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Chapter 254 Tang Mingyuan, the boss of Shanyuan Pharmaceutical

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The old man and the young man chatted happily, not only making Jiang Guohua amazed, but other people at the table from time to time look over here.

There are seven, seven, eight, eight people sitting in the venue now.

It didn't take long for the Medical Industry Development Forum to officially start.

The process of the medical industry development forum is actually relatively simple. First, two bigwigs give speeches.

One is a big boss in the hospital system, and the other is a big boss in medical equipment and pharmaceutical companies.

After all, it's not that kind of forum in the system, so the speech is very simple, and everyone is done in a few minutes.

Then I invited a few guests to go up and chat.

This chat is also knowledgeable, and the guests must have goods.

Of course, the guests are all top-level bosses, but now that they have not played, everyone is very curious about who it will be.

At this point, it was finally time for the host to announce that the bigwigs were on stage.

Moderator: Next, I would like to invite some leaders in the industry to share their experiences and prospects for the future.

Then the host starts to read the names and titles one by one, and these people will all come on stage to applause.

These guys are really big guys.

For example, Zhao Shaoliang, a senior executive in the Central Plains of Songna Group.

Needless to say, the Sonnar Group is an international multinational technology company with a large business volume. It not only produces household appliances such as air conditioners and TV sets, but also dabble in medical equipment.

And Nie Anping, the director of Mingde Hospital.

Mingde Hospital is the largest private hospital in China, with hundreds of branches nationwide, covering basically all first- and second-tier cities.

Recently, Mingde Hospital can also enter Southeast Asia. It can be said that it has developed rapidly and is indeed a leader.

Of course, in China, the reputation of private hospitals is naturally not as strong as that of public hospitals.

This time, the organizers also spared no expense and invited Hou Liming, the vice president of the Imperial Capital Union Hospital.

To be honest, this made Wu Yuan quite surprised.

Unexpectedly, the organizer's energy would be so great, and the executives of Xiehe Hospital came.

Regardless of being a vice president, for such an unofficial event, being able to send a vice president over here is already amazing.

The fourth guest is Mr. Magna, the head of the Central Plains District of the Mayo Medical Center.

Wu Yuan and Magna still have some festivals, and even moved their hands.

However, the Mayo Medical Center is indeed a very high-ranking private hospital in the world, and it can be said to be famous.

So it's no surprise that Magna can go up.

The last one, also very powerful, is actually the boss of Shanyuan Pharmaceutical, Tang Mingyuan!

Speaking of which, Wu Yuan had met Tang Mingyuan once in Yanjiang City, and he could be regarded as acquainted.

At that time, Tang Mingyuan was still with Fu Pingyi.

Wu Yuan didn't see Tang Mingyuan before this forum started, otherwise he could have a few words with him.

Later, Wu Yuan learned that he arrived by plane today, and he almost missed the start of the forum.

Big entrepreneurs are too busy.

If it weren't for this medical development forum, there are indeed many big figures at home and abroad, full of dry goods, I am afraid Tang Mingyuan will not come to participate.

But seeing Tang Mingyuan, Wu Yuan remembered it again.

Tang Mingyuan's Shanyuan Pharmaceutical is developing rapidly now, and it will become even more prosperous after a while, and it will almost become the largest pharmaceutical company in China.

However, the glory of Shanyuan Pharmaceutical was short-lived. It didn't take long for a new drug of the pharmaceutical company to have problems. Dozens of people were eaten to death, and dozens of people were severely punished and condemned by public opinion.

Seeing the high-spirited and graceful Tang Mingyuan, Wu Yuan couldn't help feeling a little emotional.

Some people have a life of ups and downs, with huge gaps before and after.

There's no way, it's really human life, it's destiny.

Wu Yuan glanced at Fu Pingyi and asked in a low voice, Elder Fu, aren't you going up? You're not smaller than them.

Fu Pingyi laughed and waved his hand again: I'm so old, so I don't want to join in the fun with them.

Wu Yuan couldn't help but glance at Fu Ping Yigao again.

Hidden merit and fame, this is the pattern, this is the realm!

Wu Yuan: Elder Fu, I have to learn from you.

Fu Pingyi glanced at Wu Yuan: Doctor Wu, what are you learning from me? How old am I? How old are you? It's not even a little bit worse, young people have to be aggressive!

