon Du, will have no money?

The Du family is rich and rich, but it doesn’t mean Du Cheng is rich!

Just like the Penguin Consortium’s market value of 3.5 trillion Dragon National Coins, doesn’t it mean that Brother Xiao Ma has 3.5 trillion!

In particular, Du Cheng is only the second in line, and the Du family is currently in charge of the Mesozoic of each house. Du Cheng is not qualified to mobilize Du’s funds at all. The ten million is Du Cheng’s own money!

In other words, let alone Du Cheng, even if it is the first heir to the Du family, he is currently not eligible to mobilize Du’s funds, because the competition in the Mesozoic of the Du family is far more fierce and tragic than ordinary giants!

Hearing Jiang Dong’s words, Du Cheng’s expression changed frantically. After a long while, Du Cheng’s face was somber and coldly shouted to Jiang Dong: “Then you say, how much do you want to bet?”

“At least… one billion!” Jiang Dong said calmly: “One game will be the winner!”

One billion!

At least?

In an instant, everyone’s eyes widened, staring at Jiang Dong dumbfounded, even Prince Wang couldn’t help taking out his hands from his pants pocket…

With a ten-kilometer racing track, the winner will be determined in one round, and you will bet one billion directly…

One hundred million per kilometer is definitely the shortest round and the biggest bet ever!

“This guy is either really rich, rich beyond imagination, or he is a lunatic, utter lunatic!” The Prince Wang couldn’t help muttering in his heart.

There is a saying that Prince Wang was really shocked by Jiangdong’s aura and methods. Even Prince Wang would not dare to take Jiangdong’s bet, let alone Du Cheng!

In fact, Jiangdong is really just like Prince Wang had imagined. He is not only a total madman, but also really rich beyond imagination!


Jiangdong’s rewards for signing in for a day are more than this number!

Seeing Du Cheng’s silence, Jiang Dong knew that this guy was scared, but he couldn’t help but sneered, “What? Is it because Du Shao is too young? That’s okay! If you want to play, just play a little bigger. , There is no problem at all, let’s bet 10 billion!”

Ten billion!


Everyone couldn’t help taking a breath, and even Yi Tong was frightened by Jiang Dong’s madness.

The amount of 10 billion is too huge. Yitong has no idea how much the money is. However, the second generation of this group of consortiums have an all-round understanding of the number of 10 billion. They know that this cash , Can even control the fate of the three under the six major families of the Devil!

Remember, cash is required, not cash is not good, after all, the market value of the six major families of the magic city is not low.

“Don’t be bragging here!” Du Cheng couldn’t help it at last, and broke out directly, “Do you have 10 billion? You bet 10 billion with me?”

“Okay! I admit, I’m actually bragging!” Jiang Dong shrugged indifferently, and said to Du Cheng with a smile: “I only have more than nine billion in my body now, and the distance is ten billion, which is still so short. Little bit…”

After saying this, Jiang Dong deliberately took out his mobile phone, called up the SMS page of Long Country Bank, and placed it in front of Du Cheng.

Forcibly pretending to beep is the most deadly!

Jiang Dong is now forcibly pretending to beep, and the so-called “fatal” is naturally left to Du Cheng to enjoy, Jiang Dong has no interest.

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