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Chapter 362 Appears earlier than UBER

Immediately, someone showed a sudden realization and exclaimed: This is a good idea! In this way, it can not only ensure the safety of passengers, but also ensure that the operation of the platform company will not make big mistakes to a certain extent.

Others also joined in.

With the platform, black cars are similar to taxis.

It's like a taxi really doesn't make any difference.

Isn't this a taxi! The black car hired by An is a taxi.

It's still different, car owners don't have to work in the company, it's a part-time job.

Tang Mingyuan's eyes lit up and nodded slightly. .

Tang Mingyuan is an extremely smart person and knows the benefits of this model.

When Wu Yuan thought about this idea at first, he felt that there were many loopholes, but if he thought about it carefully, many loopholes could be solved, and they were solved perfectly without leaving any traces.

It can not only save the cost of travel for passengers and private car owners, but also solve the problem of insufficient taxis, which can be regarded as the best of both worlds.

If you think about it further, maybe there will be another effect.

That is, some people may have their own cars and used to drive often, but because of such convenient platform software, they also choose not to drive, but to travel in other people's cars.

After all, not everyone likes to drive, especially in the morning and evening rush hours of the imperial capital, it is simply suffering.

But it is not without problems to realize or commercialize it, Tang Mingyuan immediately thought of one.

Tang Mingyuan couldn't help asking: This kind of software is very interesting, but if there is no computer, there is no way to use the platform software, and there is no way for passengers and private car owners to establish contact, which will have a great impact on business promotion. .

Everyone listened and nodded in unison.

This is undoubtedly the biggest flaw of this idea.

To judge whether a thing has the value of commercial promotion, the best judgment criterion is whether there will be a large number of users and a large number of opportunities for use.

Cheng Juguang smiled slightly to see how Wu Yuan would solve it.

If it can't be solved, it can only be a fantasy, or just an idea.

Wu Yuan shook his head again: Mr. Tang,

In my imagination, such software must be installed on our mobile phones.

Tang Mingyuan was stunned: Mobile phone?

Others were also stunned for a while, and then they showed expressions of sudden realization.

It turned out to be using a smartphone!

In this era, Apple mobile phones have been released to the 3GS, which is actually quite popular.

Of course, iPhones are indeed very expensive. At this time, there are often rumors that some people are selling their kidneys to buy iPhones, so it is commonly known as kidney machine.

It doesn't matter if the price is high, in addition to Apple mobile phones, there are already a lot of Android mobile phones, such as Motorola, Samsung, HTC's Android mobile phones are also developing rapidly.

To say that the price of those brand-name mobile phones is still high, and there are still options, that is the legendary cottage phone.

The famous Huaqiangbei in China is famous for relying on copycat machines!

What's more, Nokia's Symbian mobile phone is not dead yet, which is also a smart phone that can install software.

Smartphones are already trending anyway, no doubt about that.

Now there are a lot of software developed for mobile phones, such as reading, news, games, and even mobile QQ have appeared.

After a while, even WeChat will have it.

Therefore, it does not seem that it is too difficult to implement the mobile platform software that Wu Yuan mentioned.

The only doubt is that the cost of mobile phone network is still a bit high, and ordinary people will be under pressure to use it.

But then again, everyone present has some forward-looking visions. Now is the 3G era, and further development, the cost of mobile phone network will only get cheaper and cheaper.

The others immediately chatted happily.

Yes, yes, I think this idea is really good, if someone can develop such software, I think it will definitely be popular.

I agree that as long as it is convenient enough to use, coupled with a lot of advertising, more and more people will use it.

First of all, we should promote this software to private car owners. If there are enough private car owners willing to share cars, there will be more and more passengers willing to use this service.

Cheng Juguang's face turned green.

Wu Yuan can be said to be in the limelight!

Cheng Juguang secretly hated why he didn't think of such an idea.

Are you saying this is complicated?

It's nothing more than developing a platform software system that connects private car owners with potential passengers so they can find each other.

The concept of this business model is very simple, it should not be difficult to think about!