Wu Yuan snorted, and quickly said yes, thinking that he was not young anymore. In terms of psychological youth, he was almost forty years old.

At this forum meeting, Wu Yuan planned to make soy sauce.

The big guys above said what they said, Wu Yuan would just drink tea underneath.

It's a pity that there are no melon seeds, otherwise it would be more fun.

Of course, the organizers also prepared a fruit bowl on the spot.

The fruit in Nanhai Province is still quite sweet, the treatment is good, and it should be praised.

At this time, the host talked on it for a while, and the forum meeting officially started.

As mentioned earlier, in a talk forum like this, the guests share their experiences and opinions on the stage one by one, and then the people below ask questions, and then the guests answer.

The first person to talk was Zhao Shaoliang, a senior executive in the Central Plains of Songna Group.

The second person was Nie Anping, the director of Mingde Hospital.

Hou Liming, the vice president of the Imperial Capital Union Hospital, was the third to appear.

The content they shared is also considered dry goods. Many people listened intently, nodded frequently, and looked like they had gained a lot.

Wu Yuan also listened without a word, feeling that it was not very interesting.

To tell the truth, after more than a year of punching in, as long as it is about medical treatment and medicine, no matter what category or theory, Wu Yuan is already quite solid.

It can be said that, except for the most advanced brain surgery and high-level cardiothoracic surgery, Wu Yuan has almost no shortcomings.

However, Wu Yuan is also very polite. When the guests finished speaking and the people below applauded, Wu Yuan would also applaud.

Just go with it, you can't go wrong.

At this moment, the host said: The experience sharing of the guests just now was very exciting, and it was full of dry goods. Next, we have Tang Mingyuan, President Tang of Shanyuan Pharmaceutical, to share with you his experience in the medical and pharmaceutical industries. idea.

Tang Mingyuan picked up the microphone, first said hello to the people below, and then said a few words modestly, and then began to chat.

Tang Mingyuan: I am the operator of Shanyuan Pharmaceutical, and I am mainly working in the pharmaceutical industry, so today I will mainly share some things in the pharmaceutical industry and the future of this industry.

Having said that, Tang Mingyuan paused for a while, then looked at the people below, and said with a smile, Maybe I'm not saying it well, and you are welcome to give more opinions.

Tang Mingyuan is also a big boss among big bosses now, who would dare to give him advice?

Isn't that hilarious.

Tang Mingyuan's eldest brother is about fifty years old now, but he feels younger than his actual age, which shows that he is well maintained.

This is also very normal. Rich people are very careful about image protection.

However, this is also because Tang Mingyuan's career has developed very smoothly, and Shanyuan Pharmaceutical is already one of the top three large pharmaceutical companies in China at this time.

Wu Yuan remembered that in his previous life, he had seen the scandal about Shanyuan Pharmaceuticals, and at that time he was accompanied by a photo of Tang Mingyuan.

It feels more than ten years older than it is now, and it's almost the so-called overnight sadness feeling.

At this time, Tang Mingyuan's voice echoed in the audience: I have worked hard in the pharmaceutical industry for nearly 20 years, and I have experienced a lot from one yuan to some of the current achievements. There are lows and peaks, which makes people very emotional when they think of it. .

I have to say that Tang Mingyuan's voice is very magnetic and his eloquence is very good.

Wu Yuan did not think that Tang Mingyuan was a prepared speech.

After all, from the expression to the demeanor, it is really sincere.

Tang Mingyuan: ...So after I experienced these things, I suddenly realized a truth, that is, no matter what you do, research and development is the most important, and core technology is the biggest support for the development of enterprises, especially in the pharmaceutical industry.

Tang Mingyuan: So in these years, more than 25% of our Shanyuan Technology's profits have been invested in research and development, and our executives have complained to me every day, saying that we seem to be a very tall company. , They are the executives of such a high-level enterprise, but when they go out, they make people laugh, why?

All listened intently.

What Tang Mingyuan said is just like telling a story, which is quite fascinating.

At this time, hearing this question, some people asked, Why?

This is similar to the hilarity in cross talk.

Tang Mingyuan was obviously satisfied with the effect of his words, and said with a smile, Because the pocket is cleaner than the face.

When everyone heard it, they laughed.

What Tang Mingyuan said was not true.

Ten years ago, Shanyuan Pharmaceutical was a little-known small and medium-sized pharmaceutical company.

