An abandoned warehouse in New York.

The emergence of Lushang allowed Banner to completely make a firm resolution.

No matter what the price is, he will expel Hulk from himself.

He drew the necessary magic array on the ground, then sat in the center, hand-seal with both hands, mutter incantations in his mouth.

With the activation of the magic, a dazzling light burst out from Banner's back and rushed straight into the sky.


The ceiling of the warehouse is directly broken through by this force.

The souls of Banner and Hulk began to separate.


Hulk never thought that Banner would treat himself like this, his voice was so angry that he wanted to tear him in half.

However, the current Hulk is in the form of a soul, which can't hurt Banner's fleshy body at all.

His chest is connected to Banner's back, his face is fiends, and his hands are punching, but every attack will directly penetrate Banner's body.

Banna's spiritual energy was also rapidly consumed.

His original purpose of going to the Holy of Holies was to destroy Hulk.

Although, because of Xu Fan's influence, Banner changed his view of Hulk for a while.

But when he learned that there is indeed magic that can expel Hulk, he devoted most of his energy to the study of this magic.

Banna knew very well that he had to pay a price if he wanted to use magic.

The effects of force are mutual.

The same is true when using magic.

Mage not only has to bear physical pain, but also mental pain.


Banna couldn't help but began to scream, his forehead was sweaty, and he endured both physical and mental torture.

"It hurts..."

Banna couldn't help shouting in his heart.

Before starting to cast the spell, he was mentally prepared, but he did not expect that the degree of pain was far beyond his own cognition.

Even Hulk quickly noticed Banner's pain.

"Give up, Banner, you are not as strong as you think, if you continue, you will die here!"

"You want to die, Banner !"

Hulk snarled at Banner, and at the same time tried to activate the Hulk factor in Banner's body.

Banna's white arms gradually turned green.

And he also noticed this detail.

"Breathe, pay attention to breathing, Banner..."

The teacher's voice sounded in Banner's ear.

That was the teacher he met when he went to Brazil, and he taught him how to control his anger.




Banna will endure the physical and mental torture and will pay attention Focus on your own breathing rhythm.

Hulk's roar was deafening.

But the same is true for Hulk, which means he is more afraid.

The arm that turned into Green also slowly recovered.

Hulk's Soul Body was squeezed out by Banner again.

Although it is less than a centimeter, it shows that Banner has gained the upper hand now.


Seeing that his threat had no effect on Banner, the activated Hulk factor was also suppressed by Banner.

Hulk panicked in front of Banner for the first time.

"damned, Banner, you know it's not my fault at all!"

"It's all that psychic scepter!"

See Ben With Na’s determination, Hulk had to choose to compromise.

As long as Banner can stop what he is doing now, he is willing to stop getting angry at will.

But now Banner doesn't want to listen to those words of Hulk at all.

He still focused all his attention on breathing rhythm.

Even after he has completely entered this breathing rhythm, he feels that the price of magic is not so painful.

Hulk's upper body was completely squeezed out of the body by Banner.

"You need me, Banner, you need my strength."

Hulk's emotions began to irritate, especially when he found that he was powerless.

Fear began to surface in his heart.

"Stop, Banner, think about it, what can you do without my power?"

"Wait until next time there will be dimensional creatures, or aliens What can you do when you are an intruder?"

"Use your mind to persuade them to leave?"

"Admit it, Banner, you and I complement each other and are indispensable ."

Neither threat nor tolerance is effective. Hulk has to emphasize his role.

Although he hates talking to Banner in this tone, he can do nothing.

"I have...magic!"

But even so, Banner was still firm in his determination and will. He burst out anger and forcibly removed Hulk from his own within-the-body expelled.

Hulk then opened his eyes wide, looking at Banner's back in an incredible way.

"Banna, you idiot!"

Hulk was furious and moved towards Banner yelled.

If it wasn't Soul Body that he couldn't touch Banner, he would definitely tear the man in front of him in half.

"Goodbye, Hulk."

Banna kept talking, while straightening up from the ground, he turned his head and looked up and down at the Hulk floating in the sky.

This is the first time he has witnessed Hulk in this form.

There is an indescribable joy in my heart.

I did it.

I finally did it!

I expelled Hulk from my body!

However, this magic ceremony did not end.

Banna took a deep breath and opened the channel connecting the hell dimension.

If Hulk is not completely expelled to another dimension, he will return to his body sooner or later one day.


Hulk's roar is like the most terrifying wild beast.

But no matter how hard he struggles and works hard, he can't compete with Banner now.

His body began to sink, and it kept sinking.

Slowly fall into the opened dimension of hell.


Finally, the earth healed, and Hulk was completely suppressed.

Banna underfoot's magic array also disappeared.

The entire abandoned warehouse is quiet again, as if nothing had happened.

And Banner was also exhausted, and collapsed on the ground on the spot.

At the same time...

In the hell dimension.

Hulk's sinking speed is getting faster and faster, and finally the rumble hits on the scorched earth.

An indescribable stench assaults the senses.

Hulk sat up straight and looked up at the sky.

There is neither the sun nor the Moon.

The sky is red, and there is no boundary in sight.

However, Hulk is not as weak as he was in front of Banner.

His touch is also very real.

He grabbed a handful of soil at random, and what was caught in his eyes was the bones.

Hulk looked around all around, until this time he didn't notice that, along with his ass, all were rotten corpse.

Not only that, all around are full of densely packed demons, and their faces look sinister, baring their fangs towards Hulk.

There is no doubt that this is the most terrifying hell.

There is no order and no rules here.

Hulk, who has always been violent, has become food in the eyes of other demons.

áo hǒu!

The low growl from that direction turned into an offensive horn.

Countless demons started running wildly, rushing towards Hulk.

And now Hulk is extremely angry.

He needs to vent!

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