Shuraba Player

Chapter 667:

The hermit Wuwei looked solemn.

Everyone: "..."

"Afterwards, when I was cleaning the stove, I found a 100 note on the side, and then there was nothing."

He took out a well-preserved red note from the inner pocket, and Wuwei the Hermit put it on the table.

"The above is all my experience."

"I'll talk about it next."

He glanced at the 100-yuan note on the table, squinted slightly, and Bai Zhi spoke up.

"There is a photo in my envelope, and the place to go is..."

In this way, starting from the hermit Wuwei, after that, Bai Zhi and several others also told their experiences one by one.

The process is actually second. Everyone has encountered a series of strange things in the process, but the focus is on what they obtained afterward.

The hermit Wuwei obtained a 100-yuan note, the big full stop was an old meal card charged with money, Konai’s was a broken wooden comb, and Shangjiuyue’s was a seal of unknown use. , and Bai Zhi's is a broken key.

...Maybe add the book that I don't know if it's a wish star or a childish guard.

——These things are the things they each obtained in this campus based on the things in their envelopes.

A total of six items were piled up on the table.

" you have any clues?"

After staring at the pile of things on the table for a while, Shang Jiuyue, who couldn't think of anything, raised her head and looked towards Bai Zhi.

"There was nothing before, but now I have a little clue."

Nodding, Bai Zhi picked up the book on the table that had been soaked in half by the rain.

"I found this storybook at the entrance of the library. Most of the handwriting in it was blurred by blisters, but if you read it carefully, you can still recognize some... There is an interesting story in it."


"Yes, a story very similar to our current situation."

Bai Zhi opened the book and turned to the page that he had specially folded before.

"In this story, there are nine animals together to explore the school together, but after entering the school, the number of animals described one by one becomes ten, and in the school, these animals die one by one... It's an uncompromising children's cult."

Pushing the book to the middle and letting the other people around him watch it, Bai Zhi spoke calmly.

"I'll focus on the key points. Among the ten animals, the little gray wolf was eaten on the stairs, the little crocodile killed himself in the archive room, the little white rabbit was dragged into the darkness by the monster in the corridor, the little sheep was in the The little tiger was killed in the library, the little tiger was taken away by the monster when he walked out of the library, the little pig was dragged into the shadow by the monster at the school gate... Finally, the remaining four animals were concentrated in the security room."

When he said this, Bai Zhi raised his head and looked towards Shang Jiuyue.

"In this storybook description, when the remaining four animals returned to the security room, the baby giraffe turned on the lights."


His complexion changed slightly, and Shang Jiuyue quickly turned back.

Sure enough, before turning a few pages, he saw a description full of childish words in the book.

[The little giraffe, the puppy, the little mouse, and the little cat went back to the security room together. The little giraffe said it was too dark, and then turned on the lights. The little giraffe is really naughty~]


Frowning slightly, Shang Jiuyue turned the book forward.

[The little giraffe is here in the security room waiting for the arrival of other animals. The little mouse is the first to come. The little cat chased the little mouse and also came here. The puppy and the little pig came last. But Piglet is a little timid, so he wants to leave school. Outside the school, the little pig was dragged into the chair by the monster, and the little pig was gone~]

"little mouse?"

Blinking his eyes, Konai turned to look at Bai Zhi.

- Someone with a blank expression on his face.

Turn the book forward again.

[The puppy is very afraid of getting dirty, so he started a big cleaning in the kitchen. He was very happy to clean it alone, and then called again. The scared piglet helped together. The puppy and the piglet together made a pot of pigeon soup, but The pigeons are dead, so there is only soup left~]

[The little giraffe went to the toilet with diarrhea, and the little white rabbit didn't want to wait for the little giraffe, so the little white rabbit wanted to go first, and then the little white rabbit was dragged into the darkness by the monster in the corridor, and the little white rabbit was gone~]

...a lot of things.

Chapter 324 The essence of the game and the tenth person

Looking at the book that had been soaked in half by the rain in front of him, everyone was silent for a moment.

- Described in childish colloquial language, this book describes all of their advanced experiences.

Not only does it mean that the hermit and inaction dog is afraid of getting dirty in the kitchen, but it also means that the little giraffe in Shangjiuyue goes to the toilet with diarrhea, or it represents the little cat of Konai, or The little mouse representing Bai Zhi... Although the description is simple and brief, everything can be matched.

They are like characters with a fixed script on the stage, like marionettes, one by one, they mechanically stage the plots that have been planned in advance according to the direction of the script.

"What about the back?"

After flipping through it, after finding that the plot only recorded that the little giraffe was gone after turning on the light, Konai raised his head and looked towards Bai Zhi.

"It's all soaked up by the rain and can't be identified. The plot only ends here."

Bai Zhi spread his hands in front of him.

"Don't ask me, when I opened it before, it was gone at this stage. I have taken out the clues. Do you have any clues now?"

"...Why didn't you stop it just now?"

After a moment of thought, Hermit Wuwei raised his head and looked at him.

"Since you have finished reading this book earlier, then you should have taken out this clue just now, instead of waiting until the full stop left."

"Yes, since you have read this book before, it should be easy to break the prophecy in the story of this book, right?"

