Shennong, Who Returned from Xiu Xian

Chapter 786: : Let the Marines do it

As Ye Xiaohu guessed, Yejia Water Plant was on fire.

A few days after the advertisement was broadcast, Sister Xiang Qing plunged into her busy work, making Ye Xiaohu only accompany Sister Xiang Qing in the water plant.

"Xiang Xiang, South China Group needs to purchase our Yejia purified water in large quantities."

"Tianyu Supermarket Group, if we want to give our Yejia pure water a booth, we can let us stall for three months for free."

"To the person in charge of the General Lingyun Hotel, I called again and asked us to send a batch of purified water from Yejia as soon as possible, otherwise they would not be able to support it."

"No, there is not enough water in the warehouse. Remove the water sources that support other divisions. The remaining water sources are not enough to support the group that continues to purchase."

"Mr. Xiang, Mr. Xiang ..."

One by one staff, greet Sister Qing constantly.

I don't know when, after a few days of continuous struggle, the tired Xiang Qing sister has been lying on the desk and fell into a deep sleep.

Seeing this scene, Ye Xiaohu, who stood aside, could not help but frown: "Okay, don't shout, didn't you see Sister Xiang Qing has fallen asleep?"

"But the boss, how does the company's affairs work?"

Hearing Ye Xiaohu's words, each employee looked at Ye Xiaohu.

Because Ye Xiaohu is the boss, if Sister Xiang Qing, who is in charge of the specific situation, can no longer work, then you can only wait for Ye Xiaohu to make a decision.

"What's wrong?"

Ye Xiaohu glared at the subordinate employees of the water plant, and then handed them over the contracts one by one, and had already invited the cooperation.

I saw Ye Xiaohu read it carefully, and then selected some unsuitable enterprises from it.

It also removed a part of the enterprises that had no sincerity or lack of sincerity.

But the remaining enterprises are still very large.

Faced with this situation, Ye Xiaohu could not help but frown and said: "Can't continue like this, otherwise we can't support huge customers even if we have too much water. And our water source must not only produce pure water for sale, but also To support the cultivation and production of pharmaceuticals in various divisions. So the next sale of pure water will raise my price and restrict sales. "

"Restrict sales?"

Suddenly I heard Ye Xiaohu's words, an employee said with amazement: "The boss can't do this! The pure water of our Yejia Water Plant was originally very expensive, up to 30 yuan a bottle. Now you not only have to raise the price Moreover, it is necessary to restrict sales, so that it is easy for customers to escape. And the boss looks at the pure water and mineral water sold outside ... basically it is everywhere, so we can not restrict sales. "

Being refuted, Ye Xiaohu was not angry, but calmly said: "So what do we do in your opinion?"

"Give up support from other divisions."

The employee was stunned for a while, then said with a happy face: "We should all develop Yejia pure water for the time being, and wait for Yejia pure water to gain a foothold, and then develop other industries."

"Do you know our leafy vegetables, how much money do we make in a year?"


"Do you know how many medicines can be sold in our Xian Hospital in one year?"

"do not know."

"Then do you know how much our pure water we need every day to cure and save people?"

"do not know either."

"You don't know anything. Why should we break support for other branches?"

Ye Xiaohu refuted the employee just proposed, and then said to the remaining employees: "And I have surveyed that there are some sky-high mineral water abroad, worth hundreds of thousands, tens of thousands, thousands of RMB. Yes, then our Yejia water source will do. So I thought about it and decided to price 500 yuan per bottle. "

Other people's water is precious?

Isn't the water of my Ye family precious?

This is Lingshui!

Where do ordinary people go?

If it is not worried that the price is too high and no one buys it, then Ye Xiaohu really wants a bottle of Yejia pure water and sells it for one million dollars.


The following employees also want to persuade Ye Xiaohu.

But Ye Xiaohu directly waved his hand and directly refused: "Don't worry about other things, I will be responsible for something."


Since Ye Xiaohu made the point, they naturally have no way to go against it, they can only do it according to Ye Xiaohu's arrangement.

After they left, Ye Xiaohu called the farm again and asked them to send some more purified water to avoid the picture of still being in short supply after the price increase.


Furun supermarket.

Because they had cooperated with Ye Xiaohu before, they were the first to put Yejia pure water on the shelves.

"Add more bottles."

"Let's store less, let's put it!"

"No, if you don't let it go, it will be messy for a while."

"But a bottle of 500 yuan, how can anyone buy it?"

"Anyone buys it, it will be known immediately."

The manager of Furun Supermarket insisted on going alone, insisting on increasing the amount of pure Yejia water.

Soon after the employees were busy, Furun Supermarket opened the door.

Immediately after the guests poured in, they looked at Ye Xiaohu's pure water, and they flicked their lips and did not buy them immediately, but walked towards those specials.

This makes the employees of Furun Supermarket ~ ~ persevere.

But their store manager was very calm.

Because of this situation, it did not last long.

At about ten o'clock, when a new generation of young people arrived, they stopped next to the Yejia pure water one by one, and picked up the Yejia pure water one by one and went straight to the cash register.

With one, there is the second.

After a while, the kung fu was originally very expensive. It was basically impossible for someone to buy Yejia pure water, and most of it was taken away.

Seeing this scene, the employees of Furun Supermarket gave their thumbs up to their store managers one by one.

As everyone knows, such a situation has happened in Furun Supermarket in the past.

The last time was Yejia colorful eggs, Yejiacai ...

The manager of Furun Supermarket was cautious this time and as a result lost a lot of money.

So this time, the store of Furun Supermarket has a long experience. He knows that the products produced by Ye Xiaohu will definitely not pit themselves, and the value must be equal to the pricing.

Just when the manager of Furun Supermarket was smug.

A man wearing sunglasses and a windbreaker took Ye Xiaohu's pure water, walked to the cash register in a panic, and paid 500 yuan directly

The manager of Furun Supermarket glanced at this person, and he didn't mind, so he continued to do his own thing.

However, the man with sunglasses took Yejia pure water and walked out of the Furun supermarket. On the spot, the trademark on the Yejia pure water was torn off.

"Damn, this advertising spokesperson was supposed to be mine."

Throwing away the trademark, the man with sunglasses picked up his phone again, and dialed a strange number: "Let your navy start to use the previous black material to wipe out the black leaf family for me." Water makes people feel sick when they mention Ye Jiashui. "

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