Shipborne Special Forces

Chapter 257: Buying clothes

To answer a question, the distribution of compulsory soldiers does not belong to the distribution. It should be said that the intention is to choose. In other words, the Ministry of Arms will help you to introduce your work. If both parties agree, you can enter. As for whether they are temporary workers, there is no such statement, they are all labor contracts. Of course, the principle is the same, as long as you have served, then the employer cannot fire you unless the company goes down or you commit a criminal problem.


When it comes to buying clothes, Wang Aiguo feels that this is one of the main contradictions between men and women.

Don't say anything else, when a young girl ran to you with a piece of clothing and asked you, does this dress look good?

Oh, this is a proposition.

Originally, Wang Aiguo thought that this time he went out with men to buy clothes. Everyone would definitely say ‘yes, this is it, OK, OK, and leave after paying. go for meal. ’And the like.

But in fact, Wang Aiguo underestimated Shen Long and others.

The contradiction of the five people basically appeared from the moment they arrived in Ningcheng District. In the car, Wang Aiguo asked twenty yuan what size clothes he was wearing.

Then twenty yuan said without hesitation-M.

Please note here that the sizes of clothes are generally S, M, L, XL, XXL, XXXL and XXXXL.

More than five X on the market is less common, and Wang Aiguo needs to wear six X when he is the most fat, but now four X is enough.

However, an ordinary person, just like Wang Aiguo's dad, has to wear at least XL. Well, even if you take a step back 10,000 steps, you have to wear an L.

But you are over $ 20. A person with a waist of 2 feet 6 can lick his face and say that he wears a size M. Are you a fool?

Shen Long expressed his dissatisfaction on the spot, and then asked the waiter to bring a piece of M-size clothes and let the twenty yuan set.

Not to mention, the quality of this dress is good. After putting on twenty pieces, the clothes didn't break. But a brand of short sleeves is the effect of wearing a wetsuit for twenty yuan.

Of course, this is not the most exaggerated, the most exaggerated is that twenty yuan actually licked a face and said to everyone, "Look, isn't this a good fit?"

"Brother, do you have any misunderstanding about the word fit?" Dadong said, rolling his eyes.

The last twenty pieces were tried in the size one size and one size in the end. Finally, huh, three + is one number smaller than Wang Aiguo.


I managed to get twenty yuan, and then there was another problem on the big face.

Our face brother is definitely a magical person. He wears a size similar to that of Dadong. Basically, an L size is enough. However, when the waiter really took a piece of L-size clothes and found out, he couldn't actually go in.

The face was so horrible that the size L clothes couldn't fit his two-foot-four face.

(By the way, do many readers say that they have a two-foot-four face? I measured my face that day and found that there are also two-foot-two. The face brother is definitely larger than me, so at least two-foot-four.)

In the end, the big face had to add two sizes and became xl, and then barely wore it in.

After the two got it, everyone's size was basically set.

Some things have their own providence. Don't say anything else, just say the size. Five people are exactly five sizes, Dadong L, Shen Long XL, big face XXL, twenty XXXL, and finally Wang Aiguo XXXXL.

However, it was difficult to get the size. When everyone put on one style of one color clothes, Shen Long fell into confusion again.

I don't know why, the five stinky men with different statures and wearing one style of clothes walked together and looked awkward.

After thinking about it, Shen Long overturned the idea of ​​wearing the same paragraph with everyone before.

However, it is too late to overthrow at this time, and Wang Aiguo and others disagree. After all, hasn't it been so long to buy the same model?

The last five people discussed and decided to buy the same model, but different colors.

After the discussion, the five asked the waiter if there were different colors of the same paragraph, preferably the one with five colors.

The waiter thought for ten minutes and finally came up with a set.

After waiting for twenty minutes, the waiter came with five sets of short sleeves in different colors.

"This time, is there any problem?" Dadong said to Shen Long.

Shen Long looked at the short sleeves and finally nodded his head, grinning, "This is pretty much the same."

Then Shen Long put on her clothes.

Five people, five colors. Shen Long chose red, Dadong chose blue, Twenty yuan was green, Wang Aiguo was yellow, and finally ... with the help of everyone, the big face was covered with tears in pink.

In this way, the five of them walked out of the clothing store cheerfully in new clothes.

That afternoon, when Wang Aiguo's five returned to the repair shop, everyone was shocked by their five colors.

The captain looked at the five people in different colors, and said, "Do you ... join the dinosaur team?"

Wang Aiguo: "..."

Twenty: "..."

Shen Long: "..."

Dadong: "..."

big face:"……"

What a special dinosaur team, you say that a reunion is better than a dinosaur team.


Just after the day, the five of them said the same paragraph, but in the end Shen Long and Dalian never wore the suit again.

So the dinosaurs team became the three heroes of Fengchen, but then again, Wang Aiguo thinks that the title of three heroes of Fengchen is also very good. After all, they wear this clothes, and they really look a bit like the female fans of the second floor of the ancient Qinglou.


Back in the dormitory, a group of people began to gather melon seeds around the table. Donghe Ship's is very strange. Everyone only eats one kind of seeds. The name of the seeds Wang Aiguo has never heard of.

Previously, in the S city, Wang Aiguo generally talked about Qiaqia seeds. But here Donghe Ship, the unified buy all fools. Well, this brand is called a fool.

Holding the seeds, Wang Aiguo said with some emotion: "All day long, I ’m going to stupid stupid seeds, will we become stupid?

"How is that possible? Look at our boat. The one who likes melon seeds most is the political commissar. Do you think the political commissar is stupid?" The captain said as he stunned.

Just then, the dormitory door opened and the political commissar walked in from the outside.

The crowd froze, and saw the political commissar carrying a bag and laughing at the crowd: "Sorry, ask, do you have a hammer?"

"Where the hammer is on the ship, we can't come to the building with a rusty hammer," Dadong replied.

"Oh, then I'll ask someone else." The political commissar smiled and then went out, but at this time twenty yuan stood up and said, "Political commissar ~ ~ what do you want to hammer?"

"That's it. I went out today and saw that walnuts are cheap. I bought some of them. As a result, this walnut was too hard to break," said the political commissar.

Everyone froze. How hard is this walnut? You still have to use a hammer?

Wang Aiguo stood up from his chair, and walked to the political commissar with a stool.

"We don't have a hammer, but there are stools. You should put walnuts on the table and smash them with a chair. It should be fine."

"This seems to be a good way. Why didn't I think of it?" The political commissar was surprised, then took Wang Aiguo's chair and went to the table.

"Leave you!" When the political commissar screamed, he dropped the stool on the bag of walnuts.

The next moment ... hehe, nothing happened.

The political commissar was suddenly embarrassed, and then took a smile out of a bag of walnuts and said, "Hehe, there are too many smashes, let's come one by one."

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