Sign In: Going Back to Being a Surgeon 10 Years Ago

Chapter 123 Zheng Li's Private Party

Wang Lu was taken aback: Coronary CT? Why do you do this? Do you think he has a cardiovascular and cerebrovascular problem?

Wu Yuan nodded: I do have such doubts.

Wang Lu waved his hand: I don't feel right. Unless the cardiovascular problem is very serious, there will be no sudden syncope.

Wu Yuan: Dr. Wang is right, but there is actually another possibility.

Shen Feichen raised his head and glanced at Wu Yuan, showing a rather surprised look: You also suspect...

Wu Yuan: It's just a suspicion, and we still need to wait for the coronary CT to come out to be sure.

Shen Feichen nodded, showing an expression of admiration.

Wang Lu still didn't understand what was going on.

Shen Feichen said to Wang Lu, Doctor Wang, open a checklist and ask this uncle to do a coronary CT scan.

Since Shen Feichen said so, Wang Lu naturally had to do it.

After Wang Lu finished opening the order, he handed it to Hu Deming and asked him to have a coronary CT scan.

Hu Deming was a little resisted at first, feeling that it was unnecessary, wasting money and wasting time, but he was finally pulled by Feng Hui to do it.

Of course Shen Feichen was very busy, so it was impossible to stay in the emergency department all the time.

Shen Feichen said to Wu Yuan and Wang Lu: After the results come out, if there is indeed a problem, the emergency room should not be able to deal with it here, and the patient can be recommended to be transferred to the Cardiology Department.

Wang Lu nodded: Got it, Director Shen.

Shen Feichen glanced at Wu Yuan again: You can do it, you have a wide range of knowledge!

Wu Yuan replied modestly: I just read a few more cases when I have nothing to do.

Shen Feichen nodded: Continue to work hard.

After speaking, Shen Feichen left.

Wang Lu asked suspiciously, Doctor Wu, what disease do you and Director Shen suspect this uncle has?

Wu Yuan: It should be coronary steal syndrome.

Wang Lu was taken aback.

Steal blood syndrome can be regarded as a relatively rare disease. Wang Lu has not encountered a single pill for several years in her work. She only learned about relevant cases when she was in medical school.

When an artery in the human body is partially or completely occluded, the pressure at its distal end is significantly reduced, and a siphon effect will occur. A series of symptoms, in medicine, this symptom is called Steal Blood Syndrome, also known as Steal Blood Syndrome.

Steal syndrome is more complex, there are several conditions.

Such as subclavian artery steal syndrome, internal and external carotid artery steal syndrome, vertebrobasilar artery steal syndrome, cerebral hemisphere artery steal syndrome...

Anyway, there are many reasons for stealing blood syndrome, so Shen Feichen said that the emergency department cannot handle such a disease.

Wang Lu was a little unbelievable. Even if this old man did have some characteristics of stealing blood syndrome, how could Wu Yuan be so sure?

Is it because the boss couldn't hold the cup with his backhand?

Not to brag, she Wang Lu can explain this phenomenon in a dozen different ways.

Although Steal Blood Syndrome is not a rare incurable disease, it is also very rare in small and medium-sized cities like Yanjiang.

Wu Yuan is so powerful, and thought of going with a big guy like Shen Feichen?

However, Wang Lu is still a little unbelievable. Before the coronary CT results came out, no one could be sure what disease Hu Deming had.

However, when Hu Deming and Feng Hui came back with the test results again and showed them to Wang Lu, Wang Lu was stunned and speechless.

It really is the phenomenon of stealing syndrome!

When Wang Lu went to find Wu Yuan again, he couldn't find it.

She didn't know that Wu Yuan was squatting in the toilet at this time.

It's really strange, how did Wu Yuan see it? Judgment is more accurate and faster than the machine?

Wang Lu was puzzled, so she could only interpret it as a guess, and she guessed right.

In fact, Wu Yuan did guess it, but it was only a judgment made by Hu Deming's hand movements and some minor symptoms mentioned by Hu Deming.

You must know that Wu Yuan is a person with advanced neurology diagnosis skills, and in this regard, he can even reach the level of deputy chief physician or even chief physician.

However, although Wu Yuan can diagnose it, it is quite reluctant to ask him to undergo neurosurgery.

Especially in more complicated cardiovascular and cerebrovascular surgery, it is even more impossible.

He doesn't have the relevant surgical skills, so don't let this mess.

Wu Yuan squatted in the pit while reading news on his mobile phone, and suddenly received a message.

[System]: Helping others is successful, you have won a reward of 8,000 yuan soft sister coins.

Not bad, I got 8,000 yuan just by moving my lips.

And also added points to Shen Feichen, killing two birds with one stone, killing two birds with one stone.

Wu Yuan squatted in the pit more smoothly.

Wu Yuan also thought that the cardiac surgery in Yanjiang Dongcheng Hospital was quite good, and he had to find a way to go there and have a look, sign something, and learn some skills by stealing.

In the past few days, Wu Yuan's performance has been quite stable, and he has entered the state at a very fast speed.

Even Cheng Weimin was secretly surprised.

Originally, he thought that Shen Feichen was due to the lack of doctors in Dongcheng Hospital, so he borrowed half a bottle of water like Wu Yuan to make up the number.

Unexpectedly, Wu Yuan does have two brushes, especially the suture, which has completely conquered other doctors.

You must know that in the emergency department, the role of suture is very big, because most of the patients who come to the emergency department have suffered skin injuries.

So Wu Yuan played a huge role.

Of course, because Wu Yuan has just arrived a few days ago and has not been on the operating table yet, he still needs to slowly accumulate prestige and trust.

On this day, the emergency department is not as busy as a few days ago, and can go off work normally.

Wu Yuan grabbed his bag and got in the car when he received a text message.

It is also very interesting. Although QQ has become very popular in this era, many people still use text messages to communicate with each other.

When WeChat comes out, SMS will basically be eliminated, and it can only be used as a tool for receiving verification codes and bank notification information.

The text message was sent by Zheng Li.

It means to remind Wu Yuan not to forget tomorrow's party, and Zheng Li also specially sent the time and address.

Wu Yuan pondered for a while, Wu Yuan can take a vacation tomorrow, and there is really nothing to worry about, so he replied with a message: Received, will definitely arrive.

Zheng Li's party was not in her big villa, but in a restaurant in the center of Yanjiang.

Zheng Li was so proud that she immediately took down the entire second floor of the restaurant.

Wu Yuan drove out ahead of schedule, and the journey was smooth and there was no traffic jam.

The meeting time was seven o'clock in the evening, but Wu Yuan arrived at half past six.

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