rays of light straight into the sky, then a very lush forest illusory shadow enveloped Evan and Laila.

"Go, clansman who regain our glory!"

Great Elder body dry down, at the same time, forest illusory shadow gradually pour fact.

"also froze doing? Never let the Great Elder died in vain." Patriarch Bedi roar, with a wood demon who have touch rays of light, wooden launch financial operation, into the forest.

all directions looking ahead, full of towering trees, like a sudden into the primitive forest. But at the foot of the empty feeling tells Evan, there is still meters altitude.

This is a suspension in the air of the forest.

to look down, the roots of trees to be connected to each other is wound, woven into a large mesh.

"go from below seems a little dangerous." Evan says look back. "If not personally see, I can not believe this forest is actually manufactured."

"Not only below the danger, the whole forest is very dangerous to leave as soon as possible." Laila with Evan flying upward.

forest leaves rustled.

a vine quietly appear, Laila timely detection, continuous change of direction, but still entangled his right leg.

snapped, suddenly a rising trend lag.

Laila outbreak of Battle Qi, burst open the vines, all around more vines hit.


In this forest among vines flight path uncertain, as if across space in general.

"sigh of the wall!" Translucent shield expansion.

But the sigh of release wall is not Evan, but Leila.

moment only, around the vine is completely filled. If it were not propped wall sigh, they have been inundated vines.

"You will not transfer space it? Why not go directly to our transfer?" Evan Road.

Laila glanced Evan a "space shift can be no way to carry other people, you sure you want me to play?"

"or forget it." Evan very wise closed on the mouth.

"The forest not simple, In my own strength you want to get out some difficulties." Laila said as he pulled up the sleeves, revealing white arm. Her wrists tied to a wristlet, the above is a bronze key, to attract the attention of the Evan is almost covering the whole arm Laila Scarlet pattern.

But a closer look, you will find those who are not patterns, but a string of names.

Granada Tipsarevic, Leo Vera, flax, Sibelius Leah ......

only casual glance, Evan will see no fewer than twenty names.

"Why should write the name in the body?" Evan puzzled.

The answer will soon be announced.

I saw Laila finger point at the Sibelius Leah's name on it, next moment, look at uproar, Sibelius actually had Leah's silhouette in front of the two men.

Antoine Elijah seemed to walk, and instantly appear still to take a step forward, at the foot of empty feeling her complexion changed, rapidly falling, she quickly react, tentacle flying, hooked Levin pull the body, only to stabilize the body.

"Leila, I said several times, I will not fly! Do not summon me in the air!" Sibelius Leah was very angry and shouted.

"What you just call me?" Laila eyes stare.

Sibelius Leah immediately go soft, "elder sister, I was wrong."

Evan astonished with a name will summon the Sibelius Elijah, and that other names whether it is possible to summon a biological or someone?

What it is magical means? Too fantasy, right?

suddenly spread vines, trees Bedi is exposed from the side of the upper body, the alarmed channel. "The name on the arm and that the Bronze Key ...... Are you a secret beast sect master!?"

"I think you should know the name?" Laila surprisedly said.

Laila hear admit, Bedi and his face became somewhat ugly, "Peru sect master, you and I everyone minds their own business, as long as you pay the Holy Tree's heart out, I can put you on leave this conflict when it never happened. "

" patriarch! do not kill the blasphemer, Great Elder double death ah! "a wood demon appears, persuasion.

"Shut up!" Bedi wave, vines appear, that will persuade the wood demon drag over to the depths of the forest.

Evan identity of Lyra's very curious, Peru mere sect master this name, we can take the initiative to make concessions wood demon, and even infighting.

She in the end is who? Why on balls so concerned?

Peru sect master what they represent?

"If replaced by other things, such a look at the good parts of your attitude, I might give up, but ......" Laila shook his head, "Holy Tree Heart relation to nine Rolls-Royce into order, must not be lost "

" Peru sect master "Bedi warned:.".! Do not unsatisfied "

vine reappear in all around.

"Sibelius Elijah, to solve those vines, do not let them haunt me!" Layla finished, into the sky.

"Because this kind of thing to me summon up, elder sister I really value ah!" Sibelius Elijah mouth to complain, start with a fairly hard.

tentacles waving, vines and intertwined, mutual restraint, it touches the outside of the vines stopped.

But Evan's eyes began to twitch constantly, just because there is a tentacle Sibelius Elijah, good Sibu Si rub to rub him go.

Although occasionally waving at a few, pretending to intercept appearance, but Evan is very clear that tentacle Flanagan did not come in handy any, is completely harassing him.

creamy tentacles wrapped Evan's arm, for a kneading, a rub.

Sphere after a period of digestion, has spent the most uncomfortable stage, now keen perception to Evan feeling of resentment, a bite in the Sibelius Leah tentacles.

"Ah" Sibelius Elijah tentacle flick, went so far as to hit the balls fly out.

