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Chapter 214 No basis, but accurate judgment

Latest website: Shen Feichen; Doctor Chen, how are the vital signs of pregnant women?

Chen Ning glanced at the monitor and replied, Blood rate and blood pressure are normal, and they are ready for surgery.

The pregnant woman Liu Mengxue was already lying flat on the delivery bed.

Then there are the steps of standard cesarean delivery.

Shen Feichen will take the lead.

Shen Feichen and the instrument nurse asked for a No. 9 scalpel, which is the standard configuration for laparotomy.

Shen Feichen made an incision on Liu Mengxue's lower abdomen.

Shen Feichen is a big boss in the surgical field.

Records and videos of his surgery are widely circulated.

Wu Yuan has seen many Shen Feichen surgery videos, but this is the first time to watch Shen Feichen's surgery on the spot.

I have to say that Shen Feichen's hand holding the scalpel is very stable, very stable.

In fact, it is also a very basic ability to be a good surgeon.

Of course, everyone is stable, and the degree of stability varies.

From Wu Yuan's point of view, it can be judged from Shen Feichen's hand holding the surgical knife that Shen Feichen's level is still inferior to that of Professor Gao Huajiang.

When Gao Huajiang made an incision with a scalpel, it was terribly stable, which impressed Wu Yuan very deeply.

And Shen Feichen's hand, looking carefully, still shakes a little bit.

Of course, that is relative to Gao Huajiang. Compared with other director-level surgeons, it is still much stronger.

Because of the action to be performed on the purple palace, a large incision is made.

Wu Yuan came back to his senses and quickly cleaned up the blood that came out with a balloon straw.

Gao Huajiang: Pull the hook.

Together with Chen Ning, Wu Yuan pulled the incision open, revealing the internal organs, including Zi Gong.

Shen Feichen got the pallet and round-tipped tweezers from the instrument nurse.

Shen Feichen used a pallet to hold the Zigong out of the incision, and then stabbed it through the mouth of Zigong with round-tipped tweezers.

Shen Feichen: Cut into the Purple Palace.

Everyone paused for a while.

So far so good.

Moreover, Shen Feichen's movements were very fast, and there was hardly any pause.

This is the advantage of a high level, and the surgery is done in one go.

Not only can it greatly save the operation time and reduce the burden on the patient and the operation team, but it also shows that the operation is very precise and the success rate of the operation will naturally increase.

At this time, in the observation room, the expressions and reactions of everyone were also different.

Luo Qingxue said with a smile: Director Shen's level is still so amazing, it's too standard, and there are hardly any mistakes.

Gao Huajiang nodded; It's only been seven or eight minutes, so the patient's pressure can be relieved a lot.

Cai Guotao smiled lightly, it was a sneer.

In his hands, he was looking forward to something that would happen quickly during the operation. If Shen Feichen was able to complete the operation so smoothly, it would be a big deal.

At that time, Shen Feichen's reputation will soar again, and he will be dwarfed by Cai Guotao.

Maybe the director of the surgical office fell into Shen Feichen's hands all of a sudden, and he had no place to put Cai Guotao's face.

When Cai Guotao thought of this, he couldn't help but fight a cold war, and quickly cursed Shen Feichen the strongest in his heart.

If it wasn't for other people, Cai Guotao would probably have squatted in the corner and drew circles.

Xiao Chongshan carefully looked at Shen Feichen's performance with a grim expression.

The reason why Xiao Chongshan had a bad impression of Shen Feichen was actually a psychological effect.

He has always regarded Shen Feichen as an opponent.

In fact, the level of the two is almost evenly matched, and their fame is almost the same.

Shen Feichen is the leader of the surgeons in Yanjiang Dongcheng Hospital.

Xiao Chongshan can be said to be the highest-level surgeon in the second hospital of the city.

There is also a competitive relationship between Dongcheng Hospital and the Second Municipal Hospital.

Shen Feichen and Xiao Chongshan will naturally be compared by many people.

I don't know what kind of mood Shen Feichen was in, but Xiao Chongshan's competitive spirit was aroused anyway.

So why did Xiao Chongshan not hesitate to put down an operation in his busy schedule and take time to come over to watch the operation?

Xiao Chongshan also wanted to touch Shen Feichen's level.

Why is this surgery so important?

Surgeons at the level of Shen Feichen and Xiao Chongshan can already perform operations of ordinary difficulty to the point where they can handle them with ease.

It is impossible to see how the level is between them.

To see Shen Feichen's true level, it depends on how well he performed in difficult operations.