Reaching out and pulling the tie around his neck, Shang Jiuyue also looked at Bai Zhi with a little doubt.

"In the simplest terms, when you go back to the security room, why don't you turn on the light switch first?"

"I forgot, I just remembered it earlier."

With his head held high, someone looked confident.

"Until now I can't even remember whether there are 24 or 28 letters in English, what else can you expect?"

Shang Jiuyue/The Hermit Inaction: "..."

Unlike the two of them who were speechless, Konai on the side gave Bai Zhi a thoughtful look.

...poor memory?

This laughing girl is so vengeful, one dollar can be recorded for a whole year, and the memory is bad... So is it intentional?

Looking at the storybook on the table in front of him, Konai narrowed his eyes slightly.

A book of prophecy that completely predicts their actions, it seems to be quite miraculous, but under the premise that the prophecy can be broken, it still obeys the prophecy...

... time?

Among the many conjectures that flew through her mind, she accurately intercepted a certain key word.

Yes, this prophecy book is indeed magical, but if you turn the clock back... it's just a well-thought-out magic.

At first glance, magic was quite magical in the past, but after the mysterious veil of magic is cut, the so-called magic is only ordinary and bland.

Combined with her previous experiences, she made a bold guess.

——In this school, time is chaotic.

Some people saw their experiences along the way, then wrote this book, and then put the book down in advance before going to an earlier point in time, which constitutes the false image of the accurate prediction of this book of prophecy .

...It's like the tomb of the world where the past, present and future are intertwined.

This guess can be used to explain the prophecy of the book, the same can be used to explain her previous encounters, and even why they can't get out of school.

The time around them is changed, and they have to step out of school at the right time to be able to complete the mission.

If that's the case, the one among them... must be the one who wrote this book! !

Once the blocked train of thought is opened, a steady stream of speculation will follow.

Konai originally thought that the one mixed in with them would be some kind of ghost, but now it looks like that person is more likely to be a gamer like them.

Although it is said that the current game scene is adapted from mandatory tasks, but the designer has carried out corresponding gamification processing, as a large-scale open game copy, rather than time-consuming and laborious design of a high-intelligence NPC ghost in it , it is better for the players themselves to take care of it.

- This is a 1vs9 confrontation game.

It's just that the tenth was well hidden between the nine of them.

"...The content of the game has changed, but is the essence of the game still the same?"

Thinking of this, Konai couldn't help but glance at Bai Zhi again.

——She didn't want to understand this until now, but the other party may have understood it earlier.

However, although old problems have been solved, new problems have also resurfaced.

As his eyes swept over everyone one by one, Konai couldn't help but fall into contemplation.

The current situation is actually quite clear.

It's like a difficult problem that can't be solved. At this moment, I finally found the way to solve the problem.

But the question is, the player who has been hidden among them from beginning to end... Who will it be?


"No, I still have no idea."

After flipping through the storybook several times, covering his forehead with one hand, Shang Jiuyue threw the storybook back on the table with a headache.

"This book is useless, and the other clues seem to be at a loss. Could it be that we really have to go back to those places to find other clues?"

"Hmm... Maybe it needs matching clues?"

Looking at the pile of debris on the table in front of him, after thinking for a while, Konai reached out and picked up the old meal card and the 100 yuan.

"For example, in the cafeteria of the Hermit Wuwei, according to the previous story... Maybe he needs to take this meal card and 100 yuan to go to that place to refill the meal card?"

——Among the piles of things on the table, the only things that can be barely connected are these two things.

Coupled with the fact that these two things are from the same scene canteen, it is not surprising that Konai would come to this conclusion.

"But didn't she say she charged the money earlier?"

Bai Zhi discussed it very seriously.

"She wasn't necessarily charging money at the time, but it was also possible that she was repairing the meal card. After all, she didn't dare to stay there after that."

Konai looked serious.

"The clues of the same scene are all matched. I think it's better to try this aspect than to sit and discuss here, right?"

"...then go back and have a look."

He glanced at the dark administrative building facing the school gate outside the security guard room, and after a moment of hesitation, Shang Jiuyue nodded.

That place, he always has to go back.

According to the storybook, among the three animals, the little crocodile, the little giraffe, and the little white rabbit, the little crocodile killed himself in the archives, and the little white rabbit was dragged into the darkness by the monster, and his little giraffe was the only survivor. By.

...It's a pity Little White Rabbit.

Chapter 325 "Hunter"

With the official arrival of night, the rainstorm finally stopped completely.

The entire campus was eerily quiet.

After watching the figures of other people disappear from his field of vision, Shang Jiuyue also followed into the administrative building in front of him.

At this time, due to the darkening of the sky, the visibility has become very low, which has a great impact on the field of vision.

The administrative building was dark, and it was extremely quiet. In this extremely quiet environment, the footsteps of Shang Jiuyue's leather shoes were clearly audible.

After recalling the scene where the building was full of **** and broken glass, Shang Jiuyue finally gave up the idea of ​​taking off her shoes, but she deliberately slowed down her steps.

However, in the process of being in the building, Shang Jiuyue's complexion changed slightly.

Because the night was so quiet, the sound of footsteps echoing in the empty corridors and corridors was very clear...but the footsteps were not right.

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