Shining Marvel Saints

Vol 2 Chapter 104: tumultuous wind

On the way back, Le Xia's thoughts were particularly clear, and the feeling of molesting a big dog was so f*cking.

Didn't Tony Stark think that if you have money, you can do whatever you want? Today I will let you see what money is not everything.

While walking, the quarrel of some brats on the side of the road caught Le Xia's attention.

"You're not right, I think Iron Man is the most powerful!" A brat with a toy Iron Man helmet on his head said in a low voice.

"Iron Man?" The other children snorted immediately, "I haven't heard of it, little guy, you're not from the local area, are you?"

The helmet kid nodded, "I just moved to New York."

"No wonder, tell you to remember, this is New York, not some rural place, what the **** is that ugly mask?"

Another echoed, "That's right, your mask is so ugly, it's far worse than Spider-Man and Electro-Man, let alone Saint Seiya."

"Do you know what a saint is? It is a powerful character who can summon a dragon at will. It is said that if a child makes a wish with the dragon, he can make a wish with his sight."

"Really that powerful?" The child wearing the Iron Man helmet raised his hand, and there was a glowing Iron Man glove on his hand, "Then can he emit laser light in his hand, can he fly, can he defeat enemies as big as mountains?" the Iron Monster?"

"Hehe..." The other children collectively taunted, "You really don't know anything about saints, the dragon that can fly into the sky is many times stronger than lasers, and there are monsters like mountains, he can fight alone... "

The child looked at his fingers, and then stretched out all ten fingers.

"He can hit eight by himself!"

"I don't believe it," the child in the helmet shook his head, you can't even count your fingers, I want to believe you, am I even more stupid than you.

"Fool!" Several children laughed and left together, leaving the child in the helmet where he was.

"Is that the new friend you made just now?" A young woman who still had a charm walked over and tapped the child's helmet lightly.

The kid in the helmet shook his head, "Iron Man doesn't need friends."

The young woman squatted down and said with a smile, "It's not that Iron Man doesn't need friends, but only by becoming a superhero can he become Iron Man's friend."

"Then if I become the holy fighter they said, can I be Iron Man's friend?" The child asked innocently.

"It's okay to be Spider-Man."

Patting the child on the shoulder, the young woman stood up and took his hand, "Let's go, we should go to Auntie's house."

The young woman smiled and nodded to Le Xia who was looking at her, and then left with the child.

Discussions about Saints are playing out across the city, and Saints have become a hot topic just like when Spider-Man and Charge first came out.

And with the exposure of the video on YouTube, Saint Seiya surpassed Spiderman and Electroman overnight and became a new urban icon.

The powerful and domineering dragon in the video, like a movie special effect, immediately conquered many people.

Some people even suggested calling Le Xia the Dragon Warrior.

That title doesn't sound too bad, Dormek Salam, shine, Lightbringer!

It seems that something is not right.

As for the Hulk and the Abomination, because they did not cause too much human and economic loss, they were selectively ignored by everyone. Only heroes are worthy of being remembered.

When returning to the company, Le Xia went directly to the laboratory on the fourth floor.

Dr. Connors' project is proceeding in an orderly manner, and dozens of newly hired people are busy working under the leadership of Gwen.

Gwen is now the chief assistant of Dr. Connors, and she needs to arrange a lot of work in the laboratory, so there is no time to go to the city with Parker and the others to gain reputation.

The time I finally squeezed out was used to squeeze Le Xia.

Speaking of which, before the start of Dr. Connors' project, Le Xia thought it was very simple, just to breed a few lizards, and then draw some blood to extract some serum.

But after he really started, he discovered that there are many processes to be done, and each process is very cumbersome.

Scientific research projects are really beyond the capabilities of ordinary people.

Le Xia didn't help much in the laboratory, but instead raised Gwen's body temperature, heart rate and humidity by several levels.

In the end, the weak Gwen kicked him out directly. If he was allowed to stay any longer, Gwen was afraid that she would not be able to help but squeeze him.

Le Xia returned to the office bored and just sat down when Felicia opened the door and walked in.

"In the afternoon, we received an invitation letter from the Stark Industry Expo. They invited us to attend the opening ceremony of the expo next week."

Felicia was originally a secretary, and it happened that Le Xia hadn't found a satisfactory secretary for the time being, so she was asked to help her concurrently.

Anyway, she came and she had nothing to do except to help Harry monitor the development progress of the serum.

"The opening ceremony of the fair?"

Le Xia threw the invitation letter aside, "No, I'm not interested, I don't want to see Tie Nan pretending to be a pussy."

Felicia was noncommittal, and it didn't matter to her whether Le Xia went or not, anyway, she didn't want to have anything to do with that old man Tony Stark.

Even if she wants to make a relationship, she will go to Harry, that young and rich little fresh meat.

Of course, it would be even better if it was the sunny, handsome, tall and stalwart Le Xia who exudes strong male hormones all the time.

Felicia had a very spring dream last night, and the leading actor was Le Xia.

The voice of the birds in the dream is very melodious, the sky seems to be gorgeous pink, the wind washes over the beach like waves, breaking open the tightly clasped shells, and the beautiful mussels spit out white foam.

It was all foam, and then sparked in an instant, the tender heart of the flower was already unbearable torment.

At dawn, Felicia felt a void from the inside out, and didn't know what to fill it with.

It's a pity that Le Xia doesn't know this. Although Felicia has fair skin, beautiful skin and long legs, and her figure is much more domineering than Gwen before the mutation, she is just a mortal after all.

After experiencing Gwen's various difficult posture tests, he has no interest in mortals.

"By the way, isn't Peter here today?"

"Ah?" Felicia turned around, her face was a little red, "Oh, I came here for a while at noon, it seems that there are guests at home, so I left after a short stay."

I saw that Parker is going to be absent from work today. Without Spider-Man, I don't know if New York can survive today.

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