"Sphere!" Evan reflexively release Laila, let the body fall, activated simultaneously heraldic deer, deer hoof forced a step on a tree, change the falling direction.

snapped, Evan caught balls, but also produces and Leila ten meters distance.

Laila gave blame Antoine Sevilla, flying toward Evan.

But Bi Laila faster countless vines.

Evan to escape the vines, jumping back and forth in the trunk, and Laila La did not close, and have actually become more distant. But no way, his limited strength, can not be caught like a vine Laila as calmly get out.

Laila anxious, but vines layers accumulate, hindering her forward. When she finally breakthrough vines, but found all around the environment turns around, and sometimes difficult to distinguish direction.

This is a tree circles, illusory World, increase or decrease of a tree, are only a single thought.

But this trick simply useless for Laila, sighing Ring Evan hand to guide her direction. Her thoughts move, want to transfer space. But next moment, her complexion slightly changed, this place space shield her ability to move.

"Sphere, red silk train!"

Evan caught vines, but fortunately in time to practice with red yarn break, otherwise next moment, he would be surrounded by vines round.

"too much!"

The Ins and Outs are all yes.

Laila how not to, I'm going to hold on.

"blasphemer, the Holy Tree of the heart to come back!" A wood demon jumped out of a tree, the attacks from behind Evan.

Evan aware of the danger, the timely activation of arms pigs, but the attack was so sudden, laugh, thorn pierced film, inserted in his lower back.

"by the kidney it seems to have been punctured." Evan coughed up blood, a look back, but it is not seen wood demon disappeared.

They are free to integrate into the trees, but also free to appear.

brush, no chance to even breathe, a wood demon fell from the sky, kill Evan. "You are the heart of the Holy Tree who also rich flavor than the woman, alone you this strength, even dared to covet my family Supreme Treasure."

"Lv, Laila you do not appear, I really the die! "

here is a wood demon of home, but also m altitude, Evan straitjacket imposed, really too passive. Just a ten seconds who has more than three trauma, and very serious.

"No, go on like this really going to die!" Glanced around Evan facial expression grave, the gap through the trees and saw the dark circles through the hole, "fight!"

Evan heavy in the trunk of a step, the body like an arrow, toward the boundary through the hole.

"Stop him!" Wood demon sprang up, vines also moved towards Evan swept.

bows start, Evan arrow arrow then emitted.

Flame Arrow, Flame Arrow, Flame Arrow ......

Bang ...

flame burning.

While not cause substantial damage to the wood demon, but as Evan gain time is sufficient.

"rely on, Why me into this horrible black hole ......"

While wearing a hole in the inner circles of the tree industry, but its surrounding space is very disordered, five empty meter range, chilling.

Evan body into the group, just as he was about to enter the profession through hole ...... Lyra's silhouette appeared in the horizon.

Evan wanted to stop, but it was too late, an irresistible attraction he inhaled the cave ......

"What the hell ah!" Evan helpless voice through community echoed outside the cave.

Laila hovers in front of the community through the hole, look complicated, "since it is a wood demon selected world, energy level It should not be too high ...... I hope you safe and sound!"

"fast chase, never lost heart Holy Tree." Bedi appeared, he shouted.

three wood demon sprang towards the cave wear sector.

Laila right hand grip imaginary, invisible power diffusion, wearing a community hole suddenly startled, then slowly collapsing ......

"Peru sect master, today I wood Monster Race and you irreconcilable! "Bedi hair stands up in anger, hard wood Monster Race decades of program planning, this is wasted Laila grip.

"irreconcilable? Then you went to go die!"


Aoki village.

Brown, Cook, Wa Lunjia ...... thirteen student body was placed on the first floor.

sad atmosphere in the air.

Barton cough twice, wipe readily cough up blood, "this time to be alive, really lucky, do not know if that guy Evan safe and sound?"

"the three of us are still alive, he would certainly be fine!" Toby and Pence sitting on the ground, an expression of fear, they still have not spirit slowly recovers.

Blood spine wood seeds attacks, for first-year students, it is a disaster.

backyard flames rising.

Naham peering looked swing flames.

When the flame was slowly extinguished, he walked over, grabbed a fire in the ashes, in total disregard of that hot temperature, then into his mouth.

"Why would I survive man? Adams Young Master, Hudson mother ...... tell me why?"

Naham eating a handful of ashes, tears flow sounded.

When night falls, Naham Aoki left the village, after the man never seen his silhouette in the Academy ......


Saipan City light Church.

Mi Lier watching the pool of blood, deeply felt fear.

people are in a pool of blood in order to protect her death.

She said obviously do not control her, why do they still dash on bravely with no thought of personal safety stand in front of her.

"Mi Lier nun, please do feel a little guilty, it is an insult to them, you are Saintess, is the Light God's messenger. God can have given their lives for the Light, it is the Supreme glory." Father passail look divine said. "Green Lion Academy has In name only, please go with me to teach bright country, where is the place for you."

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