In an instant, the fragments of Shenjing's demons that had been crushed by him were all absorbed by Kamijou's right arm and turned into a complete right arm again.

  "Recovered!" Kamijou said, glancing at his right shoulder in surprise.

  At this time, he was not the battle-hardened warrior of the original novel. It was the first time he encountered such a thing, even if his heart was big, he was extremely shocked.

  Looking at the fluttering blond hair and handsome face now, it is like a delicate doll that has been completed in a lifetime of all the outstanding artistic "five and eighty" families from ancient times to the present.

  Although from this year, he knew that as a former classmate and best friend Qiye, he became more and more incomprehensible.

  At first, he became a level 5 with only seven inexplicably, and later he became the first, but now the seven nights in front of him were completely different from those at that time.

  Kamijou, who was tied to the cross, could feel the strangeness of Qiye, that is, just standing on the ground with the other party, his back felt a chill, like countless ants crawling on his skin, his hair stood on end.

  So Kamijou asked dumbly:

  "Qi... Qiye, have you become a god?"

  Didn't expect Kamijou to ask such a question, Qiye was stunned for a moment, then smiled without saying a word.

  "I won't ask how you ended up here with my son, but you should escape first!"

  After speaking, Qiye turned his head.

  The rope that tied Kamijou's body became loose, and Kamijou immediately looked at the red hair in confusion while untying the rope from the wooden cross.

  "My son? Your son!?" Kamijou asked in surprise.

  This is the second time he has heard this word from Qiye's mouth. If he had just woken up and had hallucinations just now, he definitely heard it right now.

  Because he devoured the fantasy killer, he was able to exert [-]% of the power of his perfect right hand. He held the weird red chicken claw and lowered his head. His eyes were gloomy with the fire on the right. When he looked at Shangjo, the veins on his forehead burst out, like killing his father and enemy. general.

  "Even a mere piece of meat dares to tease this uncle!!"

  Then, the right side was completely angry, and the power that was enough to destroy the planet gathered on the strange right arm behind him.

  "Destroy you!"

  With a single blow, the power that can turn the earth into ashes, as soon as it touches the light film on Qiye's body surface, it blows from both sides like a breeze.

  Kamijou, who was hiding behind Nanaye, scratched his head in confusion.

  Although there has been speculation, the right arm that absorbed the power of the fantasy killer is still ineffective, which makes the right side horrified.

  "I should have said, looking forward to your performance, so don't do that pointless thing,"

  As the majestic voice sounded in his ears, the fire on the right found himself unable to move along with the right arm.

  At the same time, a silver-white pattern of the Kabbalah Tree of Life appeared behind him. It was as if he was bound to the Kabbalah Tree of Life, and he couldn't even blink.

  An extreme sense of fear emerged in the right's heart.

  Although I don't know what magic or technique Qiye used, the deadly aura was enough to make the right side tremble.

  However, it seems that Qiye is not ready to kill the right fire.

  The Kabbalah tree of life pattern slowly disappeared behind the right

  "Do what you want, no one will stop you!"

  After Qiye finished speaking, he stood in the center of the temple like a dead silence and closed his eyes.

  He needs to start the final preparations for the ritual of the Demon God when the fire on the right is rebuilding the four worlds.

  To be successful, he is not worried, but what he needs is perfection!

  However, at this moment, the voice of the system in my mind rang.

  "Ding....Please go to {The Star of Bethlehem} to sign in!"

  "Ding....Detected that the host has arrived at the check-in destination."

  "The check-in time is [-] seconds, and you can't move in the middle, otherwise it will be regarded as a check-in failure!"

  "Sign in to begin...!"




  Although I don't know what the purpose of the seven nights is, the fire of the right side has its own obsession, and believes that his right hand can save the world and make all human beings happy...  

  For this reason, even if there are any obstacles, he will not take it to heart, and he will never choose to give up because the enemy is powerful.

  Looking at the dark sky above the temple, the blue and white magic circle unfolded by the angelic art.

  He took out a roll of parchment paper he had prepared from his pocket.

  The above is also an angelic technique based on the Kabbalah tree of life, and the parameters of the four world angels.

  After absorbing these parameters on the right side, the {Star of Bethlehem} is already suspended at an altitude of [-] meters. This is an incomplete sky filled with angelic power, which can fix a large-scale power flow.

  In magical rituals, it is very meaningful to control the sky as a screen. Even the [Apostolic Cross] of the Crusaders needs a corresponding sky screen. When stars appear in the sky, many prophets will think that the Son of God is born.

  The fire on the right is using such a large-scale spell.

  sky and ground

  three and four

  He monopolized the most important figures in the Christian culture.

