Ye Chu was confused by Tang Yan.

Sister, why are you looking at me with a resentful look on your face?

“I want to say that the room is not soundproof……”

Ye Chu was speechless for a moment.

Zeng Ni was so embarrassed that she almost buried her face in her upper body。

“ah? Sister Tang Yan, what’s wrong with the lack of soundproofing? “Meng Ziyi and Ye Chu Tang Yan did not live on the same floor and asked curiously.

Sister Meng, do you still need to ask? Didn’t you see the expressions of everyone present?

Tang Yan originally looked depressed, but when he heard Meng Ziyi Question。

“Pfft. “I laughed out loud。

“Don’t ask around, kid. “Ye Chu glanced at Meng Ziyi with a speechless expression.。

“oh. “A grievance.

More than thirty people got into Rolls-Royce, and a large motorcade drove towards the Cartier headquarters.

In front of the Cartier headquarters, Chairman Hans had been waiting at the door for a long time.

When he learned that the mysterious rich man in China wanted to take a stake When he bought Cartier, he was so excited that he couldn’t sleep well for several nights.

Cartier’s recent situation is not good.

In the field of luxury goods, Cartier’s brand has been established for a short time, has no background, and the added value of the brand is not high.���。

So Cartier had to provide services.

For example, a couple wants to order Cartier wedding rings.

After they arrive, the salesperson will push other customers out first.

All designers and sales staff serve this couple.

Of course, this refers to high-end customization.

This makes customers feel that a high-end luxury brand has closed a store just to serve them, which will give them a sense of pride.

In addition, the inside of each pair of Cartier haute couture rings is engraved with the text requested by the customer.

In other words, every ring is unique.

Although Hans has come up with various ways to retain customers, as a luxury brand, it will fail if it does not enter the Chinese market.

Cartier has entered the Chinese market very early, but the response has always been mediocre.

Even many stores in China are suffering from very serious losses.

This time Hans attached great importance to the visit of Ye Chu and his party.

Perhaps, this is the first step for Cartier to enter the Chinese market.

At nine o’clock in the morning, Ye Chu and his party arrived. As everyone got out of the car, Chairman Hans immediately came to greet them.。

“Oh, my dear Ye, welcome to you. “Hans hugged Ye Chu enthusiastically.

Ye Chu couldn’t adapt to Hans’ enthusiasm, so he hugged him in a gesture.。

“Ye, I am willing to sell 51% of the company’s shares for US$4 billion as you said. “As soon as he arrived in the conference room, Hans said directly without even sitting down.

He had had enough. He admitted that he really couldn’t solve Cartier’s predicament.

If there can be an injection of capital, then there is a glimmer of hope.。

“Okay, Hans, that’s it, $4 billion to acquire 51% of the shares, and there are additional conditions. “Ye Chu said seriously。

“you say. “In order to get 4 billion US dollars in cash, Hans can agree to any humiliating conditions and give his beautiful secretary to Ye Chudu。

“The Miss Tang Yan next to me will be the lifelong brand spokesperson of Cartier. “Ye Chu pointed at Tang Yan beside him and said.

Tang Yan covered his mouth with his hands at this moment, with a look of shock on his face.

This is Cartier among luxury goods!

You know, in the future generations of parallel time and space, top traffic star Lu Han only signed a contract with Cartier. They are just good friends of the brand for many years.

The brand spokespersons who stand at the top of the pyramid will have the brand produce hard advertisements, cus

tomize exclusive products and pay endorsement fees. Image ambassadors do

not necessarily have endorsement fees, but they have soft promotions, customized products, and Able to attend brand events.

Brand friends have neither endorsement fees nor customized products, but they can borrow clothing, handbags and other products from the brand when attending events.

If Cartier officially announces that Tang Yan will become its lifelong brand spokesperson, this will not be a matter of money.

This is a symbol of status.

If you lose Swarovski, you will lose it.

Compared with Cartier, the added value that the Swarovski brand value brings to stars is completely insufficient.

Now Tang Yan believes that this time Ye Chu will bring her He really came out to relax.

He was able to take care of her feelings. Knowing that she lost the endorsement, he gave her a luxury endorsement with a stronger brand influence.

This moved her to a mess.

Before she came, she had some love brain, otherwise she would not have been there at the beginning. She won’t suffer from such serious emotional intelligence.

Now in her eyes, Ye Chu is simply a high-end boss. Maybe life is not kind to her, allowing her to meet Ye Chu in the last years of her youth. She is already

33 this year, and she is no longer Young.

With Ye Chu’s worth and appearance, he could definitely find someone better and younger, but he was still willing to spend so much thought on himself. Tang Yan was already very satisfied.。

“no problem! You decide the endorsement fee! “Hans stood up, waved his hand, and made a decision.

Just kidding, if he gets 51% of the shares, he will be the boss. Hans immediately changed his position and changed from boss to wage earner.。

“Tang Yan, go sign. One is an acquisition contract, and the other is your endorsement contract, worth 4 million US dollars per year. “Ye Chu directly ordered Tang Yan to say。

“Ye Chu, are you sure? 4000000! This price is too high. “Tang Yan asked with some worry.

Her role has changed very quickly. Now that Cartier has become Ye Chu’s asset, she has to consider whether the 4 million endorsement is worth it. You know,

Cartier signed a contract with the top female star of Kimchi Country, It was only a symbolic endorsement fee of 40,000 Chinese dollars.

Because the added value the brand brought to the star was far greater than its ability to endorse and sell goods.

This also resulted in many unequal treaties.

A large number of star cuts were made. I went out of my way to find a big brand to endorse, and I only got some token money. The brand asked female stars to accompany me, and many female stars were willing.。

“Sure, you deserve it. “Ye Chu stared at Tang Yan and said.

Facing Ye Chu’s gaze, Tang Yan’s face turned red.

Avoiding Ye Chu’s hot gaze, Tang Yan followed silently to sign the contract.

The boss sitting in the conference room Sitting on the chair, Ye Chu began to think.

Where should he go next?

After finally coming to Yingjiang, he was going to finish everything and save himself from running back and forth.

Tiffany had to go. The chairman of their company, Jing Yanran, was there before. Contacted and wanted to sell the company directly to him.

Founded in 1837, Tiffany & Co. is one of the world’s most famous luxury jewelry brands.

The brand symbolizes high quality, outstanding innovation and extraordinary quality, and enjoys a high reputation around the world. reputation.

Tiffany & Co. uses a large number of high-end materials such as diamonds, silver, and gold to form a unique brand style.

Globally, Tiffany & Co. has a relatively small number of stores, so it has a strong brand premium. Only Second to very few world-class luxury brands.

But in recent years, Tiffany has had a tough time.

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