During the period when Mordor and Disciple challenged Xu Fan.

Casillas did not wait for the result with ease.

He deployed it for a long time for today's success.

And he is not too naive.

Although he prepared a double insurance such as Moduga's discipline, he still had the worst plan.

Xu Fan not only did not die, but instead killed the killer he sent in the past, and eventually retained a certain amount of physical strength.

So the most important thing Casillas needs to do now is to race against time.

The mages who used Xu Fan and Kama Taj were temporarily "trapped" in the mirror space, leaving the three most holy places in a situation of isolation and helplessness.

As long as the three most holy places are destroyed, there will be nothing in this world that can restrict Domam's existence.

Once Domam descended on Earth, Kama Taj's failure was declared.

The demise of the human mage.

He and his discipline will obtain Eternal Life through the power of black magic.

So this time Casillas directly cut off one's means of retreat. Except for the people sent to drag Xu Fan, other people followed his footsteps and launched an attack on the Holy of Holies .

The first battle is the Holy of Holies in London.

His involvement in the dark is not known yet.

When he appeared in the Most Holy Place in London, the Guardian in the temple greeted him and asked about Kama Taj.

However, it was at this time that Casillas was surprised and directly killed him.

After losing the Guardian of the temple, the remaining mages are no different from mobs.

In addition, Casillas's disciplines are all well-trained.

Domam again provides continuous black magic power.

This surprise attack quickly turned into a unilateral crush.

The Most Holy Place in London was also broken by Casillas and completely destroyed.

"Hurry up."

Casillas didn't even care about checking live openings and collecting spoils of war, so he opened the Transmission Gate directly through the ring and led everyone to Shanghai The most holy place.

The result can be imagined.

One side is deliberate, and the other side is defenseless.

The whole battle ended in a crushing way.

In less than five minutes, Casillas successfully destroyed the second most holy place.

Only one of the three most holy places remains.

The restrictions on Domam also began to weaken.

Casillas and his discipline not only got stronger power.

Also got the help of Domam.

The supreme monarch entrenched in the dark dimension, he forcibly tore a crack in a weak position.

Although this is not enough for him to invade, it can drop some dark magic creatures.

For a time, dark clouds began to spread over London and Shanghai. The giant black Uzumaki looked like a huge mouth in the abyss, permeating the scalp feeling numb monster roar.

Ordinary persons have seen such a formation there again, and they all thought it was the end of the day and fled.

Immediately afterwards, this scene on the internet berserk caused more people to panic.

S.H.I.E.L.D. headquarters.

The real Fury just returned to Earth, letting the fake Fury pretending to be himself to do other things.

But when he was just about to advance the project of the Universe Rubik's Cube, an agent broke in without even knocking on the door.

The conversation between Fury and Coleson was inexplicably interrupted, making his expression unhappy.

"Director, you should take a look at this."

However, this agent didn't care about the others, and quickly helped Fury turn on the computer and broadcast it.

Displayed on the screen.

Over London and Shanghai, not only black Uzumaki appeared, but also countless monsters running wildly out of it.

It looks like the barrier between the human world and the hell world was broken, releasing the most primordial monster.

Fry and Coleson's mouth suddenly opened into an "oh" shape.

"Director, this..."

Coleson swallowed nervously. He felt that this incident was at least a tenth level start.

If you don’t quickly find a way to deal with it.

The entire human civilization may disappear.

But this kind of thing needs Coleson to remind Fury.

"Where is Xu now?"

Fry was silent for a second or two before thinking of the man who replaced Gu Yi as the Supreme mage.

Whether it is as a magic advisor for SHIELD.

Guardian on Earth.

He must all stand up to stop this disaster.

Apart from this there are also Captain of the United States, Iron Man, and Banner Court Academecian.


Surprise Captain!

It's time to gather the Avengers!

Fry sucked in a breath of cold air, quickly bent over and opened the drawer, rummaged in it.

It wasn't until a pager from the 1990s came into view that his nervousness eased slightly.

Kelsen also understood the urgency of the situation, and quickly took out his mobile phone and tried to contact Xu Fan.

The result was unsuccessful.

No matter how many times I tried, Xu Fan's phone was not in the service area.


Seeing that Ferry and Coleson's faces were very solemn, the agent who had the courage to report interrupted them again.

"These monsters that ran out of the sky did not slaughter London and Shanghai..."


"They seem to have strong The purpose of being moved towards the same place is gathering..."

The agent's voice was intermittent, and the statement was finished for quite a long time.

Fry and Coleson looked towards each other in an instant, they faced each other and exchanged their eyes.

An image of the same city came to mind.

It is...

New York!


The agent nodded vigorously, verifying Ferry and Coleson's conjecture.

"How much time will they get here?" Fury asked again.

S.H.I.E.L.D. is a department set up to protect Earth's safety, and there is no food here.

If he can't even answer this question, he can leave on the spot.

"According to current calculations, it only takes about fifteen minutes..."

The agent replied.

In fact, this is not a bad thing for humans.

The other party came straight to New York without directly massacring human beings.

This is a blessing in misfortune.

Apart from this, they still have fifteen minutes to assemble the team to resist this enemy.

Fry did not hesitate to press the pager to try to contact Surprise Captain.

In his opinion, only surprise Captain and Xu Fan can pull strongly against a crazy tide.

"I still can't get in touch..."

After trying so many times, Coleson had to tell this desperate fact.

"Look for Captain Rogers first."

Fry gritted his teeth, so he ordered.

As Coleson and the agent hurried out of the office, Fury turned around and dialed another call.

He needs help.

the more, the better.

After a beep, the call was finally connected.

"I'm Director Fury of S.H.I.E.L.D., help me find General Ross!"

As soon as the opponent started to talk, he was interrupted by Fury.

"If you don’t want mankind to become extinct today, just now, immediately, immediately, send me to the guy Rose!"

At the same time, Wakanda and Within Land of Fire.

Orochimaru and Kakashi discovered this disaster at the same time.

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