Sign in to the God Body at the Beginning

Chapter 346: Golden Plate Realm

After the golden grinding disc shattered, countless light particles jumped in the air.

Sometimes they converge and sometimes dissipate, just like the eruption of a blazing sun, crushing the void.

Seeing such a scene, Lu Chenfei was also dumbfounded.

The Dao Yi Real Explanation clearly records that the combination of the eight grinding discs can open a new door to martial arts, and a new era of martial arts is about to emerge.

There are many ways to unlock them.

For example, forcibly fuse together, or self-defeating, and then let the light particles reunite.

Isn’t it just gradual practice, waiting for automatic integration...

Seeing the weird scene, everyone didn't know why.

Logically speaking, after the **** wheel is abolished, it will dissipate instantly, and Lu Chenfei's eight grinding discs, not only did not dissipate, but also emitted bursts of energy fluctuations.


Everyone felt that Lu Chenfei was playing tricks, but in fact he didn't abolish his cultivation base.

However, people could not find evidence.


It was also at this moment that Niu Lezhi killed with a long knife in his hand, a cold light that oozes from the knife, and there was also a chaotic air.

The lethality is boundless, and it is extremely infiltrating.

"Chaos Hongmeng BRIC, town!"

Lu Chenfei let out a cold voice, and the gold brick in his hand quickly zoomed in and pushed it horizontally.

The divine wheel is out of the body, and the strength that can be exerted is really limited.

After the blow, he couldn't lift any strength, and the figure was falling rapidly.

Also because Cai Yushen had previously cut off an arm, the wound was not treated in time, and there are signs of healing.

I want to catch Tai Wenwei again, take her arm back, and reconnect it, I'm afraid it will take a lot of effort.


A violent explosion sounded.

Not surprisingly, the gold bricks were shaken away by a blow, Niu Lezhi pursued them with victory, and the sword kept sweeping.

The strong blade wind made people unable to open their eyes, and the chaotic air frightened the world, and the entire void was shattered.


Almost in the blink of an eye, Lu Chenfei's chest was tattered, with pieces of meat and blood splashing.

Although the bones were not severed, the internal organs were also traumatized to varying degrees, especially the heart veins, which were almost penetrated, and the blood could not stop flowing outwards.

Not only that.

There are many traces of knives and axes on the bones.

"This situation is really embarrassing."

However, just at the moment of crisis.

Yao Zi never walked away, making Lu Chenfei's situation worse.

She looked charming and smiled and said, "I thought that Young Master Lu would be a man with no emotions. In front of family love, did you go there with a cold-blooded side?"

"Are you here to laugh at me?"

Lu Chenfei spoke indifferently, and he was really disgusted with this woman.

It feels like brown candy, it can't be shaken anyway, and every time the other person looks at him, it seems to be eating people.

"In the current situation, I am your only life-saving straw. I advise you to seize the opportunity." Yao Zi said slowly.

Niu Lezhi's offensive was only somewhat restrained after seeing this woman kick in sideways.


The two of them had some friendship in private.

"Why do you dare to be afraid of life and death? If the girl wants to save my life, let me say sorry first, I don't want to owe this favor."

At this point, Lu Chenfei paused, and then said: "Secondly, if you want to plot something wrong, I'm very honored. After this chaotic fairy body is killed by this seat, you will also follow in the footsteps."

The voice is sonorous and powerful.

However, everyone present thought that he was holding on to his last breath, and no one believed that he had the power to fight back.

"Lu Gongzi is really a dog biting Lu Dongbin, not knowing good people."

Yao Zi glared, then turned her face to the side, no longer intervening in the fight, letting Lu Chen fly and die.

boom! boom! boom!

Of course, the golden particles floating in the air shook suddenly.

Then it condensed into a ball again, the outline of the grinding disc was outlined, the golden light was extremely strong, and it was even capable of crushing the fiery sun at the end of the sky.

"what happened?"

For a moment, everyone was shocked and felt a dangerous breath.

"The avenue was first completed, in this era, I will be in charge of the world!"

Lu Chenfei was also overjoyed in his heart. After landing, he braced himself and waved his hands, the grinding disc returned to his body.

It was also this moment.

Vigorous and dazzling light broke out from his body, the wounds healed, the limbs were reborn, and the power back to the peak period was completed in the blink of an eye.


The sky thunder landed, accompanied by a raging flame, engulfing Lu Chenfei's body.

No one dared to step forward in this weird scene.

Because people feel a devastating breath in the fire wave.

"Pretend to be a god, let's see how Xiaoye cuts you to the sword." Niu Lezhi roared, if Lu Chenfei is allowed to return to the top, he will only end in defeat.

At this moment, he had to do his best to rush into the fire wave alone.



In the next second, the figure flew out directly with a blood line.

"Niu Lezhi lost?"

"Just one blow?"

"This is impossible!"

Everyone was rubbing their eyes desperately, including Yu Zi, all dumbfounded.

"You are the pioneer of the new era exercise system, please name your realm!"

A sound rumbling loudly, coming from the sky, unable to distinguish gender, between words, the expression of Taoist rhyme is the power of the supreme law.

This is the voice of heaven?

Lu Chenfei, who was dealing with the catastrophe, was also surprised.

As long as you survive this catastrophe, you can be reborn from the ashes and be truly invincible in the same realm.

However, the power of Heaven's Tribulation should not be underestimated. The waves of fire burned, and the light of thunder flooded all corners of the body. It would explode and die at any time, or burned out.

At this time, Lu Chenfei had no time to be distracted, and said casually: "Just call it the Golden Plate Realm."

Golden Plate Realm?

After the word fell, the voice of the avenue did not sound again.

But after a large group of people heard it, Nima was stupid...

Is this really the founder of the new era of martial arts?

Damn, it’s not good to offend, offend this blessed person, isn’t this looking for death?

For a while, those who wanted to be an enemy of Lu Chenfei felt regretful in their intestines.


Isn’t it too random to name it?

Anyhow, is it okay to be gentle?

When I think of the name "Golden Plate", countless people feel black for it.

It seems that this Heavenly Cloud Sect Saint Son really has no culture!

In the past, not many people would believe that Lu Chenfei was illiterate.

However, as the name of this realm appeared, almost everyone in the world knew that he was illiterate.


Due to the birth of the new realm, the rules of the avenue are rapidly changing.

All the martial artists who are cultivating in the world have feelings, and in the dark, they sense the name of the new realm.

There are also countless warriors, the teeth of the **** wheel dissipated, and they all turned into plates...

Some of the pinnacles of martial arts have the clearest senses, and they are also very familiar with the abnormalities in the body.

From gears to plates, the process is not intense, like an evolution.

The warrior who came from the eightfold realm of supernatural powers could only look back and rebuild and had to consolidate the realm.

Also because of the birth of the new realm, in the realm of the golden plate, the combat power is more powerful, and when it reaches its peak, it is comparable to the Taoist martial artists of the old era.

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