Shennong, Who Returned from Xiu Xian

Chapter 788: : Accompany me to meet 1 person

Yejia Water Plant.

After hanging up the phone, Ye Xiaohu asked sister Xiang Qing on the side and said, "Sister Xiang Qing, how is the company's loss?"

"The loss is very serious."

Sister Xiang Qing, who had been so busy, suddenly heard Ye Xiaohu's inquiry, and then turned around and replied: "Now the situation is very complicated. Some enterprises that do not know the truth, after seeing the so-called black material on the Internet, have given up with us Orders from Yejia Water Plant. Only some companies that have good cooperation with us in the past still firmly believe that our company is formal, so they did not cancel the order immediately. "


Ye Xiaohu punched on the desk and said, "Who is it against me? If you let me know your identity, then I will definitely not be polite to you."

Just when Ye Xiaohu was angry, a strange call came.

Ye Xiaohu did not know who the other party was, but at this critical moment, Ye Xiaohu had to pick up, so Ye Xiaohu took the channel: "Which one is it?"

"it's me."

Opposite the phone, a voice that made Ye Xiaohu feel very disgusted said: "Remember me Zhang Han?"

"I remember you."

Ye Xiaohu frowned: "But I don't remember any friendship between you and me, but something unpleasant. So if there is nothing else, then I will hang up."

"You can hang up at any time, that is your freedom."

Zhang Han across the phone said with a smile: "But don't you want to know, who is discrediting you?"

"Who is discrediting me?"

Suddenly hearing Zhang Han's reminder, Ye Xiaohu woke up instantly.

Because the person who has had a conflict with him recently has only Zhang Han on the opposite side of the phone, and Ye Xiaohu took the initiative to ask: "Could it be that this time the Navy's smearing incident was a small move that Zhang Han did later? "

"You are very smart."

Zhang Han was smug, and there was no hidden saying: "You make me uncomfortable, so I want to make you stink for thousands of years, I want to let your business fall to the ground hard, and there is no way to raise your head. I want you to Let ’s go back to the status of an ordinary small farmer in the past. I ’ll look at how arrogant you are. ”

"Do you know what you are doing?"

Ye Xiaohu suppressed his anger, and said to Zhang Han on the phone: "You know, if you do this, if it is exposed, it will affect your personal image, your future, your company?"

"I can't care so much."

Zhang Han laughed wildly and said: "My Zhang Han grew up and grew up, when was he beaten and when was he taught? Only you Ye Xiaohu beat me, so I want you to go to hell. I want Let the Yejia Water Plant, Yejia Winery, Yejiacai in your name ... become all abandoned. "

Ye Xiaohu's eyes flashed with a murderous expression: "Do you know that you are doing this is equivalent to looking for death?"

"Now is the age of the rule of law, and I can sue you only with the words you just threatened."

Zhang Han sneered, and then continued to Ye Xiaohu said: "But now the big star is too lazy to take care of you, because I am about to attend a press conference, and at the press conference, I blamed you for the unreasonable change of Yejia Waterworks, Add building blocks to this incident. "

Doodle doodle.

After Zhang Han finished speaking, he hung up the phone directly, and did not give Ye Xiaohu a chance to respond.

Looking at Ye Xiaohu's black and smelly face, the employees of Yejia Water Plant left, not daring to provoke Ye Xiaohu's anger at this time.

After they left, Sister Xiang Qing poured a glass of cold water to Ye Xiaohu: "Have you found the black hand behind the scene?"

"found it."

Ye Xiaohu nodded calmly: "It was the last time, Zhang Han who was replaced by us."

"It's him! No wonder the sailors are so crazy."

Hearing Ye Xiaohu's introduction, Xiang Qing immediately nodded and said, "These stars have trained a large number of sailors early on, and we are not his opponents on the Internet at all. So you must think of a way for Xiaohu We ca n’t continue to sit like this forever. "

"I know."

Ye Xiaohu nodded, then picked up his phone.

And dialed up one after another familiar people, want to ask if there is a solution.

As a result, everyone who heard that it was an entertainment business said that they were helpless.

It was when Ye Xiaohu was about to give up and went to find Comrade Zhongmou to negotiate a solution.

Another person called, which made Ye Xiaohu slightly confused: "Mr. Huo Sizhong, how can you call me?"

"I have been busy with company and family affairs for a while, so I have no time to call you."

Mr. Huo Sizhong smiled slightly, and then said to Ye Xiaohu on the phone: "It happened that there have been few things recently, and I came to Songjiang City on a business trip, so I want to thank Mr. Ye personally and introduce a person to Mr. Ye."

"The last help was purely a voluntary help, without any thanks from you."

Ye Xiaohu modestly declined Mr. Huo Sizhong's invitation, and at the same time addressed Mr. Huo Sizhong: "And my Ye family's company has encountered some trouble recently, so I have no way to entertain Mr. Huo Sizhong recently."

Mr. Huo Sizhong asked with concern: "But what about the smear on the Internet?"


Ye Xiaohu did not deny: "This matter has caused a lot of bad effects on our company, so I need to solve this trouble immediately. And I also need to find that, whoever smears my Ye Jiacai behind his revenge."

"I still have some identity in Songjiang City."

Huo Sizhong thought for a while, and then said on the phone: "Dare to ask the person who is in trouble with your Yejia enterprise, which industry giant is it?"

"It's not an industry giant."

Ye Xiaohu shook his head and smiled bitterly: "That person is a big star, because I removed his advertising endorsement, so I felt bad intentions, and I was directed against my Ye family business everywhere ~ ~ That ’s it ? "

Mr. Huo Sizhong said happily: "I happen to be having an dinner with an old friend. If you don't mind Mr. Ye, then you can come over together. How can we discuss the solution while eating?"


Ye Xiaohu knew that Mr. Huo Sizhong would never talk nonsense.

Since Mr. Huo Sizhong proposed to solve the trouble for Ye Xiaohu, then there must be a plan in mind, so Ye Xiaohu said: "You send the address, I will clean up and rush over."


Mr. Huo Sizhong hung up the phone and sent the coordinates of where he was.

After glancing at the coordinates, Ye Xiaohu simply sorted out his clothes and pulled Liu Yifei, who hurriedly arrived, saying: "You are going with me now, let's go see someone."

(End of this chapter)

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