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Chapter 189 Fortunately, I met this guy

Almost everyone felt that this young doctor, after sterilization, planned to use a fruit knife to perform some emergency operations on the little boy.

This is also a common plot in movies.

However, Wu Yuan did not do that next.

Wu Yuan poured more than half of the wine, and there was still some left.

He put the wine bottle aside, then picked up the hose, gestured for the length, and cut off a section with a fruit knife.

Everyone was dumbfounded, not understanding what Wu Yuan was doing.

What's he doing? What's he doing with that plastic pipe?

Maybe it's to channel the air to the child.

I think it's better to blow air into the child's mouth.

Don't be stupid, what you said is artificial respiration, do you understand? How can you use a tube for artificial respiration?

Okay, you, maybe the professionals do this, but you haven't seen it before, and you were misled by the TV series.

Don't criticize blindly. People who are too amateur must understand what the professionals are doing!

Heh, you seem to understand what you're saying!

Wang Keming was also worried. He didn't understand why Wu Yuan did these things. It was the most important thing to save the little boy quickly!

The little boy's mother felt that the young man who claimed to be a doctor had two brushes. She gradually calmed down and tried her best not to disturb Wu Yuan's work.

But the mother found that although her son was breathing, it was very weak. She was also very anxious now, not knowing whether her son's condition was serious or not.

The handsome guy who bought Wu Yuan a fruit knife and rum looked at Wu Yuan nervously. He really didn't care about money, but he was worried that if Wu Yuan didn't save the little boy, his efforts would be in vain. .

At this time, I saw Wu Yuan tidy up the hose that was cut off, and then inserted it into the wine bottle, making sure that one end of the hose was immersed in the remaining wine.

Everyone was puzzled, what was Wu Yuan doing? Want to make something?

Wu Yuan picked up the bandage again and wrapped it around the bottle.

One lap, two laps, three laps...

After five or six laps, the bandage was cut with a fruit knife.

Then, Wu Yuan picked up two more Band-Aids and fixed the bandages.

People still don't understand what Wu Yuan is doing.

Wu Yuan doesn't need these people to understand that he is now concentrating on what he needs to do.

It seemed that everything was ready, Wu Yuan looked at the little boy, and pressed his hand on his chest a few times.

The little boy had fallen into a state of shock and did not respond.

Wu Yuan pondered for a moment, and his eyes immediately sharpened.

Wu Yuan: The incision should be in the third intercostal space...

Wang Keming didn't understand what Wu Yuan said, but he didn't plan to ask, because he didn't understand.

He just hoped that the ambulance would arrive soon, and the little boy could not die, otherwise they would lose their jobs.

Wang Keming didn't know that if he was replaced by another emergency doctor, he might not be able to save the little boy.

Wu Yuan's first aid level is very high, and he also has a wealth of surgical knowledge, so he quickly locked the condition.

Wu Yuan already knew that it was not the trauma, but the pneumothorax, which was threatening the life of the little boy, and it was a strong pneumothorax.

Powerful pneumothorax occurs when a ruptured lung causes air to enter the thoracic and abdominal cavity around the lung and cannot return to the lung.

Wu Yuan must deal with it as soon as possible, otherwise the boy will definitely not be able to survive the arrival of the ambulance.

To tell the truth, Wu Yuan is also the first time to do this thing.

Generally speaking, Wu Yuan probably didn't know if it was useful, but he was very confident in his heart and felt that the problem was not a big deal.

Wu Yuan found a disposable bag of gloves from the first aid kit, opened the bag, and carefully put it on his hands.

Then he touched the boy's left flank a few times.

Small children are thin and have little meat, so it's easy to tell where each rib is.

Wu Yuan's fingers stopped between the third rib and the fourth rib,

Then picked up the fruit knife.

What everyone realized, this young man is really going to do it!

The onlookers began to discuss again.

He, what is he doing with the knife?

What else can I do? It must be surgery.

Are you crazy? How do you operate with a fruit knife?

It's not possible, I can't find a scalpel, so I can only use a fruit knife instead.