Tang Jianing looked at Wu Yuan and felt that this person really had an idea.

Although he is not a businessman, he is just a doctor, and he can do such a good job in such a cross-border business.

Tang Jianing knew that his father, Tang Mingyuan, was very interested in Wu Yuan, and he thought it a little incredible before. After all, Wu Yuan is just a clinician, not a person in the drug research and development industry. Can he come in handy when developing new drugs?

Now Tang Jianing understands that Wu Yuan is a real elite talent.

At this time, Tang Mingyuan thought for a while and asked, Doctor Wu, what do you think this software should be called?

Wu Yuan glanced at Tang Mingyuan, lowered his head and thought for a while, and said, Why don't you call me a hitchhiker.

Everyone was stunned, some bowed their heads in contemplation, some applauded, some whispered, and some were in high spirits.

Even if the mind is slower, as long as you think about it carefully, you all feel that this name is a good name, and they all agree.

Hitchhiker, this name is good, it's very suitable!

Yeah, if we take a friend's car, don't we often say hitchhiking?

I also think it's a good name. It's a perfect match. Whether it's a private car owner or a passenger, just listen to the name and understand what it means.

If it can be used on a mobile phone, it is really very convenient to find a suitable private car at any time.

Tang Mingyuan couldn't help but think for a while, feeling that this idea was definitely a golden idea and had great feasibility.

If it can be done, it will not only be a good thing that benefits the country and the people, but it is the first time in the world that the concept of this ride-hailing vehicle is proposed, which will definitely cause a sensation.

Looking at these excited figures, Wu Yuan couldn't help laughing inwardly.

In fact, hitchhiking is just one of the businesses in Wu Yuan's mind, not the focus.

The real key play is actually online car-hailing.

When it comes to online car-hailing, the earliest representative is Mi Dejian's UBER, which is the famous exclusive beast company.

Wu Yuan also checked it out a few days ago, and found that so far, Millikin's UBER company has not been established.

In the previous life, Wu Yuan did not know when UBER was founded, but it should not be far away.

Although UBER entered the country, it did not compete for a taxi and was merged, but it has always occupied a large share of online car-hailing in foreign countries.

At this time, Wu Yuan did a very bold thing.

Now it is equivalent to taking the lead and creating the concept of online car-hailing in China.

Wu Yuan is not interested in starting a business, but if a talented person, such as an entrepreneur like Tang Mingyuan, can take the lead in investing in the world's first online car-hailing company, that would be a beautiful thing.

As long as this Baba Taxi company grows bigger, it will not only be a matter of making money, but it will also become famous all over the world.

For a technology company, fame is very important. Using the inflated reputation can quickly develop the same business in other countries and occupy the highest point.

Companies with a good reputation and good reputation can often get more and better investment opportunities.

However, Wu Yuan does not intend to speak out about this idea now.

After all, the online car-hailing model will, in a sense, compete with taxis.

In a previous life, the taxi driver had a lot of trouble with the online car-hailing company for this. It was best to make a fool of himself. If the news is released now, it is very likely that something will change.

As a matter of fact, Wu Yuan can make everyone here amazed by casually mentioning the emerging businesses of a few later Internet companies.

Many people sighed to themselves, how did this young man named Wu Yuan have a brain? It's so useful too!

He is a doctor, not a businessman yet, and he can actually think of such a shocking golden idea with a clearer mind than the people present here.

Not to mention other people, even Dr. Cheng Juguang from Harvard was stunned and speechless after hearing it.

He Cheng Juguang is a dignified doctor of economics graduated from Harvard. Even if he has insufficient practical experience, his theoretical foundation is solid enough!

How could Cheng Juguang be compared by this little-known kid?

Cheng Juguang's eyes rolled quickly, and finally had a flash of inspiration, and he attacked again: I admit that the hitchhiking model you mentioned is indeed a good idea, but does it have anything to do with the drawbacks of technology companies that people just said? At least what I heard, There's nothing wrong with it, and software platform companies like you said are likely to get bigger in the short term.

