Shining Marvel Saints

Vol 2 Chapter 143: save the world

In the research and development room of Hammer Industry, Ivan Vanke watched rows of 'disconnected' appearing behind the information list representing Iron Soldiers on the computer.

Until the last ten steel soldiers of the air force were shot down, he didn't see how they were defeated.

The iron soldiers in the stadium basically turned their backs to Le Xia, so the shot of the ice gun shooting them through was not captured.

As for the last air force, they only vaguely saw a jet-black figure emitting a bunch of jet-black energy waves, and then the picture went dark.

It is not necessary for the widow to take Happy, who feels good about herself, to empty the security guards in the research and development room, Vanke knows that she has no way to stay there any longer and be the mastermind behind the scenes.

Just now, all the weapon systems of the steel soldiers of the air force failed, making him realize that if he stayed any longer, his own steel suit whip might also have to be finished.

That hacker who appeared suddenly, breaking through the firewall of his part-time hacker mechanic was as easy as drinking cold water.

In the exhibition hall, Tony took off the somewhat deformed mask on his face, looked down at the fist marks on it, and shouted angrily, "You must have done it on purpose!"

Le Xia shrugged, "It's just a miss."

"As a saint fighter, you might miss it?" The mask was crushed and thrown aside, Tony obviously didn't believe Le Xia's words, whether he was willing to admit it or not, Tony believed that he did it on purpose.

"Hi, Tony," Rhodes' voice rang in Tony's ear.

"Roddy?" Tony looked down and looked around, and finally found the trace of the war machine in the organic compost pile.

Rhodes' voice was a little unnatural, "I think it doesn't make any sense for you to worry about whether it's intentional, or it's more important to pull me out first, after all...the smell here is really not very good."

When Rhodes fell to the ground and shattered the flower bed, he also damaged his own helmet. The poorly sealed helmet was stuck in the organic compost pile, and the smell can be imagined.

Tony let go of the helmet child in his arms, went up and pulled Rhodes out, and took off his helmet by the way.

"Hu~huh!" Rhodes breathed the night air greedily, "Oh, do you know that this kind of experience is like going through hell, my God!"

Le Xia silently opened a distance, looked at Rhodes's face that was not much different from the donkey dung in the organic manure pile, and asked with some doubts, "Lieutenant Colonel Rhodes? You... lost weight? "

Obviously, the appearance of this Lieutenant Colonel Rhodes is slightly different from the guy who accompanied Le Bing to watch the stars and listen to stories in Los Angeles.

Rhodes made a rare joke, "I'm still me, just a different kind of fireworks."

In the movie world, after Rhodes changed actors, his character and personality also changed, which is quite regrettable.

Under the correction of the laws of the world, it seems that only Le Xia knows about Rhodes' face change. This feeling is amazing.

"What's going on here?" Taking a breath, Rhodes began to focus on the business, "Why is my suit suddenly controlled by someone, who is that guy, and what is he trying to do?"

Tony sighed, "Do you still remember Ivan Vanke?"

"The person who attacked you in the event? Didn't he die in prison? Could it be..."

"It's Hammer..."

The two began to discuss the ins and outs of the matter, while Le Xia looked down at the helmeted boy who was still in a defensive posture.

The little boy was obviously the little Parker who followed Parker to attend the opening ceremony of the expo. Le Xia covered his face without being recognized, so he came up with the idea of ​​teasing him.

"Hey, buddy, can you take this helmet off? You see, I just defeated those machines and saved you. If you like masks, shouldn't you wear the same one as me?"

Little Parker replied in a low voice, "It was Iron Man who protected me with his body and blocked your fist with his face. It was not you who saved me."

"Hey boy, just forget about that mask thing and act like it never happened, okay?" Tony interjected, before continuing to discuss the matter with Rhodes.

Le Xia wanted to continue teasing little Parker, but a flame in the distance flew over with its long tail.

"Are new enemies coming?" Tony and Rhodes also noticed the flames and became alert at the same time.

bump! An Iron Man who was bigger than Iron Man and War Machine landed on the ground, and then withdrew two long whips with electric arcs from his hands.

Tony was deeply impressed by the powerful long whip.

"It feels so good to be back," Vanke arrogantly opened his mask, raised his face and gave the two of them a king's contempt. Before he landed, Le Xia pulled little Parker to hide in the shadows.

Tony's mask was broken, and something unknown was still hanging on Rhodes' body. The vicissitudes of the two were in sharp contrast with the mighty Vanke.

"The situation is not good, here comes a more powerful one," Rhodes glanced at Tony, and took a step forward, "It's okay, I prepared a special gift for this guy, I'm going to hit him all over the face with 'ex-wife' flowering."

After speaking, the launcher on his chest opened the fuse, revealing the true face of the 'ex-wife' missile.

Le Xia wanted to cover her face. The compost just now was not dry. With the peeing nature of her 'ex-wife', it might still be a joke.

Sure enough, the ex-wife flew out with a tight chest, spouting flames, and hit Wanke's body with a bang. After hitting a small spark, it bounced to the ground and started to explode like a firecracker. After that, there was no more.

"Is it Hammer's masterpiece?" There was a hint of sarcasm in Tony's question, and his contempt for Justin Hammer was already palpable.

"Let me do it," Tony turned on the small missile launcher on his shoulder, and a dozen miniature armor-piercing projectiles flew out like a sky-drilling monkey with a long sound, and then hit the shell of the whip, creating a burst of sparks and smoke.

Iron Man and War Machine had already fired first. Although they didn't cause any damage, the whips were naturally not polite. With a flick of the whip in their hands, they were drawn towards the two with a flashing arc.

The powerful hand-to-hand combat ability of the fighting nation put the two iron men who can only play bullets into a hard fight in an instant.

In the shadows, Le Xia squatted next to little Parker, "Do you think Iron Man can defeat that Iron Man with a whip? I think he's more ominous than good."

Little Parker nodded affirmatively, "Iron Man will definitely succeed, no matter how powerful the enemy is, the final victory must belong to Iron Man!"

The firm tone made Le Xia not know how to answer the words. Could this be the power of faith?

A seven or eight-year-old child didn't know what kind of experience he had to build up his beliefs, but Le Xia suddenly felt that he couldn't bear to break this firm belief.

"Do you want to help Iron Man? Do you want to save New York? Do you want to save the world?" Le Xia asked with a smile.

"Can I?" Little Parker asked with some lack of confidence in Do you still remember how you planned to deal with me when I landed just now? "

Under Le Xia's guidance, Little Parker raised his hand, and the palm of the Iron Man glove on his hand lit up.

Le Xia gently held his little hand, "After aiming, call to fire, there will be surprises."

Little Parker nodded, then shouted loudly, "Fire!"

A cold white light gushed out from his palm, and in the distance, a whip tied Iron Man and the war machine were hit by the white light directly to the reactor in his chest.

The white light instantly broke the reactor's defenses and destroyed the structure inside, while the cold air froze it, preventing a possible explosion.

"You made it, superhero!"

Little Parker turned his head to look for the sound, but found that Le Xia was no longer behind him.


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