Shennong, Who Returned from Xiu Xian

Chapter 795: : See through the conspiracy


The man is obviously an overseas Chinese and has a good basic Chinese language.

I saw him look at Ye Xiaohu, and then looked forward expectantly: "Excuse me, are you Mr. Ye Xiaohu?"

"it's me."

Ye Xiaohu carefully looked at the other party, and then there was a hint of charm in his eyes: "Who informed you and asked you to pick you up here?"

"It's a woman."

The overseas Chinese in charge of the airport said with a serious face: "She is very beautiful. After hurriedly told me the time and address of the airport pick-up, she turned and left."

"Is it her?"

Ye Xiaohu took out his mobile phone, and turned to take a photo with Chen Zhirui and others in the past, and showed it to the overseas Chinese man: "But this woman?"

"Yes, it's her."

The overseas Chinese man nodded seriously: "It seems that I did not pick the wrong person, so please invite Mr. Ye to follow me to the destination."


Ye Xiaohu didn't refuse, and kept up with the overseas Chinese man.

In this way, the two came one after the other and came to an island car.

The overseas Chinese man was dull, so there was no communication between the two sides along the way.

After driving for half an hour in this way, Ye Xiaohu found that he did not enter the metropolis of the Sun Island country at all. Instead, he became farther and farther away from the metropolis and came to a strange and very desolate place.

Seeing this scene, Ye Xiaohu couldn't help but wonder: "Is this your choice?"


Hearing Ye Xiaohu's inquiry, the overseas Chinese man driving the car couldn't help but say: "Mr. Ye, what are you talking about?"

"No need to act."

Ye Xiaohu shook his head: "Now that we have reached a deserted place, don't you continue to pretend?"


Hearing Ye Xiaohu ’s rhetorical question, the overseas Chinese man could n’t help but say: “Mr. Ye, how do you see my identity?”

"It's very simple, because I'm traveling in secret this time. I don't know the whole country, and the state protects my information very secretly."

Ye Xiaohu looked at Erlang's legs without any worry: "And the information obtained from the official shows that they have not been able to contact Chen Zhirui, so they can't contact Chen Zhirui at all. Pick me up, so you must have a problem. "

"It is worthy of being the strongest ancient martial arts master born in modern China."

Hearing Ye Xiaohu ’s words, the overseas Chinese man directly killed his mask and parked the car in the surrounding lanes: “But you are too stupid to know that I ’m in a wrong status, and I still act boldly. I ’m here, then I ’m destined to stay here today. "

"If you want to stay with me, I am afraid it will not be easy."

Ye Xiaohu smiled indifferently, and looked at the overseas Chinese man without fear.


Seeing Ye Xiaohu despise himself so much, the overseas Chinese man roared.

I saw him furiously pull out a long knife from under the seat, and directly slashed towards Ye Xiaohu.


The seats around them were almost destroyed by the airflow over the overseas Chinese man at this instant.

This shows that this person's cultivation is not weak, and actually reached the realm of martial arts master.

If he is an ordinary person, he is shot with a cold gun, then he may not be able to walk around.

Unfortunately, the opponent he met was Ye Xiaohu.

And Ye Xiaohu has long judged that this person's identity is in question, and he will definitely not let the other party attack himself without any preparation.

So when the overseas Chinese man attacked himself, Ye Xiaohu had already reached out and grabbed the overseas Chinese man's samurai sword directly in his palm and said: "Your age is not very big, if you are in China, you will definitely be reused. I really do n’t understand, why would you betray your ancestors and become a stray dog ​​in Sun Island? "

"Baga, China's backward ethnic group, how can it match me?"

The overseas Chinese man sneered, holding a knife and twirling.

At the next moment, the samurai sword immediately turned into a sharp arrow and continued to pierce Ye Xiaohu's chest.

"go to hell!"

The overseas Chinese man sneered, planning to see Ye Xiaohu being stabbed to death on the spot.

But when his samurai sword was about to stab Ye Xiaohu's chest, he could no longer survive.

Because of Ye Xiaohu's chest position, there is a terrible gas mask, which covers his body strictly and does not allow any weapon to stab Ye Xiaohu's body.

"Are you not a master of martial arts?"

The overseas Chinese man who saw this scene couldn't help but stunned: "Have you stepped into the fairy road?"

"You're smart, but you don't feel it, is it too late when you discover all this?"

Ye Xiaohu smiled slightly, completely ignoring the other party's attack, still calmly said: "If I didn't guess wrong, you should be pitted by your teammates. Otherwise, because of Ye Xiaohu's domestic reputation, they want to deal with me If so, at least a few master-level masters must be arranged. "


Hearing Ye Xiaohu's words, the Chinese man suddenly thought of something.

So he turned away hatefully, and never dared to stay.

But how did he react to Ye Xiaohu's opponent?

"Since it's here, let me stay."

Ye Xiaohu stretched out his hand and locked the opponent's body on the spot.

And no matter how the other party is struggling, the other party's body is still imprisoned in the original place: "Now you have only one choice, that is, tell me who is the main messenger behind the scenes, so that after you die, maybe I will help you revenge."

"Master messenger?"

The overseas Chinese man died and said, "I don't know any messenger."

"Since you don't want to say it, then I came by myself ~ ~ Ye Xiaohu smiled lightly without any anger.

I saw Ye Xiaohu put his own soul into the mind of the overseas Chinese man, and soon read the memory in the mind of the overseas Chinese man.


Almost when Ye Xiaohu finished reading the memory in the mind of the overseas Chinese man, the brain of the overseas Chinese man exploded out of thin air like a bomb.

A generation of martial arts masters died inexplicably.

"Guru Wu Dao is too weak to bear the power of my soul."

Looking at the Chinese man who died on the spot, Ye Xiaohu sighed again and said: "But this time, I still found some useful news in the exploration of the soul. At least I know that before Chen Zhirui and others disappeared, they had contacted the Sun Island Country not far The samurai group has had some quarrels and fought for a few days, so as long as I go to the samurai group, I should find information about Chen Zhirui and others. "

(End of this chapter)

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