"If it is said, Orsola came to Academy City to find the Holy Father as a blessing!"

  She looked at the two hundred nuns under her, and a flash of light flashed in her mind.

  So, Yanice solemnly said to her subordinates:

  "I figured out a way to get Orsola out...!"

  At this moment, three or four hours have passed since Orsola left the Seven Nights Mansion. Orsola, who had just eaten something to support her stomach, began to growl again.

  Orsola walked alone in the bustling Academy City. Although it was only a few days before the war, the city's self-healing ability was unimaginable.

  At this moment, I can't feel the feeling of being invaded at all.

  "Excuse me, have you seen the Holy Father?" Orsola stopped a tall and slender girl with fluffy brown hair and asked

  The brown-haired girl wearing a purple dress looked suspiciously at the strange nun in front of her:

  "Holy Father? What is that? And you're dressed like this, cosplay?"

  "COSPLAY?" Orsola tilted her head in confusion.

  After the girl in the purple dress finished speaking, she shook her head and brushed past her. A blond girl with a beret in the distance called out:

  "Mai Ye, hurry up!"

  "Got it, Flanda!" Mai Ye nodded and walked over.

  Looking at the girl who left, Orsola sighed and muttered.

  "I still haven't found it? Why doesn't anyone in this city know about the Holy Father? It should be a very important and sacred thing."

  Obviously, although she has also promoted the teachings of the gods in three pagan countries, she has never been to a place where there is no faith like Academy City.

  After searching for a few hours, she saw that it was getting late, and she was going to the unfinished Orsola Church outside Academy City, which was likely to be abandoned.

  That was the reward given by the upper echelons of the church for her promotion of teachings in three pagan countries.

  A church named after her.

  Although the distance is a bit long, the nun is not afraid of suffering.

  However, at this moment, she suddenly felt a sacred breath in the distance, the feeling was like the breath she had felt when she went to the San Piero Cathedral in the Vatican on a pilgrimage.

  Compassionate, kind, and tolerant of everything!

  "This is the breath of the Holy Father!?" Orsola stared into the distance and muttered to himself.

  Of course, with her knowledge, she couldn't tell the difference, although it looked very sacred, it seemed like the breath of a benevolent god.

  But the breath was indefinite, as illusory as a bubble, as if someone was deliberately simulating a sacred breath.

  At this moment, in the huge living room of the Qiye Mansion, Qiye had eaten dinner.

  Playing a racing sim with The Last Game.

  "Oh oh oh my brother, watch Misaka Misaka overtaking on the super U-curve!"

  The last one shouted with a flushed face.

  However, the next moment, on the TV screen, her car fell into a cliff on the game map, and when the car came back, she was completely left behind.

  Completely lost the chance to catch up.

  The last work suddenly pouted, and the hair on his head was flung back and forth to express dissatisfaction.

  However, at this moment, Qiye, and Index, Sasha and the others who were playing with the tricolor cat were stunned at the same time.

  "What is this divine aura?"

  "Someone is imitating God's breath with crucifix magic in front of me. It's really daring. Don't you know I'm here?"

  Thinking so, Nanye passed the game controller to Yuriko beside him.

  Stand up from the position holding the last work

  "I'm going out!"

  "I want to go too, Qiye!" Index picked up the tricolor cat and ran over.

  Sasha followed, and the two of them, as orthodox nuns, were curious about the breath that had just appeared.

  "Okay!" Qiye didn't refuse, so he took the two of them to move directly in space to find the breath and left...  

  In the blink of an eye, the three of them appeared in the air, and Qiye controlled the circle of absolute rationality, making the three hover at the same time.

  Below them, there seems to be some kind of ceremony going on, surrounded by a huge circle of fire burning with piles of vegetation,

  Inside the circle of fire, about two hundred nuns in black monastic uniforms formed a circle.

  A small nun with reddish brown hair and many braids as thin as pencils stood in the center of the circle with a lotus pole in both hands. She stepped on the soil with her bare feet.

  Closing his eyes tightly, he kept whispering in his mouth:

  "...Here is a place flowing with milk and honey. In the name of Moses, sing your praises to the Most High, and proclaim your loving kindness, which the beasts don't know, the fools don't understand...!"

  Under her feet is a rather complex golden magic circle,

  "This is a ritual that imitates the call of God in the Old Testament. These nuns actually want to call God!"

  Index widened her eyes.