At that time, the number of hospitals that cooperated with Shanyuan Pharmaceutical was very limited, and only a few private hospitals would cooperate with Shanyuan Pharmaceutical for some marginal drugs and medical equipment.

The technical level of those things is not high, and the profits are also very low. Naturally, the people of Shanyuan Pharmaceutical have had a hard time.

However, Shanyuan Pharmaceutical slowly rose up and grew silently.

Not only have private hospitals received more orders, and sales of various drug outlets have greatly increased, but even public hospitals have begun to purchase various products from Shanyuan Pharmaceuticals.

Why is there such a big change?

The answer, as Tang Mingyuan just said, is that Shanyuan Pharma put most of its energy and resources into research and development.

Of course, it also includes the purchase of foreign patents.

Shanyuan Pharmaceutical has made several drugs with very good effects. At the same time, prices and profits have been controlled, and sales have gradually opened up, orders have increased significantly, and their reputation in the industry has become more and more famous.

Therefore, no one present thought that Tang Mingyuan was bragging.

The reason why Shanyuan Pharmaceutical has achieved today's achievements is indeed the achievement of all-out research and development.

Tang Mingyuan's eloquence and content are really great, and even a character like Wu Yuan, who basically came to play soy sauce, listened to it all.

At this time, Tang Mingyuan's speech seemed to have come to an end.

He pointed to Charlie McGahn, who was sitting next to him, and said with a smile: I'm not going to hide it from you, we, Shanyuan Pharmaceuticals, are working with the Mayo Medical Center to develop new drugs. If the research and development is successful, it may help Alzheimer's Prevention and early treatment of Haimer's disease.

When everyone heard it, they couldn't help showing an incredible look.

It is simply not too bold for domestic pharmaceutical companies to dare to touch related drugs for Alzheimer's disease.

Alzheimer's disease, also known as dementia.

Many large foreign pharmaceutical companies are developing special drugs or preventive drugs for the treatment of this disease, but so far there has been no particularly great success.

Generally speaking, drug development like Alzheimer's disease requires huge human and material resources, as well as time, and it may not yield results.

Even if a similar new drug is made and has a certain curative effect, it is still unknown whether it can pass the final strict medical examination.

Anyway, drugs related to Alzheimer's disease have always been developed only by foreign pharmaceutical companies, especially those in the United States.

In other words, the pharmaceutical companies in the United States have always had a monopoly in many aspects, including the development of drugs for Alzheimer's disease.

For so many years, domestic pharmaceuticals almost dare not touch the research and development of such advanced drugs.

After Tang Mingyuan said these words, there was indeed a low-pitched discussion.

Shanyuan Pharmaceutical wants to develop a special drug for Alzheimer's disease? Is this reliable?

Who knows, this is not an ordinary difficulty. If you don't get it right, you will lose everything.

But when you think about it, if Shanyuan Pharmaceutical can really develop a special drug for Alzheimer's disease, the profits won't be very high.

Just kidding, of course, the profit is high. It will definitely make a lot of money overnight. Not only the profit, but the reputation is the key. If it succeeds, then the status of Shanyuan Pharmaceutical will not be improved by a rank.

It means that it will soon become a well-known first-class pharmaceutical company at home and abroad. Just thinking about it makes people drool.

Mr. Tang Mingyuan, Mr. Tang, is really a hero. He has such ambition.

You think too simple, how can it be so simple? If it is so easy to overcome the special drug for Alzheimer's disease, wouldn't there be a lot of similar drugs in the world?

That being said, if Tang Mingyuan is so confident and has the Mayo Medical Center as a partner, I am afraid that research results have already been obtained, otherwise Tang Mingyuan would not have revealed it at this time.

That's right, I agree, Tang Mingyuan probably has the bottom line, otherwise he wouldn't say it.

Hearing these discussions, Wu Yuan fell into deep thought.

If Wu Yuan remembered correctly, the reason why Shanyuan Pharmaceutical had serious medical and health accidents a few years later was the special drug for Alzheimer's disease.

Yes, Shanyuan Pharmaceutical has indeed successfully developed a special drug for Alzheimer's, but it has major flaws and risks, which is why it has caused the death and injury of those who take the drug.

At this moment, Tang Mingyuan said: I have finished sharing here, and then let McGowan come to share his experience first.

Of course the crowd applauded enthusiastically.

McGahn picked up the microphone with a smile, looked at the audience, and his eyes were full of pride.


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