  {The Star of Bethlehem} is like a giant planetarium.

  When everything is ready to be constructed, pop!A strange sound rang out.

  The starry sky unfolded, first yellow, then red, then blue, and finally green. The strangely colored stars seemed to overlap with the meaning of the right, like several layers of veils, and spread out.

  After doing all this, the fire on the right side looked at Qiye, who still closed his eyes and did not move, his body covered with golden light, and said coldly.

  "No matter what purpose you have, as long as I wave down this hand, everything will become the world I think in my mind, let the four world gears return to normal."

  As he said that, his third hand began to wriggle and waved in the direction of Qiye!

  At the same time, the sound of successful sign-in resounded in Qiye's mind.

  "Ding...Congratulations to the host for signing in successfully!"

  "Ding,...Congratulations to the host for obtaining one of the infinite projections of the Ganges star sand projection in "The Day of God's Wrath"."

  The next moment, when the fire on the right waved his third hand, the entire world of the forbidden world began to vibrate. .

Chapter 273

  It first appeared in the world, and it was a huge Kabbalah tree of life that stood up.

  Then two silver-white giant snakes were entangled on both sides of the Kabbalah Tree of Life, with their heads facing each other.

  The four worlds canopy surrounds it.

  Then the Kabbalah Tree of Life began to grow bigger and bigger, and it really started to grow like a big tree.

  "Crack!" A slight voice resounded throughout the world.

  Silver-white roots appeared at the root of the tree of life, and one of the roots slowly stretched out to penetrate the space, and a strong breath of phase energy emerged from the crack.

  The next moment, thousands of whiskers swelled out in an instant as if they had exploded. They turned into white snakes and shattered the space between the phases and penetrated into the world of various myths.

  They are like greedy energy predators, and layers of phaseless energy blocks are swallowed by them.

  Hindu mythological aspects, they devoured Brahma, Shiva, Vishnu


  Taoist mythological aspects, they devoured Pangu, Hongjun

  Greek mythological aspects, they devoured Chaos, Zeus,

  Even the Crucifixion aspect was not spared. The white snake devoured the energy blocks of the Son of God, the High Angel, and the Archangel.

  The two huge white snakes wrapped around the Kabbalah Tree of Life, like creatures parasitic on the tree trunk, are also gigantic.

  At this point the backbone of the Kabbalah Tree of Life is like a spear piercing through hundreds of billions of phases.

  Even the darkness, the hidden world that seemed to have nothing, was not spared, and the tree trunks pierced through.

  Finally, it is directly inserted into the material world at the bottom of the forbidden world.

  At this time, Qiye's body had a golden light victory, the core of the "absolute rational circle" that had been unable to be fully analyzed. After obtaining the most basic parameters of the material world, the data increased rapidly like a marquee.


  It reached [-] in an instant. At the same time, in the seven-night micro-universe-weiyuan universe, various mythological worlds with different world views, a large number of clone consciousness began to become demon gods.

  Including the world's major myths, hundreds of billions of demon gods were born in a miniature universe in an instant.

  The soul of Qiye began to become mysterious and mysterious. Sometimes the soul can hear the prayers of hundreds of millions of people to the merciful Lord, sometimes it can hear the mysterious sound of Zen, and sometimes it can hear the praises of Brahma....

  One hundred years, one thousand years, or one hundred million years, ten billion years.

  The soul of Qiye is surrounded by endless sentient beings, like prayer, like Zen sound, like praise.

  At this time, the Kabbalah Tree of Life penetrates all the phases of the forbidden world, takes root in the material world, and uses hundreds of millions of phase gods as nourishment to nourish the tree itself.

  Eventually grow into a giant tree that runs through the entire magic forbidden universe.

  Some aspect humans, looking at the big tree falling from the sky and unable to see the top of the tree, the prophet of the aspect world told them that if they can climb to the top of the tree of the sky, then they can achieve all their wishes.

  As a result, some mythical human heroes of the phase began to climb up with enough dry food. They have endurance and physique far beyond that of ordinary humans. Even if they do not rest for ten years, they will be fine.

  And even if you can't climb it, the heroes want to know what's at the end of the tree.

  For a time, the phase beings densely climbed the Kabbalah Tree of Life.

  However, they didn't know that those giant trees that reached the sky in their eyes were actually just one of hundreds of millions of roots.

  At this time, the demon gods in the hidden world naturally discovered this situation.

  "Hehe, Nephthys, climb a tree, do you want to try it!!"

  In the hidden world where a hole was pierced, the voice of a young girl rang out,

  "I didn't expect the child in Qiye to start the ceremony when the person in the right hand reconstructed the Four Realms!"

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