  In the Old Testament, when Moses was tending sheep, he suddenly saw a bush not far away that seemed to be burning.

  Intrigued, he met God there, and God said to Moses:

  "Take off your shoes, this is sacred land."

  So, God gave Moses the mission:

  "Take your walking stick, it will give you the power of magic, and you can use these magics to prove to all the Israelites and the pharaohs of Egypt that I am the only god, and I am more than all the Egyptians believed in. God has more power."

  At this time, Index explained:

   "The burning bushes represent the Land of Miracles, the bare feet represent purity, the lotus poles represent power, the two hundred nuns represent all the Israelites, all the symbols that make up this spell, the magic called by God!"

  Qiye heard the words and felt the energy block of the Crusader phase God, and there was no change at all.

  "However, it is impossible for them to succeed at all. The Holy Father, as the supreme god of the Cross religion, how could he come down to earth with such a simple ceremony, at most, they are just like worshiping angels, summoning the shadow of God in their hearts!"

  Index said.

  However, at this moment, a nun in a black monastic uniform was panting from not far away.

  Although it was getting late, she could still see her slender waist and plump upper circumference through the moonlight.

  Orsola Aquinas! .

Chapter 253

  Looking at Orsola, who came anxiously and threw himself into the net.Qiye shook his head speechlessly in midair.

  After all, the magic of Yanis and the others is like making a temple by themselves, and then imagining an image of God through the combined magic of everyone.

  The effect that this magic can produce is to confer certain miracles.

  For example, healing the injured body, and blessing others with a life free from disease and disaster, although it seems that it is a great magic that can only be accomplished by two hundred nuns.

  In fact, it's terribly inefficient, and it's of little use other than the divine aura it exudes.

  However, this is enough for Orsola. Although she is a nun belonging to the former Roman Orthodox Church, she is good at intelligence analysis, interpretation of magic-related codes, and lacks insight into magic itself.

  Just feeling the breath of God was like a life-saving straw for her being hunted down.

  But they didn't know it was just a trap for hunters to catch their prey.

  As Orsola stepped into this trap area, Yanice, who was presiding over the magic ceremony, opened her eyes as if she had received a signal.

  Then, the summoning ceremony changed, and a golden phantom of God appeared in the air,

  The old man with white beard and hair, wearing the clothes of the ancient ancestors in white, with the brilliance of the sun at the back of his head, exudes a more sacred atmosphere.

  All the images of God's apparition correspond exactly to the image of the Father in Orsola's mind.

  "Holy Father!" As soon as he saw the phantom floating in the distance, Orsola's face suddenly showed an expression of incomparable joy and longing.

  She completely forgot the exhaustion of 19 running all the way, and ran towards the illusion with the skirt of the monastic uniform.

  However, when she stepped into the abandoned amusement park and was about to approach the ring of fire, the vision of God suddenly disappeared.

  This sudden change made Orsola stunned, as if she couldn't believe it, and even thought that God had abandoned her.

  I don't think she is religious enough.

  "Holy Father, Holy Father!"

  Orsola cried out with tears in her eyes.

  But the next moment, she was surrounded by more than [-] nuns who were wearing the same black monastic uniform as her.

  At this time, Yanice, who was holding a lotus pole and put on [-]-centimeter sandals again, walked over from outside the encirclement with two nuns, one tall and one short.

  The encircling nuns immediately made way for a passage.

  Seeing so many nuns wearing the same clothes as her, Orsola's face changed suddenly.

  It was not the expression on his face when he saw his companion, but the fear he had when he saw the murderer.

  Then, Agnes walked up to Orsola, although she was almost a head shorter than Orsola in terms of size,

  According to the law of predation in nature, small animals should be afraid of large animals, but Ossola's body trembled slightly.

  Then, her chest was hit hard, and it felt like all the air in her lungs was expelled in an instant.

  Orsola opened her eyes wide and was knocked to the ground, clutching her stomach and moaning in pain.

  The corner of Yanice's mouth, holding the lotus pole with the tool she just struck, sneered at the corner of her mouth.

  "A filthy person like you who tries to decipher the book of evil law, betrays the teachings of God, and also wants to come to Academy City to seek the protection of the Holy Father, hum!"

  As Yanis spoke, she kicked Orsola's stomach with a thirty-centimeter sandal.

  The screams that seemed to come from hell echoed in the dark night sky.

  "Hey, what's the matter with this cry, has the image of the nun been completely thrown out of your head? Really, it took us so much time,

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