I think this is too unreliable. It's better to wait for the ambulance to come and have a special doctor to deal with it.

You think, you think there are too many things. It's not that the ambulance didn't come. If you delay the illness, it will be troublesome.

At this time, the little boy's mother became nervous again: Doctor, doctor!

Wu Yuan glanced at the little boy's mother: It's okay, your son will be okay.

The little boy's mother nodded and relaxed a little, but the nervous expression on her face remained the same.

In fact everyone was nervous.

Some people don't even believe that Wu Yuan is a doctor, thinking that he is messing around.

But at present, there is no other good way to prevent other people from saving people.

At this time, Wu Yuan held the boy's chest with one hand and the fruit knife with the other, and pressed the blade to the position between the boy's third and fourth ribs.

Some people close their eyes and dare not look.

Some people do not dare to look at it, but want to look at it,

Some people exclaimed.

Wu Yuan didn't hesitate, and with a little force, the blade pierced into the boy's ribs.

Although the fruit knife was not fast enough, Wu Yuan's strength and angle were just right, and he easily pierced a hole.

And amazingly, not much blood was shed.

This is also because the angle of Wu Yuan's piercing is well chosen, and the reason why he deliberately avoids the blood vessels.

Then, Wu Yuan quickly inserted the exposed end of the hose into the incision made with a fruit knife.

Take out two more Band-Aids and quickly fix the hose.

After all this was done, Wu Yuan lifted the wine bottle with half a bottle of wine, which was higher than the height where the boy lay down.

Everyone immediately saw that something even more miraculous happened.

The wine in the bottle was bubbling.

Everyone was stunned.

Wow, there's gas coming out of the hose!

What's going on here? How can there be anger in there?

Didn't he say it just now, it's a pneumothorax, there must be air in the chest.

Wang Keming couldn't help but ask, Doctor, what is this bottle for?

Now that Wu Yuan is not a doctor, no one will believe it.

If it is an ordinary person, I am afraid that he will not be able to use a knife.

It was a living person, a little boy who had a hole in the ribs. Wang Keming really didn't dare to do that.

Wu Yuan looked at the situation in the bottle again and said, The glass hurt his lungs, and there is no way to deal with it now, so the air will continue to leak and accumulate, forming a severe pneumothorax, and he will die.

The little boy's mother became nervous as soon as she heard the word death.

Wu Yuan glanced at the little boy's mother and said, Now this tube can discharge the air, and the wine in the bottle can prevent the air from entering the boy's chest again.

When everyone heard it, they suddenly realized that this was what they were doing, but they still seemed to understand in principle.

But the handsome guy who went to the convenience store to buy wine and a fruit knife thought of something and said, This is equivalent to a one-way valve?

Wu Yuan nodded: I have to say, the things you bought are very useful.

This is true, if the wine bottle bought by this handsome guy is too small, it will not be enough to detoxify.

Before Wu Yuan finished speaking, he saw that the boy's chest began to rise and fall.

The change was so big that almost everyone noticed.

Look! Look! He's breathing!

Wow! Really useful! It's much better!

Nonsense, people are professional, of course it is useful.

Oh, that's not what you said just now.

The little boy's mother showed a happy expression and asked, Doctor, doctor, will my son be all right?

Wu Yuan looked at the little boy's condition and said, It should be all right, don't worry, when the ambulance personnel come, they will take further treatment for him.

The little boy's mother listened and saw that the little boy's breathing was steady and strong, so she believed Wu Yuan's words.

The little boy's mother: Doctor, doctor, thank you! By the way, you give me your phone number, I'll turn back and I...

Wu Yuan waved his hand: No need, no need, this is what it should be, you can't watch him have an accident.

The little boy's mother was about to speak again when an alarm sounded outside.

The people working in the shopping mall next to them acted immediately.

The ambulance is here!

Give way, make way!

Xiao Man, go tell them what's going on here!

The little boy's mother quickly stood up and stood beside her son anxiously.

The paramedics came right away with a first aid kit and even a stretcher.