Everyone's eyes turned to Cheng Juguang again, and he looked like he was watching a good show.

Cheng Juguang was obviously unable to get off the stage. If he wanted to pull Wu Yuan down, it would depend on how Wu Yuan would take the move.

At this moment, Wu Yuan smiled slightly: Although the advantages of the hitchhikers I said are great, they do have risks.

Everyone couldn't help being stunned, but they didn't expect Wu Yuan to reveal the short story himself.

Tang Mingyuan couldn't help but ask: Isn't it good? What are the risks?

Wu Yuan thought for a while and said, I thought about it a little bit, the safety of passengers and private car owners is the biggest problem.

Some people looked at each other in dismay after hearing it, while others were thoughtful.

Cheng Juguang asked: Didn't you just say it? You can prevent bad guys from using platforms like Hitchhiker to commit crimes through strict review.

Wu Yuan looked at Cheng Juguang and said slowly: I didn't say that it is possible to prevent bad people from using the ride-hailing platform to harm others through auditing. I just said that the certificate of no criminality can be used to prevent people with criminal records from getting in.

Cheng Juguang was stunned.

Wu Yuan glanced at Cheng Juguang and continued: Dr. Cheng Da, these two types of people can't completely overlap. You should know the truth better than me, right?

Cheng Juguang was stunned, and without words, it meant acquiescence.

Indeed, without a criminal certificate, it can only be said that this person has never committed a crime before, but it does not mean that he will not commit a crime in the future.

And only private car owners provide no criminal certificates, passengers are impossible to provide.

If a passenger commits a crime, it is difficult to track down.

Tang Mingyuan couldn't help but nodded.

Bad people and people with criminal records are not the same thing.

Everyone has a first time, and so do the bad guys.

Even if it is not the first time that some bad people have done bad things, the bad things they have done before may not be exposed.

In case someone uses the ride-hailing platform to commit a so-called first crime, it really can't be stopped.

However, if the ride-hailing platform has already mastered the information of private car owners, would anyone still take the risk?

Tang Mingyuan threw this question to Wu Yuan.

Wu Yuan replied: This method can only have a deterrent effect on ordinary people or timid people, but it cannot be ruled out that there are some daring and extreme private car owners.

Just listen to Wu Yuan continue to explain: If it is a short-distance trip in the city, the risk is small, and passengers and private car owners should not have any problems, but there is still a difference between a ride and a taxi, and it is likely that a city-to-city trip will be carried out. inter-city transportation.

Someone immediately said, Yes, I just thought that if the fare is really acceptable, taking someone else's private car from the imperial capital to Jinmen would be much more comfortable than taking a bus.

Wu Yuan nodded: So, this kind of long-distance transportation is the most prone to problems.

Cheng Juguang still didn't give up, and continued to be serious: What do you think will go wrong?

Wu Yuan said with a smile: Most of the bad people do bad things because of two types of things, one is wealth, and the other is...

When Wu Yuan said this, he glanced at Tang Jianing, and immediately turned his head: The other type of person, of course, is lustful.

Everyone laughed when they heard it. Wu Yuan said it very lightly, but after thinking about it carefully, it was true.

Most criminal activity is for these two things.

There is a famous Internet saying, when you become a CEO, marry Bai Fumei.

This is the perfect summary of what a man desires.

Whether it's theft, rape, or murder, 90% of it is caused by these two things.

Wu Yuan added: Just think about it, if a male private car owner who is usually very lustful and has not had a girlfriend for a long time happens to pick up a beautiful girl, will he have bad thoughts in his heart?

Everyone here was silent for a while, this is a very real problem.

And everyone knows the answer. Like the situation Wu Yuan described, almost 100% of male private car owners will have some bad thoughts.

It's just that this kind of thought has to be turned into a crime, but it's not that easy.

Since it is not easy, it means that there is still a certain possibility of implementation. It is difficult to guarantee that no one will take the risk and commit crimes against the wind.

This kind of thing, really can't say, otherwise there wouldn't be so many crimes.

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