Chapter 198 Competing in the high-end market

Although this farm has more than 3,000 acres of land, it will be affected by the region after all. Those who can come here on holiday are basically the wealthy people in Cangzhou, or the big bosses who occasionally come here on business trips from other places.

But Shi Feng understands that these wealthy people are a minority after all, and only by meeting the needs of the most numerous and lowest-level users can the farm obtain the greatest benefits.

And this mineral water is obviously the best way to open this market.

“But, in case this spring suddenly disappears…”

Hua Qianxue frowned and raised her concerns.

“No, even if it disappears, that will be the future.”

Shi Feng smiled. How could this Shennong No. 2 disappear as soon as it disappeared? This is the spring water that can continue to emerge. If it is not used, it will really disappoint the system’s favor.

Only by continuously consuming spring water every day can more spring water be produced. Why should the profits collected in vain be wasted?

After a few more days, Lexia’s program was launched again, and it was no accident that it once again ushered in the constant praise of the audience.

Because the band’s on-the-spot performance is in good condition, coupled with Shi Feng’s personal guidance, the audience can never get tired of watching it. I’m already stuck in it and I can’t extricate myself from it.

However, this program is somewhat different.

As the show was about to enter the final moments, an interview session suddenly jumped out.

The camera suddenly focused on the remaining top bands.

“Excuse me, the zero band, I have always had a question, and I believe that this is also a question that all audiences want to ask!”

The host looked at the lead singer of Zero Point and asked,

“That is, after so many years have passed, what is it that keeps you so passionate, so innovative, and rekindles the old songs on Le Xia?”

As soon as these words came out, the audience in front of the screen wanted to fast forward, but suddenly stopped.

This question is indeed a topic they have always wanted to know.

As a relatively old band in the band industry, Zero Point has existed for more than 30 years, and when Zero Point debuted that year, it was even more popular.

But it has to be said that the times are advancing, and many of the old songs of the year are no longer suitable for the current music scene.

Before Le Xia went live, many fans were actually not optimistic about Zero, thinking that they were too conservative and didn’t have much new ideas.

However, these days, watching the zero-point band perform one after another, although they are still their old songs, but because of the constant adaptation, people have a completely new feeling.

Yeah, why the hell is this?

“This… Actually, the reason is not with us!”

In the eyes of everyone’s doubts, they listened to Peng Xin, the drummer of Zero Point, and said with a smile,

“For example, I play drums. Although my technique is good, I have recently learned a lot of new techniques. For example, he, because of his age, singing has long lost its original taste!”

Drummer Peng Xin said this with emotion on his face.

“Speaking of which, I must thank someone, Shi Feng!”

“If there were no Shi Feng, there would be no zero today for us!”

The host blinked his eyes, pretending to be surprised,

“Shi Feng? He… can you tell me more specifically?”

No, since Le Xia II started shooting, although the major bands have created a lot of sparks, there is no doubt that Shi Feng has clearly become the most exciting protagonist of this season.

“First, Shi Feng is a master of music. You have also seen that he is not only good at singing, but also proficient in musical instruments. My drumming skills have been improved under his guidance. He also put forward a lot of valuable opinions on the changes in singing tunes!”

“Second, it’s this farm!”

Speaking of the farm, Peng Xin’s face suddenly changed, he smiled.

“Shi Feng’s farm is very magical. The reason why we have performed so well is related to the hospitality of the farm these days. The delicacy here is the best delicacy I have eaten in my life. For us singers The most important thing is the water here!”


“Yes, this tea made in water has a wonderful effect on our voice and condition. By the way, when it comes to this, I will help by the way. Boss Shi Feng, recently intends to launch a new project. Oh.”

“new project?”

“Yes, the main thing is this water, the beauty of which is useless after I say it, you will know it after drinking it!”

No one thought that this interview took nearly five minutes of footage at once, which is very expensive for any variety show.

But Le Xia Er, unceremoniously, all played to the end.

No way, this show was originally invested by Jinghong Group. What’s more, the reason why their show is so good is really inseparable from the help of spring water and well water. By the way, Shi Feng was advertised, and there was nothing wrong with it. what!

However, the small plot inserted in the middle immediately caused an uproar.

“Jinghong Group is going to launch a mineral water project!”

“Nowadays, there are many different brands of drinking water, and I don’t know which one to drink anymore.”

“Originally, I thought I was very suspicious of advertising, but watching Le Xia Er’s program quality is so good, it is Jinghong Group again, I… suddenly looked forward to it!”

On Le Xia’s barrage, a lot of discussions about Jinghong mineral water suddenly surfaced.

The word “Jinghong” has now become synonymous with a brand throughout Cangzhou and even the entire China.

Speaking of Jinghong, the first thing people think of is Jinghong mask. After that, it was Jinghong Media.

These two brands are impressive both for ordinary consumers and for those production companies.

But now, Jinghong Group is going to get involved in the mineral water industry again, which naturally arouses the curiosity of countless people.

The mineral water industry was originally in a state of small profits but quick turnover. It was basically cheap and convenient to drink, and most of it stayed at about one piece.

But with the development of Nongfu Mountain Springs, Water Aristocrats, and Tea Pi in recent years, the original vague market positioning has been gradually divided into sinking markets, intermediate markets and high-end markets.

More well-known companies, a bottle of water has reached as much as five or even more than a dozen yuan, indeed there is a huge profit margin.

At this time, Jinghong’s involvement in the mineral water industry really gave rise to a lot of ideas.

“Hehe, this industry has basically been monopolized by us. I think Shi Feng is taking his own humiliation!”

Zhang Baiquan, the chairman of Nongfu Spring, smiled disdainfully after seeing the news.

Although their company’s mineral water is now in a relatively low position and the target customers are also the bottom users, it is still at the top in terms of sales.

If you want to compete with their company on price, it is obviously not a concern.

“Looking at this advertisement, they want to build a high-end market? But, they don’t even have a concept. With a farm and a broken variety show, they want to seize the market. It’s a bit crazy, right?”

After seeing this advertisement, Jin Yuanlong, the boss of the Tea Pi Company, was even more dumbfounded.

Their company’s target customers are mid-to-high-end users. With some concepts and packaging, they succeeded in occupying the higher-priced market. Although the sales volume is not as good as Nongfu Spring, the overall sales are also very impressive.

Therefore, he naturally did not pay attention to the Jinghong mineral water launched by Shi Feng.

But the development of things does not depend on human will.

Even if the bosses of these two companies didn’t care, but with the broadcast of Le Xia, the topic of this Jinghong mineral water remained high. That night, it occupied the first five hours of the hot search list. .

Moreover, there is still no downward trend!

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