The emergency doctor Liu Junwei saw the little boy lying motionless, so he immediately jumped on it, and then he felt a little bit in his heart.

Liu Junwei has seen this situation a lot, and many times he can't save it.

This little boy is only a few years old, which is even more worrying.

However, when Liu Junwei squatted down and saw the wine glass and catheter, he was stunned.

Liu Junwei: This... what is it?

The little boy's mother immediately said: There was a young man just now, no, it was a doctor, he said that his son had pneumothorax or something, and then he did something like this, saying that it could drain the gas out of it... Doctor , look, it's really much better...

Liu Junwei showed a suspicious look.

First, he glanced at the boy's right chest, where there was a piece of glass ballast stuck in it, and was shocked.

Liu Junwei immediately saw a soft catheter inserted into his left chest, and his face was startled again.

Liu Junwei raised his head and asked, He, did he make an incision?

The little boy's mother nodded.

Liu Junwei's scalp felt numb just thinking about it, and he asked, How did he do it? Does he have a scalpel?

The little boy's mother shook her head and replied, Yes, it's a fruit knife.

Liu Junwei was dumbfounded: ...Ah? Fruit knife? What kind of?

At this time, Wang Keming came over, pointed to a fruit knife on the ground, and said, This is it.

Liu Junwei glanced at it and widened his eyes: Which fairy is this incision made with this? Where's the doctor?

Wang Keming looked left and right: Just... eh? Strange, gone.

The little boy's mother also stood up and looked around, looking up and down, but she couldn't find Wu Yuan.

Liu Junwei ran to the other side of the little boy again to see the wine bottle.

Liu Junwei was dumbfounded.

I saw that the wine bottle was bubbling constantly, and it was obviously working fine.

The little boy's breathing is also very normal.

The little boy's mother couldn't help but ask, Doctor, is my son all right? Isn't his life in danger?

Liu Junwei: What did the doctor think?

The little boy's mother's expression changed: He, did he do something wrong?

Liu Junwei glanced at the other party: You are lucky, you met him. If he hadn't done such a thing, I'm afraid it would be useless for us to come.

Liu Junwei looked at the bottle again, and couldn't help showing a wry smile: It's simple to look at, but if it were me, I would never have thought of doing this! One word... Absolutely!

The little boy's mother heard this and immediately stood up again, trying to find Wu Yuan.

After all, this young man saved her son, she would be really sorry if she didn't thank him.

Of course, Wu Yuan had actually left, and it was impossible to find him.

Where did Wu Yuan go?

At this time, Wu Yuan was in the bathroom.

Wu Yuan was not squatting, but was washing his hands, his face, and his arms.

During the first aid operation just now, Wu Yuan's hands and arms were inevitably stained with blood.

Fortunately, the clothes did not seem to be affected.

It took Wu Yuan a long time to wash off all the blood.

If you go to eat with blood, it will definitely scare the waiter and other customers.

Maybe they'll call the police and arrest him.

At this time, Wu Yuan received the electronic sound of the system.

[System]: Help others succeed and get a bonus of 80,000 soft sister coins.

Wu Yuan was startled.

Wu Yuan never expected that he would get such a high bonus after doing this first aid operation.

But it is not difficult to understand, I am afraid that except Wu Yuan, other people will not save people like this.

Or rather, it won't do that.

The little boy was indeed very lucky. If he hadn't met Wu Yuan, 80% of the time he wouldn't have been able to survive the arrival of the ambulance.

Wu Yuan tore off a few pieces of toilet paper, wiped his hands clean, and sorted out his appearance in the mirror before walking out of the bathroom.

At this moment, Wu Yuan's stomach was already growling, and he couldn't keep his eyes on it.

Wu Yuan had no choice but to give up going to the restaurant on the fourth floor, but went to the McDonald's on the first floor, ordered a hamburger set casually, and ate it in big gulps.

Not to mention, Wu Yuan hasn't eaten a hamburger for a long time, and it feels really good to drink a cola and eat a hamburger.

Wu Yuan was eating when his phone rang.

Strange, at this time, who would call him?

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