Chapter 674

Wait, what did he hear?

Something is gone?

The lithography machine is not a small object, it is a huge object weighing hundreds of tons and more than 100,000 parts!

If you want to steal him, unless you send a large-scale transport machine, it is impossible to be transported away.

But once a large-scale delivery machine is dispatched, it is impossible for the warehouse guards to not know.

How could the lithography machine disappear out of thin air!

Impossible, absolutely impossible!

“Li Wei, I’m not in the mood to joke with you right now.”

Dong Hao’s face was green, and he said every word.


Li Wei wanted to make a joke.

But the cruel reality did not allow him to make jokes.

“Vost, I’m not kidding, what I said is true, the lithography machine was stolen!”

Li Wei smiled bitterly.



In anger, Dong Hao smashed the phone to the ground, and the brand new Apple 12 was instantly torn apart.



Dong Hao panted heavily, and his whole body began to tremble violently.

The anger in his chest is constantly rising like an erupting volcano.

Just a second ago, he was still telling Li Wei that he must guard the lithography machine.

Not only is the lithography agency concerned about their debts, but more importantly, the lithography machine belongs to Su Lang.

It’s okay to knock Su Lang a stroke, presumably Su Lang looks at his face and doesn’t say anything.

But now it’s different, and now they just wiped out Su Lang’s things.

At that time, if Su Lang paid out the money, but they couldn’t deliver the goods, it would be a big trouble!

How to do how to do?

Dong Hao’s mind turned quickly, and one thought after another passed through his mind, and then he rejected them one by one.

Call the police?

It is absolutely impossible to call the police!

Once you call the police, it is tantamount to exposing the matter. The police will not let him go, and Su Lang will not let him go.

Confess to Dong Yun?

After thinking about it, Dong Hao shook his head.

It is good to confess this idea to Dong Yun, but once you confess it, let alone the vice president, even his position as a COSCO shipping company will have to be moved.

For today’s plan, we can only grab the lithography machine back before Su Lang’s trouble.

Yes, that’s it.

Thinking of this, Dong Hao no longer hesitated, bent over to pick up the phone, took out the calling card from it, and then took out another phone from the drawer to install it, and dialed Li Wei’s number.

Warehouse No. 8…


The blind tone in the phone stirred his nerves.

Just now, after a loud noise came from the phone, the phone was disconnected.

Li Wei knows that Dong Hao must be angry, right? The phone is smashed!

“Li, Director Li, what did Hao Shao say?”

Next to him, the middle-aged man Lao Zhao asked tremblingly.

How to say?


Li Wei only smiled bitterly.

“Various little said nothing.”

Zhao Baichuan:! ! !

All of a sudden, the haze on Zhao Baichuan’s face was wiped out, replaced by a flush of flushing.

“Director Li, you mean, Hao Shao didn’t blame us?”

Zhao Baichuan asked impatiently.

No blame?


Ha ha……

Ha ha ha…

How can this be.

“Old Zhao, have you heard of the tranquility before the storm?”


Hearing this, Zhao Baichuan’s little heart instantly raised his throat.

“Li… Director Li, what do you mean?”

“En~” Li Wei nodded, and said, “A few storms are brewing now.”

“It’s not just you, it’s me, we all have to finish it!”


As soon as he said this, it seemed as if all Zhao Baichuan’s strength had been taken away.

Zhao Baichuan’s legs softened and he immediately fell to the ground.

His face was even paler.


Deathly quiet!

No one spoke at the whole scene.

Everyone stood there dumbfounded.

It’s not that they don’t want to say, but they don’t know what to say.

“Tingling bell~”

At this moment, a sudden bell rang.

In the next second, everyone’s eyes fell on Li Wei.

Li Wei took out his mobile phone from his pocket, and the caller showed Dong Hao’s number.

“It’s a few…”

At this moment, everyone’s bodies began to shake wildly uncontrollably.

Is the storm coming so soon?

One second, two seconds, three seconds…

Usually a short time, but at this moment it seems extremely long.

For a long time, Li Wei finally pressed the answer button.

Stretching one’s head is one stroke, and shrinking one’s head is also a cut.

Rather than pushing it down, we should die early and super live.

Gritting his teeth, Li Wei pressed the answer button.

“Hey, how many…”

“Li Wei, let me ask you, what is going on? The lithography machine has hundreds of tons and various parts and components more than 100,000.”

“Why would he lose?”

Dong Hao’s voice came over the phone.

“Treasurer Chen Ruilong drank too much last night and left his post without authorization…”

Drank too much?

Leave without permission!


Dong Hao was going crazy.

He never expected that things would be so-simple!



Dong Hao panted heavily, forcibly suppressed the anger in his heart, and said: “Li Wei, I won’t pursue the matter of losing something.”

Li Wei:! ! !

Don’t pursue it!

Li Wei was taken aback for a moment, and then there was a burst of ecstasy in his heart. He never expected that Dong Hao would show mercy and decided not to pursue it.

But the next second, the smile on Li Wei’s face froze.

Just listen to Dong Hao’s conversation, and said: “However, you need to find me things before Su Lang arrives.”

“Otherwise, you should be prepared to feed the fish.”

Li Wei:? ? ?

At this moment, Li Wei seemed to have fallen from the top of Mount Everest to the bottom of the Turpan Basin.

With this sudden ups and downs, Li Wei almost closed his breath without coming up.

How can he find the lithography machine?

Since the other party dared to pay attention to the lithography machine, it was clear that he was fully prepared.

How could it be easily found by him.

Also, the ghost knows when Su Lang will arrive in Hong Kong, what if Su Lang will arrive in the next moment?

“How little, I really can’t do anything about this.”

“Since the other party dares to pay attention to the lithography machine, he must be fully prepared. At this moment, where can I find it?”

Li Wei said with a wry smile.

“I don’t care about this, you figure it out.”

“I still said that, if you can’t find it, then go to Victoria Harbour to feed the fish yourself.”

After all, Dong Hao didn’t give Li Wei a chance to refute, so he hung up the phone without saying anything. ,


Listening to the blind tone coming from the phone, Li Wei’s face was bitter.

There is no clue, where can he go to find it?

“Director Li, how is the situation?”

“For the loss of the lithography machine, few decided not to pursue it!”

Everyone looked a little bit, and clenched their fists in excitement.

But in the next second, Li Wei’s conversation changed: “However, very few asked us to retrieve the lithography machine.”



Where to find this?

“What if you can’t find it?”

Zhao Baichuan asked subconsciously.

“If you can’t find it, then prepare to feed the fish in Victoria Harbor…”

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