At this time, although he had only experienced the beginning part of the operation, the shock to Xiao Chongshan was still great.

In the operating room, Shen Feichen was preparing to make further moves.

Suddenly, Wu Yuan saw a vision.

In fact, from the very beginning of this operation, Wu Yuan has activated the system talent Key Lock.

Wu Yuan's eyes kept scanning Liu Mengxue's body to monitor possible abnormalities.

Of course, at this time in Wu Yuan's vision, the biggest piece of red is in the Purple Palace.

That was the location of the tumor, which was more than ten centimeters in diameter.

But removing the tumor was the main surgeon's job, and Wu Yuan focused on the heart of pregnant Liu Mengxue and the changes in blood flow.

As mentioned earlier, Liu Mengxue suffers from antiphospholipid syndrome, and it is very easy to form blood clots during the operation, and then there will be problems with the heart function.

At that time, let alone whether the operation will be successful, Liu Mengxue's life will be saved.

The key is that the current equipment can only monitor the state of the heart, but cannot monitor whether the blood flow is normal.

If it is found that there is a problem with the heart, it means that it is too late, and the thrombus elimination intervention cannot be done in time, and the operation can only be terminated.

At this time, Wu Yuan's body vibrated and found that near Liu Mengxue's heart, a red line was forming, from shallow to deep.

I'm really afraid of what's coming! Thrombosis really appeared!

Wu Yuan immediately raised his head and said to Shen Feichen, Director Shen, thrombus! The thrombus is forming!

Shen Feichen was stunned for a while.

Chen Ning was also stunned.

What is Wu Yuan talking about?

How did he know there was a blood clot?

In fact, before Liu Mengxue entered the operating room, a dose of unfractionated heparin had already been injected.

This reduces the chance of developing a blood clot during surgery.

Of course, the possibility of thrombosis still cannot be completely eliminated, it is still quite high.

But thrombosis cannot be monitored, so Shen Feichen and Chen Ning will of course have doubts about Wu Yuan's remarks.

Shen Feichen turned his head and glanced at the monitor, his heart rate and blood pressure were all normal.

At least there is no problem with the heart.

Shen Feichen: How did you know? What did you see?

Wu Yuan: Director Shen, it's too late to explain, and intravenous intervention must be done immediately, otherwise after thrombosis, the pregnant woman's heart will have problems.

Shen Feichen looked at Wu Yuan's expression, although he couldn't see his face, he saw determination and anxiety in his eyes.

Shen Feichen hesitated.

Should he listen to Wu Yuan's words and ask the anesthesiologist to perform pre-thrombotic intervention?

Shen Feichen really trusted Wu Yuan, otherwise he would not have eliminated many excellent surgeons in Dongcheng Hospital, and only made Wu Yuan a helper.

But is Wu Yuan's judgment correct? This is a big problem.

Again, thrombus cannot be monitored. What is the basis for Wu Yuan's judgment?

You must know that the pre-intravenous intervention for thrombosis is very dangerous, and it will have a certain impact on Liu Mengxue's body, especially on the kidneys and liver.

If there is a thrombus, it is fine. The thrombus can offset a large number of side effects of the drug, and the harm to the patient's body will not be great.

But if Wu Yuan's judgment is wrong and there is actually no thrombosis, then there will be a big problem.

Chen Ning looked at Wu Yuan and then at Shen Feichen.

Although she knew that Wu Yuan's level was actually very high, what he said at this time was unbelievable.

Will Shen Feichen believe it?

Chen Ning was incomprehensible.

At the same time, in the observation room, several bigwigs showed suspicious expressions.

Luo Qingxue: Strange, why did Director Shen stop?

Cai Guotao said lightly: It should be thinking about how to proceed.

Xiao Chongshan: Isn't the surgical plan already determined? Why do you still need to think about it?

Cai Guotao laughed; Director Xiao, it's not like you don't know, it's probably because the situation of the operation was different from what you expected, maybe Director Shen was not prepared enough.

Gao Huajiang glanced at Cai Guotao and said, I think it may be that Dr. Wu found something, and the two are discussing the problem.

Everyone looked carefully, and sure enough, they saw what Wu Yuan was talking to Shen Feichen.

Shen Feichen seemed to be lost in thought.

Cai Guotao frowned: This Doctor Wu really doesn't know how good the sky is, and he actually gave Director Shen advice.

Wang Hongyang responded immediately; What I'm saying is, I don't know how high the sky is, and so is Director Shen, what else are you thinking about!

However, at this moment, Shen Feichen communicated with Master Ma Suan.

The anesthesiologist was obviously startled, but nodded, as if he was preparing for the intravenous injection according to Shen Feichen's request.

Cai Guotao sat up straight and asked aloud, What is Director Shen doing?

Xiao Chongshan frowned and suddenly said, He is doing intravenous intervention, is it for thrombosis?

Cai Guotao: What a joke!? How did they know if there was a blood clot?

Wang Hongyang showed a look of sudden realization: I see, it was Wu Yuan who said it, and this is what he told Shen Feichen just now.

Luo Qingxue showed a strange look: How did he know that the patient has a blood clot now? There is no way to monitor the blood clot.

Cai Guotao smiled coldly: President Luo, don't you know that Wu Yuan's surgical skills are really good, but he is a little clever, and he likes to be independent during surgery, and often makes some weird behaviors.

Luo Qingxue frowned.

He didn't like such surgeons, and although there were occasional surprises, they weren't very prudent.

At this moment, Gao Huajiang said aloud, Then why do you think Director Shen Feichen listens to Dr. Wu?

Everyone couldn't help but startled, obviously it was difficult to answer this.

Wu Yuan's request was obviously not credible. Based on Shen Feichen's experience, it was impossible to listen to such unfounded words.

Wang Hongyang; Perhaps, Director Shen didn't listen to Wu Yuan, and was just doing some routine pharmaceutical adjustments.

I couldn't hear what Wu Yuan and Shen Feichen were saying from the observation room, so they could only guess.

Actually, they guessed right.

Shen Feichen hesitated for a moment, then immediately listened to Wu Yuan's words and asked the anesthesiologist to perform intravenous intervention.

The anesthesiologist added several powerful anticoagulants.

Anesthesiologist: The intravenous injection has been started, and it will take effect in about two minutes.

Shen Feichen nodded, then turned to Wu Yuan and said, Doctor Wu, I hope you are right.

Wu Yuan: Director Shen, don't worry, I won't talk nonsense.

At this moment, in Wu Yuan's field of vision, the red bar around the heart is getting deeper and deeper.

Although those anticoagulants have been injected intravenously, there are still two minutes before they take effect.

Wu Yuan hopes that it is still too late, and the efficacy of anticoagulant drugs must take effect after the thrombosis is formally formed.

Otherwise, once the pressure on the heart is formed, there is nothing that can be done.

Chen Feichen was very surprised when Shen Feichen heard Wu Yuan's words.

There is really no need to accept this kind of unfounded judgment, and I don't know what Shen Feichen is like.

Why does Shen Feichen trust Wu Yuan so much?

It's just a shoulder letter.

At this moment, Chen Ning inadvertently glanced at the monitor, and suddenly found an abnormal value.

Then, the monitor began to call the police.

Beep, beep, beep...

Chen Ning suddenly panicked: Shen, Director Shen, the blood pressure is abnormal!

Director Shen's eyes widened, not expecting to come so fiercely.

what does that mean?

Of course it means that a thrombus is forming and that there is already an impact on the supply.

In the observation room, the alarm of the monitor can also be heard.

The big guys all changed their expressions, stood up, and looked at the values ​​on the monitor.

Blood pressure is abnormal!

This is the harbinger of thrombosis!

Xiao Chongshan: The thrombus has basically formed, and it will immediately impact the heart!

Cai Guotao nodded: At this time, if intravenous intervention is carried out, it will be too late.

Wang Hongyang; I suggest that the operation be terminated immediately, as it will pose a great threat to the patient's life!

Cai Guotao: I'll go to the operating room and ask Director Shen to stop the operation!

Seeing Cai Guotao's expression, he didn't look urgent at all, and he felt very relieved.

In the end, this thrombus was caught up by Shen Feichen.

Shen Feichen was also naive, thinking that there would be no problem if he injected unfractionated heparin in advance, but in fact, the risk of thrombosis is still very high.

Like this kind of thing, always afraid of what will happen.

Shen Feichen's operation was doomed to fail.

Cai Guotao really wanted to enter the operating room at this time, and suggested Shen Feichen to suspend the operation.

With Shen Feichen's character, it will definitely stop.

With that said, Cai Guotao was about to push the door and go to the operating room.

At this time, Gao Huajiang said: Don't worry, Director Shen Feichen has already performed intravenous intervention, which will take effect immediately, and may be able to prevent the complete formation of thrombus first.

Everyone looked at Gao Huajiang, their eyes widened, showing an incomprehensible look.

Just then, the siren suddenly stopped.

The patient's blood pressure returned to normal values!


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